Kevin Nash?


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sorry if this has been done before but i havent seen it.

With the recent news of kevin nashs contract with TNA being expired, do you think he still has value, by that i mean would you like to see him in the WWE and could he still be a draw. In my opinion i think he has a large amount of value and could provide some stability and support to the RAW roster in particular, he can put on basic matches, but most importantly he could be a great manager/bodyguard. He has excellent mic skills and has the look that RAW needs. He could even be the GM of RAW as a heel it would be awesome and even good as a face.
So the three main things for this thread are:
1. Do you belive Kevin Nash could be a great assest to the WWE?
2. Do you want Kevin Nash back?
3. What would you do with his return if it were to happen?
Kevin Nash has nothing at all left to prove. He's one of this business' greats and nobody will forget him long after he's gone. He's held multiple World Championships, lead some factions, won championships in more than one company, and head booker of a major wrestling company for some time. I don't think Kevin needs to come to the WWE, but do I want him back... yes.
1. Yes, I think he can use that brain of his to help out backstage. He's a little past his prime and glory days, the most he could do is help out with Vince maybe with some ideas. Kind of like Triple H is an adviser to Vince McMahon.
2. Yes. Of course I would love for him to return. He's one of my favorite guys in the business.
3. What I would do with his return, would be make him General Manager. Then maybe after a while have him say, I want one more retirement match against Triple H or something. That's the most he can do at his age.
1. Do you belive Kevin Nash could be a great assest to the WWE?

Depends on how the use him, backstage he could be a huge assest, with all his knowledge of the buisness, he could really help the younger guys out alot, in the ring I'm not so sure about that, he really can't move as well as he used to but at the same time I think a victory over Nash for some young up n' comer would be a huge help in getting them over

2. Do you want Kevin Nash back?

I wouldn't be against it, though I really wouldn't want to see him back full time

3. What would you do with his return if it were to happen?

I think one last short run leading to a WM retirement match with Triple H would be nice, along with a HoF induction, and with WM taking place in Atl. this would be the year to do it
if it involves him becoming an active wrestler, no. I would not want Kevin Nash back in the WWE. The WWE has been steadily becoming more about the younger generation than about the 90s generation. Kevin Nash as an active wrestler would be a step backwards. The WWE can honor him if they want, they can acknowledge him, but to put him in the ring again would be a mistake. What possible benefit could the WWE get from it? You can't claim their ratings would improve, Nash certainly didn't help TNA. They have a group of superstars that are as big as Nash ever was, so they don't really need him for his ring presence either. I enjoyed Kevin Nash when he was Diesel, I enjoyed him in the nWo. That was a long time ago though...I just don't see the need to bring him back.
not as an active wrestler, as a manager, or promoter, or trainer heck yes he has great insight but like the guy above me said wwe is going for younger generation and sadly kevin nash is past his prime. i would like to see one final match yes against someone like tripps. but thats about it kevin nash would be a hugh asset.
Would love him in any role that doesnt involve him being a full-time wrestler....One of the greatest wrestling personalities of all time and obviosuly very educated, he could be great in any of the below roles

1) GM .....could play a heel or a face and be damn entertaining

2) Announcer.....could play on a 3 man team with either Raw or Smackdown

or as a long shot

3) the secret leader behind the nexus........he could be a part of the "bigger picture", secretly working with HHH or something

point is would be nothing but entertaining on TV as long as hes not always wrestling
As a General Manager and working as an adviser to Vince and then Triple H I think Nash would be enormously successful. On the mic he is golden, in TNA he was key in developing Jay Lethal, the Motor City Machine Guns, Samoa Joe, and many other young guys. In the ring Nash shouldn't come back and if he does he should be a GM in a roll of Vince where he only laces up the boots when he felt someone needed put in their place.
Personally I believe Nash gets to much credit for being a booker, go back to 2000 in WCW he booked himself to win the belt from Booker T and then had his team the Natural Born Killers turn on him for no reason and split up.

Nash has a decent mind for the business but I don't believe he's top level booker worthy, his wrestling days are behind him I'm sure but as a producer he might be able to help out with some edgy stuff.
Nash could probably be something of an asset.

He'd be a nice Royal Rumble surprise entrant, followed by the revelation on Raw the next night that he was the Mystery GM. Not that I'm dying to see Nash as GM of Raw, but it's the best way out of the Mystery GM hole I can think of. Being under contract to "a regional Florida promotion" gives a reason why the Mystery GM had to appear by laptop for however many months it's been, which is more than you can say for most other possibilities.

There's one last Nash-HHH match that could be built up to make some money.

I don't think WWE would be looking at Nash as a regular wrestler. I don't think anyone really wants to see Nash vs anyone in WWE except HHH. (Unless there's an old-school pent-up demand for Undertaker vs Diesel? Diesel vs Fake Diesel? Diesel vs Fake Diesel Kane vs Fake KAne Festus?) He's never really been about making opponents look good, and he's too broken down to look good himself.

His booking resume is, errrrrrr, problematic.

He could always be a commentator or a manager, except that Vince doesn't believe in managers. Maybe Nash managing John Morrison?
I think he should be the mystery leader of Nexus. Remember how Barrett used to say they had a mystery boss? Nash could come in and be that guy. Not really wrestle just be the mouth and brains of Nexus. Then have Barrett win the WWE championship and Ortunga win the US title and Nexus owns all the belts whoop up on Cena and kick him out add a couple more big guys and have NExus do whatever they want for the next year. Turn this thing into a young NWO with a smart veteran leader and run with it.
No, I wouldn't want to see Kevin Nash back in the WWE as an active wrestler. It would be inconsistent for me to constantly berate TNA for having a roster full of older, out-of-shape, no longer relevant wrestlers, while praising the youth movement being seen in the WWE, and then saying it would be wonderful to see Kevin Nash back. I also wouldn't want to see him as the mystery GM, this would seem too much like an after-thought. The mystery GM thing has been ongoing for months, dating back to before he "left" TNA, it would be hard to sell me on his identification as being the mystery GM.

Now, in a backstage role, in a mentoring capacity, as a road agent, even being involved with a future season of NXT of Tough Enough (if it returns), any of that would be OK. But for anything more than that, it would be inconsistent of me to endorse it, and if anything, I'm consistent with my viewpoints of TNA and WWE.

Personally, I fully expect him to remain with TNA anyway. I feel he's taking a break, to rest, heal up some nagging injuries, work out some contract issues, and he's ready to be injected into the whole "they"/Immortals storyline. I fully expect him to return to supposedly oppose the Immortals, but in reality, to become affiliated with them. Look for him to drag Scott Hall out of some bar, get Sean Waltman out of rehab, and all three will become incorporated into the Immortals thing. They are, after all, perfect candidates. They are all old, out of shape, no longer relevant, and have egos of epic proportions. They should blend in there perfectly.
Nash's "retirement" is about 5 to 10 years too late. He has not offered the wrestling world anything new since the NWO days. I've never been overly impressed with his mat skills but his promos were always pretty entertaining. His booking was way too self serving but that's what the powers that be get for giving him the stroke.
I wouldn't want Kevin Nash as an active wrestler in WWE, but I think he could do a great job as an on-air authority figure - when motivated he's excellent on the mic, and I think he's credible enough to be able to stand up to the wrestlers without being intimidated and for it not to look ridiculous. Failing that, he'd make a really good colour commentator if he toned down the comedy a bit (not that he's not funny) and put his mic skills to use by getting the talent over.

As for backstage I'm sure he could be used as an advisor to Vince/Steph/HHH and with all his experience he could probably help out some of the younger guys coming through. I don't know if he could be trusted with being an actual booker, his time in WCW with the book was pretty awful but he was an active member of the roster at the time so maybe he wouldn't be as quick to bury people if given a chance again.
I think one last short run leading to a WM retirement match with Triple H would be nice, along with a HoF induction, and with WM taking place in Atl. this would be the year to do it

This would be something I would like to see. A match with personal meaning and history is always good to see, and is something we dont see enough of at the moment, with so much young talent being thrown into the WWE spotlight.

As much as I think Kevin Nash needs to retire, as he is a shadow of his former self and can hardly move now, the man is a legend in the business and has contributed alot to both WWE and WCW is his time. I think a goodbye at Wrestlemania would be a good idea, and who better to send Nash into the retirement home with a good match than his great friend Triple H, would would go all-out to give his buddy one last great match
I might be in the minority and sounding like Jim Cornette but I don't think the WWE has any use for Nash. I've always liked Nash as he is very charismatic, but he has shown time and time again that he's only out for himself and $. He recently put down the wwe's youth movement (where someone like Jericho endorsed it). Nash has always gone on record saying he doesn't really care for the history of the business and he's only cared about the $. Do you really want a guy like that in your locker room around all the young guys?
Nash has no mobility in the ring, he can't even run down the ramp so him having any type of wrestling return shouldn't be considered unless with in a tag team or street fight. As the RAW gm i think he might be ok but he can't be given any power backstage. I'm sure he and Triple H have already been discussing how they can work together if he comes back.
No I wouldn't want to see Nash back. There is nothing that he can offer at this point that would be worth having him around. I sure as hell wouldn't want to see him back in the ring. As was mentioned before, the WWE is on a youth movement, and I'm enjoying it. There is no reason to bring back a star of the '90's that mostly no one will remember. He's not a draw, so don't expect Vince to make the move.
What Matowar said.

Nash would be a great reveal for the leader of Nexus. He's lead that type of facton before and would tie in very nicely. Nash is good on the stick and still looks like he could lay a hurtin on most of the roster.
The pop he would get would be HUGE! I'd love to hear the familiar blast of the truck horn and have Nash walk out on the stage.
He's at a point where he could do this and not embarrass himself or the business.
I was always a fan of Nash and would absolutely welcome a return the WWE. I think he deserves to have a good retirement run on the big stage.
My question is does WWE want him back?Yes,he can be an awesome backstage or out-ring asset but i don't see WWE giving important roles to Nash.At best a final match at Mania and a HOF.Because WWE gives swift punishment to those who leave WWE to work in rival companies by pushing them back(e.g. Christian).As far as I am concerned,the RAW GM role would be the best for Nash to play.Leading the Nexus,i think,will be stupid.He can be the heel GM back to WWE.But i can't see that happening.
If Kevin Nash would be willing to take a role backstage, then he could be a big asset. I've never been a huge fan of him inside the ring, but he does have a lot of knowledge about the business.

As far as an in-ring role goes, I'm not interested at all in seeing Nash as an actual wrestler unless he was used to help put over younger guys and I don't think that would be likely to happen. In all honesty, I really can't think of anyone that Kevin Nash really helped to get over. While Nash does have a lot of knowledge, his general selfishness is quite well known. As I said, I've never been all that fond of Nash inside the ring, but he's especially bad now. He can barely move and even climbing into the ring at times has been painful for him in TNA.

Make him a manager, an agent, a producer, maybe part of the creative team, an occassional wrestler that puts over younger talent. As a featured wrestler though, I think he'd be dead weight overall.
I can't believe how much credit some of you are giving him for his booking. You probably should just not mention that since he didn't do a good job. Bischoff said Nash's lazy booking job was part(not all) of the reason WCW died. Jericho basically tore Nash apart on the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD, for his booking and overall too much influence in the company. I'm pretty sure Goldberg hates him too.

Either way I wouldn't mind seeing him back in the WWE. I still think he brings something to the table. He could have a good run as GM, I don't think he'd make a good leader of Nexus though. As most of you have said his wrestling skill are gone, but he's a big enough name and decent enough mic guy to make a splash in the WWE in a non full-time wrestler way.
I see no reason to bring Kevin Nash back. He has to be the oldest looking 51 year old I've ever seen. I think if he were to come back people would think it was cool for a few weeks then just wish he would go away. A lot of people were tired of Bret Hart shortly after his return and he has a far greater legacy than Nash. Also his was the most anticipated return ever. Some people don't have respect for the past and Nash never was the most respected guy to begin with. If people turned on Bret quickly I'm sure they'll turn on Nash even quicker. Besides it seems to be popular opinion that the WWF sucked in the mid 90s and Nash gets a lot of the blame. People didn't like him 15 years ago so I doubt they'll care for him now that he looks 30 years older.
Personally I would love to see Kevin Nash come back to the WWE for a little. Not full time though. Nash is getting up there in age and doesn't have the capability of performing as well as he did even four years ago. Thats what age does to you. If Nash came back for a final retirement angle leading to WrestleMania that would be fine. He could feud with Triple H or Shawn Michaels (if he ever returns) and have a final showdown. Or maybe one final run for the Kliq with Triple H, Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels and X-Pac. Just imagine that! The tag division could be revived!
I have 3 possible scenarios for Nash coming back to the WWE...

1) RAW GM...the GM announced on RAW one night that he didn't like Bret Hart and that alone could be made into a storyline to attribute to their past. He is also golden on the mic and can work the crowd whether he is heel or face.

2) Someone else said it, but if Lesnar doesn't work out for WWE, I think he'd be perfect as the leader of Nexus. We all know how Nash has a love for younger talent and we have seen a HUGE boom in young talent coming up. They could even slip in that Nash has been leading the charge since day 1, that he used Nexus to sabotage RAW and the stars, but that didn't work. As far as Nexus attacking Undertaker...well attribute that to their past.

3) Nash doesn't have to prove anything anymore and doesn't need to with the rumors of Tough Enough being brought back, make him a trainer. He gets the face time on camera, gets to help younger talent, and gets a decent paycheck out of it.
I have 3 possible scenarios for Nash coming back to the WWE...

1) RAW GM...the GM announced on RAW one night that he didn't like Bret Hart and that alone could be made into a storyline to attribute to their past. He is also golden on the mic and can work the crowd whether he is heel or face.

Another angle based around a bunch of old guys standing around talking at each other over stuff that happened over ten years ago-what's the point?
WWE have already rehashed the Montreal Screwjob/Bret Hart-Vince McMahon conflict and brought back Paul Bearer (again) as well as the NBK 2.0 angle with the Nexus. Nash isn't "golden" on the mic either, so that as well as his being incapable of putting other people over rules him out as a pontential General Manager.

2) Someone else said it, but if Lesnar doesn't work out for WWE, I think he'd be perfect as the leader of Nexus. We all know how Nash has a love for younger talent and we have seen a HUGE boom in young talent coming up. They could even slip in that Nash has been leading the charge since day 1, that he used Nexus to sabotage RAW and the stars, but that didn't work. As far as Nexus attacking Undertaker...well attribute that to their past.

Again, basing it around an angle from years ago-the Undertaker/Nash feud wouldn't work and I don't really see the logic behind having Nash leading the Nexus.

3) Nash doesn't have to prove anything anymore and doesn't need to with the rumors of Tough Enough being brought back, make him a trainer. He gets the face time on camera, gets to help younger talent, and gets a decent paycheck out of it.

Tough Enough is being brought back, but what use would making Nash a trainer be, other than making sure that Triple H's buddy gets a paycheck for showing up? He's finished physically and given his attitude towards the business in general, I doubt he's got much to pass on to potential trainees.
I've always been a big mark for Nash and the nostalgic part of me would love to see him hit the Jacknife Powerbomb in a WWE ring. However, he has no place in WWE today.

First, WWE is (and should be) concentrating on young FUTURE stars. If Nash joined WWE, he'd be one of oldest superstars on the roster; and there are people half his age who need TV time, TV time that Nash would take up.

Second, the nostalgic appeal of Nash in a WWE ring would wear off quickly, like it did with Bret Hart. Sure, it'll be special when his music first hits and he makes his way to the ring, but after that there's not really anything he can do that a younger more loyal superstar can't.

However, with all that being said, i believe Kevin Nash would make a great suprise Royal Rumble entrant (like RVD did a couple years back) He could come in, hit the Jacknife Powerbomb, get his pop, and leave.

To summarise:

1. Do you belive Kevin Nash could be a great assest to the WWE?

2. Do you want Kevin Nash back?

For a one off appearence

3. What would you do with his return if it were to happen?
Suprise Royal Rumble entrant

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