Kofi Kingston > Matt Hardy?


Pre-Show Stalwart

On this weeks RAW, we saw a Triple Threat to be #1 contender for the U.s Championship, a truely international affair which is how it should be.

Kofi Kingston vs. William Regal vs. Matt Hardy

I Understand Kofi Kingston being put over by William Regal (much to my distain). But then this fact came to light, Kofi just beat Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy beat the current #1 contender for the World Championship, and his brother Jeff Hardy TWICE.

He comes to RAW beats a few guys cheaply, because he has a broken hand, which is understandable and builds him as a heel yes?

But Matt Hardy then being beaten by Kofi Kingston cleanly was a real shock. Had MVP caused a distraction or something during the match, allowing Kofi to pin Regal that would of been fine. MVP gets on the apron as Matt is about to use his cast to hit Kofi, then Matt swings for MVP with the cast and gets hung up to dry on the top rope, enraged he rolls out the ring and starts brawling with Montel, then Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise on Regal for the win. Hardy could of at least said that MVP was scared of him winning the match so caused a distraction.

I think that this is the end of the Matt Hardy push is over? Are we agreed?

I was actually looking foreward to seeing where they would put Matt hardy on RAW. it turns out that they put him exactly where he was on ECW and Smackdown- fighting for the random midcard title...and eventually winning it. With one twist...he's a cowardly heel (what a surprise). I think they're doing what they did with shelton benjamin: giving him a decent title run before slowly forgetting about him. (Benjamin is being remembered briefly again, though)
I don't think the Matt Hardy "push" is over. I just think that since we had seen Kofi lose once to Hardy even if he used the cast to win they needed to give him the win so that he has a little build up going into his match with MVP. Or it could be that they don't want to do another MVP and Matt feud since they already did it on Smackdown a couple of years ago and it could be stale if they did it again. So obviously having Kofi win was the best choice since he is going to possibly be in the future of the WWE along with other superstars.
i understand why they wouldnt want a repeat of the matt hardy v mvp fued. we had it a year or so ago. it was a good fued, but if done again so quickly after the first, it would be stale, especially considering the original fued was one of the longest mid card fueds in a while. BUT why didnt kofi pin regal instead? or have some interference from MVP? well i hope its because the matt hardy push is over. matt is a solid mid carder, and over as a face and heel, but he is no main eventer. he sucks on the mic and isnt exciting in the ring. i hope the push is over and he remains in the mid card for now.
i understand why they wouldnt want a repeat of the matt hardy v mvp fued. we had it a year or so ago. it was a good fued, but if done again so quickly after the first, it would be stale, especially considering the original fued was one of the longest mid card fueds in a while. BUT why didnt kofi pin regal instead? or have some interference from MVP? well i hope its because the matt hardy push is over. matt is a solid mid carder, and over as a face and heel, but he is no main eventer. he sucks on the mic and isnt exciting in the ring. i hope the push is over and he remains in the mid card for now.

he sucks on the mic? well maybe but hes a hell of alot better then jeff, i remember when jeff a couple years back and came to the ring to cut a promo, he wasnt even talking into the mic
he sucks on the mic? well maybe but hes a hell of alot better then jeff, i remember when jeff a couple years back and came to the ring to cut a promo, he wasnt even talking into the mic

I think we can establish that neither Hardy is very good on the mic.

As for Kofi winning, I like it. I'm a big fan of his, and he really hasn't done anything since his IC Title reign almost a year ago aside from a forgetable tag title run and getting beat up by Edge before the EC.

Honestly, I think that Matt is above the US Title at this point. He was ECW Champion, and went on to beat his brother Jeff, who is a main eventer, several times. I think the WWE has big plans for Matt in the near future.
I dont think we can jump to conclusions yet until Matt's hand is healed. I think the WWE let Kofi win beacuse they know they could not get a good match out of hardy with the injury. Just look at the match Hardy had with MVP a few weeks back for the US title. Once Hardy is healed form his injury i think the WWE will start pushing him as a top heel on raw once he is able to have good wrestling matches.
Kofi Kingston didn't pin William Regal because he had faced him the week before on superstars and won their match. There would be no point in pinning Regal again since he had already done it and it would not have built him up anymore. So that's why he defeat Matt Hardy. Because by defeating him he is built up more going into his match with MVP for the US title.

I really don't think The Matt Hardy push is over yet. He is the #3 or #4 heel on the Raw brand and he could be considered the #1 or #2 heel in the mid-card division, depending on where The Miz stands at. I think we should just wait and see what happens with him after his hand has totally healed. He might even get a stronger push when he is at 100% so who knows what might happen.
overall, i think that they totallyyyy underuse Matt Hardy. I think people would think better of him as far as in the ring if they used him to his fullest potential.
Matt hardy is the bigger name than Kofi, but c'mon. If you look at the OUT OF SHAPE matt hardy with one broken hand and the RIPPED Kofi with no broken hands then it is clear to me who should win. It isnt about revisting a fued from the past at all by the way, we just had cena edge at backlash and we will get jeff hardy edge at extreme rules so obviously they can revisit fueds. It is better off for Matt to lose because they are going to Push MVP. MVP just went 20 minutes against orton and picked up a dq win on an interference by shane. MVP is on his way up and what will help him is having a successful fued. That could be what Kofi and Regal can supply. It would hurt Matt to get involved with MVP and get pinned and being pushed down. Matt may even interfere with Kofi to get revenge and start a nice fued with him. I am not going to rush to conclusions of the matt hardy push being over just yet
I see Matt putting Kofi over in two lights,

1. Matt is injured and like he did a few weeks ago after Kofi pinned him has the result "over turned" so it makes him look sly that he'd do anything to get ahead, (I can see Matt going the same route as Edge has but in his own right, ever the opportunist)

2. Matt is looking strong after a couple wins over his brother so Kofi winning makes Kofi look good, and pushes him for the US Title, I don't know about the rest of you but I can see Kofi being the one to end MVP's title run maybe not on RAW but night of champions?

or possibly.. Having Kofi pinned Hardy could lead to a feud between the two at a later stage maybe leading The Bash or Summer slam over the US Title?
i honestly thought after his win at wm25 he would be upper card and a legitamte contender for the wwe or world heavyweight title.. i honestly think he has taken a major step back and he has gone from a lower upper card contender to a mid carder which is still not that bad cause we can have some fantastic matchs with the raw mid card. I also think hardy needs a image makeover expecially he is a heal. has anyone seen his photos of when he was a late teen with short hair? he looks pretty intimadating anyway thats for another thread.

p.s can someone plz post a thread about the WHAT? chants that continue in wwe and are now even being chanted in TNA.
Just because Matt lost a match clean does not mean his push is over. I wouldn't be surprised if he interrupts the US match to beat on Kofi, getting him a short term feud while his hand heals. I doubt his push is over, look for him to slowly elevate to the upper midcard/main event in about 5-6 months.
I don't think that Matt Hardy putting over Kofi Kingston is in any way a signal that his push is over. I think this will give him more time to whine about how things are so unfair that he has to wrestle with a broken hand, etc.

This will open things up for him to challenge whoever the winner of the US Title match once he has healed up and he is at his full potential which will "ensure his victory" in his mind.

I think that the foursome of Regal, Hardy, Kingston and MVP feuding over the US Title has the potential for some interesting matches. I wish the WWE would put more emphasis on Regal. *sigh*
I wish the WWE would put more emphasis on Regal. *sigh*

As much as I agree that Regal's a great technical wrestler, he's been through so many angles that he's always been an opener match kinda guy. The best was the whole "Lord William Regal".

On the Kofi > Matt Hardy, Kofi is just amazing. I've always been big into the main eventers, but I've really gotten into Kofi. He's very charismatic, crowd favorite, and I'm quite glad to see him getting title shots.

Also great that he's fighting MVP and the mutual respect for one another. It's good that not the same guys are getting title shots over and over. It's expected in the bigger champs, but in IC and US champs, I'm always for new guys with belts. Showing what they can do.

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