Kharma Parts Ways With WWE

Can we get this thread closed? Obviously Kharma HASN'T parted ways with WWE. It was some kind of mistake on the website's behalf, and Kharma's response was largely supposed to be comedic and sarcastic.
Seems like everyone has jumped the gun on this one, her profile is back in the superstars section. Would be foolish to let her without getting any matches out of her

"Without getting any matches out of her"...are you for real?

IF she had left WWE, and it looks like she hasnt and the whole thing was just a website misunderstanding, then it would have been due to her emotional condition following her miscarriage, and her not feeling capable or ready to get back into her ring, and asking for her release.

WWE would never have forced her back into the ring just to "get matches out of her" before firing her.

But luckily, it seems like she is still part of the company. I hope she comes back soon, whenever she is ready. I have been looking forward to Kharma smashing up the Women's division for a long time now, it should be pretty entertaining to see, much better than the usual WWE Diva shite they put out. Kharma v Beth or Kharma v Natalya would actually be decent matches
She was never removed from the Superstar lineup unless it happened for a brief moment, this news broke she was still on the page after she put that message on Twitter.
What people and the columnists (who have jumped the gun again) have failed to notice, is she has been removed from the Divas section and not the Superstar page. Why would remove the anti-Diva from the Divas page? Answer stay tuned.
It really is hard to say whether this is a big loss or not. I would have loved to see a monster female develop in the WWE, but at the end of the day, what are we losing? Some Divas squash matches to go alongside the boredom that is a Brodus Clay/ Tensai/ Ryback match? The obvious obliteration of the divas division until it leads to a WM match against Beth Phoenix?

The irony is that some of the leading characters tp play a role alongside Kharam aren't even around anymore. Who knows how long Kelly Kelly is really gone for (let's face it, if she enjoys the time off, it isn;t like she won;t have a milion offers elsewhere), the Bella's have departed, Maryse is gone, no Laycool anymore... it is almost as if the blonde barbie's who Kharama 'only wants tpo play with' barely even exist anymore.
So, I guess what I am saying uis that the divas division doesn;t need Kharma, because, apart from the short term, she would have added very little but confusion down the line.
Not even just looking at the website weirdness, and the specificness of her tweet... this still looks like gun jumping by the OP, TMZ, and the dirt sheet writers that use social media as their #1 'exclusive' source for info.

Just read her twitter feed in 2012. The ladie has been training hard for a comeback, and has been hinting that it's going to be soon... as in VERY soon. Reading between the lines, it looks like the plan is to bring her back for RAW's 1000th episode, so it makes little sense in the first place to either let her go, or with the work she's done, for her to quit, now.

Looks like she's just having some fun, and that some people are just gulliable.
ok I didnt read every post but am I the only one who thinks this is a swerve? right before the 1000th episode they move one of their most interesting divas to the alumni section. I bet she will return at the 1000th RAW...
I just checked the WWE website and they moved her to the Alumni section. Either its legit or they're pulling a swerve for the 1000th Raw.
Kaz, Chris Harris, Monty Brown, Kong.

All jumped to the WWE, none lasted long.

Kaz was used once, then dropped.

Harris got repackaged, then dropped

Brown was repackaged, briefly used on ECW, then dropped.

Kong, rarely used, due to getting pregnant, then dropped.

It's not that they all can't work a match, its that they got re-invented with horrible gimmicks (though Kaz was himself, but got dropped after one WWE appearance) that never got over.

Let this serve as a warning to all TNA grown talent. All the WWE will do is repackage you, bury you, and then drop you.

Class dismissed.
Like any other wrestling purist, I am saddened by this release, but from a business standpoint it is understandable. I'm not going to be one of those people who is oblivious to the fact that she needed time off to care for her baby, and then when she suffered the miscarriage(Which I imagine is the hardest thing for any mother to go through) For her to have a grieving period, but you have to understand that this was back in Febuary-March, so shes been ring-ready for the past 4 months. Part of the blame also has to be put upon the creative team, because even though I hate to be "That guy" Who blames everything on the creative team, you do have to believe that they should of been able to come up with something in 4 months, Hell even before she was ready to return they had almost a whole year to braisntorm ideas for her return. In closing, for a division that died a long time ago, this is just the final nail in the coffin. RIP the WWE Divas divisi........Well lets atleast see what they'll do with Sara Del Rey, then we can start doing last rites.

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