Kurt Angle Return


Occasional Pre-Show
Royal Rumble 2015 and I can see him starting a feud with maybe Cesaro but also maybe Daniel Bryan. I don't know how people feel here but know Kurt will have a spot this coming WM. Punk would be cool but right now it seems unlikely.
Kurt Angle will never wrestle in WWE again. Mid-40's, broken down, clearly has an alcohol problem and possibly a drug one too.

Hey, I'd like to see Angle vs. several WWE superstars (Cesaro & Bryan included) but it just isn't going to happen.
Kurt Angle will never wrestle in WWE again. Mid-40's, broken down, clearly has an alcohol problem and possibly a drug one too.

Hey, I'd like to see Angle vs. several WWE superstars (Cesaro & Bryan included) but it just isn't going to happen.

He's been sober and healthy for 11 months now, he continuously states his desire to work for the WWE again.
He's been sober and healthy for 11 months now, he continuously states his desire to work for the WWE again.

Well if Kurt Angle says he's been sober for 11 months then it must be true. Same with the health as well. If he feels healthy then he is healthy. That Kurt is a positive guy.

And I'd like to express my desire to work for WWE at the highest level as well. Call me, WWE!

He might work for them again. He isn't wrestling for them again.
If Angle is indeed sober, then he may have a shot at a final WWE run, but knowing the health problems he had BEFORE he left WWE (which caused them to let him go) and the additional wear and tear on his body in TNA, plus the well documented personal problems which caused his recent stint in rehab, then I don't know if WWE will think he is worth the risk as an active wrestler.

He'll obviously have to pass the wellness tests and strict WWE medical for them to even consider putting him in the ring again and I don't have high hopes that he would get through them. Angle is broken down, one of the best of all time but a shadow of what he was in his prime.

I'm pretty sure he will work for WWE again, there is alot of money to be gained from a Kurt Angle 3 Disc DVD set, and using him as an on-screen talent would be great, but I don't expect he'll wrestle again. He would be a great trainer in NXT, and he's a shoe-in for the Hall of Fame, and I could see him making a run in at whichever WrestleMania he is inducted in, hitting an Angle Slam or putting an Anklelock on whichever foreign heel is laying into the US....but I don't think he'd have a match.

Who knows, he may pass a fitness and medical test and have a HBK style indian summer to his career, but I highly doubt it.
....then I don't know if WWE will think he is worth the risk as an active wrestler.

While we've been reading Kurt's desire to "someday" return to WWE over these past years.....only to have him sign a new TNA contract just when it appeared he might make the move.....we still don't really know what WWE thinks of having him back, do we?

On the one hand, Vince McMahon is quick to do what's best for business, even when it involves taking back someone who deserted him in the past (ex: Christian) and while it seems that getting even the shell of Kurt Angle back might be desirable, it would be interesting to know what McMahon truly thinks about this.

As far as Angle returning to wrestle? If he and WWE came to a mutual parting of the ways years ago because the company had sincere worries about the man's physical well-being, how could they justify letting him compete now? He isn't more physically capable now than he was back then, is he?

Of course, by the time his present contract expires, there may not be a TNA to re-sign with, putting Kurt in a less than desirable negotiating position with WWE. If that's so, and he stayed too long at the fair.....tough rocks, Kurt.

It's going to be an interesting Autumn.
As far as Angle returning to wrestle? If he and WWE came to a mutual parting of the ways years ago because the company had sincere worries about the man's physical well-being, how could they justify letting him compete now? He isn't more physically capable now than he was back then, is he?

Exactly right. Angle was a physical wreck when he left WWE, and he's only going to have declined more over the years he's worked at TNA. Remember, he's been a TNA wrestler for longer than he was a WWE wrestler...incredible to think really isnt it?!

If he CAN pass the fitness and health tests, and is clean and sober, then I'd expect WWE to let him wrestle at least once. But, I'm fairly sure he won't be returning as a regular full-time wrestler, due to the constant risk of further injuring his neck. I've said on these forums before that if Angle's neck is as damaged as reported, he could end up in a wheelchair if he continues wrestling. WWE won't want him suffering another serious injury while he's under contract to them.

If I had to put odds on Angle wrestling for WWE again, I'd go for a 3/10 chance, but I think it's very likely he'll sign SOME kind of contract with them at some point, even if its just for the HOF induction/DVD/likeness in computer games etc.
Would have to be on the Rock, Brock, Undertaker schedule. No house shows, no Raw matches(or very minimal ones), just PPV's.
WWE won't want him suffering another serious injury while he's under contract to them.

True, if for no other reason than what it would cost the company to pay him while he sits on the sidelines.

I mentioned Christian earlier as someone who had willingly let his WWE contract expire in order to sign with TNA. I was surprised when Vince McMahon took him back....and even more surprised when he gave Christian a brief world championship reign. Still, I wonder how McMahon feels about the move today when he considers the amazing amount of time and incredible sum of money he must have paid Christian to sit on the injured list.

If Kurt Angle is signed, it could be more of the same. Yes, WWE would surely insist on a provision to protect them if Angle starts his substance abuse ways again, but if he re-injures his neck, would they be on the hook for the balance of Kurt's contract?

They'd better negotiate this contract carefully. If Angle can't live with the terms, let him stay at TNA.......providing there's a TNA to stay with.
When Kurt left in 2006 we were all shocked.. Kurt still had plenty left in the tank at that point,but the reasons soon became known to us,as to why he left.. If the WWE did indeed try to save Kurt by mutually parting ways for his safety,what makes us think Kurt can go?

I am a huge Kurt Angle Fan,make no mistake. He made pro-wrestling look easy,almost too easy.. Probably the most gifted technician of our era or any era.. TNA provided Kurt at that time,with a easy schedule,less time on the road and well,their drug program is shit compared to WWE.

Not saying Kurt took advantage of that,but Kurt obviously and will have a problem with the rest of this life.. Substance abuse just doesnt go away,it stays with you. Kurt has had several neck issues,back problems,Kurt is just such a physical wreck. Its painful to see,I hope the WWE does sign him,and God willing can have a send off match and be put right into the HOF..

I dont think though,Kurt could pass a Physical. TNA at this point looks very much like its on its last legs,it needs a miracle.. Kurt should sign with the WWE,hell they can pay him 10x what TNA could offer him. Kurt is 44 years old,broken down physically,and has several demons which I hope he got real help for them.

Unlike Christian,I think Vince would totally welcome back Kurt with open arms. He seems to have softened as he has gotten older.. Kurt signs his WWE contract,has a send off match (That match should be special without saying),has a 3 disc dvd set,4-5 if WWE is able to acquire TNAs library,goes into the HOF,and trains the younger talent without abusing his body! Its True,Its True
I am also a Kurt Angle fan. He is damn good in the ring, and just as comfortable on the mic. I keep hoping that he would return someday (Shelton Benjamin also), but his neck injury worries me. He says he okay, but his neck doesn't look okay (hope I'm wrong though).
If he does return I'm sure his deal will be part-time, his last stint ended because he couldnt handle the high work load. He'll be placed on a Chris Jericho-RVD type deal but maybe a longer period before each break
Feelings of WWE higher ups were hurt when Angle left. He has had many problems with sobriety etc. He is older, 40+ years old.

Get the fuck over it ! WWE needs Angle. The main event roster is razor thin, they (WWE management) are taking their own sweet time promoting certain performers to Championship level, some of the guys in the main event can't work for shit, those who are there are over exposed, over worked and under performing in the revenue department. How could WWE even consider not taking him back ? Taking Angle back will ruffle feathers, with many, but he is needed. He has to be taken back even if he is one tenth of what he used to be. Even on a part time basis Angle alleviates many of the problems the company has right now.

If or when he returns, he has to feud with Rusev. That is the ultimate matchup for this Russian USA storyline.
Feelings of WWE higher ups were hurt when Angle left. He has had many problems with sobriety etc. He is older, 40+ years old.

Get the fuck over it ! WWE needs Angle. The main event roster is razor thin, they (WWE management) are taking their own sweet time promoting certain performers to Championship level, some of the guys in the main event can't work for shit, those who are there are over exposed, over worked and under performing in the revenue department. How could WWE even consider not taking him back ? Taking Angle back will ruffle feathers, with many, but he is needed. He has to be taken back even if he is one tenth of what he used to be. Even on a part time basis Angle alleviates many of the problems the company has right now.

If or when he returns, he has to feud with Rusev. That is the ultimate matchup for this Russian USA storyline.

So you make valuable points but isn't the reason Punk left bc of part time talent? So you're making matters worse, Punk can't be the only person upset about it. Yea they're slowing the pushes down but it's needed. All you'd have is another guy who can retire in like a year. It wouldn't solve any problems, same with Sting! The only thing that can solve all the problems is time and decent building. Within a year we're promised how many new main eventers? Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Cesaro, Bray and multiple other guys who are being built up. Not to mention they have like 8 former world champions who can go back up if needed (Miz, Sheamus, Orton, HHH, etc).

Dare I say, there isn't a main event problem by Wrestlemania next year, why spend money, and make a risk that will cost you talented young guys when the problem will be gone soon.
As far as Angle returning to wrestle? If he and WWE came to a mutual parting of the ways years ago because the company had sincere worries about the man's physical well-being, how could they justify letting him compete now? He isn't more physically capable now than he was back then, is he?

Though he had injuries, I was always under the impression his leaving was more about his painkiller addiction than being permanently physically broken down. If that's cleaned up (big if!) than I don't think his physical condition would keep him out. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, anyone.
Where there is shock value to be had, and money to be made, there are opportunities in the WWE.

The WWE have had multiple train wrecks on their pay roll over the years. The first that comes to mind is Scott Hall in 2002 for the reformation of the nWo , even with all of his known issues. They gladly took him back for the big pop, surprise, and pay day.

And they continue to have guys with issues on the roster today. Randy Orton has been busted four times (that we know of) for steroids, pain killers, etc. He just happens to have different standards than anyone else for an odd reason.. such as Kennedy, Chris Masters, RVD.. who were all quickly fired when one issue happened. I honestly and seriously think it's probably a family/homosexual relationship, which has been referenced by countless veterans of the WWE. Randy Orton "plays ball", it appears.

I'm not sure why some are saying there is NO chance of this happening. At the same time it's certainly not a slam dunk, but the possibilities are certainly there. Meanwhile, the ones that AREN'T happening would be Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, etc. There are legitimate, cold reasons for why they won't be in the ring again.
So you make valuable points but isn't the reason Punk left bc of part time talent? So you're making matters worse, Punk can't be the only person upset about it. Yea they're slowing the pushes down but it's needed. All you'd have is another guy who can retire in like a year. It wouldn't solve any problems, same with Sting! The only thing that can solve all the problems is time and decent building. Within a year we're promised how many new main eventers? Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Cesaro, Bray and multiple other guys who are being built up. Not to mention they have like 8 former world champions who can go back up if needed (Miz, Sheamus, Orton, HHH, etc).

Dare I say, there isn't a main event problem by Wrestlemania next year, why spend money, and make a risk that will cost you talented young guys when the problem will be gone soon.

Not mad at you but here's my take. WWE is in trouble, (if reports are true) financially. They've cut performers with more to come possibly. Cena is their only real money maker and his influence is hard to figure. It's a split reaction from live audiences while he moves merchandise and headlines ppvs, his company with him as the face of it, is cutting performers. He can't take enough time off to heal from injuries and they are lost when he's not there.
Orton, Sheamus, HHH are good but let's face it, they aren't money like Cena is. Bryan is injured, his future is uncertain. Punk has left. Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins are good but we don't know if they will carry WWE to the next level, Cesaro is good but not much of a talker and Bray is really good as a character but like the others will he be a money maker this company sorely need ? Miz and Ziggler for some reason have been delayed a push as main event level for some reason which I can't comprehend.

Now Angle isn't great for the box office on his own but his presence in the main event helps greatly. His experience in the ring can help teach other performers how to put together a more entertaining match for the fans which could lead to more money.

Punk is a non issue to me. He left and said he didn't like part time performers. Fine there are reasons not to like them, but he was champ for 400+ days and yet the ratings and revenue during that time with a roster full of those full time performers was abysmal. His biggest money making matches were against part timers the Rock and Taker. The locker room can be angry about part timers coming in but they are part of a company that can't make money off their full time contribution and releasing them to make money. If they quit, where would they go that offers the same amount of job security, pay and notoriety ? TNA may be off the air soon, ROH is struggling, the indys are unreliable. I get the irony here that the company can't pay these guys and has to let some go but can afford to pay for some of the signings like possibly Angle and the guy from Japan but WWE has to do something to stem the tide of money it's losing and bringing in Angle will help in the short and long run. If the company is losing money it must look at the on air, in the arena product and fans have been dissatisfied for a long time in that regard. Angle in the ring produces a better product in the arena, on tv on ppvs , that leads to better results money wise, it has to be done.
Not mad at you but here's my take. WWE is in trouble, (if reports are true) financially. They've cut performers with more to come possibly. Cena is their only real money maker and his influence is hard to figure. It's a split reaction from live audiences while he moves merchandise and headlines ppvs, his company with him as the face of it, is cutting performers. He can't take enough time off to heal from injuries and they are lost when he's not there.
Orton, Sheamus, HHH are good but let's face it, they aren't money like Cena is. Bryan is injured, his future is uncertain. Punk has left. Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins are good but we don't know if they will carry WWE to the next level, Cesaro is good but not much of a talker and Bray is really good as a character but like the others will he be a money maker this company sorely need ? Miz and Ziggler for some reason have been delayed a push as main event level for some reason which I can't comprehend.

Now Angle isn't great for the box office on his own but his presence in the main event helps greatly. His experience in the ring can help teach other performers how to put together a more entertaining match for the fans which could lead to more money.

Punk is a non issue to me. He left and said he didn't like part time performers. Fine there are reasons not to like them, but he was champ for 400+ days and yet the ratings and revenue during that time with a roster full of those full time performers was abysmal. His biggest money making matches were against part timers the Rock and Taker. The locker room can be angry about part timers coming in but they are part of a company that can't make money off their full time contribution and releasing them to make money. If they quit, where would they go that offers the same amount of job security, pay and notoriety ? TNA may be off the air soon, ROH is struggling, the indys are unreliable. I get the irony here that the company can't pay these guys and has to let some go but can afford to pay for some of the signings like possibly Angle and the guy from Japan but WWE has to do something to stem the tide of money it's losing and bringing in Angle will help in the short and long run. If the company is losing money it must look at the on air, in the arena product and fans have been dissatisfied for a long time in that regard. Angle in the ring produces a better product in the arena, on tv on ppvs , that leads to better results money wise, it has to be done.

While I definitely agree that Angle would make guys look great, it seems like it'd be a temporary fix. What I think WWE should do is actually show off the technical wrestlers who are already on the program. Yea Angle would be a nice jump in ratings but what merchandise does he have? You say that it's all about the money but yet to my recollection Angle didn't have mega merchandise(I'm talking like Cena level here).

To rephrase, WWE has all the talent they need, it truly is if they use them correctly. Angle would help most definitely but for a superstar to have one technical masterpiece(I'm talking whoever his opponent is) and then it to disappear wouldn't truly hold them up. You had guys like Punk and Bryan who actually can wrestle and can make guys look good regardless and then you have guys like Khali who can't do it. Yea an Angle...say Ambrose match, would make them both look great, sooner or later he's fighting Cena or Reigns who use limited movesets and don't help make you look good. In my opinion the best option is to get these guys to use their movepools but by doing that you "bore" the target audience.

An I most definitely agree with WWE for some reason not pushing guys like Miz and Ziggler.

I think the problem with Punk in general was the fact the audience he targeted were already watching WWE religiously. His ability on the mic and in ring appeals greatly to the IWC and most of us watch regardless. To add to that, the IWC loves dream matches xD and I don't think you can count the increase in ratings during his feud with Taker being as it was during Wrestlemania season, highly doubt the increase was because Punk was finally having his match with Taker.
Though he had injuries, I was always under the impression his leaving was more about his painkiller addiction than being permanently physically broken down. If that's cleaned up (big if!) than I don't think his physical condition would keep him out. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, anyone.


But anyways, everyone needs to see this short video below: Kurt and Rob Van Dam training for the 2012 Olympics in.. every sport.

I don't see why he can't do a Lesnar schedule and have a few dream matches a year.


Are dream matches. I wouldn't even mind another Angle/Lesnar match.
Angle has put on NUMEROUS high quality matches in the last EIGHT YEARS since some of you claim he was physically a wreck.

How about we stop trying to play doctor? Clearly he had some problems, and the less grueling schedule of TNA was said to be a good thing for him. But clearly he has been physically fit enough to put on a lot of really good wrestling matches.

Bring him in for some dream matches while he's still got it! Angle-Bryan MUST happen!!
Serious question though, I thought I had heard once that when he won the Gold Medal his neck was broken but they injected him with some painkiller or something? Is that true?
The dream match up would be with Daniel Bryan, but if they built up Rusev enough and let him hold the US title until Mania, that would be an amazing feud.
Serious question though, I thought I had heard once that when he won the Gold Medal his neck was broken but they injected him with some painkiller or something? Is that true?

I believe Kurt said many years ago that he wrestled injured at the olympics but did not know until afterwards the severity of his injury. I believe he had a fractured vertebrae not unlike the same injury that has plagued MMA fighter Tito Ortiz. I think the websites made Kurt's injury out to be much more life-threatening and serious than it really was.

I am not saying he was not injured as he indeed was. I just remember lots of folks saying Kurt Angle was risking death if he continued to wrestle due to lingering neck problems, and i don't think it was that serious or else Kurt would have retired immediately. I also don't believe that they could have injected anything into Kurt at the olympics, due to the strict testing, and I doubt seriously his team would put him in jeopardy of losing his medal if it was found out that he was injecting painkillers, etc...

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