KWF Se7en

Episode 5
"Houston, we got a problem!"
The Preview

- The Society ended the show in Miami by proving that the number games really work. CM Punk, John Cena, Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe took out Rene Dupree, The Miz and Shawn Michaels with ease. The scary part is that they took out three guys who were hungry for some Society blood. Now, in Houston, Texas, they will be met with a surprise. The boss is coming back! The Kid will return to the KWF ring for the first time since the bloody beating he suffered in the hands of The Society. The Kid has been sidelined for 4 weeks. He comes back for the middle show of the season and if you know The Kid, you know business is going to pick up on RAW!

- Sting and The Crows Nest, consisting of Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler, continued to play their psychological games with the KWF. For the second week in a row, they have surrounded the ring with real life crows. The caws are loud enough to keep the crowd silent, afraid of a crow getting loose. What hasn't been quiet is Sting. The three men got into the face of the Tag Team Champions, Jeri-Storm and even though it was for a quick second, the chilling message was delivered. More chilling was showing the world that they have The Hardy Boyz hostage and they will continue and conclude their sacrifice of The Hardy Boyz for their betrayal to The Nest. Sting and his crows will conclude the sacrifice on RAW, in Houston, Texas!

- A new Sheik has been crowned. Muhammad Hassan is now also known as The Golden Sheik! He was given new head gear, a golden throne and a body guard. All gifts from the legendary Iron Sheik. Once the ceremony was done and the drowning was official, Muhammad Hassan sent his new, giant body guard, The Great Khali to attack The Iron Sheik. Muhammad Hassan has vowed to be the best and only Sheik in wrestling history! On RAW, he will issue an open challenge to any man who dares step into the ring to face him. Who will be Muhammad Hassan's first opponent in his new reign as The Golden Sheik?

- Attention! There is a new leader in The Nation Of Domination! Elijah Burke made his return to the KWF and bought out an original member of The Nation. They promised the greatest member would show up and they disappointed the Miami crowd that was awaiting The Rock. Mark Henry went on to verbally abuse the crowd and the members of The Nation. He then turned his verbal abuse to physical abuse by taking out the now old leader, Shelton Benjamin. MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth stood united with Elijah Burke and Mark Henry and after weeks of embarrassment for The Nation, this new reign promises dominance. What will The Nation do next? Will they pay for what they did to Shelton Benjamin?

- It's official! Cody Rhodes must obey his brother, Goldust. After losing the singles match, Cody is now forced to let his deranged brother, Goldust, mentor him into success. Mentor him into making sure the Rhodes name stays strong and alive! What changes will be made for Cody? Will we even see them?

- AJ Styles and Kofi Kingston were put in a 2 out of 3 match. The first week, AJ countered Kofi from the top turnbuckle, catching him and finishing him off with the Styles Clash. The following week, Kofi showed his "getting air" ability and hit the Trouble In Paradise on AJ Styles as he was sitting on the top turnbuckle. The series is tied at 1 with 1 match to go. Now, the stakes have been raised! The winner of this match will go on to face CM Punk for the Intercontinental Championship the following week on RAW!

- Kurt Angle and Randy Orton are two of the greatest to grace the KWF. They have both accomplished a lot and have been involved in some of the greatest feuds in KWF history. They were on a bit of a hot streak as a team and it all fell apart on RAW. Kurt feels that Orton is a thief for taking the $2.00 that was accidentally left in the vending machine. Kurt already had his trust issues with Orton and he left Orton stranded in the ring in their tag match. Rand Ortons dream of being the first ever KWF Triple Crown winner was ruined. Now these two legends are at a spot where everyone awaits to see who snaps first. What will come of these two?

- There will be that and much more! Tune in to RAW as we bring it to Houston, Texas for the middle of the season. Episode 5! And go and review Episode 4 so you can see the greatness that was bestowed upon Miami, Florida.​
Episode 5
"Houston, we got a problem!"



Jim Ross- We are LIVE in Houston, Texas! My name is Jim Ross and alongside me is my long time partner, Jerry "The King" Lawler!

King- It is a scorching hot stop on the road to Summerslam as we are on Episode 5! We have so much drama slated for tonight and it's only going to get hotter here! Aint that right, JR?

Jim Ross- It sure is, Lawler! We have a big match lined up for tonight as we will see AJ Styles and Kofi Kingston go one on one in their third match of their best of three.

King- Yes and after entertaining the fans for two weeks in a row, they were given a huge opportunity! The winner of tonights match will be facing CM Punk for the Intercontinental Championship.... NEXT WEEK!

Jim Ross- Yes and while we are on the topic of CM Punk, let's get to the biggest news of the night. The reason you can't walk through the halls in the backstage area without feeling the tension in the air.

King- It's insane!

Jim Ross- It sure is. For four weeks, The Kid has been out of commission. For four weeks, The Kid has been planning for this moment. For four weeks, The Kid has been planning his speech and I think his speech will come with revenge. Consequences will have to be paid tonight and....



.... WHAT DO YOU SEE....


The mixed reaction is heard through the arena. The Society has their haters just as much as it has their fans. Some agree with the mission The Society is on, while others disagree. It's a split reaction.

CM Punk leads the way as he walks out first. Coming out right behind him is John Cena, followed by Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe. CM Punk leads his men down the ramp. The only man in The Society sporting a smile. CM Punk carries his Intercontinental Championship over his right shoulder and sports his KWF World Championship around his waist. He rubs his titles, smiling at the booers in the audience. He leads his men up the steel steps and into the ring. The Society walks around the ring, looking into the audience. CM Punk begins motioning to the workers in the back to turn off his music. They listen and CM Punk doesn't hesitate any longer to speak.

CM Punk- For a week now, I have been asked the same question over and over again. I have been asked in different ways. The questions had some different wording to them. No one question was the same, but they all meant the same thing! Everyone pretty much wants to know, "What is The Society going to do when The Kid returns?"

Punk smiles as the crowd erupts in cheers at the name of the boss.

CM Punk- Oh yeah, The Kid is coming back tonight!

The crowd cheers even louder as Punk laughs to himself.

CM Punk- Well, that question is starting to irk me. So, why don't we all see the answer firsthand?

The crowd cheers as CM Punk nods his head. CM Punk begins pointing down at the ring, looking amped up.

CM Punk- Right here! RIGHT NOW!

The crowd is going insane with their cheering. CM Punk is amped up as is The Society behind him. Samoa Joe cracks his neck from side to side. Dean Ambrose wiggles his fingers around with a sadistic, almost emotionless, look on his face. Daniel Bryan swings his arms in a circular motion, stretching out his shoulders. John Cena cracks his knuckles and jumps up and down. CM Punk sports a huge grin on his face as all five members of The Society have their bodies and eyes focused up the ramp at the curtains. The crowd is on their feet, in anticipation and....


The crowd goes absolutely insane in cheers as the familiar music blasts through the speakers. They wait a few seconds and then out comes The Kid! The roof nearly collapses from the sound of the cheers and The Kid looks around at the fans, from the top of the ramp, with a very amped up face. The Kid holds a microphone in his hand and just stands at the top of the ramp, eating up the cheers. The Kid nods at the crowd as he slowly raises the microphone up to his mouth.

The Kid- THE KID.... IS.... BACK!

That makes the arena shake in cheers and The Kid looks just as fired up as the fans are to be back. The Society looks on uninterested from inside of the ring.

The Kid- So CM Punk, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Samoa Joe.... I got three words for you five men and it's the worst three words you are going to want to hear, but listen up anyways.

The Kid pauses, takes a deep breath and shouts into the microphone.


The crowd is loving it. CM Punk laughs inside of the ring as the other four men sternly look up the ramp at The Kid.

The Kid- Oh, you're not going to be laughing when I'm done speaking, Punk. I assure you that. You see, I'm out here right now, to make a few matches for tonight. A few matches that will definitely interest you men in the ring right now.

Kid smiles as he looks into the ring at The Society. CM Punk raises the microphone up to his mouth and speaks, interrupting The Kid.

CM Punk- You want to know what would interest The Society?

The Kid- Actually, no, I don't really give a damn! You see, tonight is going to be a night of revenge. A night where The Kid gets his revenge on The Society. One by one by one by one by one! I'm not going to stop until all five of you pay the consequences.

The Kid nods his head, showing his seriousness to The Society. CM Punk raises his hand, as if he were in a classroom.

CM Punk- May I speak?

The Kid- No! As a matter of fact....

CM Punk- No, Kid, as a matter of fact, I will speak! I don't need your permission or for you to even listen. When I step into this ring, whether I grab a microphone or wrestle, I make sure that I steal the show! There's a new show stealer in the KWF and it's the man who stands before you with two titles. The first time anyone in KWF history has held two titles, the same man that beat your face in with a steel chain four weeks ago and took you out of commission. You see, Kid, you've been buried alive, you were unburied and revived and even after all that you endured years ago, you have never endured the pain you endured when you got in the way of The Society. So you come out here and you speak on wanting revenge, well Kid, we want more! We want more of you! We want more blood to come pouring out of the face of the man who tried to end this all....

CM Punk motions his arms around the KWF audience and the Houston, Texas arena.

CM Punk- We want more of The Kid!

CM Punk's eyes open wide as he looks up the ramp at The Kid. The Kid stands at the top of the ramp, smiling, wiggling the microphone in front of his face. Side to side, side to side. The Kid looks like he is up to some evil intentions and the threat from The Society's leader, CM Punk, is getting him more closer to executing his revenge.

CM Punk- So, allow us to say, welcome back and enjoy your stay! It's not going to last long. You see, Kid, I can send any man in this ring up that ramp to get you and bring you to me, but I love the chase. I love the waiting. I love the mind games. I love knowing that I can get my hands on you whenever I want. I love knowing that the next time I do get my hands on you, will be the last time you are ever seen in the KWF, again!

Punk's smile gets wider as he looks up the ramp at The Kid.

The Kid- I'm glad you said that. How about we make that night where you get your hands on me.... oh, I don't know.... TONIGHT?!

The crowd erupts in cheers. Kid smiles, nodding his head.

The Kid- I got all five of you in a match tonight. Each and every single one of you! Who should I start with? We'll start with you, Samoa Joe!

Joe steps closer to the ropes and cracks his right knuckles, in his open hand.

The Kid- You were once the Television Championship and then you lost it. You refuse to admit that you lost and walked out of your mini tournament for a Television Title shot, because you know you can't beat Rene Dupree! Well, tonight, I'm going to make your fright become a reality. Tonight, you will go one on one against Rene Dupree in a....

Kid pauses and smiles.


The Kid laughs to himself, knowing he just irked Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe stands in the ring, with a stern look on his face. Unhappy with the words from The Kid and the stipulation to the match.

The Kid- You don't deserve a shot at the Television Championship. No, you definitely don't. A man who walks out of a title opportunity is a man who deserves nothing. The only reason I am putting you in that match is so Rene Dupree can get his revenge on you and humiliate you inside of the ring in front of the whole world! I've heard you guys talk about how Rene Dupree was made in the KWF, well, you're damn right he was! I watched him grow to be the man he is, the champion he is and I can promise you one thing, Joe.... DUPREES GUNNA KILL YOU!

Samoa Joe begins heavily and angrily breathing as he looks up the ramp at The Kid. The Kid grins an evil grin, knowing that he has irked Samoa Joe by stealing his catch phrase. Kid then takes a deep breath and begins shaking his head.

The Kid- Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose, you two manipulative bastards have something coming your way, too. You see, tonight is a night full of surprises. Full of returns. You just had to know that when The Kid came back, he was going to come back with gifts. So, for you two, my gift to you is a tag team match! It will be Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose taking on.... The Miz.... and a man who is returning for some Society revenge.... JOHN.... BRADSHAW.... LAYFIELD! J.... B.... L!

The crowd gives a mixed reaction as they are not too fond of the cocky, JBL. JBL was assaulted weeks ago by The Society as Bryan Danielson got his revenge on his former manager. The same manager that defeated him at Wrestlemania in the Student versus Teacher match up.

Inside of the ring, Bryan Danielson's face changes to one of pure rage. Dean Ambrose keeps his emotionless face, sported, but he has to know deep down inside that this is not going to be an easy night.

The Kid then switches his view of the duo and turns it to another man, inside of the ring.

The Kid- John.... Cena.

The crowd boos John Cena. The man who turned his back on all of his fans and The Kid, by joining The Society.

The Kid- You disappoint me. You played me. You, just like a lot of men in the back were a part of the KWF from the very beginning. You were given opportunity after opportunity to be a champion here. After years and years of trying, you finally won the Intercontinental Championship. That same Intercontinental Champion you ended up losing to your new best friend, the man standing in the ring, gloating about holding two titles right in front of you, the same man you have faced TWICE and have lost to TWICE! A man with a lot of passion and a lot of sayings. You have talked a lot about loyalty and respect throughout your career here, but I guess you have changed your motto to, "If you can't beat him, join him."

John Cena looks up the ramp at The Kid, angry at his words.

The Kid- You come in here and you talk and you lie about your reason for joining The Society. You speak about it as if you joined The Society, because you believe in what they believe in. Well, maybe. Maybe you believe what CM Punk believes and that is that HE is the best in the business. Maybe you believe just like he believes, just like you two have proven over and over again in that ring, maybe you just believe you're not better than him.

John Cena is furious. CM Punk steps forward, smiling, as he raises the microphone up to his mouth.

CM Punk- Alright, you can cut your mind games, it's not going to work on us. You see, Kid....

The Kid- SHUT UP, PUNK! I'm not up to you, yet! I'm talking to John Cena! Don't steal another moment from him! John Cena, tonight, you will be going one on one against a man that you personally took out of commission by throwing him off the stage.... my man, RHYNO!

John Cena smirks in the ring. Kid nods his head. Both men showing confidence about this match up.

CM Punk- Alright, you have now told us three matches that we know we are going to win. So, I'm assuming that it is my turn. So, Kid, what do you got in store for the double champion, CM Punk?

Kid continues to sport a smile as he raises the microphone, ever so slowly to his mouth.

The Kid- Next week, you will lose your Intercontinental Championship to whoever wins tonight between AJ Styles and Kofi Kingston. Tonight, in the main event, right here in Houston, Texas.... you will be defending your KWF World Championship, in a NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH.... against....

The Kid pauses. CM Punk furiously looks on from inside of the ring.


The crowd erupts in cheers as The Kid smiles at the top of the ramp. A look of anger turns into a look of shock which finally settles on a smile for CM Punk. He looks over at The Society and starts laughing. He then turns around to look back up the ramp at The Kid and he raises the microphone to his mouth.

CM Punk- Okay. Maybe I did some damage to your brain. Do you mean to tell me that you are putting yourself in a match against me? For my title? No holds barred? Am I hearing you clearly?

The Kid- Oh yes, but before you come up with a master plan on how you are all going to jump me, allow me to throw in this stipulation. If any member of The Society interferes in the match tonight.... you lose both titles and the man or men that interfere lose their job!

CM Punk is no longer smiling as he looks up the ramp at The Kid. Curiously.

The Kid- I want to fight you one on one! Man on man! You want to bash steel against my face and call yourself a man, well, here's an oxymoron for you. The only man that's going to be inside of that ring tonight is The Kid bashing your skull in until you stop breathing! I'm not coming just to beat you for that title tonight, Punk. I'm coming to finish you! I will prove to you tonight that whether the KWF shuts its doors or not, the only human being in this world that can end you and your fun, along with your brainwashed members in The Society.... I'm talking to you, Cena! I want you all to take notice. That human being I speak of that controls your livelihood is that same man who is going to bash in the skull of thy C.... M.... PUNK! ME!

The Kid is amped up at the top of the ramp as he walks from side to side, staring into the ring at The Society. He stops still and raises the microphone up to his mouth while taking a long breath. He shouts:

The Kid- THE KID.... HAS.... SPOKEN!

The crowd erupts in cheers as The Kid drops the microphone to the ground at the top of the ramp. His theme music blasts through the arena as he keeps his eyes locked down the ramp and inside of the ring at the five members of The Society. They all angrily stare back. CM Punk seems to be taking Kid's threats very seriously.

We will have Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose taking on The Miz and the returning, semi-retired, WRESTLING GOD, JBL in a tag team match! Samoa Joe will also take on the Television Champion, Rene Dupree in a non title match! John Cena will go one on one against The Kid's bodyguard, the same man he F-U'd off the stage a few weeks ago, Rhyno! Another man who is making his return after the four week hiatus. That other four week hiatus? THE KID! He has just returned, made all those matches and booked himself a KWF World Championship title shot in the main event for tonight, in a no holds barred match! If anybody from The Society gets involved, CM Punk is stripped of both of his titles and whoever gets involved is fired! WHAT A START TO TONIGHT!


AJ Styles vs Kofi Kingston

AJ Styles makes his way out first to a huge ovation. Kofi Kingston comes out to a similar ovasion. The bell sounds and the two men begin sprinting around the ring, knowing that if they win this match, they get to face CM Punk in an Intercontinental Championship match in the main event, next week on RAW!

As the match progresses, the counters continue to get wiser and more jaw dropping. For the third week in a row, the action has found these two men on the top turnbuckle. AJ Styles with his back to the audience, Kofi with his back to the ring. Both men are swinging viciously with rights, but AJ connects with a better one and Kofi loses his grip on the middle turnbuckle and goes flying back, crashing hard to the mat. Kofi lays there, exhausted from the pace of this match. AJ Styles sees the opportunity and with every ounce of energy left in his body, he stands himself up on the top turnbuckle. AJ Styles looks around at the audience and SPINAL T-


AJ Styles crashes and burns on the mat. AJ bounces around in excruciating pain as Kofi Kingston slowly pushes himself up to his feet. AJ Styles knows he can't stay down for too long and he begins pushing himself up. With so much pain running through his body, he moves quicker by stumbling. AJ Styles has his back turned to the now standing Kofi Kingston. AJ Styles turns around and TROUBLE IN PARA-



AJ Styles quickly grabs Kofi Kingston from behind and rolls him up!


Kofi is flailing!


His shoulders are still down!

Winner AND #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship- AJ Styles

The crowd erupts in cheers as AJ Styles pushes himself up to his feet. Kofi flips over when he is released and lands flat on his face. He looks up, exhausted and stunned. Kofi can't believe it. AJ Styles stumbles to his feet and runs into the ropes where he catches himself and halts. AJ Styles looks just as surprised by that sequence of events that just transpired, but he throws an arm into the air, in victory.

AJ Styles leaves the ring and walks up the ramp, pumping his fist as he half walks, half stumbles up the ramp. Both men are exhausted and have put everything they had into this series and especially into this match. Kofi Kingston stands himself up and holds his hands at his side, as he looks around at the crowd, disappointed in himself.

The crowd continues to cheer for both men. For three weeks, these two men have put on classic matches on RAW. In the end, it was AJ Styles who won the Best of 3 Falls, 2-1 to earn himself an Intercontinental Championship title shot against CM Punk, next week, in the main event of RAW!


The cameras are in the back where we see The Kid in the halls. He has a very stern look on his face as he makes a turn in the halls. He stops when he bumps into....


Daivari stumbes back and is caught by The Great Khali! Standing behind him is Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad steps forward with a stern look on his face. Muhammad and The Kid look at each other, neither man flinching.

Muhammad Hassan- Well?

The Kid- Well what?

Muhammad Hassan- Well what? Ha! You are standing in front of a Sheik! The new Sheik of wrestling! The Golden Sheik, Muhammad Hassan!

Muhammad Hassan says it all with passion as his eyes open wider. His new red and gold keffiyeh worn on his head. The Kid looks up at Muhammad Hassan and half smirks as he tilts his head backwards.

The Kid- And I'm your boss!

Muhammad Hassan takes offense to that as his face pulls back, in anger.

The Kid- You want me to congratulate you on becoming a Sheik and then having this thing....

Kid points up at The Great Khali.

The Kid- .... destroy a wrestling legend, who is a lot older then you, The Iron Sheik? I should congratulate you for your class? Well, I wont. As a matter of fact, wait a minute.

Kid begins pointing at the furious Muhammad Hassan.

The Kid- I have been hearing you are making an open challenge to anyone for your first match as a Sheik. Am I right?

Muhammad Hassan- You are. I'm actually heading to the ring right now to make my open challenge.

Muhammad Hassan sticks his chest out, with pride.

The Kid- Well, do me a favor. Go out there and don't grab a microphone. We don't want to hear you speak. I, especially, don't. Just go out to the ring and I'll surprise you with your opponent. I got just... the.... right.... guy!

Kid nods his head, intensely.

The Kid- Tonight's the mid season show! Every mid season show is going to be super! I got six matches booked for you. One just finished and one is about to get started. With the opponent I got in store for you, I'd probably wager that the loser will be a Sheik.

Kid smiles, before walking right past Muhammad Hassan, hitting shoulder to shoulder. Muhammad Hassan furiously turns around looking at The Kid. Daivari backs away so he does not get nudged by The Kid. The Great Khali angrily grunts at The Kid. The Kid doesn't look back and continues walking down the halls. Fearless.

Muhammad Hassan nods his head at Daivari and The Great Khali and the three men begin walking down the halls. Muhammad Hassan will be facing an opponent of The Kid's choosing.... NEXT!

End of Part 1.
Episode 5
"Houston, we got a problem!"

"The Golden Sheik" Muhammad Hassan waits inside of the ring. Behind him, stands The Great Khali and Daivari. Muhammad Hassan was going to come out and issue an open challenge, but instead The Kid told Muhammad Hassan that he will do the honors and find him a special opponent. The crowd awaits and....


.... SUCKA!*

The crowd erupts in cheers and the man from Texas, none other then BOOKER T comes walking out. His eyes are open wide as he looks around at the arena, nodding his head. He is fired up as he walks down the ramp, smacking hands with the fans and smiling. Muhammad Hassan has a stern look on his face as he orders The Great Khali and Daivari to leave the ring. Booker T gets into the ring, right after and "throws the roof up", to a huge ovation from the crowd. Muhammad Hassan looks on, uninterested. The bell sounds shortly after and this match is officially under way.


Muhammad Hassan vs Booker T
The crowd chants the name of Booker T as he is not only in his home state, but fighting in his return match in the KWF. His first match in the KWF since Wrestlemania 2, where he lost to Shelton Benjamin.

With the crowd behind him, Booker T is moving quick and fast as he takes control of the match. The crow is completely behind him. Booker takes Hassan down to the mat, several times, with clotheslines and kicks.

As the match progresses, Hassan manages to surprise Booker with a mean uppercut. Hassan quickly beats down on Booker, forcing him into the corner where he pounds away on him. Hassan has the advantage and uses his sneaky tactics to maintain that control.

The Golden Sheik continues his dominance, but Booker has one last burst left in him. Booker sucks a clothesline and sends Hassan down with a jumping, heel kick. Hassan hits the mat hard and turns around into a powerful clothesline. Booker T is amped up as he sends Hassan down a third time with a bicycle kick square to the face. Booker is on fire and his eyes open wide. Booker T is fired up and Texas is all on their feet. For the first time in years, Booker T drops down to one knee, shakes his head, staring at his hand and....


Booker T leaps up to his feet and he raises the roof. Booker turns around to see Muhammad Hassan bent over on his feet and Booker goes for the SCISSORS KI-


He is out of the way and he quickly grabs Booker and gives him the JIHAD DRIVER! Booker goes face first to the mat and Hassan rolls him over, hooking the leg for the pin and the win!
Winner- Muhammad Hassan

The crowd erupts in boos and Muhammad Hassan rises to his knees with a sadistic grin on his face. Muhammad Hassan throws his arms up into the air as he lifts his face up, looking at the ceiling. The Golden Sheik wins an impressive match in his first match as the new Sheik of wrestling. The Great Khali an Daivari get into the ring and celebrate with Muhammad Hassan when all of a sudden, we hear....




The crowd boos as Elijah Burke walks through the curtains. A microphone in his hand. He is followed by Mark Henry who also holds a microphone. Behind Mark comes MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth. All in black gear. MVP sports a black headband, as well. Elijah Burke leads his men down the ramp, but speaks into the microphone.

Elijah Burke- Before we get into that ring, we would politely like to ask you, The Golden Sheik to lead your men out of the ring. We congratulate you on becoming The Golden Sheik an we come here meaning no harm nor disrespect to you or any of your men.

Muhammad Hassan looks over at The Nation and nods his head. He then looks over at The Great Khali and Daivari and tells his men to follow him. They leave the ring as Elijah Burke lines his men up by the steel steps. Elijah Burke smiles at Muhammad Hassan as they leave down the steel steps and head up the ramp.

Elijah Burke then leads his men up the steel steps in a line an into the ring. They walk around the body of Booker T and surround him in a circle. Elijah Burke smiles as he looks down at Booker T. Booker gets up to one knee and looks around at The Nation in black. Elijah Burke lifts the microphone up to his mouth and begins speaking to Bookrr T.

Elijah Burke- We are here to give a big "welcome back" to one of the greatest African American superstars to ever step foot into a wrestling ring. The man from Texas, the 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, well you get it. Allow me to say welcome back, Booker T!

The crowd cheers as Elijah Burke smiles down at Booker T. Booker, cautiously, gets himself up to his feet and looks around at his surroundings. The Nation just stares at him.

Elijah Burke- You have done a lot of things in your career. You have held titles, you bought the heat to Harlem, you have made a name for yourself. You have represented the African American spirit to the best of your capabilities. However, that is not the best you could do to represent your culture.

Elijah wags a finger from side to side, gesturing his words.

Elijah Burke- However, tonight is that night that we make a special night for you. You are at home and you have the audience going wild, celebrating you and cheering you on. Now make your name historic. Right here, in your home. Join the movement, join your family, my brother, join The Nation Of Domination!

The crowd boos and that irritates Mark Henry as he raises his microphone to his mouth.

Mark Henry- SHOW SOME RESPECT! If y'all boo The Nation, y'all are booing Booker T! Most importantly, if y'all are booing The Nation Of Domination, y'all are booing me! If y'all are booing me, y'all are pissing me off! Y'all don't want to piss me off!

Elijah Burke- What Mark Henry is trying to say is, show some respect and enjoy what is going to go down as a historic moment in the KWF and in the history of the African American movement. Booker, I just want you to know that I did consider you a child hood hero and I come here with the utmost respect.

Booker extends his arm, asking for a microphone. Mark Henry hands his over to Booker T.

Booker T- Listen up, y'all. I appreciate the love and the kind words, but....

Elijah Burke- Before you answer, allow me to rephrase what I just said. The Booker T I remember watching growing up is not the same Booker T that just competed in a match. The Booker T I respected and idolized would never step into the ring and lose. You haven't been in a wrestling match in the KWF since WrestleMania 2 and you lost that match, too. I'm not out here asking you to join The Nation Of Domination, I am out here with a gift for you, Booker. Another chance. Another opportunity for you to be the man that you used to be. One final chance to be at the top. Join The Nation Of Domination and reach the top. One. More. Time.

Elijah Burke smiles at Booker T. Booker looks around and nods his head.

Booker T- Like I said, I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to have to pass. Thank you, but I'm good.

Booker nods his head, smiling. Elijah Burke is no longer smiling. He has a serious look on his face as he looks at Booker T.

Elijah Burke- You are refusing a great opportunity. Most importantly, you are refusing to join the movement for reasons that can't possibly be explained. You are refusing a gift from me and that is not good.

Elijah shakes his head at Booker T, disappointed. Booker looks on, concerned.

Elijah Burke- Allow The Pope to explain how irony works. Is it not ironic, my brother, that you have made a career by calling people "suckas" and at the end of it all, you are the sucka.

Elijah lowers the microphone, smiling at Booker T and....


Booker T falls down to his knees and MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth join in on stomping out Booker T. All four men stomp down on Booker T as Elijah Burke watches, smiling. After a few more kicks, The Nation stops. Elijah Burke faces the audience, turning his back on the downed Booker T. Mark Henry steps forward, standing besides Elijah Burke. MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth stand behind the two men, with stern looks on their faces. Elijah Burke raises the microphone to his mouth.

Elijah Burke- WE ARE THE NATION!


The rest of the group says the final part, simultaneously and all five men throw a fist up into the air. The Texas crowd has erupted in boos as they watched their hometown boy get beat down by the ignorant group led by Elijah Burke.


The cameras are in the back where we see Kurt Angle standing by a vending machine, again. He nods his head and smiles.

Kurt Angle- ALRIGHT! They got milk! Ha, ha, they listened!

Kurt reaches into his pocket and....

.... Kurt Angle is spun around!

He looks over and it's Randy Orton!


Kurt Angle- What's my problem? You know what my problem is! You stole my money!

Randy Orton- WHAT?!

Kurt Angle- You stole my money from the vending machine last week!

Randy Orton is in awe by this.

Kurt Angle- You're a thief! The more I've thought about it, the more I've realized it. I started looking at everything you've ever won in the KWF and how you've won it. When you became a two time Intercontinental Champion in the KWF, you had Ric Flair as your manager and you stole that title each time. When you won the King Of The Ring, it was because I broke Shelton Benjamin's ankle in the back right before the finals. You stole that tournament. Then when you won the championship, you stole it by letting Chris Jericho make Mick Foley tap out and then you didn't even give Jericho a chance before you stole that title, too! You're a thief! Every accomplishment you have here is because you're a thief! A snake! I don't trust snakes!

Randy Orton is furious. Randy then reaches in his pocket and pulls out two dollars. He walks over to the vending machine and speaks as he moves.

Randy Orton- You want your two dollars back? Fine! I'll buy you your milk! I just don't want to hear you pretend you left me in that ring alone last week, because you think I'm a thief. The real reason you left me in that ring alone last week is because you don't want me to win the Tag Team Champions, because if we won last week....


The milk drops down the vending machine. Randy Orton pulls it out and turns around to face Kurt Angle, irate.

Randy Orton- We should be fighting for the Tag Team Championships tonight, but were not because YOU are jealous of ME! Say what you want about how I did it, but I've done it! I'm a two time Intercontinental Champion! I'm the first ever Intercontinental Champion in the KWF, as a matter of fact. I'm also the first ever man to beat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania! That's right! I did it! I'm also the first ever King Of The Ring, which might I remind you, I made it to the Finals. You lost before you could face me. You had your chance and you blew it! I didn't! I then went on to become the KWF World Champion! You want your milk, Kurt? Get on your knees, bow to me and drink it off the floor!

Randy opens up the milk and begins spilling it on the floor. Kurt Angle is irate as Randy Orton puts on a sadistic smirk. Kurt steps up to Randy, but Randy backs away.

Randy Orton- Are you going to get mad over spilled milk? Hit me then! Show me how jealous you are!

You can tell Kurt wants to strike Randy with all his might, but he holds himself back. Kurt begins nodding his head, smiling.

Kurt Angle- You know what I'm going to do, Randy? Well, what I'm not going to do is hit you! What I am going to do is next week, when the KWF hits Las Vegas....

The first announcement of the setting for next weeks RAW has just been announced!

Kurt Angle- I will prove I am the best wrestler on this planet! I will come out to the ring next week and I will challenge and I will fight AND I will defeat the only man in the world that can beat me!

Kurt is fired up.

Kurt Angle- Guess what, Randy? That man is NOT you!

Randy grins at Kurt.

Randy Orton- Is that so?

Kurt Angle- Oh, it's true! It's damn true!

Kurt Angle walks away from Randy Orton as The Viper stands there, no longer grinning. Instead, he now stands there with an angry look as he watches the confident Kurt Angle walk away. Who will face Kurt Angle next week on RAW?!


The cameras are in another backstage area where we see the number one contender for the Intercontinental Champion, AJ Styles walking. He is pulling a luggage as it wheels away. He is headed for the exit of the arena when all of a sudden....

.... SAMOA JOE steps in front of him. Joe just looks at AJ.

AJ Styles- Hey Joe.

Samoa Joe doesn't answer back. All of a sudden, the rest of The Society show up. A smiling CM Punk walks up to AJ Styles with his two titles draped over his shoulder.

CM Punk- Where are you going? Do you not want to stay and watch The Society wrestle? Do you not want to sit and scout your opponent for next week? Don't you want to see me in action?

AJ Styles just looks up at CM Punk, but doesn't respond.

CM Punk- The reason you are still standing right now is because I want you to. I want you to be ready for next week. Next week is your big moment. Next week is the moment you step into the ring and in front of the world, you go.... to.... SLEEP!

CM Punk smiles at AJ Styles.

CM Punk- Now I got some important tasks to go get ready for. Like beating the hell out of my boss and defending the World Championship!

Punk arrogantly smiles and then grabs Samoa Joe by the shoulder.

CM Punk- And your old buddy, Joe, over here has got some important things to take care of, as well. Beating that KWF creation, Rene Dupree, into extinction!

Punk smiles and goes to walk away when AJ shouts....

AJ Styles- HEY PUNK!

The double champion and the rest of The Society stops and turns around. CM Punk just looks over at AJ Styles.

AJ Styles- Next week, I will defeat you for that Intercontinental Championship!

CM Punk smiles wide and keeps his eyes locked on AJ Styles. CM Punk slowly walks over towards AJ Styles and gets close to his face. CM Punk then whispers....

CM Punk- I bet you will.

CM Punk arrogantly backs away from AJ Styles, showing no fear of his opponent for next week. CM Punk walks away along with The Society. AJ Styles stands there, pissed off at the lack of respect shown by CM Punk and The Society.

The Society is about to get their four match night started. The non title match between the Television Champion, Rene Dupree and The Society's own, Samoa Joe is next!

End of Part 2.
Episode 5
"Houston, we got a problem!"

Rene Dupree made his way out first. He is not wearing his Television Championship around his waist. The Shield accompanies Samoa Joe to the ring. As soon as they reach ringside, we hear....


The Kid comes out with Rhyno by his side. The Kid has a microphone in his hand and a huge smile on his face.

The Kid- Allow me to come out here with a special stipulation for every Society match tonight. Just like the main event, if any Society member interferes or as a matter of fact, come through these curtains when they are not scheduled for a match, they will be fired!

The crowd erupts in cheers as The Kid smiles. The Society looks furious from ring side.

The Kid- Lets see what The Society is all about when they're by themselves.

That brings a smile on the face of CM Punk. He looks at his men and begins nodding his head and reminding them that they are the best in the world. The Kid leaves through the curtains with Rhyno. CM Punk leads The Society up the ramp as Samoa Joe stands alone at ringside, looking into the ring at Rene Dupree, who is ready to go.


Rene Dupree (c) vs Samoa Joe

The two men circle the ring and simultaneously charge at each other and lock up. The test of strength is eventually won by the much more angrier and out for revenge, Rene Dupree. Rene slams Joe against the turnbuckle and pulls off and begins firing away with lefts and rights to the rib of The Samoan. Dupree pulls back and charges forward with a powerful clothesline. Joe bounces off the turnbuckle and his legs give out on him, forcing Joe to fall in a seated position against the turnbuckle. Dupree is out for blood and he begins kicking away at the face of Samoa Joe. The crowd is on fire and Joe is in a terrible situation to start off the match.

As the match continues, Dupree hasn't been able to hold onto the advantage as Joe shows his inner and outer strength taking the advantage away with an out of nowhere belly to belly suplex. Joe attacks like a starving dog after that as he quickly mounts himself on Dupree and begins beating away on him with lefts and rights. Joe gets off of Dupree and lifts him off the ground, just to showcase his standing ability. Vicious kicks from Samoa Joe chop Reme Dupree down like a tree. Dupree is down to both knees and Joe charges to the ropes and comes back with a double drop kick right to the face of Dupree. Joe quickly gets on top of Dupree, who is profusely bleeding from his nose, hooking the leg for the pin!



The crowd erupts in cheers, but this only infuriates Joe. Joe gets to his feet and begins stomping away on Dupree. Joe bends over and picks Dupree up to his feet and throws Dupree into the turnbuckle post. Dupree hits it hard and falls down onto his ass in a seated position. The French Phenom is dazed. Joe runs straight at him and drives his knee into his face. The head of Dupree bounces back, bounces off the turnbuckle post. Joe pulls back and looks around at the crowd and screams, "JOE'S GUNNA KILL YOU!"

The crowd gives a mixed reaction to this an Samoa Joe walks over to Rene Dupree and CRACK! A vicious kick right to the face. Dupree is dazed and....


Joe is showing no mercy as he continuously kicks away at the face at Dupree. The French Phenom is unconscious, with blood pouring out of his nose and onto his chest. His head nodding forward. Joe walks away from Dupree and grabs the referee and shouts, "RING THE BELL! HE'S DEAD!"

The referee, nervously, looks up at Joe and then rushes over to check on Rene Dupree. The referee sees that The French Phenom is unconscious. The referee runs over and calls for the bell as Samoa Joe smiles from the middle of the ring.
Winner by TKO- Samoa Joe

The crowd is in disbelief as a man who has made a career for himself in the KWF by showing heart has been kicked into unconsciousness by Samoa Joe. The Society member leaves the ring and walks up the ramp with a smirk on his face. The first time Samoa Joe has shown any facial expression besides anger. He is satisfied.

EMTs run down the ramp and into the ring. KWF officials follow next as they all cautiously pull Rene Dupree away from the turnbuckle and lay him supine in the middle of the ring. Samoa Joe has destroyed Rene Dupree.


The cameras are in the back where we see The Society greet Samoa Joe. The Samoan shares hugs and handshakes with his happy group.

CM Punk- A poetic start! Dean, Bryan, you two are up next! You got a hard show to follow! Go out there and show them what else The Society has in them! Lets end The Kids reign in the KWF and take it over!

Bryan Danielson- I'm going to go and break all of their bones!

Dean Ambrose- And I'm going to rip the bones right out from through his flesh!

CM Punk smiles, nodding his head, pleased.

CM Punk- And Cena, what are you going to do when they're done doing that?

John Cena smiles at CM Punk.

John Cena- I've talked enough in my career. This time, I'm going to let my actions do all the talking.

CM Punk smiles.

John Cena- And what are you going to do to The Kid?

CM Punk smiles.

CM Punk- Make the KWF ours.

CM Punk and John Cena smile as they look face to face. Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose walk past the three other members of The Society and head towards the ring.

As they walk down the halls, they stop and smile as they watch Rene Dupree get wheeled away on a stretcher, board and collared and receiving oxygen. The Society duo smiles and nod at each other and continue their walk.


Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose make their way out to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. The Miz makes his way out next and he is followed by the returning JBL. They walk down the ramp together and when they reach ringside, JBL walks around the ring and grabs a microphone.

JBL- Now before this continues any further, I am out here to remind everyone that I am retired! I had my last match when I defeated Bryan Danielson at Wrestlemania and I'm a smart man! I'm the man I am today for taking calculated risks. Not stupid risks! I am not teaming up with The Miz, of all people, to take on a man that I masterfully trained to be the man he is today and an obvious lunatic. I am retired and I'm sorry, but I will not be competing in this match. As a matter of fact, I will not be involved in any of this. Actually, I am here in Texas to announce my resignation from the KWF! That's right! I quit!

JBL smiles at the stunned crowd. The Miz walks over to JBL with his arms up in disbelief. JBL smiles.

JBL- As my parting gift, I give the KWF this.

JBL charges forward and CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL to The Miz! The Miz collapses to the outside floor and JBL bows for the booing crowd, before leaving.

Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose watch on, in confusion. They then smirk at each other and Bryan Danielson runs to the outside of the ring and picks up The Miz and rolls him into the ring. Dean Ambrose quickly jumps on top of The Miz and the referee has no choice, but to start this now handicap match.


Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose vs The Miz

There really was no chance for The Miz. Danielson and Ambrose attack down on The Miz like he owes them money. It was the longest minute to watch as the two men shared offensive attacks on The Miz. After all the beat downs, they walk The Miz over to the turnbuckle and lift him up, sitting him on top of the turnbuckle. Dean Ambrose walks across the ring and clims to the top turnbuckle.

Bryan Danielson climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and lifts The Miz up into the air and hits with a superplex! The Miz hits the mat hard and Dean Ambrose comes flying off te other turnbuckle with a FLYING CURB STOMP!

The boots of Dean Ambrose crash against the face of The Miz and Dean stumble away. Danielson gets on top of Miz, hooking no legs, just putting one hand across the chest of The Miz for the pin and the win!
Winners- Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose

The crowd boos as The Society duo stand up above the lifeless and now bloody from the lip, Miz. The Society has taken their first two matches of the night, showing no mercy.


The scenery is a desert. A dark desert. As the camera looks around the desert, all you see is stars. No other light, but the stars. Finally, lights are seen further into the desert. The camera floats there and we see candles lit. Above the candles, is crows flying in a circular motion. Below them, in between the candles is Sting, Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler. They're all dressed in black as they look down at the bodies of The Hardy Boyz! They are unconscious. Sting begins speaking.

Sting- The crows are not pleased. For weeks, we have been distracted. We have been interrupted and I promise the crows above that we will get our revenge. I ask of The Crows for forgiveness and I promise that tonight, right here, right now in the darkest desert in Texas.... we will sacrifice!

Sting lifts a bat up to the sky. The crows begin to fly at a faster rate.

Sting- I ask for permission to make my special request open next week. I ask that you believe that I have what it takes in me to make it right now. I ask The Crows to accept my sacrifice. The sacrifice of a traitor and the sacrifice of the brother of the traitor. The brother that was chosen over The Nest.

The unconscious bodies of The Hardy Boyz remain laying down, below Sting, Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler.

Sting- You have filled my white and black face with red. The color of blood. I sport the blood of The Crows on my face for failing you once.

A close up of the face of Sting is shown. His white and black face is stained with the color of red paint.

Sting- If you accept my sacrifices, I will go in the open and make my announcement. If you do not accept my challenge, I will continue to try and earn the forgiveness.

Sting takes a deep breath, the black baseball bat still facing the sky at the flying crows. The sounds of the wings have gotten louder and more furious. The crows have begun to loudly caw.

Sting- CROWS!

The fierce scream could give goosebumps to a normal human being.

Sting- FEAST!

Simultaneously, Sting points the baseball bat down at the bodies of The Hardy Boyz. The crows fly down and begin attacking the bodies of The Hardy Boyz. The bodies of Sting, Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler block the gruesome view. Sting turns away from it and begins walking towards the direction of the camera. Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler follow. Sting gets face to face with the camera, blocking the view of everything else and he....

.... rolls his eyes!

The crows have multiplied behind Sting and The Nest. The sacrifice has been completed.

End of Part 3.
Episode 5
"Houston, we got a problem!"

John Cena vs Rhyno
John Cena arrogantly makes his way out first to mostly boos. Rhyno comes out next an speed walks down the ramp with his arms out and his eyes focused inside of the ring. As soon as The Man Beast steps into the ring, John Cena charges at him and the two men furiously swing at each other with everything they got.

The two freaks continue to beat on each other with monster punches and monster kicks. When one man sends the other down to the mat, the ring shakes furiously. Both men have come with one intention. The intention to destroy.

As the match continues, John Cena has control as he hits with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. The crowd erupts in boos as John Cena begins stalking Rhyno, ready for the finish. As Rhyno slowly stumbles to his feet, he turns around and walks into the arms of John Cena, who lifts him into the air and....

.... Rhyno leaps out from behind!

John Cena stumbles forward and turns around to meet the....

.... GORE!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Rhyno splits John Cena in half with the move. Rhyno hooks both legs of John Cena for the pin!





The crowd is stunned as Rhyno goes flying off of John Cena. The Doctor of Thuganomics may be up to heartless tactics with The Society, but he still has the heart of a warrior!

Rhyno can't believe it, as he pulls himself up to his feet. He looks down at John Cena who lays on his side, holding his mid section. Rhyno paces back and forth for a bit, before marching over to the corner of the ring. Rhyno bends over and begins waving his hand, fired up for John Cena to stand up.

John Cena stumbles up to his feet and turns around and Rhyno charges at him for the GOR-

- John Cena side steps! Drop toe hold! Rhyno falls face first to the mat! Leg is locked in! Cena reaches for the head of Rhyno! STFU!

John Cena got his mastered submission locked in on Rhyno, out of nowhere! The crowd is all on their feet, surprised by that counter and waiting for the inevitable.

Rhyno continues to show heart. He wants his revenge! The Man Beast is not done, yet! Rhyno crawls and pushes himself closer and closer and....


The submission has to be released!


.... John Cena is REFUSING to let to go of the submission! The referee begins trying to pull Cena off after his verbal threats failed. However, this attempt by the referee is futile. John Cena is yanking back on the head of Rhyno and he is refusing to let go. The eyes of John Cena are wide open, but they no longer look like his eyes. He looks possessed! His veins are throbbing out of his neck area, as he grits his teeth. Rhyno hold onto the bottom rope with whatever strength he has left. There's nothing the referee can do, but call for the bell!
Winner via disqualification- Rhyno

The crowd has erupted in boos as John Cena keeps the animalistic submission locked in. The announcement of the winner and the result of the match is announced over the speakers for the arena to hear. The problem is, John Cena can hear it, too!

John Cena finally releases the submission and he shoots himself up to his feet. He looks over at the referee, who has the balls to actually yell at John Cena. The referees futile attempt at reprimanding John Cena. However, John Cena looks like never before. As previously stated, he looks like a man possessed as he walks closer and closer to the referee. The referee sees the threat in front of him and uncomfortably quiets down.

The referee tries to make a run for it, but John Cena grabs him from his back collar. The referee looks over at John Cena and the fear pours out of the facial expression of the referee. John Cena shakes his head at the referee, before throwing him on top of his shoulders and F-U!

The crowd is stunned as John Cena throws his chest and arms out and lets out a vicious roar. John Cena has lost it.


The Kid is shown in the back and he looks furious. He's in a black tank top and black jeans. He has a fierce look on his face as he walks down the halls. He stops when he bumps into....

.... The Hooligans!

Paul London speaks.

Paul London- Kid, you're making a huge mistake, man.

Brian Kendrick- Yeah, man. No holds barred? Against CM Punk? That's crazy!

Paul London- Listen, we don't mean any disrespect. We're actually here to tell you that we got your back no matter what. No matter how badly we struggled throughout our time here in the KWF, you have always stepped up for us and put us in meaningful matches.

Brian Kendrick- Yeah and we just want you to know that we are going to monitor what we hear around here. In case, anyone tries to join The Society. You know us? We're not afraid of The Society.

The Kid smiles, nodding his head.

The Kid- You know? The last time I put my trust in someone against The Society, he joined them.

Paul London- Yeah, but we're not John Cena. We're The Hooligans! The same Hooligans that have stepped up to face whoever, whenever. Wherever you needed us, we've been there. If you need us, you know where to find us.

Brian Kendrick- We haven't done much so far in this new season and we just want you to know that if you need us. If you need help against The Society. We're here.

The Kid- Yeah, I get it. You rephrased it in several ways. You guys want some action? Fine! I'm trusting you guys and with that trust, I'm going to give you guys an opportunity of a life time.

The Hooligans nod their heads.

The Kid- Next week, the two of you will be replacing The Hardy Boyz as the number one contenders for the Tag Team Champions. Next week, there will be another title on the line. The two of you will be taking on Chris Jericho and Lance Storm for the Tag Team Championships!

Paul London and Brian Kendrick are in shock.

The Kid- You guys have been with me from the beginning and you've only been the Tag Team Champions once. I'm giving you guys next week. One chance. Good luck.

Paul London- Kid, thank you! Thank you! We'll be ready. We're going to walk out the Tag Team Champions!

Brian Kendrick- Yes, we are. The most important part is that we will be walking out. We need the same from you tonight. None of your guys have had luck, yet. I mean, Rene Dupree is in a hospital. The Miz is seriously beaten. Rhyno is being treated right now. Kid, it doesn't look good. You're not a wrestler.

The Kid- I went one on one with the Devil himself. I went face to face with The Undertaker! Do you think I am afraid of CM Punk?

Kid starts laughing.

The Kid- I'm walking out tonight. I'm walking out the KWF World Champion!

The Kid smiles and walks past The Hooligans. Paul and Brian shrug at each other and walk away, in excitement. Next week, they will have an opportunity to walk out the Tag Team Champions if they can defeat Chris Jericho and Lance Storm, the team of Jeri-Storm.

The cameras are focused on The Kid as he walks down the halls, ready for his no holds barred, KWF World Championship match against CM Punk.


CM Punk is shown walking down the halls, KWF World Championship against his waist. CM Punk has a smirk on his face as he walks down the halls, but he stops when John Cena walks by. The two men walk up to each other as Punk nods his head.

CM Punk- Good job.

John Cena- I know.

CM Punk looks taken aback by this showing of confidence by John Cena. Out of nowhere arrogance.

John Cena- People don't realize what I'm doing. I don't even think you realize what I'm doing. I don't think you really even know why I joined The Society.

CM Punk- Um, yes, I do. To form the greatest group in the history of wrestling.

John Cena- Yeah, but why me? Why John Cena?

CM Punk looks interested.

John Cena- You want to know why?

Punk shrugs, nodding his head.

John Cena- You and I used to be good friends here. Then we let our competitiveness get the best of us. Am I afraid to fight you in that ring? Am I convinced that I could never beat you in that ring? No and no!

CM Punk straightens his head out and puts a look of confidence on his face.

John Cena- The Kid is not going to get into my head. Don't worry about that, Punk. I'm not here to confess my dying urge to face you one more time one on one. When I joined The Society, I made the ultimate sacrifice as a competitor. When I joined The Society, joined forces with YOU, I made a promise to myself to stay true to what I feel is right. Whether The Kid or these fans want to believe it, I am still all about hustle, loyalty and respect. I just have a new reason. I will stay loyal to The Society and respect you as the champion. I will never come after you and that title and I will NEVER try and cost you that title. I will not let egos or goals get in my way. I set a new goal. Until that day the championship is no longer around your waist and it's open season for everyone, I will step into the ring with any challenger The Kid throws at me and I will mercilessly beat their ass!

The fire beams out of the eyes of John Cena as he looks at CM Punk.

John Cena- I just got started so do me a favor, Punk.

John Cena gets closer to the face of CM Punk.

John Cena- Don't let The Kid walk out the KWF World Champion.

CM Punk grins as he looks at John Cena and begins nodding his head. John Cena has a serious look on his face and he nods his head and walks past CM Punk. CM Punk looks back at John Cena and then walks down the halls.

The main event is next! CM Punk will be defending his KWF World Championship against The Kid in a No Holds Barred Match!


CM Punk (C) vs The Kid

The Kid makes his way out first to a huge ovation. He looks fired up as he stands inside of the ring, cracking his knuckles and awaiting his opponent. CM Punk makes his way out next and as CM Punk begins screaming, "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!", The Kid storms out of the ring and runs up the ramp towards CM Punk. The KWF World Champion drops his title and he awaits for The Kid. The two men begin clobbering on each other as it is officially clobbering time. The referee charges up the ramp to keep up with the action.

The two men go at it at the top of the ramp, but CM Punk takes the advantage by delivering a vicious kick to the ribs of The Kid. Not a professional wrestler, The Kid falls to a knee from the kick. Without hesitation, CM Punk uses his speed advantage to crack The Kid in the side of the head with another kick. The Kid falls to his side on the top of the ramp and CM Punk smiles, looking down. It hasn't even been a minute, yet and he's already in control.

CM Punk picks up his title belt and begins mocking The Kid as he stands above him, smiling. CM Punk bends over and picks The Kid up and begins dragging him down the ramp, while rubbing the title in his face. CM Punk talks trash to the dazed Kid the whole time. As they reach ringside, CM Punk tosses The Kid into the steel steps shoulder first. The Kid bounces off hard and CM Punk smiles, enjoying the moment.

As the match continues, CM Punk has the advantage and is taking his time beating down on The Kid. He has The Kid in the middle of the ring when he lifts him onto his shoulders and connects with the GO TO SLEEP! The Kid lays spread eagle, but CM Punk refuses to go for the pin. He shakes his head and screams, "THAT'S TOO EASY!" CM Punk leaves the ring and goes under the ring where he pulls out....


The same weapon he used to take The Kid out of commission for four weeks. CM Punk slowly enters the ring and walks over to The Kid, wrapping the chain around his knuckles. CM Punk sports a huge smile as he watches The Kid get up to all fours. Punk then walks over to The Kid and with the unarmed hand, pulls Kid up by the chin. CM Punk holds the steel chain knuckles close to his face and begins screaming, "IT'S OVER, KID! YOUR TIME IS-"


The crowd erupts in cheers as The Kid slips a right arm in between the legs of CM Punk and sends him falling down to both knees, in agonizing pain. The Kid gets to his feet, slowly and drills Punk in the chin with a huge right. Punk falls over onto his side and The Kid bends over and grabs the steel chain that is wrapped around the fist of the KWF World Champion and he wraps it around his own knuckles. The Kid is fired up, but obviously weak as he stumbles a bit. The Kid has his eyes set on CM Punk who slowly pushes himself up to all fours and Kid charges and....


The crowd is going insane as CM Punk collapses to his side. The Kid is amped up right now. CM Punk has been cut on the side of his eyebrow, but the blood pours out like it's an arterial bleed. The Kid walks over to CM Punk and pulls his head up so Punk is up to one knee and he CRACKS CM Punk right in the skull with the steel chain, again!

CM Punk collapses onto his side, again. The Kid is showing no mercy. The Kid holds his knuckles tight together as the steel chain is perfectly wrapped. Revenge is definitely coming out and The Society can't even help CM Punk! They're banned from ringside! His title is on the line! The Kid is in control!

The Kid walks over to CM Punk and smiles as he looks down at him. CM Punk is dripping blood, but he is still trying to push himself up from flat on his face. The Kid gives Punk a demoralizing kick to the back of the head that sends CM Punk down to his face, again. The Kid laughs to himself as he takes some of the blood off of the steel chains and wipes it across his face. He's lost it!

The Kid is ready for the finish, though as he watches CM Punk once again, try and push himself up by his hands. The Kid continues watching, but Punk's arms give out on him and he falls flat on his face, again. The Kid then screams, "YOU WANT TO GET UP?! YOU WANT MORE?!"

The Kid grants CM Punk's wish and he bends over and yanks CM Punk up to his knees, by the head. The Kid smiles at CM Punk as he now holds the head of Punk with his unarmed hand. He holds his armed with steel chain, right fist high into the air and his eyes open wide....

.... The Kid doesn't even have a chance to release the head of CM Punk when....


"The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels has snuck into the ring and he has knocked the lights of The Kid out. The Kid collapses, flat on his back. CM Punk falls flat on his face as Shawn Michaels looks down. HBK is staring right down at both men with a look of rage on his face. Shawn Michaels begins back peddling and he exits the ring. Shawn Michaels walks up the ramp and never looks back.

CM Punk realizes that he is still alive and that something happened. He has no idea what happened. All he knows is that The Kid is inches away from him, flat on his back. CM Punk begins slowly crawling forward and gets close enough to The Kid's chest area, where Punk just drops his right arm across the chest of The Kid for the pin!




- 3!

Winner and STILL KWF World Champion- CM Punk

The crowd is in disbelief. CM Punk has won the match, but he wasn't helped by The Society.

He was helped by one of his biggest enemies in the KWF, "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels!

CM Punk is still the KWF World Champion, even after he was seconds away from getting his lights knocked out for good with one more shot from those steel chains. Blood continues to come down the face of CM Punk, but he is handed his title from the referee and he hugs it to his chest and just rolls to the outside of the ring.

The Society come running from the back and down the ramp and they run to CM Punk, who is on the outside of the ring on his knees. Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose each get an arm of CM Punk and lift him up to his feet. The Society walk a smiling and bleeding, but still KWF World Champion, CM Punk up the ramp. CM Punk tells his men to stop and turn him around when they reach the top of the ramp.

The final image is of The Society holding the KWF World Champion, CM Punk up on his feet. Even with blood dripping down his face, CM Punk wears a huge smile on his face as he looks down the ramp at The Kid, who is still flat on his back, in the middle of the ring.

The Kid was so close to defeating CM Punk. He was seconds away. It was all taken away by one man. A man that is not even a member of The Society. It was from the man that comes from this very state that he has left in silent shock, Texas.

Why HBK, why?!

End Show.
  • Hello Kid. Choxy/Bocaj here and I'll be giving you some of my thoughts on your whole Episode 5 show. Now this is the first time reading this thread but I'm sure I'm in for a real treat so I might have several questions.
  • Nice bit of banter from the commentators that have got me wanting to watch the show. AJ Styles v. Kofi Kingston is a match I'd love to see. As it says third match I assume the scores are 1 - 1? Like the mention of Summerslam as I'm not up to date of the timezone this is in.
  • Hmm.. This seams like quite an impressive stable. It seems that CM Punk is the leader or the "Godfather" so to speak. They seem quite rallied up which is good. We don't want to hear Punk talking and the other guys just standing around looking around waiting for their cue. For this reason, I respect the amount of detail you have added in. Great job with this. As I'm a first timer is "The Kid" you or is it someone like 1.2.3 Kid who was originaly a wrestler? That was an amazing segment worthy of opening your show. I applaud the length of your show as well. Good job with this so far man. I mean it.
  • An ok match up with AJ Styles and Kofi Kingston. I see Match Writing isn't your skill but who am I to talk? Mine isn't that great but I'm improving. Wasn't really sure about the layout to.. Between the first and second paragraph their was once space and then between the others you missed about two lines. Not sure if it was meant to be like that or what? I'm ok with AJ winning the match and the series as AJ Styles and CM Punk should be an amazing match to write.
  • Interesting development with the whole Muhammed Hassan and The Kid segment. Not to sure about what has been happening with all this Shiek business but you seemed to explain it clearly enough for me to get out what I needed to know. Should be good to see who he has to face. Wow Booker T? Wonder who is going to win this one... Oh my, Booker lost? You can add Unpredictabilty to your list I thought Booker would win hands down with no contest but it seems to have been a evenly matched bout.
  • Hmm.. This is looking like a good stable to with the whole Nation of Domination deal going on so good job with it. I thought Henry would be the leader when I saw it but Elijah Burke seems like a good winner. Nice to see they let Hassan walk off as it shows they are heels. There offering Booker a space in the faction. And like a face should he turned it down. I sence a Nation v. Booker feud emerging? I see Mark Henry v. Booker T taking place on Show 6.
  • Nice couple of segments with Orton/Angle and AJ Styles/CM Punk. Your actually quite a good story teller from this which benifits your feuds well. Like how you have put the whole Punk/Styles segment in so it wont look like a random match as their is a bit more of a backstory now if you get what I'm saying.
  • I sence this match was just designed to make Samoa Joe look strong and like a threat. It certainly worked. Laughed at the He's dead comment in all honesty I thought that was funny. So did Joe win by Submission or Referee stoppage? That's confused me a little.
  • Not sure why JBL actually attacked The Miz. Is JBL the newest member of the Society or does he just want to go out a heel. Nice handicap match. Now that I think about it Ambrose and Bryan is a great team they actually have everything that they need to be one of the greatest teams.
  • Hmm... what a weird promo from Sting. Has he got that Joker gimmick in your booker as it, in a way seems that way. Not really sure you have managaged to really capture Sting's charactor or if I just don't see it. Maybe I need to read a bit more into it.
  • Nice match with Rhyno and John Cena and I liked the Gore moment as it shows Cena has got stamina. Like when you kick out of someones finisher, you look strong. Hmm.. Cena destroyed Rhyno it seems meaning they are now 2 - 1 in victories tonight. All four men look good and I cant wait to see Punk's contest. Got a feeling he will win it though. Like how you have made Cena more serious in this project and not the joking happy go lucky style that we usually see.
  • Hmm... so the Hooligans are going to try and step up to take on the Sociaty. Nice to see the Young guns getting involved in the main event stuff. Kid looks like a man on a mission too which is also good. Gives him a fighting chance going into what is sure to be a brutal contest. I'm also intreaged to see how you take the Cena and Punk story seems like their might be a bit of jelously in the whole plot?
  • Kid actually did better than I thought he would but that's probably due to the stipulation. In a standared wrestling match, Punk would squash him. No dought about it. Shawn Michaels however? Not really sure what the story is with Shawn and KWF... Is Shawn in the Sociaty or did he just do it to get a measure of revenge on KWF? Glad Punk is still the champion though.
  • Anyway, congratulations on a good show. This was really good due to your story telling. I feel that your weaknesses are Charactorisation and Match Writing but trust me both are hard to do. Some charactors you have got spot on like Samoa Joe's whole Violent charactor and things like Hassan's charactor but then it's kinda let down by charactors like Sting who I just couldn't feel. Really good show however. Cant wait to see Show 6.






The Society:
- It all began at Wrestlemania 3 when CM Punk defeated John Cena in the co-main event to become the first ever KWF Double Champion, as he walked out holding the KWF World Championship and the Intercontinental Championship. In the main event, Shawn Michaels faced off with long time rival, Bret Hart. The main event of what was supposed to be the final match in KWF history. CM Punk had other ideas as he came out and threw both men off of the stage, to an extremely angry Canadian crowd. CM Punk ruined the end of the KWF.

- The next night, everything became clear. The Kid renewed the KWF for another year and announced the seasons of Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. He also demanded the head of CM Punk. Instead, what he got was betrayed and introduced to The Society. The group consisting of CM Punk, John Cena, Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe! They took The Kid out of action for four weeks.

- Through those four weeks, they announced their intentions and explained their reasoning. A match with two titles on the line should have been the main event of the final show, according to CM Punk and John Cena. CM Punk took matters into his own hand, believing that the champion is the best in the world and should always end the show. Words wasn't all they had as they ran through the KWF roster. Getting revenge for one of their men on JBL. Taking out a "KWF creation" of Rene Dupree and taking out any man that got in their way from The Big Show to The Miz to Rhyno and to the returning, Shawn Michaels.

- The Kid came back with a vengeance and put every single member of The Society in a match in the mid-season finale, including having CM Punk defend his KWF World Championship against himself, The Kid! A no holds barred match, as a matter of fact. Samoa Joe beat Rene Dupree to unconsciousness with vicious kicks to the face, shouting at the referee, "RING THE BELL! HE'S DEAD!" Joe succeeded. JBL and The Miz were set to take on Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose next, but JBL announced his retirement saying that he is not risking any further damage to himself in the hands of The Society. That left The Miz alone inside of the ring with Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose. The Society won, again. John Cena then squared off against Rhyno in a classic match. John Cena had the STFU locked in on Rhyno, but The Man Beast got to the ropes. John Cena refused to let go of the submission and was disqualified. However, the point was made.

- In the final moments of the mid-season finale, CM Punk and The Kid went into the ring, looking for blood. The Society banned from ringside to every match surely made this as fair as it could be. After getting his ass whopped for the majority of the match, The Kid fired back. Steel chains around his knuckles, the same method The Society used to take him out for four weeks, The Kid was ready for revenge. He hit CM Punk twice with it, ripping the skin off the eyebrow of CM Punk, forcing blood to spew. The Kid was ready for the kill and ready to become the KWF World Champion when....

- HBK hit him with the Sweet Chin Music. HBK left the ring and CM Punk crawled on top of The Kid to secure the pin and the win. The Society walked out with all smiles on the mid-season finale. How will the self proclaimed "best group in the world", The Society, continue their road to Summerslam? Will they remain on top or will they fall apart?

Shawn Michaels:
- The first ever KWF World Champion. A living legend in the wrestling business. The show stopper, the main event. The Heart Break Kid! Mr. Wrestlemania! All those names define the man we know as Shawn Michaels. After being tossed off of the stage, he has wanted revenge more then anything on The Society. He has chased each and every single one of them, even sneaking up on them once and taking out two members of The Society with the "Sweet Chin Music". He has failed several times as the number games have always found their way to hold Shawn Michaels down.

- He has made a career out of "tuning up the band", but this may have been the most important tune he has ever unleashed. In his home state of Texas, minutes away from a miracle happening and history being made, Shawn Michaels stopped it all. He stopped The Kid's moment of revenge and what could've been the demise of CM Punk and The Society already. Shawn Michaels got into the ring and knocked The Kid out cold with the Sweet Chin Music and that gave CM Punk the win. That gave The Society the night they wanted. The night they expected.

- Knowing Shawn Michaels and knowing The Kid, we may not have to wait too long to see the reasoning. Until then, the whole world asks one question. Why Shawn, why?

The Crows Nest:
- A group consisting of Dolph Ziggler, Mr. Kennedy and the leader, Sting; this group has come into the KWF and have made the whole world feel two things. Discomfort and fear! They have set their eyes on revenge. Revenge all stemming from Wrestlemania 3. Revenge on Jeff Hardy for turning on "The Nest" for the sake of his brother, Matt Hardy, who was on the opposing team.

- For weeks, Sting has led his men to capture The Hardy Boyz and when they finally did and were ready for the sacrifice, they were stopped and distracted by the Tag Team Champions, Jeri-Storm. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm put an end to it, but never got their hands on them. The Crows Nest disappeared. Just when everyone thought they were gone, they showed up, again. This time, with video footage of their hostages, The Hardy Boyz. After weeks and weeks, the sacrifice was made.

- In the mid season finale, Sting let the crows feast.... literally. Sting asked for permission of the crows for revenge of his own and he got it when the crows feasted on the bodies of The Hardy Boyz. Sting looked directly into the camera and rolled his eyes. We don't want to speculate, but it could only mean one thing. Sting will let the world know what he wants or who he wants in the return show. However, the questions remain. After putting fear in the world of the KWF for the first half of the season, how will they continue to instill that same fear for the second half. The group that included two blood hungry blondes in Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler and the man who's black and white face paint was smeared with the color of red, Sting. A group that consistently has real life crows flying over their heads when they are around. A group that could only mean one thing for the future of the KWF. Scary news. Will the wings of the crows continue to carry the nest or will the crows get shot down when they ask for the worst? We shall certainly find out.

The Nation Of Domination:
- A group that started in the old days was reignited by Kofi Kingston, MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth. Shelton Benjamin came in and took over the leadership of the group and went on to throw Kofi Kingston out. However, karma decided to show up. Karma in the form of a man MVP replaced for R-Truth. That man is "The Pope", Elijah Burke. He came back with one of the original members of The Nation Of Domination. That man is Mark Henry.

- They went on take Shelton Benjamin out and take over the group. After all the movements at the top of the group, it looks like it has reached the end of that search. The man to lead The Nation in their movement is Elijah Burke and his big man, Mark Henry. They made sure that they proved their point in the mid-season finale, when they took out the man from Houston, Texas, Booker T. After he refused a spot in the group, Elijah Burke proved that you're either "with them or against them." How will the second half of the season go for the now stable, Nation Of Domination? Raise your fists in the air. Either to salute or to fight back.

The Golden Sheik:
- A self made threat in the KWF, Muhammad Hassan has done just about everything. He has been involved in the only 2 Iron Man matches, although he has fallen short, he has shown the world of what he is all about. He has held the Tag Team Championships and the Intercontinental Championship. Two weeks ago, he was welcomed to the ring by The Iron Sheik.

- Muhammad Hassan was celebrated and made the new sheik of wrestling. The Golden Sheik! Daivari as his manager, still by his side through everything. Another gift given to him was his new muscle, The Great Khali. A man who is over 7 feet tall and a man who Muhammad Hassan can tell to do whatever he wants and he listens. A man that he commanded to take out the man who made Muhammad Hassan a sheik, The Iron Sheik! Muhammad Hassan announced that there is only one Sheik of wrestling now and that is him.

- He proved that with a good, clean, out of nowhere victory over Booker T in the mid-season finale. He showed how important it is to be a Sheik and convinced the world of his worth with a win in his first fight as one. He plans to continue his dominance throughout the second half of the season, all the way to Summerslam. How will The Golden Sheik and his stable of manager, Daivari, and body guard, Great Khali continue through the KWF Summer Season?

The Rhodes Brothers:
- Cody Rhodes recent struggles were noticed by his golden and deranged, older brother, Goldust. The sight of his wig wearing brother made Cody Rhodes sick. They agreed to a match with their own stipulations. If Cody defeated Goldust, Goldust has to leave the life of Cody forever. If Goldust defeated Cody, Cody would have to go under the wing of Goldust and let him focus him for the future.

- Goldust won. We did not see the brothers in the mid-season finale and we are sure Goldust is doing some sort of work on Cody. How will the brothers fare as they take the same roads to Summerslam to represent the name of Rhodes.

Iron Man vs Viper:
- Here is a story about two of the most illustrious and decorated men in KWF history. Kurt Angle and Randy Orton.

- "The Iron Man" Kurt Angle has done everything throughout his career. An example is winning a gold medal with a broken, freeken neck. In case you forgot, he will always remind you. However, in the KWF, he has participated in the only two Iron Man matches in KWF history. At Wrestlemania 2, Kurt Angle won the first ever Fatal Four Way Iron Man match by defeating Rene Dupree, Muhammad Hassan and Shelton Benjamin. At Wrestlemania 3, he won his Iron Man match against Muhammad Hassan. He has proved time and time again that it is extremely difficult to keep up with him in a one hour wrestling match. He has proven to be the Iron Man of the KWF and he feels that unlike being a former champion, it means more when you have something that nobody can beat you for. His three I's have followed him through his whole career and he has only gotten better and harder to defeat.

- The Viper. The Legend Killer. Randy Orton. Two nicknames. One lethal faith if you step into the ring with him. Defeat. He is the first ever KWF Intercontinental Champion. A title he has held twice! He is the first ever KWF King Of The Ring, the only one up to this date. He is a former KWF World Champion. He is the only man on this earth to defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, as he did so by defeating him at Wrestlemania 2. He has been at the top of the KWF every single year he has been here and has done everything. He considers himself the greatest wrestler in KWF history.

- These two men have been put in a team as of lately, but two missing dollars have bought friction between two men who already had trust issues for each other. Randy Orton had his mind set on becoming the first ever Triple Crown winner in the KWF by winning the Tag Team Championships. When these two were teamed up to face Jeri-Storm in a Non Title match, Randy was ready to head for that goal. Kurt abandoned him, calling him a "thief". A joke that went too far. After rubbing their accomplishments in each others faces for weeks, Kurt Angle has decided to start the second half of the season, he would step into the ring and face the only man in this world that he actually believes can beat him just to test his luck and prove to the whole world that titles don't mean anything. He plans on winning and proving his worth as the greatest in the KWF.

- How will the second half fare for these two men? Will they make up and dominate the tag team division or will their egos force them to clash? Either way, it has "historic" and "classic" written all over it.


Episode 6
"The Heart Breaking Gamble"





The crowd erupts in noise. A mixed reaction of boos and cheers. It's still loud enough to shake the building. Las Vegas is alive tonight!

CM Punk comes out first with both titles draped over separate shoulders. A microphone in his hand and a huge grin on his face. He is followed by John Cena, Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe. The five men walk down the ramp following the leader. They reach ring side and all get into the ring. CM Punk gets to the middle of the ring as the other four men go to separate turnbuckles. Each taking up one.

CM Punk smiles and begins rubbing his KWF World Championship. The title he successfully defended last week against The Kid in a No Holds Barred match. While rubbing the titles, he rubs it in the face of the audience and men in the back who doubted him. CM Punk finally lifts the microphone up to his mouth.

CM Punk- Las Vegas, Nevada, feast your eyes on the best in the world!

CM Punk happily points around the ring at the other four men who are standing in separate corners of the ring. The mixed reactions continue.

CM Punk- For those who are cheering, we applaud you for actually having a half of a brain and realizing greatness. For those who are booing, I can turn you into the fans who cheer us. You see, the whole audience, whether they cheer or boo us, they are all sheep. You are all sheep. I control you. I control you with this microphone. I can make you all cheer just by mentioning this sin and disease infested landmark in America, Las Vegas.

The sheep continue.

CM Punk- That is what I mean. You all boo when I want you, too. You all cheer when I want you to. You are all sheep and unfortunately for you all, we are not farmers. We are wrestlers. We are the controllers of this ring. We are The Society and we are the best in the world!

CM Punk is fired up. His second mention of his group being the best in the world.

CM Punk- Samoa Joe proved what The Kid doubted. He proved that not only can he defeat Rene Dupree and capture that Television Championship back, but he proved that he can actually kill! You see, when The Society speaks, we mean what we say. We defend our words. We back it up. So when Samoa Joe grabs a microphone and shouts.... JOE'S GUNNA KILL YOU!

Punk laughs to himself, while looking over at a satisfied and intense Samoa Joe.

CM Punk- He means it. When Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose are put into a match, it is unfair. It is unfair to their opponents. So when JBL wised up and retired, The Miz was in the worst possible position he could be in. Trapped with two dysfunctional, yet amazing performers. When they captured The Miz, they didn't kick him to the curb. No. They stomped his ass all the way to the curb!

Punk nods his head as Danielson and Ambrose who are on separate sides of the ring. Both men give CM Punk a sadistic grin.

CM Punk- When John Cena didn't feel like dealing with a man with more muscle then brain, he took the match to his own hands. Proving that just winning a match can only prove so much. Annihilating your opponent is just as important. He submitted Rhyno to unconsciousness. You can disqualify him, but who really walked out the winner? As a matter of fact, who walked out? That's right. John Cena. Hustle, loyalty, respect means a whole different thing and the definition of that phrase may now result in the inability to "see" him.

CM Punk grins and nods his head at John Cena. The Doctor of Thuganomics just nods his head, but keeps his intensity on his face.

CM Punk- And then there's the man standing before you, still holding two championships. That right, me! Who am I?! I am C.... M.... PUNK! I am your double champion! I am....




The crowd actually gives a mixed reaction as Shawn Michaels comes from the back. He has a serious look on his face and a microphone in his hand. He is ready to explain his actions and the crowd is ready to hear it. So is The Society as they stand in the ring, together now, staring up the ramp at Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels- Now allow me to make some things clear. I am in no way, shape or form a member of The Society nor do I agree with their beliefs. The reason I went into that ring last week and knocked the lights right out of The Kid is because he is selfish. That's right, that's it. It's that simple.

HBK nods his head.

Shawn Michaels- Last week, we were live in my home state of Texas and instead of me given the opportunity to fight CM Punk in that ring, I had to sit in the back and watch The Kid fight for the title. A man who is not even a professional wrestler. A man who should be trying to run the business and rid of The Society with business tactics. Instead, he gets involved in a wrestling ring. Well, I hate to break it to everyone and this is including to all five of you inside of the ring.

HBK points towards the ring. An intense look on his face.

Shawn Michaels- That is STILL my ring and that KWF World Championship is still my championship.

CM Punk laughs to himself in the ring.

CM Punk- Oh really? If that's the case, then these grounds we walk on all day still belong to dinosaurs! Oh wait, that's right. They don't exist anymore because they are extinct!

Shawn Michaels- I wasn't done speaking, Punk. The fact of the matter is, if I didn't get involved last week, I would be out here challenging The Kid to a one on one match for the title. You, the self proclaimed greatest wrestler on this planet, was about to lose his coveted KWF World Championship to The Kid!

The crowd cheers. CM Punk looks on angrily from the ring.

Shawn Michaels- You were one shot away from losing your title in your sleep. You were minutes away from waking up and looking up at the ceiling of the arena no longer the champion. No longer the greatest.

CM Punk- I would rather stand inside of this ring with the fourteen staples in my right eyebrow, holding the KWF World Championship then standing up that ramp, a balding, shell of myself.

CM Punk is fired up as he walks over to the ropes and leans over the top rope with a now huge grin on his face, pointin up the ramp at Shawn Michaels.

CM Punk- Listen up dinosaur. What you see inside of this ring is lava! We are the lava of the KWF and we will run through the KWF and take over! The lava that stands inside of this ring will take out all of the dinosaurs in the KWF. Any man that steps in the path shall be destroyed by the lava. So dinosaur, you are at a very dangerous point of your life. You are taking a gamble. You are messing with lava! We will exterminate the KWF of dinosaurs and we will make sure that the legend of Shawn Michaels becomes extinct!

CM Punk laughs as he looks up the ramp at Shawn Michaels. All of a sudden....

.... The Kid appears on the titantron. He has a grin on his face. Every man turns their attention up towards him.

The Kid- Do you know why I am smiling? Why in the world should I be smiling at this point? Well, that's because I beat CM Punk. I didn't win the match, but I beat him. I beat his spirit. I reminded CM Punk that any man is beatable. Any man. I am satisfied because I know that come Summerslam, CM Punk will no longer be the KWF World Champion!

Kid smiles.

The Kid- Next week, we will have a contract signing. The contract signing for the main event of Summerslam! The contract signing for the KWF World Championship match!

The crowd erupts in cheers as CM Punk looks on from ringside with a curious look on his face.

The Kid- So before I make that huge announcement, I have one more switch for tonight. CM Punk will not be defending his Intercontinental Championship against AJ Style in the main event. No, there's going to be a new main event. That's right, Punk. There's a match that involves three men who deserve the spot instead. That's because tonight's main event will be the Number One Contenders match for the KWF World Championship at the season finale of Summerslam!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

The Kid- It will be between the man who knocked my lights out last week, that's right I am forgiving! Because one man in the main event tonight will be "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels going one on one against....

The Kid smiles.


The crowd is stunned by this announcement. Shawn Michaels smiles as he looks down the ramp and into the ring at the stunned members of The Society. CM Punk is furious.

The Kid- And just like last week, The Society is banned from ring side! If any member interferes, they will be fired!

CM Punk has lost it. He begins screaming into the microphone.

CM Punk- What are you trying to prove, Kid? What are you trying to do? Do you really think you can break The Society? John Cena will defeat Shawn Michaels inside of this ring tonight and your season finale will be highlighted by the two men who should've main evented Wrestlemania 3! Wait, maybe you're trying to right your wrongs. Is that what you're doing? It's too late, though. You opened the flood gates and the KWF will be flooded by lava, courtesy of The Society!

The Kid just continues to smile on the titantron. Shawn Michaels speaks.

Shawn Michaels- Kid. You said three. You said three men deserve to be in the main event. Who's the third man?

The Kid nods his head, smiling.

The Kid- That third man is the special guest referee. That third man is.... ME!

The Kid begins laughing.

The Kid- Revenge is a dirty, wet, smelly.... BITCH!

The Society watches on from inside of the ring, enraged. However, at the top of the ramp, Shawn Michaels looks on nervously knowing that he screwed Kid over last week and it could all be coming back.

The Kid- THE KID.... HAS.... SPOKEN!

The cameras zoom into the smiling Kid on the titantron screen. What a huge announcement!


Jim Ross- What a start to the night! Major announcements! Including our new main event. It will be Shawn Michaels going one on one against John Cena with The Kid as the special guest referee! The winner will face CM Punk in the main event for the KWF World Championship at Summerslam! The season finale!

King- Could you imagine? CM Punk defending his KWF World Championship against John Cena at Summerslam! A Wrestlemania 3 rematch! This time, it would main event!

Jim Ross- It would probably be the end of The Society, too. There's no way John Cena would lay there and take the loss. However, in order for that to happen, he would have to defeat Shawn Michaels. Defeating HBK is not an easy task. He explained himself and it seems like The Kid has instilled fear in him by becoming the special guest referee. Who knows which way The Kid is going to go with this.

King- It's going to be an exciting night! I can't wait!



The crowd erupts in boos as Muhammad Hassan makes his way through the curtains. Dressed in his new Sheik outfit, "The Golden Sheik", Muhammad Hassan! He is escorted down the ramp and into the ring with Daivari and The Great Khali. The three men stand inside of the ring, examining the booing crowd with smug looks. Muhammad Hassan holds a microphone and slowly raises it to his mouth.


The crowd erupts in boos. Muhammad Hassan stands still, but his eyes race from side to side looking at the booing crowd, angry. Offended. Insulted. That doesn't stop Muhammad Hassan from continuing to speak, though.

Muhammad Hassan- Although, I do not expect any less from this filthy city of Las Vegas, but I am your Golden Sheik and I DEMAND YOUR RESPECT!

Muhammad Hassan leaps forward, rage in his eyes. The crowd boos even louder, as Muhammad Hassan backs up. Daivari jumps to the side of Muhammad Hassan and grabs the microphone and furiously lifts it up to his mouth.


Muhammad Hassan pulls the microphone away from Daivari and puts it to his mouth, with a smirk. His emotion has seemed to change.

Muhammad Hassan- No need to say that, Daivari. It's okay. I will continue to prove my worthiness. Last week, I defeated Booker T right in this ring. No problem! A surprise opponent that I had no time to study for, a surprise opponent chosen by The Kid! A surprise opponent that I defeated one, two, three!

Muhammad Hassan begins slowly motioning as if he is a referee counting a pin fall. He does it to three.

Muhammad Hassan- So tonight, I am out here to keep the trend going. I challenge any man from the back to come to the ring right now, step through those ropes and either bow to your Sheik or be forced into it.

Muhammad Hassan turns his attention to the titantron.

Muhammad Hassan- This is an open challenge to any superstar in the back!

Before he could lower the microphone, music blasts through the speakers.


The crowd erupts in cheers as Kofi Kingston comes running through the curtains. He jumps around at the top of the ramp, bopping his head to the cheering crowd. Muhammad Hassan smiles from inside of the ring and hands the microphone over to Daivari and gives them the head nod to leave the ring. Daivari goes through the middle ropes, as The Great Khali steps over the top rope to exit.

Muhammad Hassan has unclothed himself of his Sheik clothes and has handed it to the outside to Daivari. Muhammad Hassan watches Kofi Kingston leap into the ring and bounce around for the cheering fans. These two men are about to go one on one! The first match of the night!


"The Golden Sheik" Muhammad Hassan vs Kofi Kingston
The two men circle the ring to start off the match and then lock up. Muhammad seems to take the early advantage using his power, but before Hassan could slam Kingston into the turnbuckle, Kingston slips out and shoves Hassan into it. Hassan bounces off the turnbuckle and stumbles back right into a roll up from Kofi Kingston!

Muhammad Hassan pops out at two and leaps up to his feet, in shock. However, Kofi has reached his feet first and he sends Muhammad Hassan falling with a jumping elbow strike to the face. Muhammad gets to his feet, this time by using the ropes. Muhammad Hassan turns around and Kofi charges at him with a powerful clothesline sending Muhammad Hassan flipping over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. Daivari quickly runs over to check on Muhammad as The Great Khali large-man walks up to them. Muhammad Hassan gives himself some time on the outside of the ring to recuperate as Kofi Kingston gets the crowd fired up on the outside.

As the match continues, both men have shared the advantage, but this time, Muhammad Hassan has the control. He has Kofi Kingston pinned against the turnbuckle post and continues chopping away at his chest. Muhammad Hassan finishes it off with a chop right across the face. That sends Kofi down to a knee as Hassan stands above him, smirking down at him as if he were a peasant. A smirk of dominance. The Golden Sheik is not finished with Kofi Kingston, yet as he picks him up from his knee and pins him against the turnbuckle. Muhammad Hassan pulls his hand back and poses, smiling for the crowd for a second. Arrogance leaking from his face. Muhammad Hassan swings for another back hand to the face of Kofi, but Kingston catches the arm. Kofi quickly catches the other arm and while holding both of the arms of Hassan down, Kofi goes on a fury of headbutts to the face of The Golden Sheik. After about five headbutts that all connected to the nose of Muhammad Hassan, Kofi Kingston releases the arms and watches Muhammad Hassan fall down to one knee. Kofi Kingston runs to the ropes and comes charging back at Muhammad Hassan and....





Without a doubt, the match changing moment. Kofi begins rolling around, in excruciating pain holding onto his face. Muhammad Hassan rises to his feet and wipes his face off, more angry from the headbutts then hurt. Muhammad Hassan looks over where he sees Kofi now laying flat on his face, still favoring his face. Muhammad Hassan quickly walks over to him and stands above his back. Muhammad Hassan looks around at the crowd with a smug look, before reaching down and yanking the head of Kofi up by his hair. Muhammad uses his hand to make a cut-throat gesture across the throat of Kofi Kingston, before locking in the CAMEL CLUTCH!

Muhammad Hassan swings at the head of Kofi Kingston and puts more pressure on the already hurting face of Kofi Kingston. The back strains, as well and it becomes clear that there is no getting out of this submission. Kofi Kingston taps out!
Winner- "The Golden Sheik" Muhammad Hassan

Muhammad Hassan keeps the submission locked in for a few more seconds, before he releases it. Daivari and The Great Khali get into the ring and greet the winner. Muhammad Hassan looks down at Kofi Kingston, who lays on his side, favoring his ribs. Muhammad Hassan falls to his knees besides the body of Daivari and throws his arms up into the air and tilts his head back, praising Allah.

The Golden Sheik has done it, again. Another solid victory. Another solid performance.


The cameras are in the back where we see Michael Cole standing by with AJ Styles.

Michael Cole- Hi, I am Michael Cole and I am standing alongside a man who in just a few moments will be going one on one against CM Punk for the Intercontinental Championship. You may know him as The Phenomenal One, he is AJ Styles!

AJ nods his head, looking at the direction of the camera.

Michael Cole- At first, it was announced that tonight you would be getting your title shot in the main event. The Kid has scrapped that plan and instead, you will be fighting next. Do you think this is going to be a good thing or a bad thing for you? It gave you less time to prepare. What are your thoughts?

AJ smiles at the camera.

AJ Styles- I have been a member of the KWF for a very long time. I have been involved in the most ridiculous matches of all time, like the Serengeti Match! I choose the KWF over the Invasion and was given a gift. A shot at the Intercontinental Championship. I won that title. I was the man to end the reign of Randy Orton as Intercontinental Champion. I defeated him in a ladder match to win that championship. Do you know how many people remember that?

Michael Cole shrugs, again.

AJ Styles- Nobody. You know why? Because after I lost that title, I have been lost in the shuffle. Not anymore. Michael Cole, I have a question for you.

Michael Cole nods his head as AJ Styles gets closer to him.

AJ Styles- Do you know how many people are going to remember the night I defeat CM Punk to be the Intercontinental Championship?

Another shrug from Michael Cole. AJ Styles smiles.

AJ Styles- The whole world.

AJ turns his attention away from Michael Cole and walks away. Michael Cole takes a deep breath and then speaks, while looking at the camera.

Michael Cole- Well, up next, we are going to have CM Punk defending his Intercontinental Championship against that man, the Phenomenal One, AJ Styles!

Michael Cole nods his head at the camera with a smile. CM Punk will be defending his Intercontinental Championship against AJ Styles next! It should be a classic!

End of Part 1.
Episode 6
"The Heart Breaking Gamble"

CM Punk (C) vs AJ Styles

AJ Styles makes his way out first to a huge ovation from the crowd as he flips his hoody off of his face. AJ looks ready for action. CM Punk comes out next and the crowd is booing more then cheering this time around. CM Punk has a grin on his face as he walks down the ramp, by himself. The Society has been banned from ringside and he has to go into war by himself for a second week in a row. He takes his time climbing up the steel steps and entering the ring. He smiles across the ring at the serious faced AJ Styles. CM Punk takes the title off and hands it over to the referee. The referee shows it to both men and raises it up into the air for the crowd to see and then hands it to an outside of the ring, KWF official. The referee calls for the bell and this match is ready.

The two men walk around the ring, with their eyes locked on each other. They then simultaneously charge at each other and get right in each others faces. Nose to nose. CM Punk is no longer smiling, but has a very serious look on his face. They breath heavily in each others face. CM Punk screams right into the face of AJ Styles, "YOU THINK YOU'RE THE BEST IN THE WORLD?!" AJ Styles, heavily breathing, shouts, "YES, I DO!" The crowd erupts in cheers as AJ Styles is not backing down from this forehead shoving battle.

CM Punk backs up, eyes wide open and throws his arms to the side and screams, "WHY?!" AJ Styles takes a few steps back and throws his arms out into the air, too and shouts, "BECAUSE I AM THE PHENOMENAL ONE AND I AM.... THE SOCIETY!"

The whole arena gasps at once. The gasps quickly turn into silence and CM Punk and AJ Styles begin laughing inside of the ring. CM Punk nods his head at AJ Styles and AJ runs to the ropes and comes charging back and hits a CROSS BODY on CM Punk! AJ lands on the chest of CM Punk, hooks a leg for the pin! CM Punk flails, but he's barely even trying, as the referee counts the 1, 2, 3! We have a NEW Intercontinental Champion!
Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion- AJ Styles

The crowd is stunned by this as AJ Styles rolls off of CM Punk. CM Punk gets to his feet, clapping his hands as the referee hands the Intercontinental Championship over to AJ Styles. AJ raises the title high into the air with a huge grin on his face as the crowd just watches on in disbelief. AJ Styles and CM Punk walk over to each other and CM Punk grabs the wrist of AJ Styles and raises it into the air. The crowd has finally realized what has happened and they begin booing. The Society has added a new member and he is the new Intercontinental Champion, "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles!


The cameras are in the back where we see Kofi Kingston sitting in a chair, against a wall. He is bent forward, hands against his face. His struggles have seemed to get the best of him. All of a sudden, the body of Kofi Kingston is covered in shadows. Shadows he notices. Kofi Kingston looks up from the chair and standing before him is The Nation Of Domination!

Kofi goes to get up, but Mark Henry grabs him by the shoulder and slams him back down to the seat. Kofi looks up and he knows he outnumbered. Fear comes on the face of Kofi Kingston as he looks up at the smiling Elijah Burke.

Elijah Burke- My brother, we mean you no harm or disrespect. Doesn't this look familiar? Look around.

Elijah points to the men who surround him. MVP, Monty Brown, R-Truth specifically.

Elijah Burke- This used to be your family. This used to be your vision. You tried to recreate something and it failed. Miserably.

Elijah shakes his head, from side to side.

Elijah Burke- It's not your fault, though. You see, Kofi, these men were mislead. They were misguided. They were lied to. They were tricked by own of their own. Shelton Benjamin took your vision away from you. Your vision of The Nation Of Domination. He took it, he ran with it and he halted the movement! He stopped the same movement that you were pushing for, the movement of our brothers, the movement of The Nation Of Domination!

Mark Henry gets in the face of Kofi and he wears a big, disgusting smile on his face.

Mark Henry- And you know what we did? WE TOOK IT BACK!

Mark Henry is no longer smiling and he looks vicious, as usual. Kofi flinches back from the roar of Mark Henry, but remains seated.

Elijah Burke- We are here tonight to make your dream come true, again. We are here to welcome you to The Nation Of Domination!

Elijah smiles wide. Kofi looks around at the other members who all have serious looks on their faces.

Elijah Burke- You've been on a real slump, my brother. We are here to pull you out of that slump and put you back in the family!

Kofi takes a few breaths, but can't seem to keep his eyes off of MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth. The men who betrayed him, once before. Elijah notices this and smiles as he looks at the three men with Kofi Kingston.

Elijah Burke- I see you still haven't forgiven these three brothers of ours. Well, allow me to remind you that The Nation is made from forgiveness. I forgave MVP and what he did to me was far worse then what he did to you. I forgave R-Truth and he was the man that replaced me! I forgave them, because it was the right thing to do for the movement. We represent more then you could know. Many people only see the bad side, but they are blind. They are blind to the fact that in life, the only way to bring good to this world is to rid the world of the bad.

Elijah is no longer smiling as he tells Mark Henry to step back from Kofi Kingston.

Elijah Burke- This is your opportunity, Kofi. This is your final opportunity. Join your brothers. Stand up!

Elijah has a very serious look on his face. Kofi Kingston slowly and cautiously gets to his feet, looking around. He stands face to face with Elijah Burke. A very serious look is on his face. He is no longer all smiles. They look at each other for a few seconds, when all of a sudden, Elijah Burke throws his right fist into the air and screams....

Elijah Burke- WE ARE THE NATION!

Kofi continues looking deep into the eyes of Elijah Burke. Kofi takes a deep breath and....

.... throws his right fist into the air and screams....

Kofi Kingston- OF DOMINATION!

The two men look at each other with serious looks, until Elijah Burke breaks the tension with a smile on his face. He extends his hand for Kofi Kingston to shake and Kofi does so.

Elijah Burke- Kofi Kingston, WELCOME to the Nation Of Domination! MY BROTHER!

The Nation stands in a circle with their newest member, Kofi Kingston.


The Kid is shown walking down the halls with a very angry look on his face. He looks furious as he wanders through the halls.

All of a sudden, he hears chatter. He makes the turn and sees The Society walking down the halls in a group. AJ Styles jokes over to CM Punk.

AJ Styles- That was way better than the finger poke of doom. We make the worst things turn phenomenal!

AJ stops speaking as he looks up at The Kid. The Kid quickly heads towards them and gets right in the face of AJ Styles. The new Intercontinental Champion!

The Kid- YOU?! I MADE YOU!

AJ Styles laughs in the face of The Kid and....


The fire comes burning out of the eyes of AJ Styles, but before anyone can retaliate, CM Punk steps in. He gets in the face of The Kid, smiling.

CM Punk- You shouldn't have done that.

The Kid- Or else what, Punk?! Or else what?!

Before CM Punk can speak....

.... The Hooligans come running in. Brian Kendrick and Paul London get in between The Kid and CM Punk. CM Punk starts laughing.

Brian Kendrick- BACK OFF!

Paul London- Yeah!

CM Punk takes a few steps back, smiling as Bryan Danielson steps in front of CM Punk and gets in the faces of The Hooligans. Bryan has a smile on his face.

Bryan Danielson- Are you two supposed to be the knight and shining armor? Are you two supposed to scare us?

Dean Ambrose steps forward and smiles in the faces of The Hooligans.

Dean Ambrose- They call you two The Hooligans. At one point, the whole world drooled over your talents. Do you know what Danielson and I am? We're you guys, but better.

Bryan Danielson- I recall the two of you telling The Kid last week that you are not afraid of The Society?

Dean Ambrose- Well, you should be.

The Kid pushes past The Hooligans and he angrily begins looking around at The Society. The Kid begins nodding his head.

The Kid- So the only one who is left scheduled to fight is John Cena, huh? Fine! Here's what I'm going to do. Punk, Joe, Dean, Bryan and AJ.....

Kid pauses, angrily looking in the face of AJ Styles. The Kid takes a deep breath and steps back, smiling.

The Kid- I am banning you all from the arena! RIGHT.... NOW!

The Society is furious. CM Punk calms his men down and gets in the face of The Kid.

CM Punk- Do you really think that we're just going to leave and let a member of The Society stay in this arena alone? Do you know what I am capable of? Did you forget? Do you want another main event ruined? Because I can do that right now! You see, you don't get it, Kid. You think you give all of your wrestlers opportunities. The fact that your small brain actually believes you made AJ Styles is laughable. You walk around here and you try to break us down. The fact is, you can't! There is no breaking The Society! There is no jealousy here! There is only giving! There is only the best! We don't leave any man behind!

The Kid- Well, that's a shame. Because, as the boss, if John Cena leaves, he is forfeiting his match. Therefore, embarrassing himself and I don't like any embarrassments wrestling in my company! If John Cena leaves and refuses to compete, then John Cena will be.... FIRED!

The Kid screams that right in the face of CM Punk. John Cena puts his arm in between The Kid and CM Punk.

John Cena- It's alright. I'll stay.

CM Punk looks over at John Cena, confused. John Cena just nods his head.

John Cena- If you are a member of The Society and you are forced into a situation where you have to take an ass beating, you take it. You take that ass beating and you come marching right back to your men and you hold your head up high and you say, "DO YOU NEED ME TO DO IT, AGAIN?!"

John Cena is fired up and he gets in the face of The Kid.

John Cena- Because THAT is how The Society works.

John Cena walks away from The Kid and nods his head at The Society, before walking away from them. CM Punk watches John Cena walk away and then gives a half smirk to The Kid.

CM Punk- Well, I had a rough night. I lost my Intercontinental Championship. It's a real shame, isn't it, Kid? Isn't it a real shame that I truly have more control over the KWF then you do?

The Kid nods his head, smiling.

CM Punk- Oh yeah and before I go, thanks for the staples.

Punk points to his right eyebrow that has staples in them thanks to The Kid from last week.


CM Punk backs away from The Kid, laughing and he leads the remaining members of The Society down the halls and towards the exit. The Kid stands there with The Hooligans, who will be fighting for the Tag Team Championship later tonight.

End of Part 2.
Episode 6
"The Heart Breaking Gamble"

We return and inside of the ring is Kurt Angle. He has a microphone in his hand and he has a very serious look on his face.

Kurt Angle- Historic moments are made by historic people. I'm Kurt Angle! I'm historic!

Kurt Angle begins walking around the ring, bopping his head to the cheers from the crowd.

Kurt Angle- Randy Orton likes to talk about being the first. He was the first Intercontinental Champion in the KWF. You know why? Because I wasn't in the match! He was the first man to defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Yeah, that's historic, but the only reason he did it first is because I never got the opportunity! You better believe that if I was in a Wrestlemania match with The Undertaker, I would've had him digging his own grave from tapping out so hard!

The crowd is loving Kurt Angle right now. Kurt continues bouncing his head.

Kurt Angle- Oh, it's true! It's damn true!

Kurt finally stops walking around the ring and looks seriously into the crowd.

Kurt Angle- And sure, he was the first ever King Of The Ring, but had I made it to the Finals, if it wasn't for some bogus luck, I would've been walking around with the crown!

Kurt assures the crowd that he means it, by nodding his head at them.

Kurt Angle- Well, guess what? I'm the first ever and still undefeated Iron Man in the KWF! You put any living thing in this ring with me for 60 minutes and I will survive and I will walk out the winner! I am also the first ever KWF Olympic Gold Medalist, who actually won that prize with a broken, freeken neck!

Kurt points at his neck, in case the fans have forgotten. The crowd continues laughing and enjoying the ambition coming from Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle- And now I'm going to add another first ever into the KWF. That's right! I am going to challenge the greatest living wrestler to a match right here, right now!

The crowd erupts in cheers. Kurt Angle nods his head. Kurt looks towards the titantron and begins smiling.

Kurt Angle- You know who you are, so come out here right now!

Nobody is coming out.

Kurt Angle begins nodding his head, with a smile on his face.

Kurt Angle- Fine. I'll come and get you myself.

Kurt snaps in the direction of the referee and points at him.

Kurt Angle- You stay right here!

The referee nods his head as Kurt Angle walks up the ramp, nodding his head. The crowd watches, in anticipation, to see who Kurt Angle is referring to as his opponent. Kurt Angle walks through the curtains and the whole crowd waits.

Seconds pass by and all of a sudden, we hear through the microphone, from behind the curtains....

Kurt Angle- Play my opponents music!

The crowd awaits and....


Walking out through the curtains is....

.... Kurt Angle?

Kurt begins walking down the ramp. His whole facial expression has changed as he now has a stern look on his face. He walks down the ramp, looking straight into the ring, while speaking into the microphone.

Kurt Angle- Oh, you're calling me out?! You want a piece of me?! You want a piece of the greatest wrestler dead or alive?! You want a piece of Kurt Angle?! Well, here I come!

Kurt Angle slides into the ring and walks right up to the referee. Kurt points towards the bell man and calmly speaks into the microphone.

Kurt Angle- Ring the bell.

The referee looks over at Kurt Angle, shrugging in confusion. Kurt Angle's eyes open wide and he shouts into the microphone.

Kurt Angle- I said.... RING THE BELL!

The referee freaks out and calls for the bell. This match is officially under way....?


Kurt Angle vs Kurt Angle

The crowd is loving this!

Kurt Angle throws the microphone to the outside of the ring and begins circling the ring, looking at nothing. Kurt charges forward, locking up with thin air. After a few seconds of struggling, Kurt shoves off. Kurt begins smiling and nodding his head. Kurt then throws an arm into the air, challenging the thin air to a battle of strength. Apparently, it grabbed on and Kurt lifts his second arm up and locks two arms. Kurt shows a struggle and falls down to a knee. His back begins bending back and all of a sudden, he is down to both knees. Kurt begins shaking his head, resisting the pain.

All of a sudden, Kurt begins pushing his way up. Kurt grits his teeth as he pushes himself up to his feet. Finally, Kurt reaches his feet and he begins kicking away at the thin air. One arm frees up and after another kick, the other arm frees up. Kurt hugs the thin air and then gives it a belly to belly suplex! Kurt is fired up as he charges with a clothesline. Kurt waves his hands, telling the thin air to get up and boom, another clothesline! Kurt Angle is fired up and he grabs the thin air and ANGLE SLAM!

The crowd erupts in cheers and laughter. Kurt Angle is fired up and he leaps up to his feet and pulls down his straps, shaking his head from side to side, screaming. The head of Kurt Angle is beat red and veins are coming out through his neck. This man has lost it.

Kurt Angle continues to show his mental difficiencies as he walks over to the turnbuckle and begins climbing to the top. When Kurt reaches the middle, he begins nodding his head at the cheering crowd. The crowd is on their feet as they are waiting to snap a picture of the flying Olympic Hero. Kurt reaches the top and he makes everyones picture a reality as he comes flying off with a MOONSAULT!


Kurt Angle bounces off the mat and lays there, flat on his stomach. He begins favoring his stomach as it seems he knocked the wind out of himself. The crowd is cheering, though, but Kurt is down.

Slowly, Kurt Angle begins pushing himself up to all fours, but that's when the cheers stop. Silence fills the arena. All you can hear is a hissing noise and....

.... PUNT!
No Contest

The crowd watches, in disbelief.

Kurt Angle lays flat on his face, knocked out. Standing above him is none other then The Viper, Randy Orton!

Randy Orton smiles down at Kurt Angle, before slowly slithering his way backwards. He reaches the ropes and leaves the ring. It seems like the weeks of partnership, bragging and frustrations have finally come to a crash. Fight club has ended. Kurt Angle is unconscious. The Viper has struck!


Jeri-Storm (C) vs The Hooligans

The Hooligans make their way out first to an ovation from the crowd. However, when the Tag Team Champions come out, the crowd goes absolutely insane. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm were the odd couple turned Tag Team Champions and here they come for another title defense.

The match starts off with Chris Jericho and Paul London. The two men circle the ring and quickly lock up. London sneaks under arms of Jericho and gives Jericho a knee to the lower back, before charging at the ropes and coming back with a jumping, spinning heel kick right to the face. Y2J collapses onto his back and Paul London has taken the opening control.

As the match progresses, the two legal men are Bryan Kendrick and Lance Storm. Both men are down after a double, diving clothesline and both men are trying to crawl to their corners. Lance Storm gets feet away when all of a sudden....

.... Chris Jericho is pulled off the apron! A man in all black then takes Chris Jericho down and pulls him under the ring. Lance Storm looks up, in confusion. A tag is made on the other side and the crowd watches on, confused.

Lance Storm slowly pulls himself up to his feet, using the ropes and he begins looking around on the outside of the ring. Paul London sneaks up behind Lance Storm and rolls him up from behind!


- E!
Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions- The Hooligans

The crowd is in disbelief, but they cheer, anyways. The Hooligans are still a fan favorite and now they are the NEW Tag Team Champions!

Paul London quickly rolls to the outside of the ring and grabs the Tag Team Championship belts and runs over to Brian Kendrick. Paul grabs Brian and helps him up to his feet and hands him his title. The two men give each other a quick hug, before running up the ramp. Making sure nobody can take their titles away from them tonight. All of a sudden....



The crowd waits, nervously. All of a sudden, the familiar sounds of wings flapping in the arena is heard. The echoes get louder and all of a sudden, we hear....

.... CAW!

The shriek of the crow is heard and now it's all, but said who is about to show.


The sight of the crows are the first thing visible as they fly in a circular motion around the ring, one after the other.

There's Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler holding Lance Storm down on his knees, by both shoulders. Standing in front of them is Sting!

Sting looks down into the face of Lance Storm. The red, white and black face paint on Sting help show the agony this man lives with inside.

Sting- I failed.

Sting angrily pulls the microphone from his mouth and takes a deep, relaxing breath. He then continues speaking.

Sting- Not too long ago, I failed the crows and I failed my purpose. What is my purpose? My purpose is to make sure the crows take over the world. Earth already belongs to us. We want hell.

Sting blankly looks down at Lance Storm.

Sting- What is your purpose? Your purpose is to go and get me there.

Lance looks up, confused.

Sting- I want something and you want something. Am I not right? Do you not want to ever see your friend, Chris Jericho, again?

Lance Storm looks up at Sting and tries to push himself up to his feet, before Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler slam him down to his knees, again.

Sting- You get me what I want and I will give you your friend back. If you don't, you will never see your friend, again.

Lance Storm is angry, but has nowhere to go as he is being held down.

Sting- What do I want?

Sting begins walking back and forth, still right in front of Lance Storm. He holds his bat in his other hand as his jacket slides on the mat. He finally stops walking and he looks directly at Lance Storm.


The crowd erupts in cheers. Lance Storm looks up, in disbelief.

Sting- I was supposed to defeat him at Wrestlemania 3, but I didn't. I failed The Nest once, but I will not fail, again! I want my rematch! I want the Dead Man! You, Lance Storm....

Sting points the bat right into the forehead of Lance Storm, lightly pushing it against the skin.

Sting- .... will bring me The Undertaker.

Sting slowly begins pulling the bat away from the face of Lance Storm, before calmly speaking into the microphone.

Sting- Or the crows.... will.... feast.

Sting points the bat up at the flying crows in the arena and....


The flapping of the wings ends and the lights come back on. Still on his knees is Lance Storm, but he has nobody around him. He quickly leaps to his feet and begins looking around the ring, hoping to find his friend. There is nobody there.

The Crows Nest are holding Chris Jericho hostage. They want Lance Storm to bring them The Undertaker!

End of Part 3.
Episode 6
"The Heart Breaking Gamble"

The cameras are in the back where we see The Hooligans running down the halls. They both hold their Tag Team titles and run over to the office of The Kid.

Before they could walk in, the door opens and out comes The Kid. He looks over at them with a smile on his face.

The Kid- New Tag Team champs, huh?

Paul London- Yeah, man! I told you to give us the title shot!

Brian Kendrick- We're now two time KWF Tag Team Champions! Yeah!

The Kid nods his head, smiling. The Kid is in his referee shirt, as he is ready to referee the main event.

The Kid- Impressive.

Paul London- Yeah and we're going to hold these Tag Team titles for a long time!

Brian Kendrick- That's right!

The Kid is no longer smiling. He now has a serious look on his face as he looks over at the new Tag Team Champions.

The Kid- Good, I hope so. Next week, you'll be defending them. Since Chris Jericho is missing, I have to find someone else to fight for those titles.

The Kid pauses, thinking. He then seems to come up with an idea as he raises a finger and begins speaking.

The Kid- We got a team returning next week and I'm giving them a title shot. It'll be The Hooligans defending their Tag Team Championships against Carlito and Primo, The Colon Brothers!

The Hooligans nod their heads, ready to defend their titles.

Paul London- We got this.

The Kid- Good.

Bryan Kendrick- Yeah, we're going to win!

The Kid- Good.



The Kid nods his head, smiling. The Hooligans run off with their Tag Team Championships and The Kid begins walking down the halls. He is ready to referee the main event of the night.

It will be Shawn Michaels going one on one against the only member of The Society that is still in this arena, John Cena! The winner will face CM Punk for the KWF World Championship in the main event of Summerslam! That match is next!


Shawn Michaels vs John Cena

The Kid makes his way out first to a huge ovation from the crowd. He is then followed by the first competitor of this match and it's Shawn Michaels. He comes out to an ovation as he makes his way down the ramp. He looks over at The Kid, not trusting him. The Kid just smiles at him. John Cena makes his way out next to huge boos from the crowd. He turned his back royally on the KWF for The Society and the fans are not letting him forget that. He gets into the ring and he looks ready to take a beating. The Kid calls for the bell and this match is officially under way.

The two men circle the ring and lock up. John Cena quickly uses his power to slam Shawn Michaels into the turnbuckle. HBK holds onto John Cena and begins yelling at The Kid to break it up. The Kid does so as he gets in the middle of the two men. The Kid shoves John Cena backwards and that gets a laugh out of John Cena. He knows that this is all a set up to get revenge on him for joining The Society and he is just testing it out. He knows he is in for an unfair beating, but he is willing to take it for The Society.

As the match continues, both men have taken it to the outside. The Kid allows it as the action begins going up the ramp. Both men are born winners and just want to win this match. Neither man is giving up as they continue to pound away at each other, forcing them all the way up the ramp. At the top of the ramp, Shawn Michaels goes for an out of nowhere Sweet Chin Mus-

- NO!

John Cena ducks!

John Cena grabs HBK from behind and suplexes him, back first, right onto the steel ramp floor. HBK lets out a scream as John Cena pulls himself up to his feet. The Kid points down at John Cena and tells him to go down and pin him. John Cena, cautiously looks over at The Kid, before going down and hooking the leg of Shawn Michaels. The Kid....

.... begins laughing?!

He laughs in the face of John Cena, for thinking he is going to get a pin fall counted by him. John Cena gets up to his feet and angrily walks over to The Kid. John Cena gets in the face of The Kid and they begin screaming in each others face. From behind, HBK comes forward and....




The Kid collapses onto his back, as John Cena must've had eyes behind his head as he ducked right in time. The referee is out cold and this match is over.


John Cena spins Shawn Michaels around, lifts him onto his shoulders and F-U! The body of Shawn Michaels bounces hard off the ring apron. The bell has rung as The Kid is out cold.

John Cena looks down at Shawn Michaels and does the "YOU CAN'T SEE ME" hand motion. John Cena goes to walk away, but stops himself. A smile appears across the face of John Cena as he looks over at the edge of the ramp. He begins nodding his head and quickly walks over to Shawn Michaels and lifts him up to his feet. John Cena throws the body of Shawn Michaels onto his shoulders like he is a rag doll. John Cena walks over to the edge of the ramp and smiles at the crowd. He is ready to throw Shawn Michaels off. John Cena turns around to look in the direction of The Kid, but all of a sudden, he lets Shawn Michaels go off of his shoulders, HBK hits the ramp hard and charging at John Cena like an unstoppable force is....

.... GORE!


The crowd erupts in cheers! Rhyno has come back for some revenge and he has just GORED John Cena off of the stage!

Both men go crashing through several, filled tables. Television wires are everywhere, television screens have cracked. All hell has broken loose!

Shawn Michaels slowly pushes himself up to his feet on the top of the ramp. He looks behind him and sees The Kid is knocked unconscious still. He looks off of the stage and sees Rhyno and John Cena destroyed in a mess of tables. Shawn Michaels nods his head and....


Shawn Michaels connects on the lifeless bodies of Rhyno and John Cena! A heartbreaking, body shattering gamble! Las Vegas, Nevada has gone crazy! Mayhem everywhere!

The Kid is unconscious on the top of the stage. Shawn Michaels, Rhyno and John Cena are all out cold in a mess of tables, wires and television sets! All hell has broken loose in the KWF!

The sixth episode of the season comes to an end with the last scene being the carnage of destroyed bodies.

End Show.
  • Hello again Kid! Glad to see you are back with your Episode Six of KWF. I believe I reviewed Episode 5 a while back and it was rather good so I'm in for a treat here. Let us begin shall we?
  • Ok firstly I really like the title of "The Heart Breaking Gamble" I'm going to make a prediction and say that Heart means it is something to do with Shawn Michaels and Gamble means it is something to do with putting something on the line. I wonder if Shawn is going to put his career on the line?
  • Nice opening from Punk singing the praises of the Sociaty until Shawn Michaels comes out. Like how HBK isn't going to join the Sociaty because I think they don't need another member and HBK is better on his own. Like how they all have similar adjenders, they all hate the Kid and want him gone. So Shawn Michaels will go one on one with John Cena? Cant wait to read that match. It could go for an hour maybe longer. Not really sure about all the Dinosaw and Lava talk but it's all good. Wow. So now it is Shawn Michaels v. John Cena v. Kid?
  • Liked how you booked Muhammad Hassan here. Nice promo to get him over in the arena as heel and it was also a good match up that he had with Mr SOS himself, Kofi Kingston. God, I really don't like him or his gimmick but hopefully you can make it better and more interesting.
  • Liked the whole deal with AJ Styles and Michael Cole backstage. Styles seems to have a good element of confidence about himself which can only be a good thing. I'm expecting an instant classic here. Wait a minute, AJ Styles has just joined the sociaty? What better way to join someone then taking their championship belt of them. That seems legit.
  • I find it really interesting where you take this Nation of Domination/Kofi Kingston deal. It could be rather interesting. Honestly not sure if Kofi is legit about being in the Nation.
  • Liked the whole thing with AJ/Punk and Kid. That slap was good. Like an authourity figure who will get serious and violent if needs be. Not really sure where your going with Brian Kendrick and Paul London. Wow, everyone is barred from the arena? I sence the Sociaty is going to get back in before the end of the night.
  • So was Kurt Angle just their and both men were Kurt or was their Kurt and a Kurt impersonator. I really don't understand that at all. Liked the punt kick from Orton but I'm not sure which Kurt Angle he went for either...
  • Nice little tag team match too for the titles. Had a feeling Kid's henchmen would win the titles. Also just a small thing you called him Bryan Kendrick. Not sure if that is how you say it but it is Brian Kendrick. Like I sometimes change the spelling of the wrestlers too like I spell them Seth Rollings instead of Seth Rollins.
  • I still don't get what is going on with Sting. Don't understand his charactor. No offence but don't you think you have alot of stables? The Sociaty, Nation of Domination, Kid and Hooligans and Sting, Ziggler and Kennedy? Should be good to see Lance bring Undertaker to them to save Chris Jericho. Nice bit of story telling their.
  • Hmm, the Kid is referee? I must have read it wrong thought he was in the match. Not really sure how I feel with two no contests in the show tonight. And GORE! Like to see how Rhyno fits in with everything. Maybe Rhyno will join Brian Kendrick, Paul London and The Kid to feud with The Sociaty? Also who gets the title shot now? I'm thinking five way? Punk v. Cena v. HBK v. Kid v. Rhyno?
  • Nice show once again. Really enjoyed your story telling. Your matches seemed much better this week especially the HBK v. Cena match up. Nice job and liked the cliff hanger ending too as we now have many questions leading into next weeks show and many people will read to see the answers. Good job.
Episode 7
"Jack. Rob. Sin."


Who is the #1 contender?:
- The Kid promised that there would be a contract signing on the 7th episode in Los Angeles, California. However, when the KWF left Las Vegas, there was no winner standing. There was nobody standing. Shawn Michaels accidentally knocked The Kid out cold for a second time this season with the Sweet Chin Music. Then Rhyno GORED John Cena off of the stage. When Shawn Michaels saw the atmosphere, he decided to join the frenzy by flying off the stage with a flying elbow drop onto both Rhyno and John Cena. One week removed from mayhem, who will KWF World Champion, CM Punk be signing the contract with to face in the season finale of Summerslam?

The Society's Phenomenal One:
- Although John Cena was left in the arena alone and suffered a GORE off of the stage, The Society didn't walk out losers. The Society walked out with a new member and that member walked out the NEW Intercontinental Champion. For a second week in a row, CM Punk was made to defend one of his two titles. After succesfully defending his KWF World Championship against The Kid the week prior, CM Punk was slated to defend his Intercontinental Championship against AJ Styles. The Phenomenal One defeated Kofi Kingston in a 3 week "Best of 3" to earn the title shot. What he did next was simply.... phenomenal. AJ Styles and CM Punk had a stare down that ended with CM Punk laying down for AJ Styles to make the cover. There was no finger poke of doom, but it was just as embarassing for The Kid. CM Punk basically handed the Intercontinental Championship over to AJ Styles and The Phenomenal One joined The Society. The group now holds 6 men, 2 of them champions. It seems that no matter what The Kid does to destroy The Society, they find another way to remain on top. What's in store for The Society in California?

The Crows Feast:
- The Crows Nest, led by Sting and including the duo of Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler continued to feast. After sacrificing The Hardy Boyz to the crows, they have come back for revenge on Jeri-Storm. Lance Storm lost more then just his Tag Team Championships in Episode 6, but he lost his tag team partner. The Nest came and they snatched Chris Jericho and that was the last anyone has seen from him. Sting made it clear to Lance Storm. If Lance wants Jericho released, Lance must bring Sting what he wants. What does Sting want? Revenge from Wrestlemania 3. Who does Sting want? The Undertaker! Can Lance Storm bring out the dead for Sting or will Chris Jericho face the same demise as The Hardy Boyz did?

The Nations Paradise:
- One week removed from taking out Booker T and two weeks removed from taking out Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke and his Nation Of Domination gave another man an opportunity. That man being Kofi Kingston. Down from another defeat, this time in the hands of Muhammad Hassan, they offered Kofi Kingston an opportunity. The opportunity to join the same group he attempted to revive in the KWF. The same group that was ripped away from him by Shelton Benjamin. Knowing about his losing streak and knowing what The Nation has done so far, he knew his only opportunity at walking away from this was accepting. So he did. Kofi Kingston has joined The Nation Of Domination and the group now consists of six men. Elijah Burke, the leader. Mark Henry, the guard. MVP, the baller. Monty Brown, the beast. R-Truth, the hype. Now, Kofi Kingston, the high flyer. With the movement beginning to take form, what will be next for The Nation Of Domination?

The Golden Sheiks Invitations:
- After inviting the world to come watch the inaguration of "The Golden Sheik", Muhammad Hassan has taken to inviting any opponent from the back to come face him inside of the ring. Two weeks in a row he has fought a surprise to himself and two weeks in a row, he has succesfully defeated his opponent. No cheating, just dominance. Muhammad Hassan vows to continue doing so and continue to make any human being that doubts his rightful place as the Sheik of Wrestling pay the consequences. What man will come out to face The Sheik next?

Iron Man, The Viper, Fight Club:
- Kurt Angle's obsession to be the best wrestler on the planet took a twisted turn last week. He vowed to challenge the greatest wrestler alive to a one on one match in the ring and to everyones surprise, he fought.... himself. The crowd was eating it up as Kurt Angle tested a battle of strength with the thin air and even hit his Angle Slam. He ended up knocking the wind out of himself when he flew off the top turnbuckle with the moonsault. That's when the weeks of mistrust and bragging came to a hissing blow. As Kurt Angle was recovering on all fours, Randy Orton snuck into the ring and knocked his lights out with the Punt. The crowd was stunned. Kurt Angle was right all alone. You never trust a snake. Randy Orton proved it. What will these two men do next to prove their worth over the other in the KWF? Each man has done so much in the KWF, but neither man has ever faced each other. The heat finally got hot enough and turned into fire, but how will this wildfire come to an end?

The NEW Tag Team Champions:
- The Hooligans picked up what may be considered a fluke victory as they caught Lance Storm off guard as he was looking for his then kidnapped partner. However, The Hooligans have promised their loyalty over to The Kid and were given a title shot. The Kid wants them to prove themselves as Tag Team Champions before he can fully trust them in this battle against The Society. Their first title defense will be against the returning Colon Brothers. Carlito has been a member of the KWF from the beginning and he is bringing his younger brother with him. Who will walk out the Tag Team Champions?

Episode 7
"Jack. Rob. Sin."



The crowd erupts in cheers as The Kid comes through the curtains with a smile on his face. Following him is The Man Beast, Rhyno. The Kid makes his way all the way down the ramp and enters the ring. Rhyno follows. He has a microphone in his hand and he begins speaking.

The Kid- Los Angeles, California!

The crowd cheers. The Kid nods his head with a huge smile on his face.

The Kid- Last week, I said that there would be a contract signing tonight. Then a few things happened. Shawn Michaels once again hit me with a tune. Then The Man Beast himself, this man standing right beside me....

Rhyno growls through the crowd, showing his state of mind. The Kid taps him on his back, smiling.

The Kid- .... he GORED John Cena right off of that stage. Then to put the icing on the cake, Shawn Michaels decided to jump off the stage with his showstopping elbow drop!

The Kid mocks Shawn Michaels, by exaggerating his voice.

The Kid- Pretty much, there was no winner. Therefore, there is no number one contender.

The crowd boos a little bit as The Kid shrugs.

The Kid- So what am I going to do? Well, I was thinking....




The crowd erupts in boos and coming from the back is CM Punk! He is followed out by the Intercontinental Champion, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose! CM Punk has a smile on his face and a microphone in his hand as they stand at the top of the ramp.

CM Punk- What is The Kid going to do? That is the question! Well, I have a few ideas. My first idea and this is very typical of you, so this is my strongest hunch. However, I think you are going to stand in that ring and make your major announcement that at Summerslam, CM Punk will be defending his KWF World Championship against none other than The Kid!

CM Punk begins laughing.

CM Punk- You are a typical, egotistical child! You know what? That's the only answer I have! You are that obvious. You are that eager to get back into the ring with me and....

The Kid- SHUT UP!

The crowd cheers as CM Punk stops, in shock. CM Punk stares into the ring at The Kid.

The Kid- You see, there will be a contract signing tonight. However, I don't know who the number one contender will be. So what I am going to do is make tonights main event, yet another number one contenders match. It will be a match between two former KWF World Champions! It will be Randy Orton going one on one against Shawn Michaels!

The crowd erupts in cheers. The Kid nods his head with a smile on his face.

The Kid- As soon as that match is over, you and I will go down to the ring and we will finalize the contract signing for the main event of Summerslam!

CM Punk nods his head, showing no sign of fright.

The Kid- But that's not all! Last week was a wild night! Last week, we had two title defenses and two title changes! Tonight, The Hooligans will be defending their Tag Team Championships against The Colon Brothers, but I want another title match! So I was thinking who better then the man who won the titles last week, who better then the Phenomenal One?! Who better then AJ Styles?!

The crowd erupts in cheers. AJ Styles remains under his hood, title wrapped around his waist as he looks up the ramp and into the ring at The Kid. No intimidation shown from AJ Styles.

The Kid- So AJ Styles, my boy, you will be defending your Intercontinental Championship against.... RHYNO!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Rhyno walks over to the ropes and gives it a huge shake. Rhyno is fired up. AJ Styles continues to look up the ramp, still showing no fear. A code The Society lives by.

The Kid- As a matter of fact, that match will be starting.... RIGHT NOW!

The crowd erupts in cheers. CM Punk begins laughing. He steps ahead of his group and begins pointing in the ring at The Kid, laughing.

CM Punk- You want this match to start right now? Ha! Kid, you really couldn't find better timing. Sometimes you make The Society look good without us even trying. Go ahead, Kid. Ring the bell! Let's make this match a No Disqualifications match! No holds barred! Come on, Kid! RING.... THE....

CM Punk stops and smiles. The crowd goes silent and CM Punk mutters these final words.

CM Punk- .... BYE!

John Cena turns Rhyno around and lifts him up into the air and F-U!

The crowd erupts in boos as the body of Rhyno bounces off the mat. John Cena looks at The Kid and The Kid stops in his tracks. The two men have a stare down. John Cena shows only rage in his face and The Kid cracks a smile. He doesn't move and relaxes his body. He holds the microphone to his mouth and smiles.

The Kid- Do you think I'm afraid of you?

John Cena keeps his eyes locked in the eyes of The Kid. The Doctor Of Thuganomics inches closer and The Kid speaks.

The Kid- Do it.

Without hesitation, John Cena grabs The Kid and lifts him onto his shoulders. John Cena walks around the ring with The Kid on his shoulders, veins popping out of his head. John Cena is angry and hungry and....

.... F-U!

The body of The Kid bounces and lands right besides the body of Rhyno. John Cena has taken both men out and stands inside of the ring. John Cena picks up the microphone that The Kid dropped and raises it to his mouth. John Cena is amped up and he looks up the ramp at his fellow members of The Society.


Referencing the ass beating he took last week, John Cena reports back to duty, as he promised. CM Punk drops the microphone at the top of the stage and smiles as he proudly watches another excellent performance from a member of The Society.

The Kid and Rhyno are laid out, inside of the ring. Rhyno has rolled over to his side and begins checking on The Kid as John Cena marches up the ramp over to the rest of the members of The Society. Mission accomplished.


The Golden Sheik, Muhammad Hassan, stands inside of the ring. Besides him stands Daivari and The Great Khali.

Muhammad Hassan- Winner. Wisdom. Leader. Power. Those four words best describe the man you are looking at. The Golden Sheik, Muhammad Hassan!

The crowd erupts in boos. Muhammad Hassan disgustingly looks up at the crowd and shakes his head. The Golden Sheik is not done and he speaks, again.

Muhammad Hassan- Filth. Disease. Corruption. Worthless. Those four words best describe what The Golden Sheik has to look at, the city of Los Angeles!

That brings more boos from the crowd. Muhammad Hassan spits on the mat, disgusted.

Muhammad Hassan- You dare boo me? You add more words to the definition of this city. Delusional. Ignorant. Flat out stupid!

The crowd continues to rain down the heat. Muhammad Hassan's eyes open wide and he screams into the microphone.

Muhammad Hassan- SILENCE!

The crowd refuses to take orders from this Sheik as they boo even louder. Muhammad Hassan begins looking around at the crowd, in disbelief at the lack of respect he is receiving. Daivari quickly jumps at the microphone and begins screaming into it.


That gets more heat from the crowd, but Muhammad Hassan has had enough. He waves his hand at Daivari to relax. The Great Khali grunts at the crowd.

Muhammad Hassan- Fine! For two weeks, I have proven that I am the best Sheik to ever grace this ring. I have won two straight and there has been nothing, but dominance in both! However, I will NOT do it, again!

The crowd is stunned by this.

Muhammad Hassan- No! Not for Los Angeles! Not for the disrespect I have received since I walked through those curtains! No! However, I will be watching! I will be watching my body guard, The Great Khali, go in action! That's right!

The crowd actually seems curious about watching this giant go in action for his first time in a KWF ring. Muhammad Hassan grins at his giant body guard.

Muhammad Hassan- So this is an open challenge to any man in the back right now who dare step into the ring and fight this monster! Show some respect for yourself as a human being and step through those curtains and for once in your lives, prove yourself worthy of walking on the same grounds as The Golden Sheik!

The crowd erupts in boos as Muhammad Hassan sits there, smiling. Daivari slaps on the back of The Great Khali, who is grunting and looking up the ramp to see who will be brave enough to accept this challenge. Daivari is excited as he laughs, while slapping the back of the giant.

Muhammad Hassan begins laughing. Obviously, nobody is coming out to accept the challenge.

Muhammad Hassan- I did not think so. Los Angeles, I bid you farewell and I....


The crowd erupts in cheers and coming from the back is none other then Goldust! He stands at the top of the ramp and has a pleased smile on his face.

Goldust- Hello, Sheik.

The disturbing voice from Goldust is enough to make Muhammad Hassan's face turn into disgust.

Goldust- I apologize, but I will not be the man that goes into that ring to face The Great Khali. No. I have never really been a fan of men that are taller then me.

Muhammad Hassan looks like he is going to puke. He angrily raises the microphone up to his mouth.

Muhammad Hassan- How dare you speak that way in front of The Golden Sheik? You have insulted me!

Goldust- Oh, I do apologize. Don't take it the wrong way. I meant no disrespect. As a matter of fact, it was actually going to lead to a compliment. You see, Muhammad, I am a huge fan, a groupie you can say of.... gold.

Goldust pauses and seductively looks up the ramp and into the ring at Muhammad Hassan.

Goldust- Golden Sheik.

The seductiveness reaches an all time high and Muhammad Hassan is enraged.

Muhammad Hassan- HOW.... DARE.... YOU?!

Goldust- You get insulted when the crowd boos you and you get insulted when you are complimented. Well, Sheik, this may insult you, too. I do have a man who will go into that ring and defeat The Great Khali and that man is a man I took under my wing. Ladies and gentlemen.... DASHING.... CODY RHODES!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Cody Rhodes comes from the back. He sports a huge smile on his face and a mustache on his upper lip. Goldust nods his head at his brother, the brother he took under his wing after a bet.

Goldust- Prepare to never forget the name of Cody.... RHODES!

Goldust walks Cody Rhodes up the ramp. Muhammad Hassan is furious and he begins shouting orders at The Great Khali. Destroy Cody.


The Great Khali vs Cody Rhodes
The crowd is completely behind Cody Rhodes as he speeds across the ring. The Great Khali slowly walks around, stalking Cody. Cody has a huge grin on his face as the crowd begins chanting his name. That fires the Dashing One up and he charges at the direction of The Great Khali and....


Cody Rhodes collapses onto his back, spread eagle. The chants stop. The crowd goes silent.

Muhammad Hassan laughs from the outside of the ring with Daivari as they watch The Great Khali put one foot over the chest of Cody Rhodes for the standing pin and the win!
Winner- The Great Khali

The crowd remains silent as Muhammad Hassan laughs and walks into the ring to celebrate with The Great Khali. Goldust reaches into the ring and slides his brother out and places him on his shoulder. Cody Rhodes is knocked unconscious and Goldust is barely holding up all the body weight. Muhammad Hassan turns his attention over to the two men and laughs. Muhammad Hassan has proven a joke of Goldust and Cody Rhodes thanks to the one hit knock out by his body guard, The Great Khali.

What a debut.



A church is shown. Inside is colored all white and a priest stands at the top of the stage, in front of a podium. He looks down so all we see is the top of his head. The back of heads are shown sitting alongside the benches as the distant view is being shown. The priest begins to speak.

Priest- We all sit in the house of God and we all imagine what his home looks like. What is the sight of heaven? That is the beauty that keeps us going. That is the magical thought that keeps the human race patiently waiting. It brings fear to some, but God does not want you to fear! God wants you to await! God wants you to live life to your highest potential until the day that you walk through the gates where God awaits!

The priest continues to look down as we only see the sight of his white hair.

Priest- Heaven awaits all who do not sin. God forgives those who do sin, promising that each human being belongs up there, besides him! We were all born equally and we shall all be treated equally at the end!

All of a sudden, a frightening, stretched out voice is heard.


At the back of the church, we see two large men standing on each side of a rocking chair. In that rocking chair is a smiling, bearded man. He wears a hat. As for the others? One man with long black hair and a big black beard. The other man with a sheep mask on his face.

????- My name is Bray Wyatt! These are my brothers, Luke and Erick.

Bray points to each man, smiling.

He slowly gets himself off of the rocking chair and looks up at the direction of the priest on the podium. The priest continues to look down. Bray Wyatt continues to speak.

Bray Wyatt- This is all a lie! There are some who shall not pass! There are some that have sinned far too much for far too long! But why must there be judgement? Why shall they judge what they don't understand?

Bray Wyatt begins laughing.

Bray Wyatt- Heaven is a place that the world has been made to believe is real. A place that promises glory and peace. A place that was made up to get fear out of human beings. The fear of death is shadowed by the promise of heaven! You want to know a secret?

The psychotic eyes begin gleaming on Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt- There aint no heaven, man.

Bray Wyatt begins hysterically laughing.

Bray Wyatt- All these lies you have been fed on what to fear and what not to fear will all be exposed. There are only certain things that are true in this world. Fear is one of them. We are walking, talking, breathing, living examples of fear! We shall destroy all the lies and we shall show the world the definition of fear! We are The Wyatt Family and we shall guide this dying breed of the human race to the truth! In order to find the truth, one must kill the lies that shadow the truth!

Bray Wyatt is extremely into this, meaning every word that comes out of his mouth. Strands of his long hair begin covering his face. Bray Wyatt throws his arms out to the side with a huge smile on his face.

Bray Wyatt- We shall do just that! It starts now!

The priest finally lifts his head up. His face is shown and it is a gruesome sight. It is filled with stitches, fresh wounds and scars.

The camera gets behind him as we see a better shot of the church. The three men stand tall in a room surrounded with seated....


The priest speaks.

Priest- Follow the buzzards.

Bray Wyatt begins laughing as he leads hie men out of the church. It is pitch black outside besides an oil lamp. Bray Wyatt reaches over and pulls the oil lamp off its ledge and holds it. He looks over and walking towards them is....

.... KANE!

Bray Wyatt smiles at Kane and Kane looks over at the church, slowly rises his arms up into the air and ferociously slams them down and....


Bray Wyatt smiles as he watches the lie of the church burn down. He turns around and smiles at the camera. The three men get behind him and look straight into the darkness with the fire burning behind them.

Bray Wyatt leads Kane, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan through the dark woods, with their only light being the oil lamp. Bray Wyatt laughs as the camera zooms in onto his face where he whispers.

Bray Wyatt- We're coming.


Bray Wyatt blows out the oil lamp and complete darkness fills the woods.

The Wyatt Family is coming.

End of Part 1.
Episode 7
"Jack. Rob. Sin."

The cameras are in the back where we see Cody Rhodes sitting on a chair. Cody looks up and you can see the frustration on his face. Goldust walks back and forth, delighted. He looks up at the ceiling and raises his arms, mesmerized as he speaks to Cody.

Goldust- Did you see the lights? Did you hear the crowd? Did you hearing them cheering? Chanting! Cody, Cody, Cody, it was beautiful!

Goldust leaves his mesmerized state of the ceiling and his vision. Goldust thrusts over and grabs Cody by the shoulders, looking him directly in his eyes, inches away from his face. Goldust deeply and creepily whispers.

Goldust- Did you FEEL it?

Cody pulls away from Goldust and gets off of the chair and steps away from his deranged brother.

Cody Rhodes- Yeah, it was nice and all, but I lost.

Goldust once again thrusts towards his brother and grabs him by the shoulders. He stands side by side with Cody and begins pointing up into thin air, explaining his vision for Cody to visualize.

Goldust- It's the beginning of the movie! The credits roll! The young, dashing man known as Cody Rhodes has had a tough road in the wrestling business. He's a family member of one of the greatest names in wrestling history, the youngest of the Rhodes! His father was one of the greatest entertainers in wrestling history! He was The American Dream and he was once even a bumblebee!

Cody looks up at the dazed off Goldust, with a confused look. Goldust is in his own world.

Goldust- His elder brother, a man who has taken over the wrestling business since he stepped foot through those curtains. The man with the wig, the man in gold, the man with multiple shattered dreams films! The man who is the owner of Shattered Dreams Production, the man. The icon. You will never forget the name.... *CRUNCH* .... GOLDUST!

Goldust takes it all in, taking a deep breath. Cody is obviously confused by this. Goldust finally pulls away from his daze and begins talking with a much lower and much more serious tone.

Goldust- But what about Cody Rhodes? Will he continue to be a failure to the name, a man who goes deranged by the sound of his own name. A man who knows he could never live up to expectations! Or does he become dashing? Does Cody Rhodes become the greatest story in Shattered Dreams history?

Goldust breathes in a slow, deep breath and finishes off with.

Goldust- It should be a masterpiece!

Goldust looks off into the air, in imagination land. Cody looks over at Goldust, confused.


The Hooligans (C) vs The Colon Brothers

The match started off with Paul London and Carlito. Carlito is making his return to the KWF tonight and he comes with his younger brother. Paul London is here on his second title reign and ready to have his first title defense be a successful one.

Carlito charges at London and the two lock up. Bad move for London as Carlito quickly powers him over to his corner and begins kneeing away at London. Eventually, London loses his grip and Carlito begins hammering away at him with forearm shots to the face and chin. Carlito quickly tags Primo in and Primo gets in and takes a few steps back. Carlito steps away and Primo charges forward with a huge splash into the turnbuckle. Primo pulls away and London stumbles forward and Carlito sends him down with a spinning neck breaker. Carlito is forced out of the ring by the referee and Primo quickly dives on top of London, hooking the leg for the quick pin!





Primo is quick to his feet, though and the early advantage remains on the side of The Colon Brothers.

As the match progresses, Carlito is back to being the legal man and Paul London is still in the match. Carlito is in full control as he gives Paul London an Irish Whip into the turnbuckle. Carlito quickly tags Primo in and then grabs London and gives him an Irish Whip into the ropes. London comes flying back and Primo has now flown into the ring and he dives with a spinning heel kick! London collapses onto his back and Primo signals for the end. He points to the turnbuckle where he quickly charges over and climbs to the top. Primo nods his head at the booing crowd and comes flying off with the....


- NO!


The crowd erupts in cheers as Primo hits the mat hard. Primo begins bouncing around, holding his mid section. Carlito looks on in shock from across the ring as he holds his head. He is in disbelief. Carlito begins extending his arm over the top rope, shouting at Primo to crawl over to him and make the tag.

Inside of the ring, Paul London has begun crawling. Brian Kendrick is fresh and has yet to be involved in this match, physically. Paul London has taken a beating throughout and he is now crawling for the opportunity to make the hot tag.

Both men are close!


Carlito is in!


Brian Kendrick is on the top turnbuckle!

Carlito gets into the ring and can't slow himself down from charging across the ring and Kendrick comes flying off with a diving cross body! The crowd erupts in cheers!

Both men rush to their feet, but Kendrick is just moving too quickly. Drop kick! Arm drag! Hurricanranna pin combo!




Carlito kicks out!

Both men hurry to their feet, Kendrick turns around and....


Carlito cracks Kendrick right in the chin with a huge forearm uppercut. Brian Kendrick is dazed and he spins around. Carlito quickly gets up to his feet and grabs Brian Kendrick from behind and....




Carlito falls onto his back, in shock. Paul London held Brian Kendrick on his feet. Paul London shoves Brian Kendrick out of the way and drills the now sitting up Carlito right in the face with a vicious front kick! Carlito collapses onto his back. Paul London steps away and tells Brian Kendrick to get to the top turnbuckle. Brian stumbles over to the turnbuckle, but quickly gets to the top. The crowd is on their feet cheering and London throws his arms up into the air and his partner, Kendrick comes flying off with a Flying Splash! Brian Kendrick hooks both legs of Carlito for the pin as Paul London counts along with the referee all the way to three!
Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions- The Hooligans


The crowd erupts in cheers as The Hooligans have successfully defended their Tag Team Championships against The Colon Brothers in an excellent match. They are quickly handed their Tag Team titles and they both hold each other up, exhausted from the match they just had. They end up stumbling forward and holding onto the ropes, for balance. They each hold up their title in the air with one hand to the cheers from the crowd. However, the cheers halt at once!

Sneaking up from behind The Hooligans inside of the ring is....

.... Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose!

Bryan Danielson attacks Brian Kendrick from behind and Dean Ambrose attacks Paul London from behind. The Hooligans fall to their knees and Danielson and Ambrose begin pounding away at them. Lefts and rights send The Hooligans down to the mat. The titles fall to the outside of the ring as Danielson and Ambrose continue their assault on the Tag Team Champions.

They pound directly down on their faces. Bare knuckles. Finally they stop and stand The Hooligans to their feet. Bryan Danielson grabs Brian Kendrick by the arm and slams him face first into the mat and locks in the SOCIETY LOCK! If Brian Kendrick was able to move his arm, he would probably be tapping.

Dean Ambrose gets behind Paul London and leaps on his back, swinging his legs around the waist of Paul London and locking in a sleeper hold. A move he calls the DEATH LOCK! Paul London is unable to hold the weight of the monkey like, Dean Ambrose and he quickly falls to his knees and immediately onto his chest. Dean Ambrose creepily smiles as he keeps the choke hold on Paul London.

Two members of The Society have attacked the Tag Team Champions. Another attack on The Kid.

After a few moments, the ring is crowded with KWF officials trying to force the submissions to be undone. The psychotic duo of Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose have locked in their submissions for awhile now and they are refusing to let go. After more moments of struggling, the submissions are undone. More so because Danielson and Ambrose were done then they were forced to be. The two men stand to their feet and look down at the damaged champions, pleased.


The cameras are in the back where we see The Kid angrily looking at the television screen. He is standing with Rhyno. He angrily looks over at Rhyno and begins to speak, angrily.

The Kid- AJ Styles will defend his Intercontinental Championship tonight!

Kid gets right in the face of Rhyno and both men, angrily look at each other as The Kid shouts.


Rhyno lets out a hungry grunt as he bops his head.

The Kid- Next!

Rhyno nods his head and turns around to walk away, but stops when The Kid shouts out.

The Kid- WAIT!

Rhyno turns around and looks over at The Kid.


Kid pauses. A sick, twisted look on his face. He speaks with an equally sinister voice.


Rhyno lets out a huge grunt, like a hungry rhinoceros. Rhyno nods his head and walks out of the office.

The Society is leading, but....

.... The Kid is just getting started.

End of Part 2.
Episode 7
"Jack. Rob. Sin."

AJ Styles vs Rhyno

Rhyno made his way out first to a huge ovation. It has been an hour since he was on the wrong side of an F-U. He looks hungry for some revenge on The Society. AJ Styles comes out next to huge boos from the crowd. He swings his hood off of his head and he points down at his title. He begins nodding his head and he points behind him to show the world that he is doing this by himself. No Society at ring side. Nobody asked him or told him to do it, he's doing it to prove his worthiness in The Society. He enters the ring, but doesn't get a chance to even take off his title as Rhyno charges at him and begins hammering away.

Rhyno pounds Styles into the turnbuckle until Styles falls onto his ass. Rhyno begins kicking away at Styles and then yanks him up to his feet by his hoody. The Intercontinental Championship falls off of the waist of The Phenomenal One. Rhyno lifts Styles into the air and just tosses him across the ring. Styles bounces off the mat and lays on his side. The Phenomenal One begins doing something that could rip him in half, as he begins pushing himself up to his feet. Rhyno is stalking AJ Styles and when AJ Styles reaches his feet, he turns around and sees a charging beast with no brakes coming right at him for the....




AJ Styles dives forward and grabs his Intercontinental Championship and dives out of the ring. Rhyno goes crashing into the turnbuckle post. He had no chance of stopping himself as AJ leaped into the air at the very last second, forcing Rhyno under the legs of The Phenomenal One.

AJ Styles sits on the outside of the ring, holding his championship against his waist, breathing heavily. The referee begins counting AJ Styles out and AJ Styles smiles. He's taking the count out.





Winner by countout- Rhyno; STILL Intercontinental Champion, AJ Styles


The crowd erupts in boos as AJ Styles begins walking up the ramp, smiling and raising his title high into the air. Rhyno is down on one knee inside of the ring, angrily looking up the ramp at AJ Styles. AJ reaches the top and turns around and raises his Intercontinental Championship up, high into the air to the booing crowd. All of a sudden....


The crowd erupts in cheers as AJ Styles drops his title and stumbles forward. The Miz begins pounding away on the back of the head of AJ Styles, forcing The Phenomenal One stumbling down the ramp. Miz grabs Styles half way down the ramp, by the tights and tosses him forward. AJ Styles rolls down the rest of the ramp, each hit off the floor more painful then the prior one.

They reach ringside and The Miz begins stomping away at AJ Styles and then lifts him up to his feet and runs him shoulder first into the fan barricade. AJ bounces off the barricade hard and the crowd is loving it. The crowd erupts in boos and running from the back comes....


The four members of The Society run down the ramp and quickly attack. John Cena and Samoa Joe charge over at The Miz as Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose slide into the ring. Dean Ambrose is the first one to his feet and he walks right into the GORE!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Dean Ambrose is split in half. Bryan Danielson quickly jumps on the back of Rhyno and begins pounding away on him with lefts and rights to the side of the head. John Cena enters the ring and goes over to help Bryan Danielson beat away on Rhyno.

Outside of the ring, Samoa Joe is pounding away on The Miz against the barricade. AJ Styles watches from a knee, as he is still in pain from the beating he just took in the hands of The Miz.

The Society is in complete control until....


The crowd erupts in cheers and coming from the back, steel pipe in hand is the returning Television Champion, Rene Dupree!

He comes charging down the ramp, out for revenge on the group that took him out of action for weeks. Mainly Samoa Joe! The Samoan Soldier does not back down as he charges at the direction of Rene Dupree and....

.... CRACK!


Samoa Joe collapses onto his back from the chair shot to the skull. The crowd has erupted in cheers. The French Phenom charges forward and drills the oncoming AJ Styles right in the mid section with the brim of the steel chair. AJ Styles is bent over and Rene Dupree CRACKS him in the back with a flattening steel chair shot. AJ Styles falls to his knees.

Bryan Danielson sees this from inside of the ring and he comes charging across the ring and dives through the middle rope with a....




Rene Dupree beats Bryan Danielson to the punch and he cracks the flying man right in the skull. Bryan Danielson lays flat on his face on the outside of the ring. Rene Dupree looks into the ring and that's where John Cena awaits him. John Cena begins waving his hands at Rene Dupree to get into the ring. Rene Dupree has an angry look on his face as he heavily breathes watching his final, visible victim. After inching closer to the ring, the angry look on the face of The French Phenom turns into an evil smirk. Rene Dupree points the chair forward and that could only mean one thing with that smirk. John Cena knows it as his eyes open up. John Cena turns around and....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Rhyno, Rene Dupree and The Miz have cleared house.

All three men enter the ring and look around at the destruction they have left behind for The Society.

Dean Ambrose begins crawling to the outside of the ring and he pulls John Cena out with him. Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson begin showing little life on the outside of the ring as all four men begin trying to crawl up the ramp or push themselves up to their feet. All of a sudden, we hear....


The crowd erupts in cheers as a very pleased boss walks out. The Kid stands tall at the top of the ramp with a huge smile on his face and a microphone in hand.

The Kid- Looks like the tables have turned!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

The Kid- So The Society likes to think they're always a step ahead of me, but not this time! Miz, Dupree, welcome back!

The crowd erupts in cheers at the two men returning after being out for weeks from attacks by The Society.

The Kid- So I figured since tonight is the big contract signing night for the main event of Summerslam, why not make a few more announcements? A few more matches! For Summerslam!

The crowd erupts in cheers and The Kid nods his head at the top of the ramp.

The Kid- Tonight I will be finalizing every single title match in the KWF. For example, the man standing inside of that ring right now is a man who is hungry for revenge. A man who came up to me and told me that he wants to defend the title against one man! The man that he knows he can beat! So at Summerslam, Rene Dupree will be defending his Television Championship against the man he beat to get it at Wrestlemania 3, Samoa Joe!

The crowd erupts in cheers at the announcement of that huge match! Two of the strongest, angriest men in the KWF will be squaring off at Summerslam!

The Kid- This one I drew up by myself just moments ago in the back. I figured since I am in an all out war against The Society, I might as well go all in like I always do! Also at Summerslam, The Hooligans will be defending their Tag Team Championships against Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose!

The crowd erupts in cheers. Another match the crowd is happy about.

The Kid- Now it's time you guys start defending your titles, as well. That's because at Summerslam, AJ Styles, you will be defending your Intercontinental Championship against The Miz!

The Kid doesn't seem done as he sports a huge smile on his face.

The Kid- In a match that has been made famous for Intercontinental Championship title defenses at Summerslam. A match where you can't run or hide, the only way to victory is up! That's right! It will be AJ Styles defending his Intercontinental Championship against The Miz....

The crowd is on their feet, whispers of anticipation echo through the arena. The Kid raises his arm up, with a huge grin on his face. Silencing the crowd, he screams.


The crowd goes absolutely insane about that. The Kid nods his head as for the third straight Summerslam, the Intercontinental Championship will be defended in a Ladder match! The Kid begins walking back and forth now at the top of the ramp. The Society stays on the middle of the ramp, eyes focused all around, making sure they don't get attacked. Rhyno, Rene Dupree and The Miz stand inside of the ring.

The Kid doesn't look like he is done speaking.

The Kid- And my final announcement for now is for you, John Cena!

The crowd is on their feet, in anticipation to hear what shall meet John Cena at Summerslam.

The Kid- John Cena will be going one on one against.... RHYNO!

The crowd erupts in cheers, but once again, it doesn't look like The Kid is finished speaking.


The crowd is going insane. We have just seen what matches The Society will be a part of at Summerslam! The Society knows their fate. Everyone, but CM Punk who will find out his after tonights main event.

The Kid- THE KID.... HAS.... SPOKEN!

The crowd continue cheering as The Kid leaves through the curtains and to the back with a huge smile on his face. The Society cautiously walk up the ramp, looking inside of the ring at three of the five men they shall be facing at Summerslam.




The crowd erupts in boos as Elijah Burke leads The Nation Of Domination out to the ring. They walk in a straight line down the ramp and all have very serious looks on their faces. They climb up the steel steps in a straight line and stand side by side in the middle of the ring where all six members throw a fist into the air. The six members consisting of their leader Elijah Burke, Mark Henry, MVP, Monty Brown, R-Truth and newly added member of the group, Kofi Kingston!

Elijah Burke steps forward and begins to speak to the booing crowd.

Elijah Burke- Do you know what really disgusts me about Los Angeles, California?

The crowd boos.

Elijah Burke- The fact that Los Angeles actually thinks that they are the place to call Jackie Robinson their own!

Elijah Burke shakes his head, in disgust.

Elijah Burke- He never belonged to Los Angeles, he never even belonged to Brooklyn. No! He belongs to the movement! He belongs to every African American man who actually did something with their lives with everything against them. Men who were being held down until they forced their ways up! Men who now stand tall and represent The Nation Of Domination!

The crowd erupts in boos as Elijah Burke looks over at his men. He nods his head.

Elijah Burke- A group united. A group that shall be moving forward.

Elijah looks to be at peace with his words as he nods his head.

Elijah Burke- You men who stand in this city the same color, shape and size as us and boo us are embarrassments! You jack! You rob! You sin! That is how you attempt to be Jackie Robinson! You are an embarrassment to the movement! IT'S OKAY, THOUGH, CRUEL WORLD!

Elijah is in a daze. Standing straight up, looking into the crowd.

Elijah Burke- WE ARE HERE TO FIX THAT PROBLEM! The problem fixing starts now! The march begins tonight!

Elijah Burke is fired up.

Elijah Burke- So right here, right now, we make this public. My brothers, my sisters, we shall run through every living thing that steps in front of our path. We shall no longer be held down. We shall no longer be blocked from doing things we can do. Next week, The Nation will fight. Next week, in Phoenix, Arizona....

The first announcement of where next week's RAW will be has just become public!

Elijah Burke- .... we shall go in action! That's right. We shall be challenging any tag team that is employed or not employed by the KWF to a tag team match. We will be represented by former Tag Team Champions, MVP and Monty Brown!

The crowd boos as Elijah Burke nods his head at his men.

Elijah Burke- You have been warned. If you disagree with the movement, step forward! You have one week to decide if you want to step away from the movement or get forced away.

Elijah Burke stands straight. He looks directly at the crowd and shouts into the microphone.

Elijah Burke- WE ARE THE NATION!


Elijah Burke throws the microphone to the mat and looks directly at the booing Los Angeles crowd. Elijah Burke leads the members of The Nation Of Domination out of the ring and to the back.

Walking a straight line. All dressed in black. The Nation Of Domination is a group filled with six, talented wrestlers. A group of men on a movement. A mission.

The Nation Of Domination.

End of Part 3.
Episode 7
"Jack. Rob. Sin."

The cameras are in the back where we see Michael Cole standing by with The Viper, Randy Orton!

Michael Cole- Up next, you get a huge opportunity. An opportunity of a lifetime! You will be going one on one against Shawn Michaels in a number one contenders match! The winner faces CM Punk for the KWF World Championship in the main event of Summerslam! It would be the one year anniversary from when you first won your KWF World Championship. Can you make it two years in a row where you walk out of Summerslam the NEW KWF World Champion?

Randy Orton smirks at Michael Cole and begins to speak.

Randy Orton- Do you know why The Kid choose me out of every man in the back for this opportunity? Because I am the best man to ever wrestle in the KWF! I am the first man to ever defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania! I am the first man to ever win the Intercontinental Championship in the KWF! A title I held twice! I am a former KWF World Champion and yes, Michael Cole, at Summerslam, I will do it, again!

Randy Orton is fired up.

Randy Orton- Two years in a row! People like to walk around here and talk about their past accomplishments. Olympic gold medals, surviving a 60 minute Iron Man match, all things that I am capable of doing. The things I do are things no human being can ever duplicate! I am The Legend Killer. I am The Viper. I am the greatest KWF wrestler of all time! I am Randy Orton!

Randy Orton is fired up and he walks away from Michael Cole. Michael Cole nods his head at the cameras. Randy Orton is taking this match very serious for his future in the KWF.


The cameras are now in a locker room where we see Lance Storm, sitting on a chair. He looks defeated as he looks down at the floor. All of a sudden....


There is silence in the air and when the lights come on, The Crows Nest is in the locker room!

Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy stand to each side of Sting as Sting looks down at a frightened, Lance Storm.

Sting- Where's The Undertaker?!

Lance Storm begins to stutter.

Lance Storm- I.... I.... I.... I couldn't get him. I.... I.... I.... I.... tried everywhere. Grave yards! Boiler rooms! I.... I.... I.... I....


Sting cracks his black baseball bat against the locker. Lance Storm falls off of his chair, in fear from the noise. He now lays on his back as he looks up at The Crows Nest.

Sting- I gave you one week. Now you can say goodbye to your friend.

Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy walk over to a closet and laying there, tied up is Chris Jericho! They drag him out of the closet and Chris Jericho looks like he has been assaulted on several occasions. Tortured. They drag his body over to Lance Storm. Lance goes to stand up, but Sting puts the bat to the throat of Lance Storm and pins him down to the floor.

Sting- Your time is up. Now it is time for the crows to....


Everyone turns around and standing at the door is....

.... THE KID!


The Kid walks over in the direction of The Crows Nest. Sting looks over at The Kid, with a curious look. Their first interaction ever in the KWF. It's epic.

The Kid- You want The Undertaker? I'll get you The Undertaker!

The Kid looks up at Sting with a glorious look. A huge smile on the face of The Kid. Sting quickly walks over to The Kid and gets right in his face. Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy step on each side of The Kid, blocking 3 exits, but backwards for The Kid to escape.

Sting- WHEN?!

The Kid- As soon as you do these three things for me! It's three little things!

Sting- WHAT?!

The Kid- The first thing you have to do is let go of Chris Jericho! You guys took out two of my tag teams already. You took out The Dudley Boyz and then you did what you did to The Hardy Boyz.

The Kid looks disgusted from the memories of the crows feasting on the unconscious bodies of The Hardy Boyz two weeks ago.

The Kid- I need to keep the rest of my roster safe. That's the first thing! The second thing is something that interests me. I haven't seen either one of you three compete in a match since Wrestlemania. So I was thinking that next week you three team up in the main event of RAW! It will be The Crows Nest facing off against AJ Styles.... John Cena.... AND CM PUNK!

The crowd roars from ringside, in cheers at the huge announcement for what could possibly be the main event of RAW next week.

The Kid- That's the second thing. I need you to show up and fight. No walking out. You want to feast on The Undertaker, I need you to do that!

Sting- And what's the third thing?

The Kid smiles. Surrounded by The Nest, he shows no fear. Just total control.

The Kid- I want the three of you to.... DESTROY THE SOCIETY!

The crowd erupts in cheers from ringside. The Kid is fired up. Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy look over at Sting from each side of The Kid. The Kid keeps a stern look on his face as he looks into the dark, cold eyes of Sting. The two men stare at each other for a few seconds and....


The Kid smiles wide and the crowd is going insane in cheers from ringside. Next weeks main event has been announced!

Sting raises the bat into the air and....


The lights stay off for a few more seconds and when they turn back on, The Crows Nest is gone!

Standing in the locker room is The Kid. He looks over to his side and Lance Storm is crawling over to Chris Jericho. Y2J has been freed by The Crows Nest. Lance Storm begins trying to untie Chris Jericho. Before The Kid leaves the locker room, he shouts.

The Kid- Get him some help.

The Kid walks out of the locker room, with a huge grin on his face. He is taking over.


Jim Ross- What a night we have had so far. This Los Angeles, California arena has been on their feet all night.

King- They sure have been and we're not even that close to being finished!

Jim Ross- That's right, because up next is our main event. One former KWF World Champion was just freed and the only other two KWF World Champions in the history of the KWF, not named CM Punk, will be competing for a shot at that title. Whether it's Shawn Michaels or Randy Orton who walks out victorious tonight, it's going to be a historic match and a historic opportunity at Summerslam!

King- Randy Orton bought up a lot of good points earlier, but does he want CM Punk as much as he wants the KWF World Championship? Because Shawn Michaels does!

Jim Ross- Well, I learned to never count out Randy Orton. The speculating stops now, there will be a winner!

King- There will also be a contract signing! Right after the match!

Jim Ross- Let's get to it!


Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton

Randy Orton would make his way out first to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Shawn Michaels comes out next to the same reaction. Both men have their fans and their haters, but both of them are fighting for themselves right now. Their opportunity.

As soon as the bell sounds, the two men begin sprinting around the ring, eyes locked on each other. Both men charge and lock up. Randy Orton slithers out and knees Shawn Michaels in the gut. He quickly follows with an elbow to the back of the head, sending HBK down to a knee. The Viper starts off the match, in control.

Both men have been beating away at each other and right now, Shawn Michaels has the advantage. He gives Randy Orton an Irish Whip into the ropes. The Viper bounces back and is knocked down by a clothesline. HBK then runs to the ropes and comes back at the now standing Randy Orton with a diving, spinning elbow to the face. Randy Orton collapses, again. He slowly pulls himself up to his feet and he turns around right into a back body drop! He flips over the head of Shawn Michaels and the crowd is loving it. HBK stalks out Randy Orton and The Viper gets to his feet, turns around and....



Randy Orton catches the foot of Shawn Michaels and spins him around and....

.... RKO!

Randy Orton dives on top of Shawn Michaels and hooks the leg for the pin!




- NO!


Shawn Michaels was a split second away from losing, but somehow found it in his body to get his shoulder off of the mat.

Randy Orton is furious as he begins punching away at the mat. He looks up at the referee and angrily holds up three fingers. Randy turns his attention over to Shawn Michaels and he grabs HBK by the hair and yanks him up to his knees. Randy doesn't speak to HBK, but just stares directly into his eyes with nothing, but rage in his face. Randy yanks HBK up to his feet and finally lets go of the hair and goes for a right punch and....




The crowd erupts in cheers as Randy Orton falls onto his back. HBK falls to his side, but slowly begins crawling over to Randy Orton for the pin. After seconds of crawling, HBK drops his arm across the chest of Randy Orton for the pin!





The crowd is stunned and so is Shawn Michaels. HBK lays flat on his face, just staring at the mat. Using the brim of his nose to balance him against the ring mat. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Shawn Michaels crawls his way over to the turnbuckle and he uses it to push himself up to his feet. HBK doesn't stop there and he climbs to the top. So far, both men have taken their risks. The last one may be a crucial one as Shawn Michaels comes flying off the top turnbuckle with the....



HBK rolls around, holding onto his elbow and shoulder as The Viper slowly gets up to his feet and begins stalking out his prey. Shawn Michaels gets to all fours and Randy Orton charges at him and....



Randy Orton collapses right onto his back. Shawn Michaels quickly dives on top of Randy Orton and hooks the leg for the pin and the win!

Shawn Michaels rolls off of Randy Orton and lays on his side and raises an arm up into the air. He has done it. He is victorious.

The contract signing is next!




Inside of the ring is now a table. Standing on one side is an exhausted Shawn Michaels. Standing on the other side is CM Punk. He does not look too pleased as he looks over to his side, at the man in the middle, The Kid. The boss who orchestrated the attack on the members of The Society earlier.

The Kid- Things are made official when the contract is signed! Some contract signings are just so big they need to be done inside of the ring!

The Kid points down at the ring.

The Kid- For example, the main event of Summerslam!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

The Kid- Now, let's get this started. Right here, I have the contract and....

Shawn Michaels- Where do I sign?

The Kid looks over at Shawn Michaels and smiles. The Kid doesn't speak as he hands the contract over to Shawn Michaels. HBK begins writing and signing. He lets everyone know he is finished when he slams the pen down on the table. HBK quickly turns his eyes across the table at the now smirking, CM Punk. CM Punk lazily lifts the microphone up to his mouth and speaks.

CM Punk- Summerslam will be one year from the night I defeated you in the Intercontinental Championship Ladder match! You know? The same match that you made famous! This time, it's for another title! It's the main event! The main event I was owed when you stole my spot at Wrestlemania 3! This time, it's for the KWF World Championship, the same title you held first! Do you see the big picture, Shawn? You're not better than me. Everything you do, I do it better! I'm the best in the world! I represent the best in the world! I represent The Society! If you want a piece of CM Punk, I'll give you the whole damn thing!

CM Punk smiles and quickly signs down on the contract. The crowd erupts in cheers and the match is official!

CM Punk is not done speaking, though.

CM Punk- I could walk over to you right now and beat your ass, but I'm going to wait! Hopefully you can make it to Summerslam!

CM Punk puts down the microphone and begins to go and leave the ring, but The Kid speaks, halting CM Punk in his place.

The Kid- Hey, Punk!

CM Punk turns around and with a smug look on his face, looks over at The Kid.


The crowd erupts in cheers as The Kid smiles at the direction of CM Punk. CM Punk looks over at The Kid, with a curious look.

The Kid- I'm glad you bought up last year! Because last year, the main event for the KWF World Championship was defended in a triple threat match! Do you remember what happened? A NEW KWF World Champion walked out!

The Kid smiles.

The Kid- I like my chances on that happening, again!

The crowd is going crazy, in anticipation.

The Kid- There will be a third man in that match at Summerslam!



The Kid is smiling as CM Punk and Shawn Michaels angrily look over at The Kid. The Kid smiles and points over to the titantron, shouting.

The Kid- THIS MAN!

The arena goes silent as they await to hear who the third man is and....


Los Angeles, California erupts in cheers and walking through the curtains is none other then....


The Kid has a huge smile on his face as he stands inside of the ring with a stunned duo of CM Punk and Shawn Michaels. Bret Hart climbs up the steel steps and gets into the ring and walks right over to The Kid. CM Punk and Shawn Michaels look over at Bret Hart as if they have seen a ghost.

The Kid hands the pen over to Bret Hart and he looks directly down at the paper and....

.... SIGNS IT!

The Kid- IT'S OFFICIAL! The main event of Summerslam will be CM Punk defending his KWF World Championship against "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels and Bret "The Hitman" Hart!

The whole place is going crazy. People are shaking each other, in pure orgasmic excitement. All of a sudden....


Bret Hart begins drilling away at the face of CM Punk with lefts and rights. CM Punk stumbles back and back until he's against the turnbuckle. All of a sudden....

.... Shawn Michaels spins Bret Hart around and goes to hit him with a right to the face, but Bret Hart blocks it! Bret Hart drills Shawn Michaels with a huge uppercut that sends Shawn Michaels stumbling backwards.

Bret Hart goes to turn his attention back to CM Punk, but CM Punk has quickly scrambled out of the ring. CM Punk begins sprinting and stumbling up the ramp, holding his KWF World Championship by a strap, looking into the ring, in disbelief. Bret Hart stares up the ramp at CM Punk, enraged. The Hitman turns around and....



Bret Hart catches the foot of Shawn Michaels!

Bret Hart trips Shawn Michaels up and onto his back and he begins moving the legs around and turning the body over for the....


HBK screams in agonizing pain as Bret Hart locks the submission in tighter and tighter. The Hitman keeps his eyes locked up the ramp at the KWF World Champion, CM Punk! The same man that threw him off the stage seven weeks ago at Wrestlemania 3!

Bret Hart finally releases the submission and stands tall. The Kid smiles from across the ring. Mayhem closes off another show.

Advantage Kid.

End Show.
Episode 8
"For Whom The Bell Tolls"


The Main Event For Summerslam Is Set!:
- In episode 7, the contract signing was finalized. Shawn Michaels earned his title shot by defeating Randy Orton in a hard fought match. To the shock of the world, The Kid added another number one contender to the match. Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Mayhem ensued, but the ink hit the paper. It is official! Will we hear from Bret Hart? What will Shawn Michaels have to say about earning his shot, only to get put in the sharpshooter?

The Crows Meet The Society!:
- Sting has been on the hunt for redemption. For revenge. All for The Undertaker. Followed by the other Nest members, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy, Sting has led his group into destroying The Dudley Boyz and feeding The Hardy Boyz to the crows. It has been a freaky feeling everytime The Nest was in front of a camera. Now, they meet guys who have not shied away from the camera since the season opened. By far, the most dominating group in the KWF to this point. The Society. The Kid has made a deal with Sting that if Sting goes into that ring and The Nest destroys The Society. It'll be CM Punk, John Cena and AJ Styles going against The Crows Nest. Will Sting get The Undertaker?

The Nations March Begins!:
- Elijah Burke came out with the rest of The Nation Of Domination. He vowed that the official march of The Nation has officially gotten under way. From Mark Henry to MVP to Monty Brown to Kofi Kingston to R-Truth and to the leader, Elijah Burke, The Nation is intimidating. Who will accept the open challenge from The Nation to square off against MVP and Monty Brown?

An Oscar and a Sheik!:
- Muhammad Hassan decided he was done proving his point with open challenges. After being successful for two straight weeks and on a bit of a hot streak, Muhammad Hassan passed on the challenge for someone to face The Great Khali. Goldust came out and bought out his project, his brother, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. However, the weeks of training was all for nothing. Khali crushed Cody with one shot. The Golden Sheik walked out with laughter, while the golden brothers walked out with a script. Will Goldusts Shattered Dreams Production end in a masterpiece?

The Wyatt Family!:
- A creepy montage played as we saw The Wyatt Family. Led by Bray Wyatt, a group consisting of Luke, Erick and Kane have made their faces known. The sheep mask. The burning of the church. The destruction of lies. The road to the truth. They're coming.



CM Punk (C) vs Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart


AJ Styles (C) vs The Miz

Rene Dupree (C) vs Samoa Joe

The Hooligans (C) vs Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose

John Cena vs Rhyno

Card subject to change
Episode 8
"For Whom The Bell Tolls"



Without hesitation, the night kicks off with the theme music of Bret "The Hitman" Hart blasting through the speakers. The crowd erupts in cheers as soon as Bret Hart walks through the curtains. The Hitman is in his wrestling gear as he walks down the ramp. His classic pink sunglasses. He reaches ringside and quickly climbs up the steel steps. Bret Hart gets into the ring and he is fired up, as he throws his arms to the side, waving the crowd noise in. Phoenix, Arizona is going absolutely insane!

After taking in the cheers from the crowd for a bit longer, Bret Hart raises the microphone and begins speaking.

Bret Hart- I'd sit here all night and take in those cheers, but I got some things that I need to take care of!

The crowd begins to quiet down as they are ready to hear what The Hitman has to say.

Bret Hart- Last week, right after I signed that contract making myself the third and final man in the main event of Summerslam....

That gets cheers from the crowd and Bret Hart pauses for a few to nod his head. He continues speaking.

Bret Hart- I locked in the Sharpshooter on Shawn Michaels right in the middle of the ring!

The crowd cheers after being reminded of the end of last weeks RAW.

Bret Hart- I'm not finished! You see, the man I have been waiting seven weeks to confront and get my hands on was the man that escaped that ring. That man is CM Punk.

The crowd gives a mixed reaction. The Society has a cult of fans.

Bret Hart- Now I know The Kid has you booked for a match tonight, but how about you come out here and prove yourself as a champion! Come out here and prove yourself as the best in the world!

Bret Hart is fired up as he looks up the ramp, awaiting The Society to show.

Bret Hart- Just come out here and be a man. Whether you like it or not, I will find you tonight and when I do, I will lock the....


The crowd erupts in cheers as The Kid comes walking through the curtains. He has a microphone in his hand and he speaks as he speed walks down the ramp.

The Kid- Whoa, take it easy, Bret. We don't need the main event of Summerslam to be altered. You see, the fact of the matter is this....

The Kid reaches ringside and quickly climbs up the steel steps and just as quickly enters the ring. He walks over to Bret Hart and stops in his face.

The Kid- .... I don't need you hurt.

That actually gets boos from the crowd. The Kid ignores the boos and looks into the shades of Bret Hart.

Bret Hart- Hurt? What more "hurt" can be done to me that hasn't already, Kid? I have put everything in my life into the wrestling ring. I was ready to walk away at Wrestlemania 3, but it all got taken away from me. My career and my life almost ended because of wrestling. So if you think a man throwing me off the stage and taking me out of the ring for seven weeks was going to stop me, you were wrong!

The crowd erupts in cheers. The Kid just looks over at Bret Hart. The Kid lowers his tone and begins to try and calmly speak to Bret Hart.

The Kid- Okay, but....




The crowd erupts in a mixed reaction and the KWF World Champion, CM Punk is the first one to walk through the curtains. Following him is John Cena, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose. The Society!

CM Punk has a microphone in his hand and all six men have angry looks on their faces. They walk down the ramp and all surround the ring. CM Punk stands blocking the exit to the ramp. He looks up into the ring, with rage in his eyes. With that rage, he speaks.

CM Punk- How.... DARE YOU?!

CM Punk is staring into the ring, directly at The Kid. The Kid keeps an arrogant smug on his face.

CM Punk- YOU.... ARE.... PATHETIC!

Bret Hart walks over to the ropes where CM Punk is standing and just looks down at him.

CM Punk- And.... YOU! Why are you even in the match? It makes no sense! Why did you get in? Is it because I threw you off the stage? I've thrown a lot of people off of stages in my career and they don't come back after seven weeks, nearly two months and try and get revenge! Here's a tip, buddy. If one human being is capable of taking you out for seven weeks, the best bet is staying home! You should've stayed in your cozy, Canadian gym and taught people how to lock in the Sharpshooter and how to spit loogies at their boss!


WWE reference?

In the KWF?

CM Punk- Do you get what I am saying, Bret? Do you see my point?

Bret Hart- I don't really see a point, Punk. I don't see a point in talking. You're right in front of me. Come in here and fight me. Come alone if you're a man or bring all your buddies in here, I don't give a damn!

CM Punk begins to laugh.

CM Punk- No! The point is you do give a damn! Be honest why your back. It's not because I threw you off of the stage at Wrestlemania 3! We all know you've been involved in more screw jobs then you could wish for.

Pipe bomb.

CM Punk- No! You see, the real reason you're back is because after putting your whole life into the wrestling ring, the only three things your going to be remembered for is wearing pink, spitting and getting screwed.

CM Punk's demeanor turns evil.

CM Punk- That makes you a..... BITCH!

The gasps from the crowd are heard. Bret Hart quickly goes to leave the ring and attack CM Punk, but The Society gets into the ring and they grab Bret Hart from behind and take him down to the floor.

The Kid charges at The Society, but Samoa Joe catches The Kid from behind and slams him down to his knees. Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose quickly grab Bret Hart and force him down to his knees, holding his extremities so he can't move.

CM Punk slowly walks up the ramp as he speaks on the microphone.

CM Punk- The best there is. Check. The best there was. Check. The best there ever will be. Check!

CM Punk now enters the ring and walks over to Bret Hart.

CM Punk- I am CM Punk and I am the best.... in the WORLD!

CM Punk lets out the end in a roar. Eyes bulging out of his head. The psychotic side of CM Punk is showing.

CM Punk- Now I want you to say it, Bret. Who is the best in the world?

CM Punk looks down at Bret Hart, with craziness in his eyes. Bret Hart is not saying anything as Dean Ambrose pulls his hair back so he can look right up at CM Punk. CM Punk inches closer to Bret Hart and begins to speak in the microphone.

CM Punk- Who.... is.... the best.... in the....




The crowd is in silence as the sound of crows flying in the air is getting louder and louder. Their caws getting more furious. More vicious! All of a sudden....



Crows are flying over the ring, in that same eerie circular motion. Below them is Sting, who is right in the face of CM Punk, black baseball bat facing forward. Dolph Ziggler is in the face of AJ Styles, smirking. Mr. Kennedy is in the face of John Cena, with an equally arrogant smirk as his counterpart.

Down and out in the ring is Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose. Bret Hart and The Kid are both on their knees, looking up.

CM Punk has a look of fear in his eyes as he looks into the eyes of the cold crow. The stare down lasts a few seconds before Sting lifts the bat up into the air at the crows and.....


After a few seconds of silence, the lights come back on. CM Punk, John Cena and AJ Styles stand inside of the ring. They look up and see Bret Hart push himself to his feet and they quickly leave the ring. They pull out the other three downed members of The Society and help them to the back. John Cena holds both Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose while AJ Styles holds up Samoa Joe.

CM Punk stands closer to the top of the ramp as he is running for his life.

The Crows Nest have let The Society know that tonight is no laughing matter. Two of the greatest stables in KWF history will collide in tonights main event!

The Crows Nest vs The Society!


The cameras are in the back where we see The Nation Of Domination walking down the halls. Elijah Burke leads the line. They stop when they are approached by....


Elijah halts his men in place and looks over at The Colon Brothers, with a straight face.

Carlito- So me and my brother Primo over here would really like the opportunity to prove ourselves again, tonight. You see, last week, we came really close to walking out the new Tag Team Champions in the KWF and we think it would be pretty cool if you gave us a chance.

Primo- Yeah. Brothers versus brothers.

Elijah Burke's eyes nearly pop out of his head at the words from Primo. He shouts.

Elijah Burke- WHAT DID YOU SAY?!

Primo- What?

Carlito- Yeah, Primo, that wasn't cool.

Carlito slaps his younger brother in the back of the head and then turns his attention back over to Elijah Burke.

Carlito- I'm sorry, man. You know how it is? When your younger brother thinks before he speaks.

Mark Henry angrily jumps in front of Elijah Burke and gets right in the face of Carlito and Primo.

Mark Henry- Come to the ring! NOW!

The roar from Mark Henry echoes through the hallways. Mark Henry nods his head over at MVP and Monty Brown who are ready for action. No need to make the open challenge at ringside. It has been accepted.

MVP and Monty Brown will represent The Nation Of Domination next against The Colon Brothers.


MVP & Monty Brown vs The Colon Brothers
Older brother, Carlito starts the match off. MVP will represent The Nation Of Domination to start off the match. The two men circle around the ring and lock up. MVP quickly pulls out of the grip of Carlito and sends him stumbling back with an uppercut. MVP quickly attacks Carlito and begins firing away at him with lefts, rights and elbows. The speed of MVP is shown off at this point.

As the match progresses, MVP and Monty Brown are having their fun with Carlito, but this time it's The Alpha Male who is the legal man. He smiles as he looks across at the worried, Primo. He begins nodding his head and he drags Carlito over to the corner and tells Primo to tag himself in. Primo looks up into the ring, in fear, but takes a deep breath and tags himself in.

Primo quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and comes leaping off with a crossbody, but Monty Brown catches him. Monty Brown smiles as he walks around the ring with Primo in his arms. He shows off his strength, before tossing Primo over his head and nearly outside of the ring. Primo lands hard and lays on the edge of the ring. Showing his Colon heart, he begins using the ropes to get to his feet. The Alpha Male stalks him from a few feet away. Carlito slowly gets to his feet and goes to charge at Monty Brown and....


Carlito collapses onto his back. A second later, Primo turns around and....



Primo's body nearly falls apart at the impact and he lays on the mat, disheveled. Monty Brown quickly gets on top of Primo, hooks the leg for the pin and the win!
Winners- "The Nation Of Domination" MVP & Monty Brown

The crowd erupts in boos as The Nation Of Domination enters the ring to celebrate as a group. Elijah Burke has a satisfied look on his face as he looks down at the destroyed Colon Brothers. Elijah Burke turns around, with his members standing behind him and he screams, "WE ARE THE NATION!" The rest of the members simultaneously scream, "OF DOMINATION!"

Elijah Burke leads Mark Henry, MVP, Monty Brown, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth.

They are The Nation Of Domination!


Dark woods appear on the screen.

The camera moves forward and we see a tree with a "W" carved into it. The tree right besides it has a smile carved to it.

As we move deeper into the woods, lights seems to appear.

As we approach the light, it's a fireplace made of wood, deep into the woods. Right besides the fireplace is a rocking chair that rocks with nobody sitting in it. Also next to the fireplace is dead animals. Dead squirrels. Dead rabbits.

Footsteps are heard and a shadow of men come closer towards the fire. Out the woods.

It's the Wyatt Family.

Bray Wyatt walks over to the fireplace and sits in his rocking chair. He smiles as Luke, Erick and Kane stand in front of him. The fire brightening the evil face of Bray Wyatt as he smiles at his brothers.

Bray Wyatt- To kill every single lie in this world may seem impossible....

Bray Wyatt laughs.

Bray Wyatt- .... but it's not!

That gets more of an evil laugh out of Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt- The trick is not going after the small lies first! You go for the biggest one of them all!

Bray rocks back and forth in his rocking chair for a bit longer. He smirks as he looks over at his men.

Bray Wyatt- We need to end these lies! We need to go to the source!

The chair rocking continues.

Bray Wyatt- They have lied to you for far too long, man.

Bray Wyatt begins shouting, louder then before.


A close up of Luke. His black beard and huge physique is intimidating enough. His eyes, however are being hypnotized by evil.

Bray Wyatt- THEY'RE NOT US!

A close up of Erick is shown. He wears the sheep mask, but his red beard and his physique show that he is just as strong as he is deranged.


A close up of Kane is shown. The fire in his eyes shows through his red mask. Years and years of mental torture all seems to be nurtured by the words of Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt- They lied to you, man.

The camera zooms in on Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt stops rocking and smiles wider then ever as he looks over at the other members of the Wyatt Family.

Bray Wyatt- Do you want to know a secret?

Bray begins chuckling in his creepy chuckle.

Bray Wyatt- We're going to the KWF.

Bray reaches over to the side and picks up his lit, oil lamp and he stands on his feet and walks in the opposite direction of the fire. Luke, Erick and Kane follow from behind as Bray Wyatt leads the men into the dark woods. As the camera gets closer to the face of the smiling, determined Bray Wyatt, he blows out the oil lamp.

Complete darkness fills the woods.

The Wyatt Family is coming to the KWF.

End of Part 1.
Episode 8
"For Whom The Bell Tolls"

The cameras are in the back where we see The Kid sitting besides Rhyno, in his office. The Kid has a smile on his face as he seems to sign something. He nods his head, happy as he looks over at Rhyno and then proceeds to fold it and put it in his pants pocket.

All of a sudden, the door opens and walking into the office is....


The Television Champion, The French Phenom, Rene Dupree walks over to The Kid. Rene Dupree has a serious look on his face as he stands by the desk, eyes glued on The Kid.

Rene Dupree- I vant you to know that I vill be one of zee members of zee KWF until you decide to shut zee doors. Zee French Phenom never forgets zee night. Zee first Summerslam in zee KWF history. Zee night Rene Dupree proved himself. The night Rene Dupree got into zee ring and pulled off vat everyone considered an upset. I beat Kurt Angle.

The Kid nods his head and smiles at Rene Dupree.

Rene Dupree- I proved to zee world that I am zee French Phenom and in three veeks, I vill prove it, again.

The Kid- Good. That's what I want to hear. How would you like to have yourself another magical moment. How about next week in St. Louis, Missouri, I put you in the main event!

A shout out to where RAW will take place next week.

Rene Dupree nods his head. The eyes of The Kid are glowing with ideas.

The Kid- How about next week on RAW, you leave your Television Championship at home. You're not going to need it. You're not going to be defending it. You're just going to be fighting for pride and for yourself. You see, I want to make sure The Society walks out of Summerslam with no titles around their waists. A fraud! I need to make sure you are all ready! That's why, next week, you will be going one on one against....

The Kid pauses, smiling. He then shouts....


The crowd erupts in cheers at the announcement for next weeks main event. Rene Dupree nods his head, pleased. Honored.

Rene Dupree- Thank you.

The Kid nods his head at Rene Dupree, who turns around and walks out of the locker room.

The Kid turns his attention over to Rhyno as he nods his head, showing his approval.

All of a sudden, walking through the doors is....


The Kid seems taken aback by this.

The Kid- Whoa! Look who it is! I haven't seen you since Wrestlemania. Where have you been?

Christian- Man, I've been hanging with Edge. I was making sure he didn't get too bored with retirement.

The Kid- Yeah. That was one hell of a send off you gave him. You two put on an excellent match at Wrestlemania.

Christian- Yeah, well, that's kind of why I'm here. You see, I'm not retired. I still want to wrestle. I still want to win championships. You understand?

The Kid smiles.

The Kid- So do you want a match or something?

Christian- Well, yeah. I'd totally like that.

The Kid- Good. I was thinking about the perfect ending to Summerslam. Every man walking out with championships that night is a man that does not consider themselves a member of The Society. Men who consider themselves men of the KWF! Do you know what I am going to do for you? I am going to put you in a match against.... um.... Muhammad Hassan! Yeah. He deserves it. The winner will be placed into a title match at Summerslam. The winner will be placed into the....

The Kid pauses.


The crowd is heard erupting in cheers from ring side. The Kid wears a huge smile, but not as big as the one on the face of Christian.

The Kid- It's next.

Christian seems taken aback by this, but quickly realizes the opportunity. He begins nodding his head and then walks out of the locker room. The Kid looks over at Rhyno and speaks.

The Kid- Summerslam will have my ending.

The Kid smiles as The Man Beast lets out an approving grunt.


Muhammad Hassan vs Christian

Christian makes his way out first and awaits his opponent. Muhammad Hassan comes out next and The Golden Sheik is followed down to ring side by The Great Khali and Daivari. Arrogance and confidence covers the whole face of Muhammad Hassan. Both men are in the ring and the bell sounds. Christian quickly charges at Hassan and gives him a kick to the knee that sends Hassan down to a knee. Christian begins firing down and away on Muhammad Hassan, letting the world know how badly he wants this opportunity.

As the match continues, momentum has switched from side to side. Christian would lose his after missing a clothesline into the turnbuckle post. The Golden Sheik would show no mercy as he would quickly batter away at Christian in the corner. The face of Christian bounces off the top turnbuckle more times then he can count. The Golden Sheik is in control and he sends Christian down with a wicked, sit down neck breaker. The head of Christian cracks back and he rolls over onto his side, holding onto his neck. Muhammad Hassan calmly looks into the crowd as he stands himself up to his feet and walks over to Christian.

Muhammad Hassan rolls Christian over and onto his back and stands above him. The Golden Sheik is ready to continue his hot streak and lock up that submission that has been golden for him for years now. He bends over and yanks the head of Christian up and he makes the cut throat gesture over the throat of his opponent. Muhammad Hassan goes to lock in the submission when....



Muhammad Hassan lets go of Cody Rhodes and looks on the outside of the ring and....


Daivari is jumping around, in agonizing pain. The Great Khali begins marching over towards Goldust to attack him, but....

.... Cody Rhodes comes from behind and dives shoulder first into the back of the legs of The Great Khali. Khali falls to one knees and Cody quickly gives Khali a vicious kick right to the side of the head! The Great Khali falls to his side.

Muhammad Hassan watches, in shock from inside of the ring. Goldust makes eye contact with Muhammad Hassan and blows him a kiss!

The eyes of Muhammad Hassan nearly come flying out of his head, in disgust and....


Christian snuck in, behind Muhammad Hassan and sent him face first with the Killswitch! The crowd erupts in cheers as Christian rolls Muhammad Hassan over and hooks the legs for the pin and the win!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Christian rolls off of Muhammad Hassan and throws his arms into the air, in victory. Christian has earned himself a spot in the Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match against the champion himself, AJ Styles and The Miz! Christian is going to Summerslam!

Goldust and Cody Rhodes back peddle up the ramp with huge smiles on their faces. They have helped hand Muhammad Hassan his first loss in weeks. Muhammad Hassan is on his knees, looking up the ramp with rage and disbelief in his face. His hands hold his head. The Great Khali is trying to get to his feet and Daivari is getting his eyes rinsed out on the outside of the ring by KWF officials.

The Golden Brothers of Cody Rhodes and Goldust have just cost The Golden Sheik a golden opportunity.



The cameras are in the back and we see The Kid walking down the halls by himself. He has a huge grin on his face. He seems to be up to something. He stops when he sees Goldust and Cody Rhodes. The two of them are smiling. Goldust quickly walks over to The Kid and grabs him from the side and begins pointing up into thin air at his vision, for The Kid to see.

Goldust- Lights. Cameras. Action. The KWF, the home of the greatest wrestling in the past decade! Some of the greatest matches have taken place inside of a KWF ring. The boss, The Kid, is not the only one with problems! No! There is one man who is looking to make a name for himself! A man who failed at Wrestlemania, but is ready to make Summerslam his night! The storybook ending! How will the road for the Rhodes conclude in the season finale?! Tune in for another week of SHATTERED DREAMS PRODUCTION!

Goldust goes to walk away, but The Kid smiles and he seems to have come up with another idea.

The Kid- Wait! You know what? I may be able to help with that! You see, next week, there will be another number one contenders match for another spot in the Ladder match!

The Kid grabs Goldust like Goldust did before. The Kid begins pointing into the thin air trying to paint his picture. Goldust seems intrigued as he looks into the thin air with The Kid. More enthusiastic then The Kid did for him.

The Kid- It will be Cody Rhodes going one on one against.... GOLDUST!

Goldust pops out of imaginary world and looks over at The Kid, in shock. The Kid laughs and taps Goldust on the back and walks away. He glances at Cody and gives him a smile, as well. The Golden Brothers just look at each other.

The Kid continues walking down the halls and he stops when he reaches....

.... The Nation Of Domination.

The Kid quickly walks over to Elijah Burke and smiles. Elijah puts on a professional smile, as well.

Elijah Burke- Kid.

The Kid- Elijah.

The two men nod their heads at each other.

The Kid- I'm going to reward you and your men for your efforts so far in the KWF. I am going to reward it with a spot in the Ladder match at Summerslam. You see, the two of us have some things in common. We both do whatever we want to get what we want.

Elijah Burke- To an extent.

The Kid- Right. Anyways, I'm going to be awarding two of your men the opportunity to fight for that title at Summerslam.... NEXT WEEK!

Elijah nods his head.

Elijah Burke- Would you like me to pick the members?

The Kid- No, I got it. I also like to reward loyalty to the KWF. That's why I'm going to give that one on one match to two guys who have been with the KWF for awhile. They actually won titles together. I'm giving the opportunities to Monty Brown and MVP!

Elijah nods at his two men, with a huge smile.

Elijah Burke- I guess you were impressed by their actions earlier.

The Kid- I was.

Elijah Burke- Good. You, Kid are one fine and intelligent white man. I applaud you. I just have one more question for you. Who will they be facing?

Kid smiles as he looks into the eyes of The Pope.

The Kid- Each other.

Elijah Burke- WHAT?!

The Kid laughs and walks away. Elijah Burke angrily looks over at his members, who look just as pissed as him. The Kid has given an opportunity to The Nation Of Domination for a title shot, but it's for next week.

The Kid continues his voyage down the halls, where he is met by....


Standing besides him is Sheamus. Dibiase wears a huge smile.

Ted Dibiase- Boss, how are you this fine evening? Ha, ha! You look money! You're all business tonight! I just think you're overexcited that you may seem to be forgetting that my client over here, Sheamus, has been on a tear since he has come into the KWF. The only reason he is not standing here the Intercontinental Champion right now is because The Miz had to lose. Somehow, The Miz gets a title shot. Then I see how easy it was for Christian to get a title shot! Now I'm watching you walk around the back giving out this opportunity to every man that walks by and I'm wondering, when are you going to get to us?

The Kid smiles.

The Kid- Well....

All of a sudden....

.... Zack Ryder walks into the scene!

He quickly walks over to The Kid.

Zack Ryder- Hey broski! I was just in my locker room and I was thinking what man in this arena deserves to be the Intercontinental Champion more then this man! The same man that made his debut in an Intercontinental Championship match! The same night that, you know, The Miz also debuted and won, but bro! I'm ready this time! I'm ready to climb that ladder and walk out of Brooklyn, New York, my home state, only a few miles from my home town of Long Island, baby....

The Kid- DONE!

Zack Ryder stops in his tracks as he looks over at The Kid, amused.

The Kid- The last spot in that ladder match will go to the winner of our next match! Zack Ryder versus.... SHEAMUS!

Zack Ryder pumps his fist, happy about the opportunity. He turns around and sees a smiling Ted Dibiase standing there. Zack turns his attention over to Sheamus.

Zack Ryder- How are you going to like it when I suntan your pale skin with some black and blues! You're not!

Zack Ryder then shouts, while fist pumping.

Zack Ryder- Wooo, wooo, wooo, you know it!

Zack Ryder walks past Sheamus and walks away. Ted Dibiase starts laughing and taps Sheamus on the back. Sheamus will be taking on Zack Ryder for another spot in the Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match at Summerslam!

The Kid is stacking the odds against AJ Styles successfully defending his championship at Summerslam.

The Kid is getting his revenge on the traitor. The Phenomenal One.

End of Part 2.
Episode 8
"For Whom The Bell Tolls"

Sheamus vs Zack Ryder

As soon as the bell sounds, Zack Ryder goes for the quick start and the hopeful early advantage. However, this doesn't go well. Sheamus begins firing down on the back of Zack Ryder with lefts and rights. Eventually, Zack Ryder falls down to his knees.

As the match progresses, Sheamus holds onto the advantage and slams Ryder against the turnbuckle. Sheamus takes a few steps back and charges forward for a clothesline and Zack Ryder moves out of the way! Sheamus hits the turnbuckle and the crowd erupts in cheers. Zack Ryder spins Sheamus around and gives him a wicked forearm uppercut. Sheamus hits the turnbuckle hard and leans against it, back first. Zack Ryder is firing away at Sheamus with lefts and rights to the face and to the ribs. Zack Ryder is fired up and he climbs to the middle turnbuckle, looking down at Sheamus and he begins firing away!

After every shot, the crowd screams, "WOO!" Zack Ryder has connected five shots, six shots, seven shots, eight shots, nine shots.... Zack Ryder pumps his fist three times getting the crowd to "Wooo, wooo, wooo!" with him. Zack goes for the tenth and final punch and....


Zack Ryder lets out a scream as he is high above the head of The Great White and....


Zack Ryder lies flat on his back, spread eagle. Sheamus pounds his fist and then gets on top of Zack Ryder and hooks the leg for the pin and the win!
Winner AND #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship- Sheamus


Sheamus leaps up to his feet as the happy Billion Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase gets into the ring applauding his client. Sheamus is now the 4th man in the Summerslam Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match!


The crowd erupts in cheers and coming through the curtains is one of the other men that has already earned a spot in the ladder match at Summerslam.

The Miz- Really? Really? So it's become painfully obvious that The Kid did not have 100% trust in me. The Kid did not trust that I could go into the ring alone against AJ Styles, climb that ladder and walk out the Intercontinental Champion!

The crowd cheers as The Miz is walking down the ring. He has his eyes locked inside of the ring at Sheamus. Ted Dibiase holds Sheamus back, though. Curious to see what more The Miz has to say.

The Miz- Instead, I have to be inside of that ring with four other men.

The Miz reaches ringside and looks up and into the ring at Sheamus.

The Miz- Including YOU!

Sheamus looks hungry, but The Miz looks pissed. This is not a good mix.

The Miz- Maybe I didn't prove myself to The Kid the night that I won the Intercontinental Championship in my DEBUT match! Maybe I didn't prove myself to The Kid when I defeated The Big Show at WrestleMania 3! So I was thinking....

The Miz takes a deep breath and angrily looks into the ring at Sheamus.

The Miz- .... MAYBE THIS WILL!

The Miz slides into the ring and Sheamus comes charging at him with the....



The Miz dives forward and connects with the diving clothesline on The Billion Dollar Man! Ted Dibiase falls onto his back and Sheamus angrily turns around and begins charging at The Miz. The Miz smartly rolls out of the ring and begins back peddling towards the ramp way. Sheamus angrily looks at The Miz, but begins to check on Ted Dibiase.

The Miz grabs a microphone and begins to speak, again.


The crowd erupts in cheer and the amped up Miz drops the microphone and begins walking up the ramp with a huge grin on his face. A furious Sheamus has helped up an even angrier Ted Dibiase to his feet. The Awesome One, The Miz has gotten into the mind of Sheamus. Their season long feud shall come to a conclusion in a six man ladder match at Summerslam!


The cameras are in the back where we see Randy Orton standing by a camera. He has an angry look on his face as he looks directly into the camera.

Randy Orton- Last week, I was seconds away from being in the main event for a second year in a row. A second Summerslam in a row.

You can see the disappointment and anger in his face.

Randy Orton- I am better than Shawn Michaels. I have held more titles then Shawn Michaels in the KWF. Then there's Bret Hart. He gets an opportunity to fight for the title. Do you know how many titles Bret Hart has held in the KWF?

Randy Orton gets closer to the camera.

Randy Orton- NONE!

The intensity in the eyes and face of Randy Orton are unable to be duplicated by a normal human being.

Randy Orton- I should've gotten that third spot. I was able to win the KWF World Championship in a triple threat match at Summerslam last year and I would've done it, again! I would've walked out of the Barclay Center the first ever TWO TIME KWF WORLD CHAMPION!

The Viper is filled with poison. Poison he wants to inject.

Randy Orton- I am standing right here right now, demanding my match at Summerslam. Demanding my spot! I am Randy Orton and I'm....


Randy Orton is clotheslined right into the concrete wall by....


The crowd erupts in cheers from ring side. Kurt Angle is firing away on Randy Orton. The same man that took him out of action for a week. Randy Orton takes a swing at Kurt Angle, but Kurt Angle ducks it and suplexes Randy Orton right onto the floor. Kurt Angle quickly grabs the right foot of Randy Orton and locks in the....


The crowd erupts in cheers and Kurt Angle has the Ankle Lock tightly locked in on The Viper. Randy Orton flails around, screaming, in agonizing pain. Kurt Angle begins screaming....


The words seem to anger Kurt Angle more then anything as he twists at the ankle more and more.


The crowd erupts in cheers as Kurt Angle is furious.


Randy Orton can only let painful screams out, but that doesn't stop Kurt Angle from being impatient, awaiting his response. His answer.


Randy Orton- AH!

Kurt Angle- DO YOU ACCEPT?!

Randy Orton- AH! YES! YES, I ACCEPT! AH!

Kurt Angle- GOOD!

Kurt Angle twists at the ankle some more, forcing an even louder scream out of Randy Orton.


The crowd erupts in cheers. Randy Orton is in agonizing pain as he answers.

Randy Orton- FINE!

Kurt Angle- 60 MINUTES!

Randy Orton- YES, FINE!


Randy Orton- AHHHHHHHHH!

Randy Orton lets out one final scream as Kurt Angle gives the ankle one final twist, before releasing it. Kurt Angle smiles as he looks down at Randy Orton. The Viper slithers on the floor, in agonizing pain. Their season long feud has finally escalated to an announcement of a match!

At Summerslam, it will be Kurt Angle going one on one against Randy Orton in a 60 minute Iron Man Match!

The Olympic Hero. The Iron Man. KURT ANGLE!

The Legend Killer. The Viper. RANDY ORTON!

60 minutes.


End of Part 3.
Episode 8
"For Whom The Bell Tolls"

The cameras are in the back where we see The Society standing in a locker room. They stand in a line as CM Punk walks back and forth in front of them.

CM Punk- Men of The Society, we are at war. We are at war with The Kid and tonight, we are at war with some crows.

CM Punk handles himself as a true general, as he walks back and forth.

CM Punk- So who are The Crows Nest? Maybe, the better question is "WHAT IS THE CROWS NEST?"

CM Punk has a very serious look with an equally serious tone in his voice as he continues to speak.

CM Punk- Dolph Ziggler. He's a talented guy. He is obsessed with making his opponents bleed. He is known to force blood out of his opponents from out of nowhere. He is that fast. He is that good.

CM Punk nods his head as he looks over at his men.

CM Punk- Mr. Kennedy. This man went one on one with the foul mouth, alcoholic Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 2. He nearly won. Since then, he has found the dark side. The evil side. The family of crows. He is just as strong, just as good, but hungrier then ever. Yes, that is dangerous.

CM Punk continues pacing back and forth as he pauses from speaking for a few seconds.

CM Punk- Sting! The Crow himself. The legend. His name is synonymous with wrestling. He was once one of the best to step into that ring. The moment he lost that is the moment he lost his mind. The moment he started traveling with crows. Doing the work for the birds. No mercy. Straight brutality. Is he still dangerous? You're damn right he is.

CM Punk finally stops pacing back and forth and looks directly at his men.

CM Punk- But WE.... we are the best in the world.

CM Punk says it at such a relaxed tone that it could give chills to your body. He speaks it how he means it.

CM Punk- Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose. In just a few weeks, you will get rid of those imbeciles. You will get rid of Brian Kendrick and Paul London. Do you know why they're not a legendary tag team? Do you know why two men who had such potential are not standing here members of The Society? Because you can have it here all you want....

CM Punk pounds his chest.

CM Punk- .... but if you don't have it here, you're done.

CM Punk points to his head with a huge smile on his face. Speaking of the brain for those that are confused and unable to spot greatness.

CM Punk- You two have it in your head, in your chest, in that ring. You are the total package. You are the next KWF Tag Team Champions.

Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose nod their heads at CM Punk, showing their appreciation.

CM Punk- Samoa Joe! The Samoan Submission Machine! A high flying beast. Inhuma! Insane! The next KWF Television Champion! Do you know what's going to happen to that French Men at Summerslam? Does the world have any idea what you are going to do to Rene Dupree at Summerslam?! You're not only going to take his title, no, you're going to take his livelihood!

CM Punk grins widely as he looks over at Samoa Joe.

CM Punk- Dear World, I am Samoa Joe and at Summerslam.... JOE'S GUNNA KILL YOU!

CM Punk is fired up as he laughs, eyes beat red from shouting. Samoa Joe is fired up, as well as he nods his head at CM Punk.

CM Punk- Unfortunately, the three of you will not be out there to help us. AJ Styles. They can try and stack the whole world on you. The Kid has put five other men and a ladder in your way of retaining that Intercontinental Championship at Summerslam. To a normal human being, that is impossible. The percentage is too low! The chances are slim, but you know what, AJ?! You will go into Summerslam and into that ring right now and you will show the whole world that in The Society, there is no normal human beings. The Society are simply the best.... SIMPLY PHENOMENAL!

AJ Styles nods his head at CM Punk, as he is amped up. CM Punk walks over to John Cena and smiles.

CM Punk- They outnumbered you. You went out and fought. You were getting screwed over left and right. You asked for more. YOU GOT YOUR ASS BEAT! You came back!

CM Punk smiles in the face of John Cena. John Cena has an intense look on his face, showing that he is not a quitter.

CM Punk- They asked why John Cena out of all people is a member of The Society. They said you didn't fit. You didn't belong. You listened and you listened and when it came time to show the world what you're made of.... you rocked the earth!

CM Punk takes a deep breath and lowers his tone.

CM Punk- At Summerslam, you will end the critics. You will end Rhyno.

CM Punk and John Cena stare into each others eyes for a few seconds. The intensity at a high level. CM Punk takes a few steps back and looks at all of his men.

CM Punk begins pointing to himself. His chest.

CM Punk- I am CM Punk. I am the KWF World Champion. I am the first ever double champion in the KWF. I am a MEMBER of The Society. I am not the leader. I am no leader! In The Society, we are all equal. The six of us are equal. We are the best in the world. If there was anyone else who was able to make that claim, they would be standing right here besides us! But they're not.

CM Punk takes some small breaths, as he keeps a very serious and stern look on his face.

CM Punk- This match is happening because The Kid wants revenge on us. This match means more then that to us. This is a challenge. A challenge to see what group is stronger. What group is smarter. What group is better. THE SOCIETY! THE CROWS NEST! Who is the best?

CM Punk begins smiling at his men.

CM Punk- The answer?

The smile gets wider.

CM Punk- The Society.

The Society stands inside of the locker room, united.


The cameras are in the back where we see Bret Hart and Rene Dupree standing by each other.

Rene Dupree- Leesin, next veek, I'm not going to take it easy on you. I am going to give you my all. I am going to give you zee best.

The Television Champion looks deep into the eyes of Bret Hart.

Bret Hart- I expect the best.

Bret gets closer to Dupree.

Bret Hart- Just know.... when I have you tapping out to the Sharpshooter right in the middle of that ring in St. Louis, Missouri....

Shout out to where next weeks RAW will take place! It's official!

Bret Hart- .... your best may not be enough.

The two men stare at each other for a bit and....




Shawn Michaels has come out of nowhere and knocked Bret Hart's lights out. Shawn Michaels stands above the body of Bret Hart as Rene Dupree screams.



Rene Dupree has just got his lights knocked out. Shawn Michaels stands above the two men who will be fighting in next weeks main event, in St. Louis, Missouri.

Shawn Michaels walks away with an angry look on his face. He has gotten his revenge for the Sharpshooter he received last week from Bret Hart. Revenge and hatred will all come to a fighting finale at Summerslam.

The Heart Break Kid has struck The Hitman and the French Phenom.

Just like that.


The Society (Punk, Cena, Styles) vs The Crows Nest (Sting, Kennedy, Ziggler)

The crowd is on their feet for this epic showcase. The first two men in the ring are arguably the best man on each team. The KWF World Champion, CM Punk and Sting. The crowd is going insane as they watch these two men start off this six man tag match.

The two men circle the ring, eyes locked on each other. They simultaneously charge at each other and lock up. CM Punk slithers out and begins kneeing Sting in the ribs. The KWF World Champion runs to the ropes and comes back going for a clothesline, but Sting ducks it. CM Punk goes charging at the opposite ropes and comes back at Sting, again. This time Sting uses his knowledge of the ring to run his knee right into the gut of CM Punk. CM Punk stumbles forward and falls onto his knees. Sting quickly charges over to CM Punk and yanks him up to his feet and drills him in the back of the head with a forearm. CM Punk stumbles forward into the ropes. Sting quickly gets behind Punk and yanks his head back and he's going for the....



CM Punk uses the ropes to pull out of the arms of Sting. Sting reaches forward to grab Punk by the hair, again, but this time Punk drills Sting right in the face with a vicious elbow. Sting stumbles back and CM Punk goes through the ropes and onto the apron. As Sting finishes stumbling back, he begins moving forward towards Punk, but Punk leaps off the top rope with a diving cross body! CM Punk hooks the leg of Sting for the pin, but Sting pops out before the referee can even get to the floor.

Both men rush to their feet and Punk charges at Sting for a clothesline, but Sting ducks it. Sting bounces off the ropes and he comes charging back going for a diving clothesline, but CM Punk ducks under it! CM Punk does a dive and forward roll and makes it to his corner where he tags in AJ Styles. The momentum has sent Sting to his corner where he tags in Dolph Ziggler.

Dolph gets into the ring and AJ Styles comes flying off the top turnbuckle for a flying drop kick and connects right in the face of Dolph Ziggler. Dolph falls to the mat, but both men are quick to their feet, but AJ Styles has the advantage as he gives the dazed Dolph an arm drag. He follows the first arm drag with a second one and then a third one. When Ziggler gets to his feet, he is more dazed then anything and that's when AJ Styles leaps into the air and onto the arms of Dolph Ziggler for a huricanrann-

- NO!


Dolph Ziggler holds the position on AJ Styles for the pin!



A near victory out of nowhere right there. Dolph is still dazed from the attacks he has received and knows that he needs a few seconds to himself. He begins crawling over to his corner where he tags in Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy gets into the ring and begins walking over to the body of AJ Styles who is on all fours. AJ must feel the presence of Kennedy, because out of nowhere, he connects with the....

.... PELE!

Mr. Kennedy collapses onto his back. AJ Styles begins crawling forward and he makes the tag on John Cena!

John Cena gets into the ring and he is fired up. He charges across the ring and sends Dolph Ziggler flying off the apron with a vicious right. He then drills Sting in the face with another right. Sting stumbles on the apron, before jumping off. Avoiding anymore damage.

John Cena turns around and begins stalking Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy slowly gets to his feet and he is sent right back down with a DDT. John Cena gets to his feet and looks down at Kennedy and makes his hand gesture, "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" John Cena runs to the ropes and comes back and....


John Cena gets to his feet and is sent down by a DDT from Sting! The Stinger is fired up and he charges over to the corner where he drills AJ Styles in the face with a vicious right. He then grabs CM Punk and runs him face first into the ring post. CM Punk and AJ Styles both land hard on the outside of the ring.

CM Punk begins crawling up the ramp, holding onto his face. That steel ring post just collided with his face and there is not a mark on the steel ring post. CM Punk is in excruciating pain and he may not realize that he has climbed to the top of the ramp. Could the "Best In The World" be leaving his men behind in war? WHAT THE....


Shawn Michaels comes from through the curtains with revenge! He has hit another hopeless soul! He has struck his other opponent for Summerslam! He has struck CM Punk!

Shawn Michaels is heading down the ramp.

Inside of the ring, the referee is trying to pull Sting and Dolph Ziggler out of the ring as they are helping Mr. Kennedy stomp away on John Cena. The referee must've grabbed Sting a little too roughly, as Sting grabs the referee and spins him around and connects with the SCORPION DEATH DROP!

Things are out of control!

This match is over!


The crowd is about to see some insanity and they know it as they are all on their feet.

Shawn Michaels has reached ringside and he looks to his side where AJ Styles has finally pushed himself up to his feet and....


The Phenomenal One goes all the way back down after being drilled by Shawn Michaels. He is attacking everyone.

All of a sudden, the other members of The Society start coming from the back!

It's Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe. Ambrose reaches first and he ducks a clothesline from Shawn Michaels and slides into the ring and goes to save his other partner, John Cena.

He charges over at Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy, but they quickly double team him. They begin beating away on Dean Ambrose.

Shawn Michaels and Bryan Danielson are exchanging blows on the outside of the ring and Danielson escapes to go and help his partner inside of the ring. Samoa Joe charges at Shawn Michaels and....


Samoa Joe collapses.

Inside of the ring, Bryan Danielson goes to help Dean Ambrose out with The Nest, but Sting grabs Danielson from behind and throws him spine first into the turnbuckle. Danielson leans against it, in pain. Sting takes a few steps back and charges forward with all of his strength, leaps into the air and STINGER SPLASH!

Bryan Danielson bounces off the turnbuckle, stumbles forward and....


Bryan Danielson collapses.

The double teaming halts for a second on Dean Ambrose as he forces himself up to his feet. He stumbles past The Nest and right into a....


Dean Ambrose collapses onto his back.

Sting, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy stand right by each other and look over at Shawn Michaels. HBK has taken out numbers, but he is now face to face with the blood thirsty crows. All of a sudden....


The flapping is louder and the crows begin to fly over the ring, in a circular motion. The Crows Nest have their eyes locked on Shawn Michaels and HBK does what HBK does and he charges forward and....



The final member of The Society has been hit. Shawn Michaels has connected on John Cena, as well. The Heart Break Kid quickly leaves the ring and marvels at his work. He has hit 7 Sweet Chin Musics, 6 of them going to each member of The Society.

The Society is scattered all over the place.

The Crows Nest stand in the ring.

Awaiting their promise.


The mess has finally been cleaned up as KWF officials have assisted all of the members of The Society to the back. All of them having their lights just knocked out by Shawn Michaels.

Inside of the ring, The Crows Nest stands.

Sting has a microphone and he begins to speak.

Sting- Kid, you made a deal. You made a deal with The Nest. We have fulfilled our side of the deal and now it is your turn. Do not back away from a deal with the crows for it will be the end of your existence. It will be the end of the....


The crowd swing their heads over to the titantron. Still cautious of the crows that continue to fly around the ring, above the heads of Sting, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy. The Kid is on the titantron with a huge smile on his face.

The Kid- When I make a deal, I always own up to it. Right here in my pocket....

The Kid reaches in his front pocket and pulls out that piece of paper from earlier. He unfolds it and he opens it up and faces the camera.

The Kid- This piece of paper is a contract. A contract for a match at Summerslam. Your revenge! Your opportunity to redeem yourself and all your crows! You, Sting, will be going one on one against.... THE UNDERTAKER!

The crowd erupts in cheers. Sting keeps a straight look on his face. He does not change emotions on his black and white with red smeared face. The red represents the blood, the pain from his loss against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 3.

The Kid has a huge smile on his face, but Sting is not satisfied. He raises the microphone to speak about it.

Sting- I can't wait until Summerslam. I want The Undertaker.... now! I want The Undertaker to show himself! Undertaker, I know you can hear me, SHOW YOURSELF!

Sting is furious. He wants The Undertaker now.

The Kid- You should be-b-be-b-b- be careful-care-care-ca-ca....

All of a sudden....

.... static fills up the screen....

.... The screen is all black. The crows above the ring begin flying at a faster pace and they caw louder and louder. Sting looks around, the chill fills the arena and....


Silence fills the arena. The crowd awaits.


The crowd erupts in cheers. Painful caws are heard through the arena, the caws from the crows. Thunder shakes the arena and....


A lightning bolt hits the ring! It lights up the ring for a good two seconds where we see....


Sting does not notice him. No members of The Nest do, as The Undertaker stands behind them. As real as can be.


The lights go black, again. The lighting strike has lost its force.

A bunch of thuds are heard. As if some "things" are hitting the mat.

After a few seconds of silence, the lights come back on!


The ring is filled by....


The crows that were surrounding the ring have all been struck by something and they lie dead, in the shape of a CROSS.

Sting, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy look over at the mess of crows. Sting has dropped the microphone.

The Undertaker has responded.

He has killed the crows.

The final image is The Crows Nest standing inside of a ring, filled by murdered crows.

Murdered by The Undertaker.

Show Ends.







AJ STYLES (c) vs THE MIZ vs CHRISTIAN vs SHEAMUS vs Cody/Goldust vs MVP/Monty


THE HOOLIGANS (c) vs THE SOCIETY (Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose)




Card subject to change....
Episode 9
"A Cardinal Sin"


Sweet Chins For Everyone
- On the last episode of RAW, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels let loose some aggression, connecting on SEVEN Sweet Chin Musics. He nailed all of The Society, Bret Hart and Rene Dupree. Most importantly, he sent a message to both of his opponents at Summerslam. CM Punk and Bret Hart met the reality that all it could take at Summerslam is ONE second and you could lose consciousness. You could lose your title or your opportunity to hold the title. Shawn Michaels has burned his bridges with The Kid after laying him out for two weeks in a row with the Sweet Chin Music and he has had no problem riding alone on this road to Summerslam. His hopeful road to regaining his title. What will HBK have to say for his recent actions on RAW? Or will he continue to let the band do the talking?

A Hitman and a French Man
- The main event on Episode 9 has been announced the prior week and it will be a dream match to some of the followers of the KWF. Rene Dupree has made a name for himself in the KWF. Currently involved in a huge problem with The Society, he has been on a role of rage lately. He has seeked revenge all over. The Television Champion can finally let out his aggression in the main event of RAW. However, he will have to do it against a legend in the business. One of the three men in the Summerslam main event that will be fighting for the KWF World Championship, Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Another man with his own problems against The Society, another man with a lot of anger stored inside of him. These two fan favorites are sure to tear the house down in the main event of RAW. Who will walk out victorious?

The Society's Problem
- All six men of The Society have already been told their fate at Summerslam. They all know who they're facing, well, just about everybody. The Kid has continued his war with The Society as he has now stacked the tables on AJ Styles and his opportunity to retain his Intercontinental Championship at Summerslam. John Cena is in a Last Man Standing match against The Kid's personal bodyguard, Rhyno. Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose will be fighting the Tag Team Champions, The Hooligans. Samoa Joe is fighting one of the greatest superstars in KWF history, the Television Champion, Rene Dupree. CM Punk squares off against two legends he humiliated at Wrestlemania 3, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. The Society started the season hot, but for the last two weeks, The Kid has one way or another gotten the best of them. The bad luck has to either come to an end for The Society or end up becoming the end of The Society. Only time will tell.

A Feast On Crows
- Sting, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy make up The Crows Nest. A group who have made their names famous this season with the sacrificing of The Hardy Boyz and the domination of The Dudley Boyz. Don't forget the kidnapping of Chris Jericho, who was set free. Set free for the real opportunity that Sting and The Nest have been after. The opportunity to avenge a loss at Wrestlemania 3. An opportunity for revenge. The opportunity for Sting to face The Undertaker once more. Sting got his wish as he was awarded the match against The Undertaker at Summerslam. That wasn't enough for Sting as he demanded The Undertaker show himself. With the crows flying over the ring, the lights went off. When they flickered on for two seconds, The Undertaker stood behind The Crows Nest. Breathing in his victims emotions. When the lights stopped flickering, the sounds of thuds were heard. That is when the lights came on and the world was shocked to see a ring filled with dead crows. A message from The Undertaker. What will be the response from Sting and The Nest? Will The Dead Man continue his mind games on The Nest? How will this road to Summerslam, to Sting vs Undertaker II, continue?

60 Minutes
- It is official. At Summerslam, Kurt Angle will be defending his name as the KWF Iron Man. He will be defending his 2-0, undefeated streak in Iron Man matches in the KWF. He will be defending it against one of the greatest to ever fight in the KWF. A multiple time champion, a King Of The Ring, a man who ended the most respected streak in wrestling history. A Legend Killer. A Viper. A man named Randy Orton. Both men have gotten their attacks on each other and after being locked in an Ankle Lock in the backstage area, Randy Orton was forced into accepting the match for Summerslam. Both men have continued to speak about who the better man is in the KWF, but now they are given one opportunity, one hour to prove who truly is the best. How will their final two weeks on their road to a 60 minute Iron Man match at Summerslam continue?

The Nations Domination
- With Elijah Burke as the new leader, The Nation Of Domination have continued to sore up. Watching his men, MVP and Monty Brown defeat The Colon Brothers was a pleasant sighting for Elijah Burke. The news he got next was not so pleasant as he will now have to watch MVP and Monty Brown go one on one. The winner to fill one of the remaining two spots in the Ladder Match at Summerslam, for the Intercontinental Championship. Competition could lead to jealousy. Jealousy could lead to the demise of The Nation. This is the opportunity for Elijah Burke to show his leadership skills and for The Nation to begin to prove their worthiness in the KWF. A six man group with one opportunity given to them. How will The Nation capitalize? Who will capitalize?

A Sheik and his Rhodes
- The Golden Sheik, Muhammad Hassan has been on fire as of late. After being crowned The Golden Sheik, Muhammad Hassan has successfully defeated several superstars who have accepted his open challenges. He has been dominant. He has also been protected. Protected by his manager, Daivari and his new bodyguard, The Great Khali. Muhammad Hassan was given an opportunity for a spot in the ladder match at Summerslam, but he had it taken away from him after being screwed by the Rhodes Brothers. The mentally deranged, Goldust and the man who is forced under his wing, his younger brother, Cody Rhodes. They came out and humiliated Muhammad Hassan, distracting him enough in his match where he ended up finally being defeated by Christian. Christian earned his spot in the Ladder match at Summerslam, while Muhammad Hassan earned himself disrespect and a loss. A loss thanks to the Rhodes Brothers. Now those same two men that cost him his opportunity will be getting the same opportunity, but they have to face each other. It will be Cody Rhodes going one on one against Goldust. The winner gets one of the final two spots in that 6 man Ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship at Summerslam. Who will walk out victorious? What will The Golden Sheik have in mind for his obvious revenge?

The Wyatt Family
- Still not much is known from these gentlemen. A group that goes by the name of The Wyatt Family. A group led by Bray Wyatt with his "brothers" Luke, Erick and Kane. They have made it known that they are coming to the KWF to "end the biggest lie of them all." What will happen regarding this deranged group? What more do The Wyatt Family have to say?

Announced Matches


Rene Dupree (c) vs Bret Hart

MVP vs Monty Brown

Cody Rhodes vs Goldust
Episode 9
"A Cardinal Sin"





The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels makes his way through the curtains. He is in jeans and a black shirt as he makes his way down the ramp. As soon as he reaches the ring, he enters it. He seems to be all business right now. He walks over to the ropes and asks for a microphone and he is quickly handed one. Shawn Michaels doesn't take long to address the crowd.

Shawn Michaels- Last week, I was on a mission. My mission was to finish what I started. My mission was to get my revenge on every member of The Society. My mission was to get my revenge on Bret Hart. My mission was to knock the lights out of any man that got in my way! I did just that.

Shawn Michaels begins nodding his head.

Shawn Michaels- Last week, I connected on seven, count them, seven Sweet Chin Musics. I think my mission went well. but it's not enough. Oh no!

Shawn Michaels begins walking around the ring, looking displeased.

Shawn Michaels- The Heart Break Kid has been around this business for a very long time. I know that revenge is right around the corner from any one of those seven men I took out. Except, that's not what I'm worried about.

Shawn Michaels shakes his head, looking up the ramp.

Shawn Michaels- I have never backed down from a fight and tonight is not going to be the night that I trade in my wrestling boots for jogging sneakers!

HBK looks amped up.

Shawn Michaels- The ONE thing that does worry me is something that CM Punk bought up. He called me a dinosaur. He called me a.... dinosaur.

HBK takes a deep breath.

Shawn Michaels- He reminded me what my body tends to remind me at times. He reminded me that I'm old. He reminded me that Summerslam could be that final opportunity for me. He reminded me that Summerslam could very well be my last chance at being a champion.

HBK nods his head. All of a sudden, Shawn Michaels begins smiling.

Shawn Michaels- So thank you for the reminder, Punk. I thought I would repay you for the favor by coming out last week and laying you and your whole group of the self proclaimed best wrestlers in the world. I thought I would remind you that Shawn Michaels is living proof that age is nothing, but a number! I thought I would remind you that Shawn Michaels is the showstopper! You have made a career out of making people "go to sleep". Well guess what, Punk?! You're looking at the originator! You're looking at the man who made a career of knocking the biggest, the baddest, the fastest, the best wrestlers to ever step through those ropes out cold, TO SLEEP.... in a split second!

HBK is fired up. He stops moving around so much and stands still, looking around at the crowd.

Shawn Michaels- So, I thought I would come out last week and remind you how fast that split second really is. I thought I would remind you how quickly that KWF World Championship can go.

HBK begins nodding his head.

Shawn Michaels- So I started thinking of how much fun it was to remind you of what I am capable of, I thought I would do it, again. Tonight!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

Shawn Michaels- I am standing in this ring, making an open challenge to any man in the back who actually believe that I am no longer that man that I used to be. Any man that believes that I am not....




The crowd erupts in gasps. A world record of gasp volume has just been set. The whole arena is silent. They all know what's coming next and just like always....

.... the crows begin to caw loudly. Furiously. The flapping of their wings gets louder and louder. More furious.

All of a sudden, the lights come back on!


They stand inside of the ring with their backs turned to Shawn Michaels. Sting is holding a microphone. Shawn Michaels backs away from them, but they have their backs turned and don't seem to be acknowledging Shawn Michaels one bit.

Sting- Last week, he made his presence. Last week, The Undertaker showed himself.

The crowd erupts in cheers, remembering the epic moment. Sting tilts his head back and begins looking up at the crows flying over the ring, in a circular motion.

Sting- Above my head right now is proof that you can do whatever you want, but a crow does not DIE!

Sting lets out a roar with the last word, before tilting his head forward, again. The three members of The Crows Nest, keep their eyes locked up the ramp.

Sting- Undertaker, you can hide all you want, but come Summerslam, I.... WILL.... FEAST!

The serious tone on the voice of Sting is shown, as he keeps his dark and cold eyes up the ramp.

Shawn Michaels- Are you done?

Sting's facial expression changes at the sound of the voice from behind them. Slowly, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy turn around to feast their eyes on Shawn Michaels. Sting keeps his back turned to him.

Shawn Michaels- If you're going to interrupt me when I am speaking, I would really appreciate it if you turned around and looked at me while you did it!

The crowd erupts in cheers at the tension in the ring between the two legends.

Sting slowly turns around and looks over at Shawn Michaels. Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy stand by Sting, ready to attack. The two blood thirsty blondes crack their knuckles and keep their eyes locked on Shawn Michaels. The pace of the crows in the air continues at a rapid pace. Shawn Michaels begins looking around, realizing that he may have made a mistake by opening his mouth.

The two men just stare at each other, before Shawn Michaels breaks the ice by speaking.

Shawn Michaels- I hate to repeat myself and continue to talk about my age, but.... man! I've been in situations like this before and majority of the time, they just don't end well, so I was thinking.... why not?!


Mr. Kennedy collapses onto his back!

Shawn Michaels goes to turn around and....

.... ZIG ZAG!

Dolph Ziggler sends Shawn Michaels to the mat, from behind. Shawn Michaels begins rolling around, in pain. Sting drops the microphone and walks over to the body of Shawn Michaels and looks down at it. The ice cold insides begin pouring out of the eyes of Sting.

Dolph Ziggler crawls over to Mr. Kennedy and begins to shake him, trying to wake him out of his daze. Behind him, Sting continues to look down at Shawn Michaels as he slowly begins raising his black baseball bat. He stops when he has it directly pointed at the face of Shawn Michaels. Sting goes to raise the bat when....


The crowd erupts in cheers and running through the curtains from the back are the former tag team champions, Chris Jericho and Lance Storm! They are out for revenge after The Crows Nest kidnapped Chris Jericho.

Jeri-Storm is running full speed down the ramp, eyes set on The Nest. Sting stands above the body of Shawn Michaels, head turned to the side, watching the angry duo charge. He looks over at Dolph Ziggler who cautiously stands by the laid out body of Mr. Kennedy, still ready to fight to defend The Nest. All of a sudden....



Silence fills the arena. The flapping of wings has disappeared.


The lights come on.

The Crows Nest is gone.

Jeri-Storm has entered the ring and they begin looking around, but their potential victims are gone. Shawn Michaels slowly begins to get to his feet and you can just see that he knows that his luck almost ran out.

Jeri-Storm is back, but The Crows Nest have vanished.


Cody Rhodes vs Goldust

Goldust makes his way out first to an ovation from the crowd. His younger brother, Cody Rhodes comes out next and he gets an ovation himself. The two brothers who have been working together as of late will be getting an opportunity for one of the remaining two spots left in the ladder match at Summerslam. The shot to walk out of Summerslam the Intercontinental Champion.

The match starts off with the two men circling the ring. Goldust stops moving around and offers a handshake to his younger brother, his protege. Cody stops pacing around, too and walks over to his brother and goes to shake the hand and....

.... SLAP!

Goldust slaps Cody Rhodes across the face, stunning his protege. Goldust quickly charges at Cody and gives him a powerful clothesline. Cody hits the mat hard and quickly gets to his feet, only to be taken out by a second clothesline. Cody goes to get up a third time, but sees Goldust charging in his direction, so he just falls back down and sits up against the ropes. He looks up at Goldust who slams his brakes and looks down at his brother. Goldust smiles and begins to point at his head, reminding Cody Rhodes that he has just been outsmarted.

As the match continues, both men have been going at it with each other. Neither man showing mercy with their assaults. Goldust has continues to confuse his brother, with his unorthodox mind games. As the match was beginning to get interesting, boos filled the arena. Boos because walking down that aisle with a smug look on his face was none other than....


Behind him is Daivari and the giant bodyguard of his, The Great Khali. An angry look on all three of their faces. Wasting no time, Muhammad Hassan slides into the ring and catches their attention. The referee sees him also and quickly goes to grab him, but that's when chaos begins!

The Great Khali has gotten into the ring behind both of the Rhodes brothers and he spins them both around and....


The referee sees this and has to call for the bell. This match is over.

The crowd erupts in boos as both Goldust and Cody Rhodes collapse onto their back. Muhammad Hassan angrily walks over to their prone bodies and smiles as he looks down at them. Muhammad Hassan gets on the back of Cody Rhodes and yanks him up and....


The crowd erupts in boos as Muhammad Hassan swings away at the head of Cody Rhodes. Muhammad Hassan lets out a furious scream as he pulls on the head. After a few more seconds, Muhammad Hassan releases the submission.

The Golden Sheik then slowly walks over to the prone body of Goldust and begins walking around him, slowly. Muhammad Hassan is stalking the body of Goldust, but is done waiting. He screams over at The Great Khali to lift him up. The Great Khali bends over and yanks the lifeless body of Goldust up and holds him in front of Muhammad Hassan. The Golden Sheik angrily looks into the eyes of the dazed, but open eyes of Goldust. Muhammad Hassan has a disgusted look on his face, but seems ready to get his revenge for the embarrassment from last week and....


The fury in the eyes of Muhammad Hassan reaches an all time high as he angrily grabs Goldust, sets him up and falls back with the JIHAD DRIVER!

Goldust goes face first to the mat and Muhammad Hassan leaps up to his feet. The Golden Sheik has gotten his revenge, but he still looks hungry for more.

The Golden Sheik, Muhammad Hassan stands above the bodies of Cody Rhodes and Goldust with Daivari and The Great Khali standing behind him.

The Golden Sheik has gotten his revenge on The Rhodes.


A long road, surrounded by farms appears on the screen. A full moon in the sky. The dark road has four shadows in it, walking.

It's The Wyatt Family!

The camera goes in from the sky view and goes below the faces of the four members of The Wyatt Family.

Bray Wyatt, Erick, Luke and Kane walk down this dark road. Their only light coming from the oil lamp in the hand of Bray Wyatt. The men continue walking as Bray Wyatt begins speaking.

Bray Wyatt- They have taught you that fear is a normal part of life. They have taught you that fear is something you can overcome. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Bray Wyatt breaks into his evil, sadistic laugh. He quickly changes by shouting....


The look in the face of Bray Wyatt is not of a normal human being.

Bray Wyatt- They lied to you, man!

The camera remains on the face of Bray Wyatt. The four members continue strolling through the dark streets, but all you can see is the four evil faces. Two in masks, two without.

Bray Wyatt- Fear is not what they have made it out to be! All those fears that have been put into your mind throughout your life are all lies! They're not real. They're not us.

Bray begins laughing, again.

Bray Wyatt- We are not normal!

A closeup of Erick in his sheep mask is shown.

Bray Wyatt- We are not something you can overcome!

A close up of the black bearded, Luke, is shown.

Bray Wyatt- WE ARE FEAR!

A closeup of Kane in his red and black mask is shown.

Bray Wyatt- We are The Wyatt Family!

The camera zooms away from the members of The Wyatt Family and walking behind them is....


Men, women, children. All in ragged and stained clothing. Some with cuts and scars on their bodies. All in a sheep mask.

The Wyatt Family walks down the dark road as Bray Wyatt shouts out....

Bray Wyatt- WE'RE COMING!

The only light in this dark road is that of the oil lamp. A sadistic laugh echoes through the road.



Bray Wyatt has blown out the oil lamp.

The Wyatt Family is coming!

End of Part 1.

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