Kennedy V Michaels - Another Stupid Move


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After Armageddon was it a wise descion to give Michaels the win? I thought that Kennedy would win getting another huge push, It would've been good for Kennedy's carear progress. And I think Shawn's time is up, he should start to put talent over.

This fued might not be over it could lead into Wrestlemania. I personally am looking foward to the rest of this fued and where it will end. If this fued is not over then Shawn could loose next time they have a one-on-one match and kennedy win ect.. and share in the resaults of there matches.

But personally I'd like to see Mr. Kennedy win this fued it would help his carear expand.
Michaels deserved the win. All he's done lately is put talent over, nobody can deny that. It was his turn to win at a PPV. I am also excited about the rest of this feud. They're both great wrestlers, and the match at Armageddon was amazing. This feud is probably one of the best the WWE have created recently. It's never been done before, and hopefully it'll last a while to get even more emotion into it.

I don't want to see this match a dozen times though. That's the easiest way to spoil a good feud. But this could lead right up to 'mania. With Shawn and Kennedy interefering in each others matches, cutting promos, and using little things to get at the other. Both are exciting wrestlers, and should be able to give us something fresh and exciting.
Cmon BigMike you got to admit , HBK has been doing notihng but putting talent over , it's his time to win a PPV at last , this feud is not over yet it will continue and im sure Kennedy will get the last win and the major push.
Yeh i agree, Its about time HBK gets some victory up his sleeve. He has been putting younger talent over for ages, he deserves at least a couple of victories here and there. This fued probably isnt over anyway, but Kennedy will get the important victory and the push he needs. And this fued is great im loving these two, so i hope WWE continues with it.
I don't exactly see how anyone could see this as bad. I mean, sure Mr. Kennedy could've easily won the match & that would've been that.. but who's to say that this feud won't continue, which it seems to be doing. And who's to say that Mr. Kennedy won't end up beating Shawn Michaels in the end, anyways?

Sometimes people overlook that it doesn't always take a victory, to put someone over. If the wrestler amazes the crowd, with standing toe to toe with his legendary opponent, then its considered that he's been "put over." Its the audience that decides who is over & who isn't. Just because someone wins, doesn't mean they've been given the green light push.

Hell, look at Santino. He defeated Umaga.. but he never truly got "over" until he started losing all the time & turned heel. Mr. Kennedy has a great track record in his short lived career, thus far. He's defeated countless former World Champions.. & someday, be it on Raw, or at a future p.p.v., I'm sure he'll defeat Shawn Michaels too..

But to think it was stupid to have Shawn win.. that idea in itself is moronic, simply because its absurd to think H.B.K. doesn't deserve to win anymore, simply because he's "accomplished" everything in his career.

So has Ric Flair, but last time I checked, they're currently letting him run a Goldberg type streak - as a storyline regarding his career.. so does Ric Flair beating Randy Orton, & Umaga, & soon Triple H., & countless more.. does that mean that Flair doesn't deserve those wins, or his opponents care that they lost? No. It simply shows you, that just because you're old, or in a place of no longer being able to accomplish anything else.. that it doesn't mean you have to lose every match.

And finally, don't even tell me that Mr. Kennedy can go out there & electrify a crowd the way Shawn Michaels does. H.B.K. deserves every victory he gets. Kennedy should be thankful to have even been involved in the damn match. Plain and simple.
They shouldn't have Kennedy win he is so unrealiable right now. Everytime they have wanted to give him a major push he gets hurt (now he has a broken hand) or suspended. I'm sorry but the promos that he has done for this fued have been awful. When he brought out the fake HBK, Hall, Nash and Jannetty the crowd was silent. Shawn has done a great job pushing talent when he needs too (Edge, Orton and Cena).
Everytime they have wanted to give him a major push he gets hurt (now he has a broken hand) or suspended.
He does have some terrible luck right before his 'BIG' breaks. Lets not forget he hurts people also.
I'm sorry but the promos that he has done for this fued have been awful. When he brought out the fake HBK, Hall, Nash and Jannetty the crowd was silent.
Well, this seems like an attempt at recapturing some of the magic that the Attitude era was. Everyone complains about it 'not being the attitude era' or they say 'go back to the attitude era' and when WWE finally does a similar skit, everyone is silent.

Even though Kennedy lost I think he will eventually get the 'W' and move on. Michaels has been pretty generous putting people over but if he does it all the time, it loses it's credibility imo. I think that if not at the rumble then the ppv after, or even at Mania, Kennedy will beat him. Even if he doesnt I'm sure that next year (meaning after wrestlemania) Mr. Kennedy's push will be in full effect.
I love this feud like many of you is new and fresh and puts a proven main eventer with a low main eventer. This is nothing but great fo Mr. Kennedy and if this feud is done right (with run ins and not all matches) it can go on and be one of the best on a long while. But if they decide to just give up on it quick that will be another one that leaves you wondering what is going on.
I was a big Kennedy fan when he was on SmackDown, and was excited when they moved him over because I rarely get a chance to watch SmackDown. He came over, and he looks miserable. He has no energy when coming down the ramp and just looks like he is ready to quit.

What bothers me is, they rarely let him do his signature self introduction anymore. If I'm not mistaken, he used a normal mic for the fake superstars angle. They need to let him do what he does best, piss people off on the mic by being over the top and arrogant. He can lose every match (which he has been doing) from now until WrestleMania, as long as they let him talk on the mic, he'll be fine.
I find it a bit strange that people defend HBK for doing the same thing they are attacking Triple H for doing. If you think about it HBk is every bit as selfish as Triple H. Kennedy should have won on Sunday, even if it wasn't a cean finish he should have won to help further his career, HBK isn't capable of putting on a great match any more and should really go down the Ric Flair route if he insists on sticking around, i.e. feuding with the younger talent and developing their careers. It's not exactly the first time HBK's done this, he stupidly went over Edge after he won the WHC.
I still think Michaels has the utmost ability to put on a great match. Look how he carried Cena at Wrestlemania. It was also just several years ago when Michaels had a classic with Kurt Angle. I liked seeing HBk win because he always puts new superstars over and loses every match at most pay-per-views. He put Cena over god knows how many times. He also beat Bautista in Batista's first pay-per view ever a few years ago and that didn't hurt Batista. Kennedy will win the next battle I'm sure. HBK is probably the best veteran on the roster when it comes to putting ppl over and making them look good. Besides, if Kennedy won every match, the feud would be pointless and boring. It would be like watching a Cena match where you know whats gonna happen. I like the fact that you never know when HBK will win or lose. It is why many of us watch wrestling in the first place, for the unpredictablilty. Not so much lately but HBK is and always will be the showstopper and I cannot wait to find out who he faces at Mania this year! This IMO has been one of the best fresh fueds the WWE has had in a while.
I do not like the Kennedy/ HBK storyline to much because they make HBK seem like he can't wrestle and that Kennedy is better and we all know he's not. Also I think Kennedy is a dumb remake of Randy Orton because he goes after the wrestlers that have been wrestling for 10 years or more and he doesn't stick to competitors that are around his age because he knows he will be beat.

This storyline has lowered HBK's main event status because they have put him against lower rated people and like I said earlier he needs some better competition that will give him a good match, he doesn't have that much left in him and I want to see some good wrestling where he wins matches and is up against the best in the business
You guys don't see were this is going , this is going to be like the Micheals-Jericho feud a few years back. At the Rumble Kennedy will screw Micheals and at Mania they will go one on one again but this time Kennedy coming out on top and bang there you a new main-eventer.
You guys don't see were this is going , this is going to be like the Micheals-Jericho feud a few years back. At the Rumble Kennedy will screw Micheals and at Mania they will go one on one again but this time Kennedy coming out on top and bang there you a new main-eventer.

yea i agree. i personally liked the jericho and hbk story line in 2003 (epsically the no dq tag team match). but i actually think that hbk should reign suoreme at mania but kennedy getting the win at the rumble, and if raw gets the elimnation chamber mke him pin hbk. as far as this being a stupid move, i dont think it is i think it is a great move on hbk's and kennedys behalve
I find it a bit strange that people defend HBK for doing the same thing they are attacking Triple H for doing. If you think about it HBk is every bit as selfish as Triple H. Kennedy should have won on Sunday, even if it wasn't a cean finish he should have won to help further his career, HBK isn't capable of putting on a great match any more and should really go down the Ric Flair route if he insists on sticking around, i.e. feuding with the younger talent and developing their careers. It's not exactly the first time HBK's done this, he stupidly went over Edge after he won the WHC.

Hmm let's see... HBK has put over.....Orton, Cena, Kurt Angle, and countless other stars right now....and by the way. He makes all of them look better when they have a match.

Kennedy is boring plain and simple. My friend asked me "So what does" I came up with "Umm Kennedy!..."

He is boring and the crowd knows it. That is why Vince will eventually give up the push with him just like he did with Snitsky and Masters
I don't possess the upmost fond for this ongoing feud much like the rest of you on here do. Perhaps, it's new. Perhaps, I slightly like it. Perhaps, Mr. Kennedy is somewhat dull in my eyes. I mean, in my very own perspective, Ken Kennedy ceases to shine star bright at me, really. He's pretty much a RAW Wrestler, point blank. A bump on a log, practically... or okay maybe not. I'm just not big on him as opposed to his catchphrase.

I also share opinions with TheIcon21. Right when Kennedy is about to make a big break, or whenever they're looking to give him a major push, physical circumstances intervene, taking "MITB" this year he unrightfully, and abruptly lost to Edge for an example, but futhermore, his recent segments haven't been the best or at least too interesting in my eyes, though some will voice differently.

As far as the opinion on here from Luther_Hull goes, denying that Shawn Michaels no longer can put on a great match, I'm in 100% disagreement to that statement, bearing in mind it's 100% his opinion most would disagree with too, but adsurd is that remark. Hopefully, there's nothing against Michaels in Luther to spark such a thing to say or maybe that's just how he feels.

But non-opinion, and actual fact, Shawn Michaels remains to still have it in him as an iconic, charismatic, all-time great, WWE Superstar/Performer in many public eyes (just as Triple H for those out there against him on this subject yet defending HBK) and he's indeed been conspicuously putting over younger talent. Heck, he's not even as old as Ric Flair to be washed up yet. Given all this, what's the big deal in him winning the Armageddon match over Kennedy? And besides, if he defeated Shawn Michaels so soon, you'd cut a "Kennedy career building" storyline straight in its tracks.
I find it a bit strange that people defend HBK for doing the same thing they are attacking Triple H for doing. If you think about it HBk is every bit as selfish as Triple H. Kennedy should have won on Sunday, even if it wasn't a cean finish he should have won to help further his career, HBK isn't capable of putting on a great match any more and should really go down the Ric Flair route if he insists on sticking around, i.e. feuding with the younger talent and developing their careers. It's not exactly the first time HBK's done this, he stupidly went over Edge after he won the WHC.

HOW is Shawn doing what everyone thinks Triple H does? I don't think of Triple H doing this either. He's a good superstar and even though he wins the majprity of matches, he makes the opponent look really good, which a lot of the time is what means more than just getting the win.

Look at how many people Shawn has put over recently. Especially John Cena, when everyone knows Shawn should have won that match. Just looking at the talent Shawn has compared to Cena is amazing. Yet Shawn still put Cena over. These matches were probably some of the best Cena has ever had. Shawn makes every opponent he has look great.
Kennedy is boring plain and simple. My friend asked me "So what does" I came up with "Umm Kennedy!..."

He is boring and the crowd knows it. That is why Vince will eventually give up the push with him just like he did with Snitsky and Masters

did i read this correctly?? kennedy boring?? his entrance alone ignites the crowd and his in ring ability matches his mic skills!! what are you smoking!!

I would like to see Michaels Kennedy at mania, i cant really see them in a big storyline at mania seeing as none of them are likely to win the rumble nor be in the MITB ladder match.... id pay just to see that match
the only way i see this as a good thing is if the fued will continue.

HBK has the uncanny ability to make anyone look decent. Kennedy is no exception.

Kennedy, being someone who despite vocal talents is mediocre in the ring, had a better than decent match at Armaggedon. so im sure HBK can pull another one out. Not to mention i strongly beleive Kennedy is only valuable when fueding with the right people.

But if the fued isnt going to progress then i do think it was a bad move. It wouldnt have served any purpose rather than card filler, which of course is needed but the two wrestlers in the much could have been better utilized if it wasnt going to be an ongoing fued.

And i couldnt see it progressing to Mania. I can see them having another PPV match, but at NWO if at anytime.

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