KB Answers Wrestling Questions

So... after rewatching this years MITB I think it was pretty solid. T or F KB

I seem to remember liking it.

What are your thoughts on Corey Graves?

Nothing special so far.

Who has the best ring gear in WWE or TNA?
Who has the worst ring gear in WWE or TNA?

Any of the Gut Check guys other than York. Or Hendrix for different reasons.

hottest wwe diva? My choice = eve.

Fine by me.

Both TNA and WWE have suffered huge ratings drop in 2012.So is it safe to say 2012 was a bad year for wrestling?

Yeah, if you ignore Mania being the biggest drawing PPV of all time.

Do you suppose Paul Boesch will be inducted into the HOF on the RAW 20th anniversary?

Not likely.

What are your thoughts on CM Punk since his heel turn back in July?

He's been dull because there's a reason to agree wtih him and he makes logical points, which defeats the purpose of a heel turn.

Is Sheamus winning the WWE Championship from Cena in 2009 still an incredibly shocking (and actually brilliant) moment?

I thought it could happen and then said "nah that's not happening." I wouldn't call it brilliant. Smart yes, but not brilliant.
Where does Triple H stand in the greatest of all time, give me a rough number?

For me he is right up there, I am a huge fan of the man and rewatching alot of his matches against the likes of Austin, Cactus Jack, Rock, Michaels etc he is that damn good.
He's great, but the problem is that he's clearly a step below some people. He's top......15 I'd guess. That's off the top of my head though.
Have you seen the NXT spoilers?

Are you happy with the big story that came out of said taping? The one that has gotten a mention on the main page.
I'm being vague to avoid spoiling the show since I think that's an infraction

Also, am I wrong in wanting to see Rock/Ryback as early as the Rumble, but even at Mania instead of Rock/Cena II? And am I more wrong for wanting to see Ryback beat Rocks ass in said match?
You understood my question correctly KB? Looking back I'm pretty sure I chose the wrong word, but I just woke up and can't think properly.

That UWF review you linked me to was for the Mid-South one. I thought there were two UWFs, or am I missing something?
There are actually three UWFs. One was originally called Mid-South before changing its name. That one was actually very good and had names like Ultimate Warrior, Sting, One Man Gang and Junkyard Dog. The other is an organization from the early 90s so bad I can barely get through a half hour episode. A third is an indy company from the mid-2000s that did some stuff with TNA.
There is something I've been meaning to ask you but forget every time I enter this thread but I remember right now lol.

Do you think WWE should have more fast paced matches?
Eh it's not a problem. WWE matches are based on the idea of building up to a big sequence at the end and that works fine for them. Throwing two small guys out there like Kidd and Gabriel and letting them show off for six minutes wouldn't hurt anything though.
I recall Steve Williams attacking Paul Orndorff with a chair. Williams grazed a wrestler with the chair and they went down instantly, but the ref didn't sell the chairshots until after the third one.
Where would Owen Hart have realistically gone if he didn't die?

Where would HBK have been if he didn't need to take 4 years off from 98 to 02?
Not far more than likely. He hadn't been anywhere near the world title scene in about four and a half years, so odds are he would have been in the midcard for awhile, then gotten a nostalgia run and left.

Actually, there's a chance it would be in a grave. He was spiraling out of control and the back injury let him get off the road and get some control of his life.
Shawn had undeniable in ring skill, decent mic skills and a good gimmick, how come he never could draw at the level of some of the other greats?
Look at Shawn Michaels. Tell me that at least once in awhile there isn't a voice in your head that says you could kill him. That's not the case with Austin or Rock or Hogan.
Actually, I'm probably a bit smaller than Shawn, I'm 5'9 145lbs, even Evan Bourne and some of the Ryback Local Indy Jobbers are bigger than I am...

but anyway, where did Mason Ryan get exiled to? I almost forgot he existed until I saw him in some old Raw clips I was watching on Youtube earlier

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