KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Was HHH/Undertakers Hell in a Cell match better than their match at Wrestlemania 17?

And where does it rank in the greatest Hell in a Cell matchs?
Yes it was.

I'd put it near the top, but I'm not sure I can put it ahead of the first one. They're different kinds of matches.
Where does WrestleMania 28 rank in your top Manias if it does of course, and if so does it crack your top 10 or perhaps even top 5?
If Brock does indeed come full-time (or at least competing on a regular basis) back would now be the perfect time to turn Cena?

You could then slot Brock in the top face role with Rocky popping up every now and then with guys like Punk, Orton, Sheamus, Rey (when he is back), Ryder and if they get desperate HHH and Taker they should have plenty of over top faces still.
He might be. it's hard to say though. He has to win something, unless they're going with "Maybe I'mnot as good as I thought i was so there's no reason for me to keep going this way because I have to be the best."
He might be. it's hard to say though. He has to win something, unless they're going with "Maybe I'mnot as good as I thought i was so there's no reason for me to keep going this way because I have to be the best."

I feel bad for him. He carries the company for all these years. Now these huge stars come back, and it just doesn't make sense for Cena to win. I think Super Cena is done for now.
Now that Brock has returned and Rock wants to be WWE champion, how will the younger guys like Rhodes, Barrett etc. be affected?
I'm not sure I buy Rock winning the title, and if he does he certainly won't hold it long.

The other guys have another title to go after, so they're not left out in the cold.
His debut bored me a bit but I get what they were going for. He needs to be thrown into a feud much faster than Brodus though.
So with the mixed reaction to Cena last night and the pop Lesnar got for f5-ing Cena...does this means Cena is a de-facto heel even if he doesn't act like it?

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