KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I was quite surprised at Heyman for saying that ECW would have never died if a network would have picked them. He was quite out of touch with reality.
Do you have knowledge as to why AWA failed? Was Verne Gagne too old and out of touch to compete in the modern wrestling world? Did they lack (or lose) a TV contract? Did WWE take all their best wrestlers, causing AWA's demise?

There's a Wiki topic that names performers who worked there, and it's impressive a list as you'd ever want to see. Apparently, attracting top talent wasn't their problem.
Do you have knowledge as to why AWA failed? Was Verne Gagne too old and out of touch to compete in the modern wrestling world? Did they lack (or lose) a TV contract? Did WWE take all their best wrestlers, causing AWA's demise?

There's a Wiki topic that names performers who worked there, and it's impressive a list as you'd ever want to see. Apparently, attracting top talent wasn't their problem.

Number of factors and things occured, but ill let KB get after it.

The main ones being trying to stiff Hulk Hogan, causing him to get pissed and leave, and WWE talent poaching (to a certain extent....I mean, its not like they took the preformers prisoner)

Many of the same reasons the majority of the territorials folded. Theirs was just a little more spectacular given they had so much talent.
Who were the top 5 wrestlers from ECW that didn't essentially pass through e..g. Austin Jericho etc
Did wrestlers used to stay in character in day to day life? Do any of them do that now?

They used to. Now, no and it's one of the reasons wrestling is hurting.

Do you have knowledge as to why AWA failed? Was Verne Gagne too old and out of touch to compete in the modern wrestling world? Did they lack (or lose) a TV contract? Did WWE take all their best wrestlers, causing AWA's demise?

There's a Wiki topic that names performers who worked there, and it's impressive a list as you'd ever want to see. Apparently, attracting top talent wasn't their problem.

Hulk Hogan. If you can find it, get a copy of Super Sunday 1983 and watch Hogan's entrance for the title match against Bockwinkel. It sounds like a bomb went off when Eye of the Tiger starts playing. I think it's on one of Hogan's DVDs. The idea was Gagne wanted X % of Hogan's bookings and some of his merchandise sales or something like that. The problem was Gagne never did the title change and the fans got tired of seeing Bockwinkel and Gagne trade the belt for three year title reigns for like 12 years in a row. Then Vince called Hogan and said I'll make you world champion immediately, and in something like Hogan's third match back he won the title.

The idiocy of Gagne is that if you give Hogan the belt even without the terms Gagne insisted on, you make a FORTUNE with Hogan on top. WIth Hogan there, all the other people don't leave and you make bank. This is one of the few examples where Vince really didn't cause someone to go out of business.

Make no mistake about it: until Hogan left, the AWA was either the second or arguably top wrestling company in the country.

Number of factors and things occured, but ill let KB get after it.

The main ones being trying to stiff Hulk Hogan, causing him to get pissed and leave, and WWE talent poaching (to a certain extent....I mean, its not like they took the preformers prisoner)

Many of the same reasons the majority of the territorials folded. Theirs was just a little more spectacular given they had so much talent.

Who are your top 5 NXT guys?

In no order:

Ohno now that he's a face
Bronson when he actually shows up.

Who were the top 5 wrestlers from ECW that didn't essentially pass through e..g. Austin Jericho etc


Where did the wwe drop the ball with lesnar?

The minute they turned him face.
Did Ted Turner actually care about WCW?

Would you say TLC matches are best suited for tag-team matches?

If you were Vince would you have continued a WCW Pay per view other than the Great American Bash?
Quite a bit actually. It was the first big hit for him on his network and he always had a soft spot for it.


No. You can't just throw a name out there and expect people to care. It's the same reason DDP never caught on in the WWE.
I read your Thought of The Day about how in a few years a new generation of fans won't have a clue about WCW. WCW obviously made an impact on professional wrestling so why will the WWE not let fans rediscover what WCW did and was all about?
Because WWE wants its fans to think that WCW was a bunch of nitwits who stumbled into one good idea but WWE was doing perfectly fine all along, because Vince can't admit he was dead to rites until WCW screwed up.
Out of Ric Flair and Randy Savage, who was better in the following aspects:

Mic skills
Ring work
Drawing ability

Overall, who would rank higher in the Greatest of all times?

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