Kevin Nash Released

lol Fair enough. But it really is going to look bad on WWE's part to pick up a legend and start a main event angle with him only to dump him mid-angle. That makes management look bad. Unless WWE Management IS trying to say "we screwed the pooch" hiring some guy that hasn't worked with us in years and putting him straight into the main event.
Jeez anyone who thinks this is real makes wrestling fans look simple.
He was fired on RAW via HHH the "head of wwe, coo" when ANYONE gets fired they do the future endeavours... patter. It's a work!!!

I'd bet Nash returns at NOC and helps HHH win leading to Punk/Nash at the following PPV

Exactly. Everyone is taking this too seriously. he was fired on WWE live tv, so obviously they're gonna run a "future endeavors" story on to make the firing seem legit.. he'll make a return, like you said, probably at NOC..

i know the IWC would hate this, but I'd love it, if this was the return of the nWo, Nash gets fired, reforms the group and tries to take down Triple H with the help of Vince McMahon :)
lol Fair enough. But it really is going to look bad on WWE's part to pick up a legend and start a main event angle with him only to dump him mid-angle. That makes management look bad. Unless WWE Management IS trying to say "we screwed the pooch" hiring some guy that hasn't worked with us in years and putting him straight into the main event.

Nash doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to backstage nonsense, ya know? You never know, maybe he was causing problems backstage. Being difficult to work with and whatnot. If a report of something to that effect were to come out, I'd probably believe it. I never really use reports from dirt sheets as evidence, but sometimes the WZ Fan Fiction makes sense. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility to think they just cut their losses and got rid of him.

I do kind of agree with the consensus here though. It's likely just a work to keep the story going and Nash is going to screw someone over at the PPV. It just makes sense.
It smells like a work to me. I might be wrong but, if I'm not, it's an interesting way to go about things.

As others have said, Nash has a WWE Legends contract so actually wrestling matches is going to be something of a rarity even if he didn't have whatever health issues were discovered when he went for that physical several weeks back.

A statement I read on said: "WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Kevin Nash as of Monday, Sept. 5, 2011. We wish Kevin the best in all future endeavors."

Now remember, Triple H "fired" Nash this past Monday but we saw Nash leave the building with John Laurinitis. So Nash is "no longer on the roster" just like he wasn't "on the roster" in WCW when he showed up with Scott Hall as The Outsiders.

To me, this sets up something of an nWo return or scenario. It doesn't have to be the nWo in name exactly or anything like that. But I've suspected for a while that they were going to do something in which Nash was part of some sort of alliance looking to wrest power away from Triple H. For instance, look at the times that JL has sort of attempted to step in and usurp Triple H's power as COO. There's been on screen tension between them in the past. Maybe Stephanie McMahon is secretly in on it herself? Maybe Vince is the one ultimately pulling the strings?

At any rate, I doubt Nash has been legitimately fired. I fully expect him to be at Night of Champions and will have something to do with the Triple H vs. CM Punk match. I might be reading too much into all this and could very well be wrong. If I am and Nash really has been let go, then it's not a huge loss anymore.
Honestly I hope it's true, that would be the only reason I could see the horrible ending to the whole phone text storyline.

didn't notice on RAW this past week was the GM computer still there? it was 2 weeks ago.
I'll laugh pretty hard if this isn't a work and he returns to TNA. Funny thing is, he would be welcome back even though he screwed them over (Booker T did too) with regards to the returning Main Event Mafia angle.

I do hope this is a work. I enjoy seeing Nash again even though this texting storyline failed big time. Why would Nash break into the guys locker room and send the text himself? It made no sense whatsoever.

Regarding his twitter status saying it was due to financial terms, that could be likely. I recall him saying the same thing when he 'kayfabed' leaving TNA months ago (before resigning). Take it for what you will, it seems to be his default reason for leaving any company.

p.s. haven't the last few releases been done quietly aka hidden deep within the website? I don't remember the last time a release was on the front page as the headlining article.
i believe its a work wwe is just trying to make us believe that its real by putting it on also do believe nash will play a role at NOC along with lauraniatus
this story is to good to just end. punk and hhh will have a great match but i expect nash to come out at the end. the question is who is going to get got and will nash be alone.

nash will get punk, hhh will complain, then cena or new nwo will get hhh. on raw laurenitits will be in charge and hhh and punk will have to team or get beaten. hhh and punk are not friends so it will be an interesting forced alliance against a strong stable.
I think it is kayfabe'd because it would make perfect sense for Nash to just come back at the PPV to sabotage the match for either Punk or Trips. Nash is probably working with Laurinitis against Trips in a conspiracy. I can see him returning in time for Night of Champions to screw Trips out of his position. Then Laurinitis takes over and brings Nash back. There is talks of a new nWo type group, and this is very likely the beginning of it. OR it could be real.... If he really got fired then it might have been something that has yet to be revealed. It could be personal or controversial. Perhaps he had too much creative control and they decided to just get rid of him before he buries someone. I still think it's part of the storyline though. He will show up despite "not being on the roster" and then screw either Punk or Trips out of their victory. Lots of outcomes are possible, but most of them point to Nash coming back and this "future endeavouring" having been kayfabe'd. Only time will tell, I suppose.
Man, we just never know with WWE, do we? We just went through the whole "Is he or isn't he?" with C.M. Punk and we still don't really know if he ever truly threatened to leave the company for good.....and if he did, whether he set the terms of his return or the agreement between him and WWE was fixed long before.

Now, there's Kevin Nash. The thing I'm thinking is: He was never signed as an active performer, but rather, operates under a Legends contract......and why would anyone want to be released from that? Since Survivor Series, the guy has drawn a paycheck for doing nothing; if he signed up in the first place, what reason would there be to release him?

Obviously, he can pursue other projects while under his Legends contract (i.e., his movie) so why would he want to leave, especially after being involved in a huge angle with the top people in the company?

Figure it's got to be a work.....and yet, I've been wrong so many times about what WWE does. If Vinnie Vegas suddenly appears in TNA, we'll know what gives.
here is my thoughts on Kevin Nash being let go, was I the only one who read something about Kevin getting ready for a movie, what better way to free up a guy then to have him injuried or fired or suspended, he says its a money issue if so come on vince open up the check book, people are starting to watch wwe just a bit more cause its starting to get a bit more interesting then all the water down crap we been watching, I gave up on watching ppv because they were getting way to water down, no blood but a steel cage match or stopping a match cause I drop of blood was spilt, there will be guys not liking nash and guys liking him, I would love to see what happens
I remember reading that Nash got a great legends contract and was getting paid more. I think this might be a work. Unless Nash just got too greedy and WWE moved on.
Nothing would surprise me, really. If they really did fire him, which I'm inclined to believe they didn't, then why write him off by getting into a limo with Johnny Ace? Because if he was indeed fired, then the whole text angle was clearly scrapped and the firing was their way of amicably writing him off TV. So then, you know, just have him be fired and leave, not get into a car with someone. Unless, of course, that was just planting something for Johnny Ace which, frankly, seems like a waste. That guy isn't worth anything to the audience as a solo backstage persona.

My best guess is they're just stringing this along and that Nash will return, probably at Night of Champions (they obviously don't let these angles simmer very long).

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they realized they made a mistake and misused him from the beginning. The creative team couldn't have possibly been sitting around thinking the text thing was a good idea in hindsight. See, they wanted Nash back because of the name value, not because he can wrestle. But I think what might have happened is that they got lured in by the all-enticing "swerve", so they manufactured this whole texting story on the fly. But then, as the weeks when on, they realized it didn't hold much weight. Nash's character is way more interesting as the outsider, and in the span of two weeks they turned him from the invader who cost someone the WWE Championship to some big old dude signed to a contract (it was kind of cool when Nash came out without music, but almost as soon as he had the nWo theme and a video package, he was just this big dumb novelty act for nostalgia). They probably realized that they shouldn't have set it up so Nash was doing someone a favor by laying out Punk, but that he was doing it because he's Kevin Nash and he does whatever he wants. The whole texting thing was stupid, so they just tied it together real swiftly to brush it under the rug, but now they can effectively get a re-do: have Nash get fired, then have him show up again later as the outsider, the guy who was fired but comes back to wreck havoc anyway against not just the COO, but one of the top contenders to the WWE Championship.

But, really, I could see it going either way and wouldn't really be surprised. And probably not care, either, since if he were to return it seems almost inevitable there would be some sort of nWo copycat faction running around.
here is my thoughts on Kevin Nash being let go, was I the only one who read something about Kevin getting ready for a movie, what better way to free up a guy then to have him injuried or fired or suspended, he says its a money issue if so come on vince open up the check book, people are starting to watch wwe just a bit more cause its starting to get a bit more interesting then all the water down crap we been watching, I gave up on watching ppv because they were getting way to water down, no blood but a steel cage match or stopping a match cause I drop of blood was spilt, there will be guys not liking nash and guys liking him, I would love to see what happens

I was just going to say that he was given a role in a movie and obviously he would need time off. So they "release" him until the movie is done filming. Once he is done he returns and his movie is promoted and such and storylines pick back up? Let's face it him saying he couldn't reach a financial agreement is bull. The top dog is WWE and if you aren't going to get top dollar there you aren't going to get more in TNA. Especially when you are a few years from being eligible for assisted living...

Nash being "gone" from WWE is great. Because now just like in WCW he can't hog the spotlight and take time away from the younger talent. There really needs to be an age limit set on wrestlers contracts. I'm sorry but if I wanted to watch a bunch of old farts wrestling I'd go to a nursing home...I know these guys did a lot for wrestling but Nash and Hogan also helped kill the competition.. I'm praying this is legit and Nash is toast. But I could see this being a set up for an nWo reunion... I mean WWE has been shoving the nWo down the internet's throat recently. So why wouldn't they reform it?

Again- praying this is legit but realistically it is probably a work the same way TNA does it on their site...Sad that WWE is even doing ANYTHING TNA would do...
If anyone believes for a second this is anything other than part of the storyline then they are sadly mistaken.

I would not be shocked at all at the end of the HHH/Punk match to see Nash, Punk and whoever else in the new nWo standing over a spray painted Hunter.
nash will probably be sitting in the front row at noc like he did in wcw. He will prob jump the barrier in the punk/hhh match and cost one of them the match revealing that the other guy in the match is part of the new nwo.

just an idea. but the whole firing thing is a complete work.
To me it's a bit of a kayfabed fact of sorts. While it is likely true his initial role has changed some with the filming of a new movie it is just highly unlikely to me to see him completely fired. Perhaps a short hiatus, or maybe even a not so short one. So many people expect him to end up helping out Punk but to me this doesn't seem the right route - it's frankly too logical. If anything I would think you are more likely to see perhaps the Miz and R Truth get paired up with Nash and perhaps Johnny Ace in an Eric Bischoff sort of role in something similar to the new NWO. Lay everyone out, spray paint a few people, and let the garbage roll into the ring. In any case a lot of people are being overly critical of posting on their site. The whole point was to get people talking ala the new UMD jerseys earlier this week, and it is doing precisely that. Keeps everyone guessing as to just how things are going to play out. Even if it is a work and everyone knows it is they don't know where it is going and that is a positive thing and frankly dare I say it good forethought and booking.
I would have believed this was legit, if HHH hadn't made his match with Punk No DQ. That's just an open invitation for Nash to come along, "surprising" every one, then laying them both (since HHH "fired" Nash) out.
It's a work, WWE are just trying to blur the line between kayfabe and real, and it's working.

I would be very shocked if he was legit released see as though he recently signed a 5 year Legends deal with WWE, and the "realease" is to go with the storyline firing that happened on RAW.
If it's a work, it really builds on CM Punks stock. Punk has been running circles around Nash in the promo department. Nash made a comment that it wasn't due to physical but finacial reasons. But I thought he already had a 5 year deal? If it is money, it's right up Nash's alley as he's ALWAYS thought he is worth more than he actually is. Bottom line, it has us suckers talking about Big Daddy Cool again, even if time has passed him by...again!
I believe it to be a work but I don't believe we're going to see a new nWo (like it or not Hogan was the biggest dog in that yard). What I could see is...

HBK & Big Sexy either as a Cliq faction with HHH or as an opposing force alongside Punk against the COO who is forgetting his friends and putting personal feelings over business. In fact this scenario might have been building for some time now...
Unless Nash was caught by Hunter making a pass at Steph...this is more fake than the Easter Bunny. We all know WWE Superstars use Twitter to bring the realism into wrestling but come on! And as for the WWE website posting it that he has been released....well we all know that is more a pile of crap than half the gibberish that comes out of The Great Khali's mouth. Won't be surprised if all of a sudden the nWo returns at NOC with Nash as their leader like WWE also stated. At this stage at Nash's career, the money WWE would offer him is guaranteed and a lot more than TNA and all the other indy shows combined! And as many of us have pointed out..."future endeavors" was TM by WWE. So we all know where this BS is going! Would have loved to see Punk beat the shit and holy hell out of Nash!
As The Miz would say, "Really? Really? Really?"

Are people here that young (a bunch of Little Jimmys) or just that STUPID! They are NOT going to fire anyone FOR REAL on television! Anything shown on TV is part of the SHOW! Anyone who really believes that a wrestler getting fired on TV is real needs to have their heads checked out, or go get a job and move out of their parents' house and get a taste of the REAL world!

I think it's a work, but i sure hope it's not. Nash is nowhere near what he used to be. Both on the mic, and moving around the ring. He is terrible at scripted promos and he's even worse now at shoot promos. Good riddens to bad rubbish. That match against CM Punk would've been terrible to watch.
As The Miz would say, "Really? Really? Really?"

Are people here that young (a bunch of Little Jimmys) or just that STUPID! They are NOT going to fire anyone FOR REAL on television! Anything shown on TV is part of the SHOW! Anyone who really believes that a wrestler getting fired on TV is real needs to have their heads checked out, or go get a job and move out of their parents' house and get a taste of the REAL world!


Nash was 'fired' on Raw on Monday but 'released' on Wednesday. Whats to say the 2 are linked? The firing was scripted, obviously, but this release could be an actual release.

Nash wrote this on his Twitter.............he's done a great job of making it seem genuine?!

"To set the record straight, I passed physical w/ flying colors. Cardiologist was amazed at my lipid profile. Couldn't reach financial terms.

I will not be addressing this matter again. I am moving forward with my life. Cena, it was great having the chance to get to know you."

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