Kingdom Come: Mayhem Championship: Reaper v. Everest


[This Space for Rent]

Mayhem Championship: Everest v. Reaper:

Within recent weeks new developments have surfaced and that would change the landscape of this Championship encounter. For well over a couple monthes now, the trio of Maxx, Everest and Reaper have constantly found themselves at each other's throats. Recently on an edition of Meltdown, an unknown assassin took out the Mayhem Champion, Maxx.

It's been later learned that the injury suffered is actually career ending, as Maxx was the victim of a vicious concussion, that has resulted in him being unable to control going in and out of consciousness. Was the mysterious attacker Everest, Reaper, or someone else? Regardless of the attack, the outcome is the Championship being stripped away and held up.

Because the Championship is still not sanctioned, W.Z.C.W. wasn't the reason the title was taken from Maxx, but rather the honor among thieves as it were, in which the unwritten rule within the outcast division have deemed if you're unable to defend it, you instantly get stripped of it.

As a result, the unfinished business between Everest and Reaper still remains, and the reward is Championship gold. The history between these two individuals is lengthy, as Reaper has on multiple occasions cost Everest his chance at the World Heavyweight Championship. Since the most recent interference, at Lethal Lottery, Everest's demeanor has changed for the darker. He's become more aggressive, violent, and relentless. Can Reaper hold off the enemy he's created? Will Everest finally achive becoming a Champion in W.Z.C.W.? Find out at Kingdom Come.

ALL RP's are due by AUGUST 6th, 2008 (Wednesday) ONLY those involved in the match can RP for it. ONE RP ONLY!!!
The scene opens in a simple backstage setting. Nothing is really going on. We see some WZCW backstage workers stroll by as the camera pans around the backstage area finally coming to a stop in front of a solid wood door, with the word EVEREST on the plaque. After a few seconds EVEREST himself emerges dressed to the nines in tan khakis, a Black pure silk shirt and genuine Alligator skin shoes and nearly runs over the cameraman.

EVEREST: Bout time you got here, I was beginning to think you were never going to make it. When the WZCW offices called and asked if they could send over a cameraman to get a quick interview about Kingdom Come to post on I never thought it would take you longer than a JBL monologue to get here.

Ah forget it, since you are here let’s get a move on it; I’ve got to meet Jannesa in a few.

Is that thing on?

*The cameraman shakes his head and the camera to indicate yes the camera is on*

EVEREST: Come on now, don’t shake the camera all over, the people at home are going to think they are in the middle of a seizure.

Alright the WZCW bigwigs asked if I could give them a sound bite about Kingdom Come this Sunday. Well what can I say? This Sunday, one on one Reaper gets to step into the ring with The Pinnacle of Perfection. This Sunday, Reaper has to go face to face with his biggest rival. This Sunday for the first time in Reaper’s rather undistinguished WZCW career he’s got no place to hide, no place to lie in wait and run in from behind. Nope, this Sunday I finally get my fair shot at Reaper, and low and behold, due to circumstances beyond mine or Reaper’s control the little punk actually has a shot for one of the most sought after titles in WZCW, the Mayhem title. Here’s the thing, he’s got one little problem …… HE CAN’T BEAT ME.

*Everest takes a quick sip of water before continuing*

EVEREST: Reaper knows this; I’ve seen it in his eyes when we were in the ring in those tag matches. My fans know this and best of all, I know this! Come Sunday, I’m sending Reaper to our pay per view’s namesake. I’m going to take his ass and kick it straight to KINGDOM COME! I’m not going to ramble on and on, this Sunday the plan is simple….Come down that ramp, enter the ring, kick Reaper’s ass all over God’s green earth and walking away with my first WZCW championship! That Mayhem title doesn’t deserve to be any where close to Reaper and I plan on keeping it as far away as possible. You’ve hit me from behind, hit me with sledgehammers, pounded me with teammates and finally Reaper, finally revenge is coming your way! Everest is coming your way! After Kingdom Come, when you finally wake up the only thing you’ll remember is


You ARE looking at the next WZCW MAYHEM CHAMPION!

*With that EVEREST takes another sip picks up the bag he had set down and looks back into the camera*

EVEREST: You think the bigwigs will be able to use that!

*Cameraman shakes his head and the camera once again indicating yes*

EVEREST: Good, then I’m out of here, I’ll see all of you, and especially you Reaper, this Sunday at Kingdom Come!

*With that EVEREST calmly walks past the camera and right out the door to the parking garage area.*

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