Kozlov's streak ends?

Its so gonna be Kozlov vs Taker at WM. Its disgustingly obvious. Kozlov will beat HBK next week with help from JBL. This at WM will give us (shivering) Taker vs Kozlov and JBL vs HBK. On Raw and SD leading up Im sure we will get the Taker/HBK vs Kozlov/JBL tag match as well as Taker/JBL and another Kozlov/HBK matches. The only good thing about those two matches at 'mania will be that 2 of Texas's biggest stars come home and are victorious which will start another year of waiting/hoping/wondering for HBK/Taker at WM.
The twist of Kozlov winning will be a shocker but HBK will win having Kozlov prolly attacking HBK or Taker at Wrestlemania
I've got another idea for you to think about. What if next week during the HBK/Kozlov match, JBL who is upset over not winning over HBK, interupts and causes a double DQ or something. Then it's anounced that at WrestleMania it will be The undertaker V.S. HBK V.S. Kozlov V.S. JBL in a fatal 4 way match?? I would love to see that. i know Taker will never loose and so does everyone else, but doing this would make people question whether or not Taker could defeat 3 other guys. And who says Taker always has to be in one on one matches? I forget what Mania it was, but he did defeat A-train and Big Show in a handicap match. I would love to see that Fatal 4 Way @ Mania!
The fatal 4 way idea could work, but again you leave WM with the whole Kozlov "undefeated in singles competition" thing going on. IMO, WM is the place for that streak to end. This would not be an issue if WWE didnt rush HBK/JBL into NWO. As much as I would love the idea of HBK/Taker at WM, you have to also ask, where would that leave JBL and Kozlov. I dont want to see either of them in MITB, and Im not a fan of the whole "Big Man" match idea that would include Kozlov, Show, Khali, Kane, Knox, and Umaga. If Taker/HBK was gonna happen at WM, then why not have Kozlov beat someone mid card at WM then feud with UT in the spring and summer with Taker beating him one on one then. IMO the whole Streak vs Streak thing works for WM.
I think this will be a good way to end Koslovs streak. Koslov proved his dominance on HBK Monday, and HBK is such a huge star it won't hurt him to lose. It will also give HBK more momentum heading into Wrestlemania. Koslov's streak is over already in my opinion. He got pinned at No Way Out. But this is just closure now, and there's no better man to do it than the Heart Break Kid. So this Friday one streak ends only for another to be challenged... that was corny.
Everyone seems to think its gonna be HBK VS. Undertaker, but people have said that the only person that WWE would have end Undertakers streak is someone who would have something to gain from it, HBK has nothing to gain from that but Koslov sure as hell does.
For the love of God, Michaels better win. He'll probably win by DQ or countout to in order to keep Kozlov "undefeated." I was hoping someone like MVP or R-Truth would be the one to beat Kozlov so they'd get a good rub from it, but whatever. As you can probably tell, I really don't give a damn how they go about this, as long as HBK/Taker happens.

Besides, if Kozlov does lose to Michaels, they'll probably just bill him as "the man who's yet to be pinned or made to submit, in singles competition, on smackdown." The streak is saved.
I think that HBK vs Undertaker is set in stone for WM25 so they will more than likely do some screwy DQ or countout finish so they can finally begin the HBK/Undertaker angle. I'm just saying.
Its so gonna be Kozlov vs Taker at WM. Its disgustingly obvious. Kozlov will beat HBK next week with help from JBL. This at WM will give us (shivering) Taker vs Kozlov and JBL vs HBK. On Raw and SD leading up Im sure we will get the Taker/HBK vs Kozlov/JBL tag match as well as Taker/JBL and another Kozlov/HBK matches. The only good thing about those two matches at 'mania will be that 2 of Texas's biggest stars come home and are victorious which will start another year of waiting/hoping/wondering for HBK/Taker at WM.

i really doubt that they will have a JBL vs HBK at wrestlemania due to the fact that they had that Match at No Way Out, and the only reason in my oppinon that the WWE is calling Kozlov undefeated is to scare people into thinking that HBK will lose. It will be HBK vs Undertaker at wrestlemania and it will Steal the show 17-0!
Here a crazy thought, how about having Koslov win next week with the help of JBL and Koslov goes on to face the undertaker at mania while HBK faces JBL. Has much as i would like HBK to face The undertaker, this would make more sense. Wrestlemania is in houston,Texas this year and how cool would it be to have HBK win is match at this year wrestlemania. The reaction of the crowd would be awesome but if he face Undertaker, that's not going to happen so by having Taker facing Koslov and HBK against JBL, you are sure to see these 2 come out on top and having some of the best crowd reactions ever.
My guess is HBK wins by DQ after JBL attacks him. Because of that, we have Taker/HBK at WMXXV - and in the mean time, we see matches where Taker and HBK team up against JBL and Kozlov. This allows a JBL/Undertaker match to happen too.

Undertaker has already pinned Kozlov, so he's already technically been defeated as he was pinned in the Elimination Chamber after Taker hit the Last Ride on him. Kozlov sucked anyway and now he has no more undefeated streak, so he's become even more useless than what he was before when he was just an overrated mess of a character lol.

Kozlov does have an undefeated streak in singles matches!

He lost the scramble too, oh and the triple threat oh and tag matches. The whole thing is revolved around singles competition.

dimice76 said:
Its so gonna be Kozlov vs Taker at WM. Its disgustingly obvious. Kozlov will beat HBK next week with help from JBL. This at WM will give us (shivering) Taker vs Kozlov and JBL vs HBK. On Raw and SD leading up Im sure we will get the Taker/HBK vs Kozlov/JBL tag match as well as Taker/JBL and another Kozlov/HBK matches. The only good thing about those two matches at 'mania will be that 2 of Texas's biggest stars come home and are victorious which will start another year of waiting/hoping/wondering for HBK/Taker at WM.

I'm really hoping you're wrong. I really just can't comprehend or justify a match between Taker and Koslov at a wrestlemania... Just can't. It has to be HBK v Taker. Everyone wants it, give it to us Vincey!!
I don't think there is alot of point in Kozlov losing his streak to HBK, there won't be a clean finish to this. Most likely countout, or JBL giving it to HBK.
Following Smackdown, Kozlov will annouce despite his uselessness, "I still want competition, I am too good for the Undertaker blah blah.." leading to a Smackdown vs Raw brand supremacy match vs... Kane!
Kane is the obvious choice, the brother of the Undertaker, won't have anything else to do & is a big enough name and draw to give it to the Moscow Mauler.
Sadly big Vlad will still go over.
You gotta admit, WWE has done a good job getting us talking about this. I reckon they'll get some pretty good ratings this week based on this match alone, if only for it's outcome.

Everyone assumes that Kozlov won't be facing Taker, but because of the possibility he will, we're all worried HBK won't win. Clever.

Odds on a non-clean finish to this one then.
I think the fact that WE want HBK vs Taker, is another reason to realize that Taker vs Kozlov will be the match at WM. But in all reality, take the "want" aspect out of it, and what sense does HBK/Taker make. What does a loss to taker do for HBK. HBK vs JBL in an end all be all HBK spotfest works for WM espically being in Texas. Taker vs Kozlov in an undefeated streak vs undefeated at WM streak would at least make sense in 1)Taker going to 17-0, and 2)Taker doing what noone else in a year could do. Maybe its just me but besides the "want" factor of it, Im missing the point for HBK/Taker.
The fact that they have teased us with this match since...well... Royal Rumble two years ago, first started this lil idea. For a long time, i have never heard HBK talk about the Undertaker, let alone his streak. What sense would it make in reality to let such a gigantic wrestlemania match go to waste.

As to Kozlov, next week on Raw, there are three options for him.

-Have him lose by pinfall to HBK to hype HBK up for the undertaker.
-Have him lose by DQ to keep his "undefeated" streak going
-Have JBL included in the match and have HBK pin him, to have 1 and 2 both come true.

In the end, that streak has to come to an end somehow. Its pointless, dull and if they could make Kozlov have a decent storyline, then he'll be fine
Move this if it belongs in Smackdown, cheers.

So next week Kozlov battles HBK for the right to challenge the Undertaker at Mania. I'm hoping and pretty sure that HBK wins, i think most of us want this but WWE's recent "surprises" have been really random and for some reason am worried they may actually have Kozlov win, i guess they could do this and somehow get HBK in the match instead.

What I'm getting at is:

Do you think Kozlov will lose his streak next week and we'll have HBK v Undertaker at Mania.

Do you think Kozlov will win and we'll have Kozlov v Undertaker at Mania.

Do you think Kozlov will win and WWE later finds a way to put HBK in his place so that we'll have a HBK v Undertaker match at Mania and Kozlov still get's to keep his undefeated streak.



But Kozlov isn't undefeated.

He lost the Elimination Chamber at "No Way Out" (Taker pinned him).
He didn't win a Triple-Threat Match on "Smackdown" against Triple H and Big Show.
He didn't win the WWE Title at "Survivor Series" (Edge did, even though he wasn't officially in the match), so if Edge replaced Jeff Hardy, it still meant that Triple H and Kozlov both lost.
He was in the Royal Rumble and was eliminated, so he lost then as well.

Here are four matches already, where he would be deemed to have been defeated (if you don't win a Triple-Threat match, even if you are not the one pinned, you are counted in losing as well). The fact that J.R. keeps saying that he is undefeated, means either (a) J.R. is thick (he also has said, more than once, that Jeff Hardy is older than Matt), or (b) they are playing up the "undefeated" thing because they plan to have Kozlov and Undertaker at WM25, and have it be "undefeated" versus "undefeated at WM". I hope that I am wrong on this, but why would they keep mentioning it?

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