Knockouts Better Off Without Love?

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Sure, Hamada would have eventually gotten over, but do you think it would have been with a moonsault through a table on the outside? No. There's no way Angelina takes that bump. In fact, there's no way any Knockout not named Alissa, Kong, or Daffney takes that bump.

Do you think she really needed that bump to get over?

If she needed that much of a bump to get over, that sounds like a Hamada problem, not a BP problem.

Hamada is where she is now, because she kicked Alissa Flash's ass. There's no denying that.

Yes, but who's to say she couldn't have done better kicking Angelina's ass, or even Velvet's? Do you mean to tell me Alissa is a better heel than either Sky or Love in their prime?

Awesome Kong needed to be the monster heel again, because there was no other top heel in the division. It was a roster of faces against Madison and Velvet. Kong couldn't be the monster heel with Raisha holding the reins, so they worked out a new character for her, and slowly phased her out of the picture with Kong.

I think this more or less a need to change up this whole Kongtourage. Again, TNA realized it wasn't getting over, and as soon as Sojourner was gone, what was the point of it?

I know her first feud would have been with the Beautiful People. i'm not ******ed.

Never said you were.

Do you really think her and Taylor would have still won the gold, or held the belts for 2+ months like they are now? Those belts were made for the Beautiful People, and because Angelina wasn't there, Sarita and Taylor got their chance to run with it.

Do you think they needed the belts right away? It's a small thing called a slow build. The face chases the heel until the face goes over. Sure, they wouldn't have the belts right away, but who's to say they needed them right away? Hell, who's to say they wouldn't have been better without them?

Hamada got "mad over" by taking out Alissa. Tara got "mad over" by leaping off a cage. Kong got "mad over" by tossing Raisha off the stage. Daffney got "mad over" by taking a chokeslam through barbwire.

All without Angelina...

Yeah, and all of those will wind up killing these Knockouts. So again... Why get over through brutality, when you can get over just as easy getting your comeuppance against the cocky heels?
Do you think she really needed that bump to get over?

If she needed that much of a bump to get over, that sounds like a Hamada problem, not a BP problem.

She doesn't need the bump to simply get over, but because of that bump, the fans love her for her style. She's not trying to fit into a mold, and that's the beauty of the entire division. She can work her roughhouse style, take some big bumps, perform some awesome spots, and be loved more than if she was going out there and doing rest holds.

Yes, but who's to say she couldn't have done better kicking Angelina's ass, or even Velvet's? Do you mean to tell me Alissa is a better heel than either Sky or Love in their prime?

I'm an Alissa mark...She's simply better than Angelina and Velvet...

They may be better heels, but people know Alissa as the better wrestler (of the 3 we're comparing), so by taking her out, it looks better. This is why Gail Kim won over Kong. So that the division didn't look like Kong and a bunch of appetizers.

I think this more or less a need to change up this whole Kongtourage. Again, TNA realized it wasn't getting over, and as soon as Sojourner was gone, what was the point of it?

The "Kongtourage" was gone long before Sojo was fired. it was done before Rhaka was even fired. I digress...

Raisha didn't have a point with Kong, but there was no need to get rid of her, or split them up, as long as the Beautiful People were reigning supreme. Once Angelina was gone, the wheels all went in motion for Raisha to be gone, and for Kong to dominate again.

Never said you were.

You implied it :glare:

Do you think they needed the belts right away? It's a small thing called a slow build. The face chases the heel until the face goes over. Sure, they wouldn't have the belts right away, but who's to say they needed them right away?

I didn't say they needed them right away, I said that they wouldn't get them right away. The way things happened though, they did, and it works. At the time, everyone thought the sky was falling, and the division would be a failure right off the bat without Angelina. I'd say it's doing OK for only 2 months of action.

Hell, who's to say they wouldn't have been better without them?

Let's face it. They were thrown together for the tournament. There's no real reason for them to team up. After the feud was done, what would we have to go on with them as partners? A few matches with Angelina and Velvet? Now that they have the belts, they're a credible tag team, and ave worked some nice matches together, and alone.

Yeah, and all of those will wind up killing these Knockouts. So again... Why get over through brutality, when you can get over just as easy getting your comeuppance against the cocky heels?

You're an ECW hater, aren't you? There's always an "easy" way to do things...But, why do it the easy way, when you can do it the way you know best, and the way you love? It's a passion for their business, and a desire to put on the best damn show they can.

Leaping off a cage is much more impressive than just pinning the heel after a 3 month feud.
Yes, I realize exactly what you're saying. You were stating bullshit along the lines that TNA was dropping the ball on TBP.

Did it ever occur to you that they did that for a reason? There's a reason people get pushed; because their getting over. And this crop of the BP just isn't getting over.

Which, again, is bad for business.

Have you seen the amount of support for Alissa Flash? Where is she? Oh, that's right... jobbing to the stars. How about the reaction of Hamada, I don't hear much when she walks out... yet, she gets to take the wins over other stars. Sure, Hamada is a veteran and that's probably a reason... oh wait, where's Daffney? That's right... she's a valet. :suspic:

The Beautiful People, as you said it yourself, attracted people to TNA. So, if TNA give them the chance to push back up the cards they can definitely become what they were. They have the name to do so.

Way to skirt the issue. Like, really, you just sidestepped the whole argument by a country mile. So since I've called you out on it, riddle me this... Where has that pop for the BP people gone?

Well, it was you that put words in my mouth. Now since you want an answer, I'll give it to you then...

I'm sorry, but I think you're confusing "members" with "angles". All of those, exceot for Madison Rayne, were fucking angles, Mames. How hard is that to understand?

Right, so Kip was never a member then... just an angle? I do believe Knuckles was also a member, but she broke her leg and was removed from TV. But what is the point of explaining this? The original BP still needed something to refresh itself in order to keep alive and afloat.

That's very different from working a big time promotion with what used to be the hottest gimmick in the promotion. You can't base past tag teams of this team's success. This is a whole different subject.

How is it? Madison held those titles for a very long time in SHIMMER and worked in the tag team division for a while. If you can do that, then you definitely understand how the division works when you're wrestling in it. As far as the gimmick goes, TNA has thrown Madison around like a rag doll and is coming into her own as a member of the BP.

Well, all well and dandy, but we're talking about the hear and now, Mames. Seriously, we can't care about months from now. The point is, right now, the BP are not entertaining. And you can attribute that to the departure of Angelina.

Love was entertaining because Velvet was playing second fiddle, giving her the full address of the group. Now she's gone, TNA have given both Rayne and Velvet equal time, to which the latter is better at. Implement having Velvet acquire the Love role of being main speaker and use Rayne as the back-up, it will work out a whole lot better.

Oh, if the BP aren't entertaining... then I guess you can scrap the entire heels division away with that too as being entertaining concerning the KO's. But, that's all up to opinions on whether you are entertained or not.


Oh... you're serious...

Again, so you've just admitted Lacey doesn't know how to work. Which leaves an average Madison and an average Velvet Sky, who have no chemistry, and aren't getting over.

What point are you trying to make again?

Let me go one better than the smilies...


Yes, I laughed in every single version...

Lacey can't work in the ring for shit, she needs someone like Kong to make her look like gold... sure, I'll concede. But, she definitely knows how to valet as shown by her indy work and can be used to provide outside distractions, which she knows how to do as well. It's TNA's fault at booking Lacey into areas she isn't able to perform in yet.

But for the average remarks, please... that's like saying John Tenta is an average big man worker. I'm sorry I had to go there Tentz, I really do... but saying the BP are average is equivalent to me as that statement is to you.

Anyway... if Madison/Velvet had no chemistry, would they be doing tag team moves together? Would they be talking in sync with each other and helping each other out? Hell, would they be a tag team if they had no chemistry? The answer... no they wouldn't. But, low and behold, all these factors come into play. I'm shocked...

Hit or miss? When's the last time you saw Velvet do anything that wasn't a punch, kick, rest hold, or take a poor bump? Really?

The latter half of her career in TNA? Really! I mean, take the battle royale for instance... when she got tossed over the top rope with aid, she did it too perfection. Someone who takes poor bump couldn't possibly do that could they? (see WWE Diva's for some examples)

So again, you're left with average workers, and one decent promo cutters. Look, there's a reason they threw Lacey in there... Because once again, Madison and Velvet were not getting over. Get it through your skull.

And besides that, none of this explains why the knockouts are better. all it says is that The Beautifule People are worse. And since they are TNA's draw, you can only assume that a poorly drawing BP is bad for business.

Average singles workers is arguable. Average tag team workers? Bullshit. These girls have great characters, something other teams don't have other than being an alliance. They can still perform the heelish tactics that a heel team are supposed to have.

Before you say, SariTaylor are an example of a great team, let me stop you there. Firstly, their tag team finisher has been botched on more than one occassion... that's more than Madison/Velvet have done with their's. Sure, they might be better wrestlers than the BP, but only as singles. When paired, its basically two singles stars wrestling together... not a tag team wrestling together like the BP are.

It's TNA booking and creative who were at fault. How is a crowd supposed to believe the roll of Rayne being given the face then the heel then the face then the heel alignment within the space of a few months? They knew Madison was only there to replace Love and to keep the BP going, so it detracts from their ability to get over. I can guarantee you that if Madison were to have stayed with the BP and not get kicked out, it would look a lot more legit than it is now. Even saying this, the BP are doing what they have to work with to get back into the scene and are doing quite well I might add, concerning the Rayne/Sky team.

Yet they aren't.

Why? Because Creative realizes they're worse, and has decided to bump them down the card.


No, its their fault they didn't use Lacey to how she should be used, as a valet. Because of the booking mistakes, the BP suffers in becoming a watered-down version as you put it. Sky is doing everything she can to step up to the plate and show why that team matters, with Rayne being there to help here along the way.

The Knockout's don't need Angelina Love to succeed. They have Alissa Flash, Daffney and Awesome Kong as pretty good heel workers, alongside the BP. On the other side, you have SariTaylor, ODB and Tara as great workers too. The deck is stacked enough with great talent, with basically everyone on this list being way better than Love could ever do. What is a detriment to the Knockout's is Lacey von Erich at this point with the way TNA has booked her. You get rid of Lacey and give the push to the BP team of Rayne/Velvet, you will see that Love was just a pawn.
She doesn't need the bump to simply get over, but because of that bump, the fans love her for her style. She's not trying to fit into a mold, and that's the beauty of the entire division. She can work her roughhouse style, take some big bumps, perform some awesome spots, and be loved more than if she was going out there and doing rest holds.

And she can do all of that, without having to resort to drastic action like that. Not fitting into the typical mold is great, and she can do that, without doing moonsaults through tables. I'm sure TNA fans will appreciate Hamada for her work, not because she could do a moonsault through a table.

I'm an Alissa mark...She's simply better than Angelina and Velvet...

As a wrestler, perhaps.... However...

They may be better heels, but people know Alissa as the better wrestler (of the 3 we're comparing), so by taking her out, it looks better. This is why Gail Kim won over Kong. So that the division didn't look like Kong and a bunch of appetizers.

And this is where I fall off the Turnip Cart. Again, Alissa can work matches until she's blue in the face, but if she isn't playing a character that's memorable to the fans, it don't mean didlly squat.

I assure you, people remember TNA Knockouts for the BP more than any other wrestler, Awesome Long excluded. Because they played the best characters, and garnered the most heat.

And now all of that heat is gone.

The "Kongtourage" was gone long before Sojo was fired. it was done before Rhaka was even fired. I digress...

Don't tell me you'ra a Rhaka mark...

Anyway, TNA needed something new to do, as Raisha wasn't being highlighted enough. I think they understood this, and you have what you do now.

Read: Not because Angelina left.

Raisha didn't have a point with Kong, but there was no need to get rid of her, or split them up, as long as the Beautiful People were reigning supreme. Once Angelina was gone, the wheels all went in motion for Raisha to be gone, and for Kong to dominate again.

Well of course there's a reason; their good workers. And when you need good workers, you turn to situations like this. No one's going to argue that. However, I will argue that TNA may have considered this turn, even if Angelina was still there, because they weren't getting much out of Alissa.

You implied it :glare:


I didn't say they needed them right away, I said that they wouldn't get them right away. The way things happened though, they did, and it works. At the time, everyone thought the sky was falling, and the division would be a failure right off the bat without Angelina. I'd say it's doing OK for only 2 months of action.

And if Angelina was there, it could be doing much better. Shit, you said it, that division was meant for the BP

Let's face it. They were thrown together for the tournament. There's no real reason for them to team up. After the feud was done, what would we have to go on with them as partners? A few matches with Angelina and Velvet? Now that they have the belts, they're a credible tag team, and ave worked some nice matches together, and alone.

TNA doesn't really put much thought into how they pair knockouts, anyway. I don't have a problem with the random throw in. And as you said, they can still work great matches, anyway. But those matches would be getting tons more heat.

You're an ECW hater, aren't you?

You know me better than that :suspic:

There's always an "easy" way to do things...But, why do it the easy way, when you can do it the way you know best, and the way you love? It's a passion for their business, and a desire to put on the best damn show they can.

Yes, but there also has be some sort of a psychology involved. If it's random spots, they'll look great, but where's the story we all really crave?

Leaping off a cage is much more impressive than just pinning the heel after a 3 month feud.

Perhaps, but it's fleeting. Going over the top heels in TNA? That lasts quite a while.
And she can do all of that, without having to resort to drastic action like that. Not fitting into the typical mold is great, and she can do that, without doing moonsaults through tables. I'm sure TNA fans will appreciate Hamada for her work, not because she could do a moonsault through a table.

The kid in you marked when you saw that. You know you did. That was the highlight of the show until AJ and Angle tore the damn house down/

As a wrestler, perhaps.... However...

Excuse me for valuing wrestlers over characters :p

And this is where I fall off the Turnip Cart. Again, Alissa can work matches until she's blue in the face, but if she isn't playing a character that's memorable to the fans, it don't mean didlly squat.

She is though. She's the "Future Legend". She's cocky, and likes to beat up her opponents with more than just kicks and stomps. She's also working the "tease" into her character with that damn zipper...

I assure you, people remember TNA Knockouts for the BP more than any other wrestler, Awesome Long excluded. Because they played the best characters, and garnered the most heat.

50 years from now, when I'm old and grey, I assure you, I will remember Velvet's epic ass more than anything Tara or Alissa did in the ring. But, for right now, I look for the better matches and storylines, not who looks the best walking to the ring.

That entrance is great, but you have to think they'd be decent in the ring if they devoted their practice time to that, instead of a few short poses.

And now all of that heat is gone.

It's not gone. It's just spread out over a few Knockouts, instead of being focused on Angelina and Velvet.

Don't tell me you'ra a Rhaka mark...

What I'd do to her in the privacy of my own bedroom, and what I think of her as a wrestler are two different things.

Anyway, TNA needed something new to do, as Raisha wasn't being highlighted enough. I think they understood this, and you have what you do now.

I don't think the problem was Raisha not being highlighted. Kong was still on TV every week, and Raisha was right along side her. Even teamed with her on a few minor occasions.

Read: Not because Angelina left.

Well of course there's a reason; their good workers. And when you need good workers, you turn to situations like this. No one's going to argue that. However, I will argue that TNA may have considered this turn, even if Angelina was still there, because they weren't getting much out of Alissa.

I'm sure the split was planned, but it was rushed because they needed to fix the main event picture in that division.

I forgive you.

And if Angelina was there, it could be doing much better. Shit, you said it, that division was meant for the BP

Because the bookign revolved around Angelina, not because they were the two best Knockouts not holding the singles gold. The stable was a constant in the Knockout division, and got them a ton of TV time. Giving them an accessory was all part of the plan. The belts, and the Knockouts, are better off without them hogging the spotlight.

TNA doesn't really put much thought into how they pair knockouts, anyway. I don't have a problem with the random throw in. And as you said, they can still work great matches, anyway. But those matches would be getting tons more heat.

They didn't put much thought into it, but they need to now. That's why I'm pushing for a Knockout Feast Or Fired Match. It'll create a tag team, and they can spend some time piecing the rest together.

You know me better than that :suspic:

:suspic: I could do that too

Yes, but there also has be some sort of a psychology involved. If it's random spots, they'll look great, but where's the story we all really crave?

Back to much earlier in this post: Excuse me for valuing wrestling over characters. Storylines center on characters. I could do without the big fancy gimmicks, if we're going to get quality matches every week.

Perhaps, but it's fleeting. Going over the top heels in TNA? That lasts quite a while.

And eventually ends. If you keep going with high spots and big bumps, you keep it going red hot...
Have you seen the amount of support for Alissa Flash? Where is she? Oh, that's right... jobbing to the stars. How about the reaction of Hamada, I don't hear much when she walks out... yet, she gets to take the wins over other stars. Sure, Hamada is a veteran and that's probably a reason... oh wait, where's Daffney? That's right... she's a valet. :suspic:

The Beautiful People, as you said it yourself, attracted people to TNA. So, if TNA give them the chance to push back up the cards they can definitely become what they were. They have the name to do so.

We can hypothesize all we want, Mames, but none of it, repeat, none of it matters, because that's clearly not the route TNA is taking. Frankly, they're the bookers, and I trust them more than you.

Well, it was you that put words in my mouth. Now since you want an answer, I'll give it to you then...

Go on....

Right, so Kip was never a member then... just an angle?

In all fairness, all of three people liked Kip. They threw Kip in there because he had nothing else, and they wanted him to at least do something. So you put him with the hottest heels in TNA. Sure, he was there, but how much did people actually like him

I do believe Knuckles was also a member, but she broke her leg and was removed from TV. But what is the point of explaining this? The original BP still needed something to refresh itself in order to keep alive and afloat.

Yet, at it's core, it was still the exact same thing, and people at that shit up for a very long time. They didn't need Kip or Madison, yet TNA wanted them to get some heat.

How is it? Madison held those titles for a very long time in SHIMMER and worked in the tag team division for a while. If you can do that, then you definitely understand how the division works when you're wrestling in it. As far as the gimmick goes, TNA has thrown Madison around like a rag doll and is coming into her own as a member of the BP.

Again, you're dealing with a promotion that absolutely no one follows. And again, how is that supposed to help her work with Velvet? It hasn't so far, so who's to believe it will, at all.

Love was entertaining because Velvet was playing second fiddle, giving her the full address of the group. Now she's gone, TNA have given both Rayne and Velvet equal time, to which the latter is better at. Implement having Velvet acquire the Love role of being main speaker and use Rayne as the back-up, it will work out a whole lot better.

Oh Dear God. So you're taking away the credibility of Love's ability to get heat?

Don't you dare do that.... TBP was a tandem effort. Love and Sky both are responsible for themselves getting over. And now, Velvet is having difficulty keeping it together, ecause the partner she relied on for so long is gone.

Oh, if the BP aren't entertaining... then I guess you can scrap the entire heels division away with that too as being entertaining concerning the KO's. But, that's all up to opinions on whether you are entertained or not.

They were with Velvet and Love. Now, their mere shells of themselves.

And to show this, TNA has moved them down the card, because they don't believe in them anymore.


Let me go one better than the smilies...


Yes, I laughed in every single version...

Ok... I'm confused.

Lacey can't work in the ring for shit, she needs someone like Kong to make her look like gold... sure, I'll concede. But, she definitely knows how to valet as shown by her indy work and can be used to provide outside distractions, which she knows how to do as well. It's TNA's fault at booking Lacey into areas she isn't able to perform in yet.

She's talent. They can book her as damn well they please. It's not their fault, their using talent. And if they want to put her in the ring, that's their decision, not yours.

But for the average remarks, please... that's like saying John Tenta is an average big man worker. I'm sorry I had to go there Tentz, I really do... but saying the BP are average is equivalent to me as that statement is to you.

Except, I can tell you that many people on this forum will go to bat for John Tenta.

As for the Beautiful People, I can't say the same. I can tell you what people think.

They're not the same without Angelina. And it's for the worse.

I can promise you that.

Anyway... if Madison/Velvet had no chemistry, would they be doing tag team moves together? Would they be talking in sync with each other and helping each other out? Hell, would they be a tag team if they had no chemistry? The answer... no they wouldn't. But, low and behold, all these factors come into play. I'm shocked...

I'm not. It's not very difficult to "double team" when it entails punching and kicking. You're not getting the R&R Express here, you're getting standard Knockout stuff. As for promos, I've stated Sky is good. Not great, but good. And that is enough to carry them to mediocrity. But you must admit the promos aren't nearly as good.

The latter half of her career in TNA? Really! I mean, take the battle royale for instance... when she got tossed over the top rope with aid, she did it too perfection. Someone who takes poor bump couldn't possibly do that could they? (see WWE Diva's for some examples)

Now you're using the WWE Divas to prove points?

Oh, you're far up Shit Creek, boy...

Before you say, SariTaylor are an example of a great team, let me stop you there. Firstly, their tag team finisher has been botched on more than one occassion... that's more than Madison/Velvet have done with their's. Sure, they might be better wrestlers than the BP, but only as singles. When paired, its basically two singles stars wrestling together... not a tag team wrestling together like the BP are.

That really means nothing to me. Madison and Sky have been around months before Sarita and Taylor. Those two were literally thrown together.

So now you're comparing the team to a random team thrown together at the last moment. I think your argument is losing basis by the second...

No, its their fault they didn't use Lacey to how she should be used, as a valet. Because of the booking mistakes, the BP suffers in becoming a watered-down version as you put it. Sky is doing everything she can to step up to the plate and show why that team matters, with Rayne being there to help here along the way.

Oh Dear God....

You've already admitted that:

A. Lacey is an awful member.
B. The promos aren't as good as they used to be.
C. This is a watered down version.

And yet it doesn't all point to the fact that you're dealing with a weaker cast?

The Knockout's don't need Angelina Love to succeed. They have Alissa Flash, Daffney and Awesome Kong as pretty good heel workers, alongside the BP. On the other side, you have SariTaylor, ODB and Tara as great workers too. The deck is stacked enough with great talent, with basically everyone on this list being way better than Love could ever do. What is a detriment to the Knockout's is Lacey von Erich at this point with the way TNA has booked her. You get rid of Lacey and give the push to the BP team of Rayne/Velvet, you will see that Love was just a pawn.

So again, you're argument is really, "TNA is better because they signed more people".

It has nothing to do with Angelina, at all. Now run along, and let the big boys play.
The kid in you marked when you saw that. You know you did. That was the highlight of the show until AJ and Angle tore the damn house down

It was cool.... But I promise you, I, nor anyone else, is going to remember that in three weeks.

Excuse me for valuing wrestlers over characters :p

You're excused, for now.

She is though. She's the "Future Legend". She's cocky, and likes to beat up her opponents with more than just kicks and stomps. She's also working the "tease" into her character with that damn zipper...

MMM.... Zippers....

Anyway, so she's playing a cocky heel. A role best played by the BP, specifically Angelina Love.

Thus, you've even admitted Flash wasn't as good a character as Love. So why should the audience for anything less than the best?

50 years from now, when I'm old and grey, I assure you, I will remember Velvet's epic ass more than anything Tara or Alissa did in the ring.

You horny bastard :p

But, for right now, I look for the better matches and storylines, not who looks the best walking to the ring.

And what was the best storyline of the KOs for so long?

Yes, The Beautiful People. And now that's gone, and while more faces are getting time, TNA is still purged of a storyline that dragged viewers to the tube.

That entrance is great, but you have to think they'd be decent in the ring if they devoted their practice time to that, instead of a few short poses.

You'll get no argument there.

It's not gone. It's just spread out over a few Knockouts, instead of being focused on Angelina and Velvet.

And then rubbed off on the women they work with.

What I'd do to her in the privacy of my own bedroom, and what I think of her as a wrestler are two different things.

Way too much information....

I don't think the problem was Raisha not being highlighted. Kong was still on TV every week, and Raisha was right along side her. Even teamed with her on a few minor occasions.

But she's still far capable of more, and TNA realized that.

I'm sure the split was planned, but it was rushed because they needed to fix the main event picture in that division.

So if it's planned anyway, they realized the intent to do with more with Raisha. Meaning they were going to do it, regardless of Love's presence

I forgive you.


Because the bookign revolved around Angelina, not because they were the two best Knockouts not holding the singles gold. The stable was a constant in the Knockout division, and got them a ton of TV time. Giving them an accessory was all part of the plan. The belts, and the Knockouts, are better off without them hogging the spotlight.

Perhaps if it was only them, I'd agree. But again, like always, the faces got their time. Thus, there's no way to say they "hogged" the spotlight.

They didn't put much thought into it, but they need to now. That's why I'm pushing for a Knockout Feast Or Fired Match. It'll create a tag team, and they can spend some time piecing the rest together.

Don't you write a Book This somewhere?

:suspic: I could do that too

Fun, isn't it?

Back to much earlier in this post: Excuse me for valuing wrestling over characters. Storylines center on characters. I could do without the big fancy gimmicks, if we're going to get quality matches every week.

And here's where we meet our impasse. Though, I will throw out, nowadays, a good storyline is needed to draw.

And the BP was a perfect storyline/gimmick.

And eventually ends. If you keep going with high spots and big bumps, you keep it going red hot...

Before people become zombified, and the KO's have nowhere else to turn to.

Just ask Jeff Hardy
This amuses me, it really does. I am quite happy to call into work sick and be entertained, but the economy doesn't allow me so.

As of right now, TNA has quite the amount of KnockOut's on their roster to go on without Angelina Love. Let's take a look at what they have:


Christy Hemme
Taylor Wilde


Alissa Flash
Awesome Kong
The Beautiful People
Traci Brooks

That's a pretty good deck of cards you have to play with if you have the TNA KnockOut's Roster in your hands. As of now, the alignments are at a imbalance with the heels gaining one more heel who doesn't matter. You have a tag team on each end, as well as multiple singles stars. With TNA looking into SHIMMER for new blood to be injected such as Mercedes Martinez (who has worked a dark match, rumored to be pretty good thus far), Love is just an extra into the scene. Sure, she could do well as a heel or be pitted as a face to balance things up... but I just don't see that right now.

She is a talent no doubt, but if she was on this roster and taken out... there would not be much of a difference. You still have international and well-respected stars in the division, you still have females that are great wrestlers, you still have some eye candy thrown into the mix and the Beautiful People are still there. Not much has changed... the KnockOut's are getting more time on TV and PPV's than before with a guaranteed two matches per PPV.
This amuses me, it really does. I am quite happy to call into work sick and be entertained, but the economy doesn't allow me so.

As of right now, TNA has quite the amount of KnockOut's on their roster to go on without Angelina Love. Let's take a look at what they have:


Christy Hemme
Taylor Wilde


Alissa Flash
Awesome Kong
The Beautiful People
Traci Brooks

That's a pretty good deck of cards you have to play with if you have the TNA KnockOut's Roster in your hands. As of now, the alignments are at a imbalance with the heels gaining one more heel who doesn't matter. You have a tag team on each end, as well as multiple singles stars. With TNA looking into SHIMMER for new blood to be injected such as Mercedes Martinez (who has worked a dark match, rumored to be pretty good thus far), Love is just an extra into the scene. Sure, she could do well as a heel or be pitted as a face to balance things up... but I just don't see that right now.

She is a talent no doubt, but if she was on this roster and taken out... there would not be much of a difference. You still have international and well-respected stars in the division, you still have females that are great wrestlers, you still have some eye candy thrown into the mix and the Beautiful People are still there. Not much has changed... the KnockOut's are getting more time on TV and PPV's than before with a guaranteed two matches per PPV.

Falkon, with all due respect.... This really isn't your day, man. It really isn't. Anyway, I get it, there's plenty of Knockout's. Good, great, grand. That isn't the point!

The point is, in spite of all these new faces, I fail to see exactly why Angelina leaving is an improvement. You've basically said TNA would be stable, and I don't disagree. However, I also don't see how it gets better when you lose your best KO angle, in Sky and Love, and how losing people who brought in audience members is really going to make your promotion better.

Anyway, maybe you should just really hit the bleachers on this one...
It was cool.... But I promise you, I, nor anyone else, is going to remember that in three weeks.

It's been more than a month, and I still have the video bookmarked.

MMM.... Zippers....

Some find it annoying, I like it.

Anyway, so she's playing a cocky heel. A role best played by the BP, specifically Angelina Love.

Thus, you've even admitted Flash wasn't as good a character as Love. So why should the audience for anything less than the best?

She's not as good in the character, but she's a far better wrestler. And, since people are tuning in for a wrestling show, I think that would carry more weight.

Unless you're Sly. Yes, I just took a shot at an admin, in a thread he'll never see.

You horny bastard :p

Yeah, because I'm the only one that has envisioned that ass in my daily life :rolleyes:

And what was the best storyline of the KOs for so long?

Yes, The Beautiful People. And now that's gone, and while more faces are getting time, TNA is still purged of a storyline that dragged viewers to the tube.

And, with all of the other Knockouts getting face time, there's 3 or 4 feuds dragging the viewers in. You have ODB v. Tara, the BP v. SariTaylor, Kong v. Everyone, and Alissa v. Traci.

You'll get no argument there.

At least we agree on something.

And then rubbed off on the women they work with.

And I'm the horny bastard :disappointed:

Way too much information...

OK, maybe I am.

But she's still far capable of more, and TNA realized that.

So if it's planned anyway, they realized the intent to do with more with Raisha. Meaning they were going to do it, regardless of Love's presence

Yes. But, without Love, the power vacuum needed to be filled. Instead of one person stepping in, they got many. Alissa just happened to be one of them earlier than expected.

Don't you write a Book This somewhere?

Used to.

And here's where we meet our impasse. Though, I will throw out, nowadays, a good storyline is needed to draw.

And the BP was a perfect storyline/gimmick.

Those bastards.

Before people become zombified, and the KO's have nowhere else to turn to.

Just ask Jeff Hardy

He's different. I think he wanted to kill himself.
It's been more than a month, and I still have the video bookmarked.

Ok.... Three months. the point is, while spots are always sweet, they fade away. Memorable feud tend to stick more to wrestlers.

Some find it annoying, I like it.

More power to you, mate

She's not as good in the character, but she's a far better wrestler. And, since people are tuning in for a wrestling show, I think that would carry more weight.

Unless you're Sly. Yes, I just took a shot at an admin, in a thread he'll never see.

Well, in the promoter's eyes, that's not the case. Because characters, built into good matches, make money. You can't have one without the other. You have to have a reason to want to see this person get beat.

And while the BP were titillating, people paid to see them get their comeuppance.

Yeah, because I'm the only one that has envisioned that ass in my daily life :rolleyes:

I suppose you're right

And, with all of the other Knockouts getting face time, there's 3 or 4 feuds dragging the viewers in. You have ODB v. Tara, the BP v. SariTaylor, Kong v. Everyone, and Alissa v. Traci.

And in that same month, none of these people will be actually drawing in viewers for extended amounts of time. They'll see the matches, and then when everyone's donw working with another, we're going to sit back and wonder, "what was the fucking point". Watch, it's happening in the WWE as we speak.

Yes. But, without Love, the power vacuum needed to be filled. Instead of one person stepping in, they got many. Alissa just happened to be one of them earlier than expected.

Didn't you just argue the depth of the Knockout's division? Where was this vaccuum.

Look, the rest is all frivolous, but it's all simple. An extended allotment of TV time isn't all because of Angelina's departure. I believe most of these girls would be working with Angelina, and while they may be over know, let's see if their still over in two months. A feud with the old BP would be able to make sure of that. Now, it's pretty doubtful

Those bastards.

He's different. I think he wanted to kill himself.[/QUOTE]
Didn't you just argue the depth of the Knockout's division? Where was this vaccuum?

I said "power vacuum"...Angelina was the Queen Bee in TNA, and once she left, they needed someone to step up and fill that role. Instead of them dragging out the Raisha/Kong angle, they rushed it, so Kong could be at the top.

We're just going to have to agree to disagree. I feel the division is better without her, because the other KOs get time to shine, and you're just crazy enough to believe that Angelina alone shed enough light on them to shine :p
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