Kevin Nash Released


Championship Contender

Well, it's on the website so, question is, is it real or just a kayfabe situation?

Personally, I have no idea either way but, by golly, it'll be interesting if it is real.

So, real or fake? And, if fake, why have they gone the whole hog? They never did when they "fired" Cena during the Nexus thing so why with Nash?
Honestly this is really a perplexing question, my guess is that it may be real just because of Nash and his health issue that caused his match to be changed in the first place, or maybe the fact he is trying to do a movie too in the process. However I am still questioning if Nash and Punk are going to come together after NOC. Think about it, this is either one big mess or a giant swerve in the making...
I find it interesting that on the wwe site it says they have come to terms with Nash on Monday, but arent reporting it till guessing creative that that this would be, well, creative, for the story line...
anyone remember a few weeks back where wwe trademarked the name mr. future endeavors. And CM Punk on Monday night ran through a load of known and obscure names that Kevin Nash has been known as? and said to him "best of luck on your future endeavors".
Intriguing. I'm certainly leaning towards this being a work for a number of reasons. First of all, why release a man you know has health issues, mere weeks after he became involved in the biggest storyline in the company? Second, the man works a legends deal, meaning matches and appearances are usually rare for him as it is, and that he's normally used as a marketing tool. And third, he's good friends with the higher ups in WWE, I highly doubt they would release him for some health problems. To me it screams work, especially with him leaving with Ace on Monday. We'll just have to wait and see, but I'm saying work for now.
i think its a work and there will be a stable led by johnny ace and they will interupt the match at night of champions,
or its true because nash has health problems but surely they must have taken this into considertaion when they decided to go this way with nash in the first place
c'mon guys, do you really think it's legit? it's all fake.

and like MaxPlastic said, they couldn't do a fake story on cena getting fired because the stockholders would have had vince's head on a platter.
Its a work, people have to think a little. For satan's sake, Kevin Nash and HHH are friends since at least 1995 so unless something big happened that we don't know about there is no way this is real.
Of course it's a work. All of it is work. How anyone can think that Nash was "pulled" from the match at NOC because of health issue is beyond me. If that was true then why make the match in the first place, only to switch it about an hour later? So, during that hour, we are supposed to believe that nash went up to those backstage and said "er, actually, i can't wrestle punk, i have health issues" and they scrambled around to change it?

All of it is a work, it always is. And when it's aways a work and there's some secret person behind it all, it's always turns out to be Vince.
I'm sure it is a work. However, I will say that Nash has been absolutely terrible in his promos. He looks slow/sluggish and sounds drunk every time he opens his mouth. I don't doubt that the brain trust has told Punk to go easy on the big guy, rather than expose him for looking like a fossil up there. They obviously want him to be a big tough guy, but he has looked anything BUT that since his return.
But why even attempt a fired storyline with Cena if the stockholders would've gone mental? They did it with Trump "buying" Raw, they did it with Vince being replaced by Triple H. If they're doing it for storyline purposes (which I tend to lean towards them doing) I just don't see why bother putting the info on WWE.COM, as pretty much everyone thinks it's a work, so it still wont be shocking when he turns up.

However, I'm gonna do the other idea that it's a real firing and, from that, I'm going to think of a reason why....

I've not seen any proof that Nash has a medical issue (although he might have) and, if there is doubt over the legitimacy of his illness, it could be seen (by management) that he's trying to side-step doing the job to Punk. He's done it before in WCW to The Giant, he did it in TNA to Chris Sabin (and TNA even called him on it during the PPV itself) so, perhaps they could see it as Nash being Nash.

Again, I think it's a work but, just throwing out one possible way in which it could be real.
I definitely see this as a work. Perhaps, he's Mr. Future Endeavored after all. Remember how Punk said ''good luck in all your future endeavours''? Well, maybe it's a mention of that. I see a NWO reformation at NOC with Johnny Ace, Vince, Kevin Nash and perhaps another wrestler. Say, Skip Sheffield for example. That would definitely work, in my opinion. And, it would give the storyline more longevity, which would be the best thing. After all, it's the WWE's best angle in recent times.
i think its allready cool that really no one knows for sure if he is fired or not.I have to sayi think its a storyline but.. "WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Kevin Nash as of Monday, Sept. 5, 2011. We wish Kevin the best in all future endeavors" this sounds really real to me.On the other hand i have never seen a released wrestler on the front webpage so i am assuming this is just a storyline...i hope so :D
Harrythem maybe, but still Nash is friends with HHH so why would he pull a stunt like this? Don't you think that HHH knows how Nash operates? Hell yeah, so why would WWE rehire Nash knowing this? This is why i think its a work.
I agree antichrist. But I also remember the games Nash & X-Pac were pulling back in 2003 that resulted in Pac being released and Nash following him out the door not long after. It's a long shot but there is still the chance that Triple H, now he's in power, could have got pissed that Nash is taking liberties even though he got him involved in a huge storyline event straight away. Hell, Triple H fell out with HBK for a year or so because he told HBK he needed to get his shit together and not turn up for TV being the twat he used to be (around the WM17 time).

Again, I think it's storyline but, knowing how Nash, Triple H and the WWE tend to operate I can't say 100% and, to me, that makes things even more interesting now then just hearing Triple H tell Nash he was fired on Raw.....roll on Monday night, I'm all excited again! woop woop
I'm going with work, however to be honest, I just find the whole "worked-shoot" dynamic to be tired and dead. I'm sorry but wrestling is best when you know what's real and what's fake, I'm sorry...but I just can't get into what I want to start considering neo-kayfabe. Sure the storyline can still be good, but taking Kevin Nash's "release" and making it look like any other future endeavor just irks me. Just ******ed, I'm sure he'll be back like in a week or two...if not sooner.
There's no doubt in my mind that this is completely a work. This whole storyline has been about blurring the boundaries between real and fake. Remember how this started? The CM Punk shoot. Some people actually thought that it was a real shoot and that Vince was unaware that Punk was doing this. WWE insiders told the dirt sheets that Punk's contract was up and then when they aired that on TV people thought it had to be real but people questioned if it was fake. The main question of this whole storyline stemming from the promo has always been "what is real? what is fake?" that's what wrestling is all about any way so I praise them for this exciting direction to bring back a key concept of pro wrestling.

IMO, this is just another case of them working the WWE Universe so that we continue to question what is real and what is fake while also giving us the shock value of seeing Kevin Nash return in due time. Do you remember how he left RAW last Monday? He left Johnny Ace, who clearly has something up his sleeve
My bet is on it being a work, but I've been wrong before. I think it's just to add to the storyline and then Nash will probably come back at NOC and as Cult of BRohanity said maybe he'll come back with McMahon, Ace and another guy like Sheffield forming a stable to go against Trips, it would be yet another nice twist in this brilliant storyline. But, it could be real. I want this to happen because I think this will make the storyline last even longer and I think this storyline shouldn't end for a while because this is probably the best storyline in recent time and I'm really into it.
anyone remember a few weeks back where wwe trademarked the name mr. future endeavors. And CM Punk on Monday night ran through a load of known and obscure names that Kevin Nash has been known as? and said to him "best of luck on your future endeavors".

welshpw you hit the nail right on the head.

Hello "Mr. Future Endeavor" Kevin Nash.

This is definitely a work, and it's to set up Kevin Nash with a new gimmick of some sort. Not really sure where they're going with all this, but after Monday when Punk wished him well on his future endeavors it was pretty obvious. This article only goes to further it all.

BTW I loved that Punk called him Super Shredder. I was blown away back in the mid-90's when I found out Kevin Nash played the Super Shredder on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 movie.
Jeez anyone who thinks this is real makes wrestling fans look simple.
He was fired on RAW via HHH the "head of wwe, coo" when ANYONE gets fired they do the future endeavours... patter. It's a work!!!

I'd bet Nash returns at NOC and helps HHH win leading to Punk/Nash at the following PPV
I am not writing it off as a work. There's probably a good chance that it is but with the reports of him failing a physical and going off to do a movie, not to mention them abruptly pulling him from the Punk angle, there's a chance that they terminated his contract completely. I've never seen them use an internet article to announce a worked firing, but I suppose it's not out of the question with this whole "Reality Era" shit upon us.

I suppose I'd just rather not pretend like I actually know what's going on without any sources. If it's legit, a lot of you are going to look like morons.
If it's legit, a lot of you are going to look like morons.
To who?

It's second nature to guess the meaning of a wrestling angle. The reality era is all about using social networking and their own website to help kayfabe get over. If it's legit, the people that are going to look stupid are the WWE themselves.
He got into Laurinitas' limo so chances are they still have plans for him, but I think he'll eventually reappear on television to rejuvinate the angle with Punk and Triple H.

When will that be is the question? It could be at Night of Champions, and WWE state that John Laurinitas rehired him because that's his job. If Punk beats Hunter then someone else has to take charge, and chances are Laurinitas is next in line. So him, having an obvious on-air connection with Kevin Nash would bring Nash back immediately.

Or Nash could leave for a couple of months, attempt and get back into the shape required or whatever to pass his physical, shoot his movie and return to continue the angle. But either way, not sure if it's a work or a legitimate firing but I don't think Nash is done with the angle or the WWE just yet.
I think it's a work to sell the firing. I mean, sure he can't wrestle but that's not why he was hired in the first place. He has a great mind for the business and is an asset behind the scenes.

I like it.
To who?

It's second nature to guess the meaning of a wrestling angle. The reality era is all about using social networking and their own website to help kayfabe get over. If it's legit, the people that are going to look stupid are the WWE themselves.

I'm not referring to those who think it's a work, I'm talking about the guys who so adamantly say it as if it's a fact.

Jeez anyone who thinks this is real makes wrestling fans look simple.

Like this guy.

I'm just saying, I'm not going to pretend that I have some kind of insider knowledge or that my intuition is infallible. There's a good chance that it's a work and Nash isn't really gone at all. But there's just as big a chance that they really are done with Nash at this point and they cut his ass off.

I have a feeling that it's a work as well, but I'm not a fucking Psychic and neither are any of you.

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