Keeper Fantasy Baseball League?

Skairipa Matrix

3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
Hey guys, now that I see a keeper fantasy football league can work here, wondering if there'd be any interest in a keeper fantasy baseball league? I'm thinking anywhere from 8-12 teams would be a good number of teams while still giving us some decent pick ups in free agency. Anybody interested?

If people are interested, we can figure out the details from there. But I will say I'm wanting to do the league on ESPN as it's the only site I know well. Also DON'T JOIN IF YOU WON'T PAY ATTENTION ALL SEASON!
What kind of league is it? If it's points I might be interested. Not interested in rotisserie.

I despise rotisserie, did that in a pubic league my first year playing fantasy baseball and it was horrible.

But I guess if enough people are interested we can figure out what type of league to do then for this WZ fantasy baseball league I'm hoping to get going.
That's 4 (counting me), possibly 5 so far. To those that have already said they'd wanna do it, do you have a preference on the type of league? I know ESPN has head to head points, head to head categories, head to head most categories and rotisserie.

Personally the only one I wouldn't wanna do is rotisserie.
Not a huge roto fan; never played points but have heard good things; I would prefer h2h categories to h2h most categories that way 9-1 doesn't look the same as 5-4 or whatever.
I've played ESPN, Yahoo, CBS, ect... and I've found that yahoo has the best overall fantasy baseball experience. I think head to head categories is the best way to go.
I'd definitely be interested as well, and my preference would be yahoo also as there have been successful WZ leagues with NHL, NBA, and NFL on yahoo. But I'd be open to ESPN if that's what most people want. And head to head categories is the way to go as well.
If the majority wants Yahoo, I can make the league there. But I've only played fantasy baseball there once and don't really know the set up well. Where as ESPN I know very well. But we do have time to figure it out.

I know one thing I despise about Yahoo is there's times I forget to set my lineup the night before and if you set it the day of, you don't get your pick ups until the next day which sucks if you needed a starter or something.
I'd prefer anything BUT yahoo. Yahoo is just awful in every way for fantasy sports. Still not sure if I have time for it though.

Would lineups be submitted weekly, or would it be a league where it changes every day? I'd be more likely to get involved if it's the former.
I'd prefer anything BUT yahoo. Yahoo is just awful in every way for fantasy sports. Still not sure if I have time for it though.

Would lineups be submitted weekly, or would it be a league where it changes every day? I'd be more likely to get involved if it's the former.

Daily. Though on ESPN if you want to you can set your lineup a week in advance even with that set up.
Just to recap, so far we have the following people signed up...
Smooth Sexual Chocolate
Akhilleus (maybe)

Hopefully more people sign up, though if need be the league could be 6 teams. That just wouldn't be much fun.
Six is definitely not enough, we have eight in our NHL and NBA pools and in my opinion that's not enough either. Ten would be ideal if we could get it.
I'd love to get more. I thought about sending out PM's to see if people are interested but don't know who to ask. We do have some time though.

Also jam mentioned to me last night on facebook the only site he knows well is ESPN.
So my friend Samoan Superman is thinking about joining. Also started reaching out to some other members here to see if they'd be interested.
So where do things stand with this thing? Season starts in a couple of days and it would be great to make this happen.
Even if we can get 8 that would be acceptable. 10 is the perfect number but that is probably not happening. 7 guys have indicated an interest so if we could just get one more that would be fine.

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