Kevin Nash Released

I think, it's a work, and here is why I think it is, I think this is a setup to take Nash off TV for a week to make the WWE Universe (lord knows you can't say fans) think that the no DQ match between Punk and Triple H, is legit, so basically no interference, but Nash returns at NOC next Sunday to help Triple H, as it was all an elaborate rouse on Punk, so the next Monday night on Raw Triple H, says the plan couldn't have worked any better and they pulled the wol right over our eyes.
Hard to say really. I mean yeah it could be a work but at the same time Nash named financial seasons. I really hope its all a work tho. This storyline was getting better and more intriguing by the week
I hope it's not a work. This high school drama of "who sent the text message" has been stale from the start. Nash has been brutal on the mic to the point I feel embarrassed for him.

Only way I'd mark out for Nash is if he returned as the Super Shredder gimmick. But I highly doubt that'll ever happen.
So here is my take on this. I read every single reply up to page 4, and I didn't see anyone talk about one of the points I'm about to make.

I fully think it is a work for the following reasons:

Kevin Nash was never hired by Triple H, but by Laurenitis.

When Nash revealed he was hired he said it was guarenteed money, and even said to HHH, "So what are you going to do fire me? Go ahead it's guarenteed so I'll sit on my couch and get payed."

I agree Nash may be "Mr. Future Endevor". Punk even said "Good luck in your future endevors.

With HHH's COO job on the line, and Nash leaving with Laurenitis, here's how I see this playing out. Nash interferes with HHH and Punk, costing HHH the match and HHH loses his job. Laurenitis re-instates Nash since HHH can't do anything about it. Why would WWE bother "hiring" Nash the night he came out to NWO music and "fire" him like 2 weeks later, especially after Nash saying it's guarenteed? This could lead to a Nash/Punk/HHH fued. Or the rumored NWO like stable with Vince wanting his job back, Nash taking out his aggressions, Laurenitis could be like a Vickie Guerrero in the sense of being a manager that is also has the run of the brand. Possibly changing the rules on the fly to benefit Nash or someone else. Hell maybe HHH is in on this because I know he isn't supposed to touch wrestlers and he has hit punk, pedigreed Mahal during the tapings of SD this week, and pedigreed someone else at a house show a few weeks ago. So maybe this is HHH's way of being able to get physical again. The thing about this is no one is a clear heel/face.

Punk was heel up to NOC, and just became an overnight star in some people's minds, and has just been honest.
HHH was neutral and is kind of leaning twords Heel
Nash is the closest thing to a heel. But with a Heel Nash fighting with a heel HHH you dont see many heel vs heel storylines.
Does this mean were all saved from him terrible mic work? and better yet his horrible in ring work?

If him being fired saves me from hearing his voice again, or seeing him "wrestle" a match against anyone I'm glad hes gone.

We all know he was back for the money anyway, and his pressing film career is what is at the top of his list.
I don't buy the release of Nash. I believe this is an angle to further the storyline and I think this could lead to a Triple H/Kevin Nash showdown either at Survivor Series or stringing it out until Wrestlemania. I actually agree with the person above who mentioned Nash screwing Triple H at Night of Champions and costing him his job as COO. This allows someone else to step him (maybe Laurinaitis) and run the show for a bit. Hell maybe this goes so far as to firing Triple H only for him to be rehired by Stephanie and try and take down Nash. Something is definitely up here and I really believe we will see Triple H against Kevin Nash at either Mania or Survivor Series.
I think there is a massive chance he has actually gone. He has said on his Twitter he couldnt agree financial terms. Hang on, didnt Triple H FIRE him on Raw? Why would he say the reason he left WWE is on financial terms?

Well, it's on the website so, question is, is it real or just a kayfabe situation?

Personally, I have no idea either way but, by golly, it'll be interesting if it is real.

So, real or fake? And, if fake, why have they gone the whole hog? They never did when they "fired" Cena during the Nexus thing so why with Nash?
The release is part of the storyline I read it on and nash is telling people that he was released but nobody believes him nash and wwe are working the internet and yes I know its on but its all part of the storyline
This really needs to be a work. If it isn't, it really throws a cog into one of the hottest storylines the WWE have begun in years. Let's face it, there is always a reason when the no DQ stipulation gets added to a match like CM Punk and HHH. Either HHH is going to screw Punk with the return of Nash and possibly further Cliq memers. Or Nash will return on his own accord with the gang in tow. So for now, i will assume it's a work and look forward to the future. Otherwise, this is bad news!
all part of the storyline. He left in a limo with J.L obviously they are working it into something happening behind HHH's back, like maybe Vince starting his own nWo style invasion to try to rest back control of the company and Nash is the ideal name for that since he was the intrical part of the previous incarnation.

Don't agree with it, but i wouldn't put it past them.

as for Nash, i agree with others, he's proven nothing then again the only time i felt he was at his best and relevant was when he was Diesel both Heel and Face beyond that he was just a guy who blabbed too much and stumbled around the ring.
Didnt Nash say he has a contract that all HHH can do is send him home & pay him his contract as he cant be fired ?

Also its WWE Superstar Kevin Nash. Lets not forget he is still signed to a legends deal.

I can maybe see this leading to a HHH & CM Punk v Nash & ??? with Johnny Ace power strugle type angle

To Add make the ??? a current Heel dont bring back Xpac Or Razor they are a bigger waste of space then nash and after what happen with them in TNA God help us
This is likely a work as most of you have already said. Chances of it being real are pretty slim, it all seems to fit a bit too well together to be real.

To be honest, I kinda hope it is real, not because Nash is bad but because this angle has got too convoluted in too many areas and taking one person out of the equation just seems to narrow it down a bit - but in my mind, the WRONG person has been taken out of it. HHH was the outsider in it from the start, getting involved because he's "nash's buddy", but really, truthfully speaking, the match with Punk didn't need to happen yet, they could have settled for Nash finding someone to wrestle on his part, hiding behind that person and Punk getting more pissed at the fact that he couldn't get his hands on Nash.
Rule of thumb: If the guy is getting fired ON LIVE TV it's a work. Legit firings don't go down that way.

Could be that this was all part of the grand plan, but it's also possible that the planned match between Punk and Nash couldn't happen for whatever reason (health issues, conflicting movie schedules) and that they needed to write Nash out of the show for the time being.

This isn't much different from D-brian
Uhm, that one wasn't a work, though. He was legitimately let go. It is likely that they knew they would hire him back down the road, but at that point in time they felt he had broken a Benoit-taboo and needed to be punished in order to avoid bad publicity.

Eventually it turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Brian, but I'm sure the days and weeks after getting fired weren't fun for him at all.
Except Bryan was actually fired.

Nash is gonna be off tv next week, and he may not show up at NOC. Doesn't mean it's not a work. Call it a hunch, call it putting too much faith in WWE creative but I think something big is going down at NOC, regardless if Nash is there or not. The fact that it's a NoDq match, HHH's job as COO is at stake, the fact it took 2 days to post a paragraph on Nash's release after he was "fired" by his best friend, and to an extent Nash's "responses" on twitter adds up to something going down at NOC.

I still think Ace is just a stooge in all of this cuz it makes no sense to make him the focal point.
I'm pretty sure it's a work. WWE usually doesn't put an article on their website for the people they fire (at least I don't think so. don't visit the website too often.) plus they have an article about the "Most Infamous Firings." Coincidence? I think not.
No way Nash is fired for real. Like i said earlier Nash and HHH are friends in real life, there is no way HHH would fire Nash unless something big happened that we don't know about. Plus the fact that he was fired on live TV, leads me to think thats its a work ( again unless something big that we don't know about happened). If Nash shows up in TNA or ROH ( unlikely but still), we will know if its true or not. Until then, i'm more inclined to think its a work.
Um how can people honestly believe this is real? Why on earth would they show it on live tv if it was real? It's obviously a work and if you can't see that I don't where your head is under.
I think theres some possible interesting angles , Nash is still an outsider so the threat of a new nwo is always possible - didnt cm punk say good luck in your future endeavours perhaps they invovle punk and then may be a third member a total face whose going to turn heel , a face who gets booed , a face that in six months time is going to have the biggest match of his career ...... cue the music................does history repeat itself?
Im picking fake or Kayfabe. I see him wrestling one match before the year is out, plus you can't build all this up with Punk and Nash, and have no culmination. Also, notice that after Nash was fired, he went to his limo, and who went in the limo with him? John Laurenites. There's more to this story.
I'm leaning towards work here. The timing of Nash's release does have this suspicious feeling. Nash is fired during a major storyline, and he leaves the arena with John Laurinaitis? If Nash was released after the conclusion of this storyline, then I would probably think his release was legitimate.

Nash returning to interfere during the HHH VS CM Punk match could happen, but there's also a chance his release could 100% real. It's hard to tell right now, and I have no idea where all of this could be going, but everything could become more clear after Night Of Champions.
I would say work too, because it's hard to take WWE News seriously whenever it related to something you just saw on TV that was scripted.

This remind me of the CM Punk stuff with Vince Mcmahon suspending him, and then the WWE website reporting it as though it was a legit situation.
Definitely a work. We are in the "reality" era! So the .com report seems fitting. here's how i see the story panning out. At NOC I see Nash costing HHH the COO spot, not cause he's in cahoots w/ Punk, but johnny Ace. Since Ace feels he SHOULD be the new head of the company not HHH since he told HHH that he's been working for WWE since before HHH was a wrestler, or whatever he said during there promo a few weeks ago. Ace has gotten no respect since being on camera and before HHH came back it was almost looking like he was the second in command to vince or possibly even the GM at least.
Well let's see how many other wrestlers have been brought on live tv to be released in front of everyone? Umm no one, it's always just been a passing headline on the WWE website. So yes, this is a work.
I am guessing it is a work. Maybe he will return at the next PPV to help Triple H... bringing X-Pac back with him. Maybe he will return and put a twist on things by helping CM Punk beat Triple H. Whatever happens I don't think he is actually gone. Just having time off for his movie?

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