Kingdom Come: Juggalo Death Match: Milenko v. Alex Bowen


[This Space for Rent]

Juggalo Death Match: Alex Bowen v. Milenko:

Both of these men have been at each other's necks since debuting in W.Z.C.W. and up until recently, it was always unknown as to why. Recently on Meltdown, Milenko broke his silence, as well as the story as he sees it, behind the connection.

As it stands, it turns out that Milenko was the victim of Parental abuse, while Alex Bowen his BROTHER, stood by and allowed it to happen? No word from Bowen yet on this late breaking story, as the mystery between these two seems to have went from cloudy to pitch black with all but a dim light in the distance.

On the most recent episode of Meltdown, Milenko gave Bowen exactly what he wanted, the opportunity to face him in a one on one contest, however only if Bowen ran the gauntlet. But the more questions than answers issue is once again tossed up, as noone knows why Alex Bowen wants to get his hands on his brother, if his brother was the one who was abused all those years ago?

Milenko has taken his abuse out on Alex for the passed several weeks, perhaps Bowen is looking for nothing more right now than closure and an ending to this Family function. Either way, the brother's will settle their Family Feud within the agreement of a Juggalo Death match. Find out who walks away, at Kingdom Come.

ALL RP's are due by AUGUST 6th, 2008 (Wednesday) ONLY those involved in the match can RP for it. ONE RP ONLY!!!
A camera fades in as Alex Bowen And James Takai setting in a wzcw board room. Alex Bowen is dressed in a white polo with a hatchet man by his left peck, and black slacks. James is setting in his chair behind a small desk shuffling his papers and pushing his hair back into place.

James - Well Alex, I'm not sure how wzcw got my number, But they've contacted me to come and talk to you over the whole brother situation at hand. So can you tell me whats going on? I've known you since you were 17, other than your brother David I didn't know you had another one.

Alex- Well James Cory was always sort of the red headed step child in our family. I loved him, I really did . I'm not afraid to say that after all the things he's done to me. I know I've gotten a lot of unwanted hate from the wzcw fans over the last week. How they got my e-mail... Is still a mystery.

*James kind of scratches his head and puts his hair back into place once again*

James- Well Alex you know I'm here for you Buddie if need anything. Why don't you tell us a little bit about your brother Cory?

Alex- Well dude it was a ride from the very beginning. My father was a 2 term Vietnam vet, He suffered from mental problems from Vietnam till the day he died. My father was a boozer and a womanizer. He loved to screw around behind my mothers back. And It wouldn't surprise me if there's even a few more of the Bowen clan out there some ware. I'd come home to constant beatings, of my brothers, my self, and my mother.

*James has sort of a disgusted look on his face from the last comment*

James- Was there anything you could do about it?

Alex- James trust me I tried and tried. But when your drunk as he was about twenty-four, seven you cant really feel pain. From about 4 up until I left the house at 17, I saw my brothers and mothers get all most daily beatings. Cory ran away when he was pretty young. And I cant blame him. That's when the real trouble started. My mother was raped outside of a bar, and that's how Cory was conceived. My father always despised him. He said he was a drain on the money and his patience.

James- Wow your father really seems like a prick Alex. How did you cope with this day in and day out?

Alex- I spent most of my time at friends houses or playing sports. My brother David was a beast on the football field. And he stayed that way till a back injury his junior year. He was 6'9 his sophomore year, and my father felt the same way about him as he did Cory. He said that something that big couldn't of came from him. David was always a quiet kid as a child and still is this day, He went to a mute lifestyle after his graduation and hasn't talked since. Cory was just like him in a lot of ways. He was always so damn quiet. I guess after all the beatings he took he just sort of strayed away from all of us.

*James starts to shake his head and looks back down at his papers and starts to read a statement from Melinko's promo before there match last week.*

James- Melinko your brother has said the reason why you went home to protect him, was because you and your brother David were always to popular and out all the time.

*Alex puts his hands in his head and starts to run his fingers through his dreadlocks and then comes back with an angry look on his face.*

Alex- Your a fucking liar Cory, You've been so engulfed in trying to get revenge on me and David for so many damn years now you've blocked out the truth. Our father beat all of us. I was never home because I couldn't stand his ass. I left and went and stayed with friends for the night like 6 days out of the whole week. I was sick of his shit man

Alex points his finger at the camera, his hand is shaking with fury.

Alex- YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND SEE THE LIGHT. You've been blinded by all of this horseshit for so long it's not funny. You need to let shit go dude. I'M SORRY, Is that what you want to here? I'm sorry for not being the best brother in the whole world. I'm sorry I was grades ahead of you when you were getting picked on and beat up at school and couldn't protect you. Dude I'm sorry.

James- Wow Alex I've never seen so much emotion coming from you.

*Alex slams his fists down on the desk James is behind and then stands up.*

Alex- James I'm just sick and tired of this BS. Sick and plain tired of it. He's a grown man now and he wants to carry a grudge against me for this long. It's childish, It wasn't me doing the beatings. He needed to stand up for himself I did that's for damn sure.

James- How Alex?

Alex grabs the chair he was setting in and slides it out a little bit farther from James and sets down.

Alex- Well I walked in one night, Coming home to see if my mom was ok and to get some clothes. And I caught him trying to kill her. A knife to her throat and all. I grabbed it from his hands and it nicked my mothers throat. Just a little cut, she was fine. I threw it across the room, and he came at me. I'm telling you I broke damn near every bone in his face. Blood was pouring from his nose, a dent that he carried till the day that he died under his left eye. Well he called the cops and said I tried to cut my mothers throat and then went ape shit when he tried to stop me.

*James has a look of pure astonishment on his face. His jaw is literally hanging off of his face.*

James- Wow Alex wow. What happened from there?

Alex- I Spent my junior year in the damn detention center that's what. 8 months of my life gone because of that fucker.

The camera turns on and we see Milenko sitting by himself in a dark corner of the WZCW locker room. He looks at the camera and starts talking in a whisper without looking at the camera.

Cory, There's a name I never thought I'd hear again. Alex I ran away when I was 13 years old in order to keep that man from killing me. You know as well as I do that because he was an insane drunk he would have eventually killed me if I haven't left.

He looks up at the camera with a look of anger on his face as he still talks in a whisper.

You may have gotten beat to but what happened to you was nothing compared to what happened to me. Alex I'm sure you remember that little cubby hole under neat the stairs. Well when ever dad didn't want to look at me he would stick me in there and lock the door. I went days without food or water. When he did let me out I got thrown down stairs and beaten with what ever he could get his hands on.

Milenko then takes off his shirt and his upper body is covered with scars.

All these scars were given to me by that maniac we called a father. This one on my arm was from a butcher knife he slashed me with in a drunken rage. This nasty one on my chest was from a hot piece of metal. There's more but it would take way to long to explain all of them.

The camera moves in on Milenko's face and it looks like there are tears in his eyes.

Alex you say you loved me, but you never showed it. You may not have been home but you knew I was getting it the worst. Whenever you couldn't handle it you left for days on end and that's when he started in on me. I was your little brother, you were supposed to be there for me, but instead you ran away and let me get the brunt of everything.

Milenko puts his shirt back on and when he looks back at the camera the tears are gone and the anger his back on his face.

Alex if you were home you would have known that I was quiet because every time I said anything I was beaten and usually locked in the cubby hole underneath the stairs.

The anger on his face get more pronounced and it looks like there is fire in his eyes as he starts to talk again.

Alex you have no idea what that does to a child. You say I don't wanna see the truth. I say I see the truth more clearly than you ever will. The truth is you never loved me. All you wanted was to get away from it and to hell with what happened to me. You were poplular that's why you had somewhere to go for days on end. everyone else may believe the garbage you've been telling everyone for years, but the truth is because we were only half brothers you just didn't care. I saw it in your eyes whenever you looked at me.

The look of anger on Milenko's face is slowly turning into murderous rage. The words come out in choked whispers.
You're sorry? All you have to say about the years of abuse I went though is you're sorry? If you think that an apology is going to make it all better you're wrong. You and the world are wondering why i joined WZCW, well I'm going to tell you. I was following you. I heard you joined up and I knew that I wanted to make your life as miserable mine was and still is to this day.

Milenko takes the camera and pulls in close to his face. His face is filled with rage and he is still speaking in choked whispers.

Alex all that I've put you through since we both debuted is nothing compared to what I'm going to put you through at Kingdom Come. I picked this match for one reason. That reason is to out you in a hospital permanently. You call yourself The Hardcore Juggalo? Well be ready because in this match you're fighting for more than just a win. You're fighting for your life. All those years of fighting for my survival on the streets gave me time to think about all that anger that has been burning a hole in my soul my entire life. It gave me time t odierect my anger at the one person in our family I can get my hands on. That person Alex is you.

All of a sudden Milenko throws the camera away from him so hard it almost falls over and his face is still beet red.

Alex, we both like The Insane Clown Posse so I'm gonna sum it up in 1 line from one of there most popular songs.

Suddenly Milenko shouts out a single sentence as loud as he can.

Something dark and wicked this way comes.

Milenko gets a sick smile on his face and talks in a normal voice.

Alex that something is me.

Milenko walks out of the room and before the camera goes to black the words Kingdom Come flash on the screen.

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