KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Give me a reason why I should watch this Divas Revolution match considering I'm not amongst those who watch NXT... hopefully when this Team crap is finished, things can get some normalcy and I can see what NXT fans like yourself rave so much about.
Considering he did several segments through the night expressing his displeasure with Brock ending Taker's WM streak, do you think it would have made more sense for John Stewart to cause the distraction that lead to Taker winning tonight, instead of screwing Cena?
Kind of but do you really want what is likely Undertaker's retirement story to hinge on Jon Stewart?

Nope. Not in the slightest. To be honest I was expecting to either see Sting or Kane for some interference, and I was actually happy not to see either one. I felt the match ended logically.
Kind of but do you really want what is likely Undertaker's retirement story to hinge on Jon Stewart?

I didn't want any matches outcome tonight to hinge on John Stewart, nor did I really think a swerve was needed to get to the finish we got in that match (Brock getting low blowed, then flipping Taker off before passing out in the Hells Gate)
I didn't want any matches outcome tonight to hinge on John Stewart, nor did I really think a swerve was needed to get to the finish we got in that match (Brock getting low blowed, then flipping Taker off before passing out in the Hells Gate)

It's WWE. They have to overthink everything.

Also did you do your review yet?

Posted about 30 seconds after the show went off the air as always.
What would be your reaction if the WWE does a Shield "rebirth" soon with a replacement for Rollins?

While I don't like the idea, it is clear that they have really pushed Dean and Roman back together with the hard sell, and I can see how the thinking could be that a new Shield may help both of them (in theory it could cure Dean's stagnancy and help Reigns's crowd reactions).

Also humor the possibility by giving me the best available guy to fill that hypothetical role if it were to happen. Balor? Neville? Cesaro? Someone else?
Last night was a milestone on Raw.

I have reason to believe it was the first time ever someone has been taken off Raw by security and not shown up later. Is this true?
Does the US title count as part of the triple crown and if it does has Rollins been the quickest wrestler to do it?
Last night was a milestone on Raw.

I have reason to believe it was the first time ever someone has been taken off Raw by security and not shown up later. Is this true?

If not it's the first time in forever.

Does the US title count as part of the triple crown and if it does has Rollins been the quickest wrestler to do it?

I consider it as a piece but not everyone does.

Not even close. Punk and Diesel did it in less than a year.
Is Rollins really this good? Or is this push successful because he's not Randy Orton or John Cena?

I like him. He can be a little long-winded, but I like him.
Could we foresee a scenario where Rollins wrestles Cena at NoC for the US title and wins after a long hard match but then has to wrestle Sting pretty much straight after and loses the belt, Sting then evens the loss to Triple H from Mania last year inside Hell in a Cell and then drops the belt to Rollins at Survivor Series to complete the Sting vs. Authority angle?
Samoa Joe and the Usos should form a new Samoan Swat Team. But not "Samoan Swat Team". Or "Headshrinkers".

We've seen enough "these guys are friends, and they're foreign, so they're a team" and "let's put those black guys together as a group"...They should do it with the Samoans because it's been so long it'd be fresh. And, they'd be a badass trio.
Could we foresee a scenario where Rollins wrestles Cena at NoC for the US title and wins after a long hard match but then has to wrestle Sting pretty much straight after and loses the belt, Sting then evens the loss to Triple H from Mania last year inside Hell in a Cell and then drops the belt to Rollins at Survivor Series to complete the Sting vs. Authority angle?

I would see a Sheamus cash-in ending Sting's reign.

Samoa Joe and the Usos should form a new Samoan Swat Team. But not "Samoan Swat Team". Or "Headshrinkers".

We've seen enough "these guys are friends, and they're foreign, so they're a team" and "let's put those black guys together as a group"...They should do it with the Samoans because it's been so long it'd be fresh. And, they'd be a badass trio.

Eh I'm not big on the ethnic groups.
Sting wins setting up the Sheamus cash in seems the way to go. Do you think it will all happen at NoC, or does Sring keep it until the Cell?

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