Kurt Angle Return

I really want Kurt Angle to finish his career in the WWE. No offense to TNA, but a career like Kurt Angle's deserves to end on a bigger stage. However, I don't think we'll see a HBK-like send off. I really hope Kurt Angle can still go against Cesaro, Bryan or even CM Punk before he left. Kurt Angle clearly was disappointed on the lack of 'real' wrestlers on the WWE's roster during his departure, citing that he faced everyone he could have a good match with, he even dreaded facing Batista 1 on 1.

If Kurt Angle ever comes back, it'll be probably just for a HOF Induction or to a limited degree. I have my hopes though, I mean he's Kurt freakin ANGLE! *fingers crossed :rasta:
If TNA goes out of business soon, it probably puts WWE in good shape to test an Angle return. Bringing him back at the Royal Rumble would be great, and WWE could drug test Angle and give him a physical and monitor his progress over the next few months. If he's good, put him in the Rumble. If he stays good, give him a Wrestlemania retirement spot, then let him work the next year, and if he's still going good, HOF at WM 2016.
While I definitely agree that Angle would make guys look great, it seems like it'd be a temporary fix. What I think WWE should do is actually show off the technical wrestlers who are already on the program. Yea Angle would be a nice jump in ratings but what merchandise does he have? You say that it's all about the money but yet to my recollection Angle didn't have mega merchandise(I'm talking like Cena level here).

To rephrase, WWE has all the talent they need, it truly is if they use them correctly. Angle would help most definitely but for a superstar to have one technical masterpiece(I'm talking whoever his opponent is) and then it to disappear wouldn't truly hold them up. You had guys like Punk and Bryan who actually can wrestle and can make guys look good regardless and then you have guys like Khali who can't do it. Yea an Angle...say Ambrose match, would make them both look great, sooner or later he's fighting Cena or Reigns who use limited movesets and don't help make you look good. In my opinion the best option is to get these guys to use their movepools but by doing that you "bore" the target audience.

An I most definitely agree with WWE for some reason not pushing guys like Miz and Ziggler.

I think the problem with Punk in general was the fact the audience he targeted were already watching WWE religiously. His ability on the mic and in ring appeals greatly to the IWC and most of us watch regardless. To add to that, the IWC loves dream matches xD and I don't think you can count the increase in ratings during his feud with Taker being as it was during Wrestlemania season, highly doubt the increase was because Punk was finally having his match with Taker.

Angle if he is still raring to go and relatively healthy is better on the mike and in the ring -psychology wise and technically- than most (if not all)of the performers on the WWE's roster. He more than likely won't move merchandise (he might) but he can help buyrates, tv ratings and at the gate. I think if they give him a reasonable schedule, he can be a solid contributor there. Yes the roster is full main eventers who have been there for ages and can't bring the fan interest any further and younger solid talent that are untested and unproven. I think they should get Angle, they might not but they would be foolish not to consider it.
Now you cant always take something on the main page to heart, but the recent posting about Angle coming back to the WWE got me thinking. What is the harm in letting Kurt wrestle a few matches?

Wouldnt a role like that of Flair or Hogan be a waste for someone who can still go in the ring like Angle can? I really think so. I think that it would be great to see him back doing appearances & cracking jokes or hitting a random Angle Slam on some smartass. Unfortunately I see that as a bit of a waste to relegate him to the old folks home right out of the gate. When the fans see him, they are just going to be disappointed if he doesnt get in the ring. Sure they will still cheer, but that wont stop the vocal & demanding WWE universe from expecting a match or two.

Angle is getting older, but is still in decent shape. Certainly he has enough in the tank to put on a few great matches. I dont think he would touch the titles, but he sure as hell could be used to put over a few guys who are on their way. Why not let him get a few matches out of his system & then go on to a Legends type of deal. If he passes the exams & stays healthy\sober, what is the harm in having him put a few guys over before he unlaces the boots? Vince may not be so positive on the idea, but I sure as hell bet that Hunter would see that as best for business. If he is healthy, why not use him in the ring a bit instead of missing a few great opportunities?

Cesaro, Bryan, Bo Dallas, Reigns- those guys would put one some solid matches & could benefit from taking down a guy like Kurt. Hell, even having Angle spend some time working with the NXT guys would be a big deal. I dont expect WWE to let him win any belts or headline WM, but they surely could use him in some wrestling capacity before moving him into a Legends role with the company. It just seems like a waste not to.
I would love Angle to come back for the next couple of years and put over a few guys and have a couple of 5 star matches, which i still think he is capable of, with Bryan, Cesaro and Rollins and maybe have one more big match with Lesnar, Cena or Jericho.

I don't really keep up with TNA but from what i have heard he seems to have had some great matches in the past 7/8 years. Also, from the reports i have read, he seems to be keeping healthy by staying sober and lets all hope he doesn't cave and start drinking and taking drugs again.

If he can't compete, i would love to see him become commissioner of Raw, much like Foley and Austin, which would lead to some hilarious segments.

And if that is still too far, i would love for him to make his return and confront Bo Dallas, which would also be hilarious due to their similarities in their characters.
Angle is obviously pushing for an in-ring return but I'm not sure his body can handle it. It's a shame but that is the reality. I'd certainly enjoy an Angle return. He was a wonderful wrestler and gave us numerous high quality moments/matches. Matches with the likes of Bryan, Cesaro and Rollins are exciting but unlikely.

The WWE should look to get Kurt back in the ring. A few matches is all that is required because Kurt is ready for the Hall of Fame and indeed to headline an entire year. Angle can even become a GM if needs be and he would most definitely be a good trainer for the performance centre. Kurt Angle will be back in the WWE soon but, rather unfortunately, he might not be wrestling.
I would be more than excited to have Angle back. It's a shame with all the substance abuse and injuries he has sustained over the years and he is not what he once was, but he has stated that he is ready to go again and been sober (or so he says).

I don't think it's out of the question at all for an Angle in ring return, especially if reports are true that he is pitching for a Shawn Michaels towards his retirement type of deal. I can't remember exactly what that was, but I know he didn't wrestle EVERY show. Angle will probably come back in October or later this year and work a short schedule to Wrestlemania where he can have a last match with Daniel Bryan assuming he is good to go by then. If not then Cesaro or maybe even one last great match with Jericho or something.

Angle is a shell of his former self, but even at a shell he can still perform and is worth more than a good chunk of WWE's main roster.

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