Karen Jarrett: Should She Stick Around?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Karen has been a thorn in Kurt Angle's side for quite some time now. She's the nasty and vindictive ex-wife who wants to help make Angle's life a living hell. The Angle VS Jarrett feud has helped bring Karen back into the spotlight, but would you want to see more of her when this feud ends?

Karen is hated now, but I really don't think this is all that impressive. She is Kurt Angle's real life ex-wife. She's married to Kurt's #1 enemy, and she has taken very personal shots at Angle. Who wouldn't want to boo this woman?

Karen has had her run as face, but I always thought she was kind of bland as one of the good girls. I enjoyed the Karen's Angle talk show, but other than that, nothing about her face run wowed me. Although, as a heel, Karen can have a nasty attitude. I enjoyed the opening segment of Impact last night, as Karen insulted the Knockouts and other women on TNA's staff. She sounded mean, and her mic work wasn't bad at all.

I could see Karen sticking by Jeff's side after this feud ends. She could continue her role as the evil wife of Jeff Jarrett. She could accompany Jarrett to ringside, and she could "help" him win some matches, but will she still have the same effect? Will you still be able to despise her? The Angle VS Jarrett feud can't go on forever, and there is going to come a time where Karen needs to do something different.

She could stick around but she'd be useless. The only reason why what Karen does now works is because she's Kurt's ex-wife. It makes sense. There's a link between them, there's a reason. When this feud ends (my guess is it'll end in about a decade, decade 'n a half tops), Karen would be pretty useless. It's not like Double J needs someone to talk for him. Jeff Jarrett is arguably the best pure heel in pro wrestling today along with Bully Ray and the "Super Dragon" guy. He doesn't need her. The only reason why she was brought back is to add controversy to the storyline, and as we all know, controversy creates crap.

... kiddin'. I love the storyline but it's funny.
Personally she can go away when this feud ends. The longer its drawn out the more interest I keep losing in it. It's not like when Jake the Snake and Macho Man had their feud for a year, you guys know you all remember that. Jake would put Damien in a box for Macho to open it up. I used to laugh my ass off to that. It is just painful watching this because no matter what Kurt has been doing to them it always seems that Jeff/Karen always seem to come out unscathed. I would like for it to go back and forth make it a real struggle not Jeff keeps winning, but they could keep it up with each winning and for a couple of weeks you Kurt doing things to them like airing Karen's dirty laundry(just something more than what he is doing), I wouldn't mind him using the milk truck again on them both, that would be more interesting than Jeff/Karen grilling all the knockouts on TV. Because right now I have as much interest in watching this as I do watching to flies mate.

Please allow Kurt to win a few matches and make it a little more even then lets finish the feud. Allow the hate to build in Jeff and Kurt even more with Kurt winning a few and getting the upper hand.

I mean she is only their because of the feud to fuel the angst among the two but its not doing much.
She has impressed me in this program to the point I'd like to see them find a reason to keep her around. She has a good character and can cut a solid promo. On some nights she manages to upstage Angle and Jarrett, which says a lot IMO.
If she can't wrestle, there's no point in keeping her around. There are already plenty of girls in the Knockouts division who are hotter and more charismatic than Karen that can actually put on a match. In all fairness I will (begrudgingly) admit that Karen isn't that bad on the mic, but I don't think that alone is worth keeping her around for. And plenty about her has always rubbed me the wrong way. Like the fact that she ended up on the cover of a Knockouts dvd for some reason, and the old rumors about her disproportionately high pay.

The bottom line, however, is that I just plain don't like wrestlers landing jobs for their family members, particularly if those family members have zero background in the industry and can't even be bothered to train. Edit: Having her around for the duration of this feud makes sense, but beyond that, there's no more reason to keep her employed than there was to keep Sharmell on the roster.
she's worthless.. the only reason she needs to stick around is if TNA gets her to pose in Playboy :)
I actually like Karen this time around. When she came back for this storyline, she looked a lot better than when she was on with Kurt, IMO. I don't know if it's the way she carried herself or not, but since she married Jeff, she just seems more comfortable/natural on-screen.

I wouldn't mind her sticking around after the storyline concludes, as long as she stays heel. The interrogation she did last night was awesome. :icon_smile:
IMO Karen Jarrett is TNA's version of Vickie Guerrero i hope she stays around for the simple fact she could help double j win matches and shes fucking sexy! as long as she DOES NOT wrestle im fine with her staying around to manage double j...hell maybe she could be the "offical manager" of immortal? :shrug:
Hey that's sexual harassment, careful she'll sue you!

Now THAT is funny..

Personally, I don't like her. She irritates the crap out of me. I don't think she was ever really needed for the fued to work in the first place. Everyone was aware of the real life situation without adding a face to the name.

In fact, the whole angle (no pun intended) has run it's course. For fuck sake TNA, just end it so that Angle can go back to having decent programs and good matches again. And get the fuck rid of that whining screaming banshee.
I used to despise Karen but after her promo on the last Impact (that most people hated) I have changed my mind a little. Karen absolutely destroyed the knockouts with the Mic with both vicious and comedic lines. I loved when she told Velvet that she had gone as far as she ever would in TNA as I agree 100%, velvet sucks in the ring and on the mic and only got a tag title as some people find her hot, which she is not. By adding some truth to her rants Karen can help draw legitimate heat rather than just being hated for being with Jeff over Kurt.

As much as I think the Kurt/Jeff fued has gone on too long I think by moving the focus onto Karen can help us viewers stay interested as she is the reason why Kurt has lost so many times to Jeff recently. I do fear however that Kurts "Mistress" is going to be that Isis the Amazon woman as Kurt hinted that everyone would be scared of her.

I think after this fued has ended Karen can stay around as Jeffs manager/valet and help him continue as a Heel by winning with interference etc. I do however think that once Jeff turns face Karen would bring nothing to the table and should disappear from our TV. Although it wouldn't surprise me if she may be used as a tool to turn Jeff face by having Karen have another onscreen affair with a different wrestler.
The heat that Karen is generating is due to the fact that she is Kurt Angle's ex wife and that is a huge factor in the storyline involving Kurt and Jeff Jarrett. I don't think that she will be able to maintain this kind of heat once the storyline runs it's course. Karen cannot contribute a whole lot by being at Jarrett's side; I'm sure Jarrett is able to acquire heat without needing Karen's help. There are too many talented wrestlers on the roster for a non-wrestler like Karen too be featured on the show especially when she cannot do much.
The bitch can talk, that is for sure. And honestly, I would rather hear her talk than Double J.

Hell, keep her around and have her be the mouthpiece (ala Vicky Guererro). I agree that the interest might fade after the feud w/Kurt is over. But, by portraying her as the spoiled and high maintenance "Queen of the Mountain," heat will never be far away.
Nope. She doesn't fit with Immortal. Not to mention the faction is already crammed with enough non-wrestlers. The only real purpose she should have is her revenge on Kurt Angle. Other than that, nothing else. Jeff can and should handle himself as that's how he's worked best during this heel run.

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