Kane's Mic Skills

I'm sure you feel like you made some valid points here, but considering you're obviously a biased Kane fan, I really don't feel wasting my time pointing out to everyone else how stupid your post is. What's really great about this is I didn't even read anything after your first line, but I know your post is stupid. You have a Kane avatar, and your first line defended Kane...obviously it's stupid.

He made some damn valid points. I happen to agree that Kane was kept around for more than just his size. It's easy to find a big man, it's alot harder to find one with some talent. Descrediting someone because of their avatar is just fucking stupid. I'm a Kane fan. Does that descredit everything I have to say on the subject. No. It makes you look like a parading jerk when you go on about why something is so stupid, and you don't have the guts to explain why. :disappointed:
He made some damn valid points. I happen to agree that Kane was kept around for more than just his size. It's easy to find a big man, it's alot harder to find one with some talent.
I agree, that's why Kane is still in the WWE. :shrug:

If it were easier to find big wrestlers, Kane would be gone. But big men in wrestling is a rarity, not a common thing. Do you ever see any giants in the Indy leagues, at least ones who appear properly trained? Nope. The only place you see big wrestlers is in the WWE, and MAYBE in TNA. All other giants are in the WWE, the few of them there are.

Descrediting someone because of their avatar is just fucking stupid.
I wasn't discrediting him because of his avatar, I was discrediting him because he's an obvious biased Kane fan. And it's a waste of time to point out how poor a wrestler is to one of their biased fans. The Kane avatar just helps me make the conclusion he's a Kane fan. It's not why I dismissed his argument.

I'm a Kane fan.
I'm sorry.

Does that descredit everything I have to say on the subject. No.
No, because you have shown that you can be fairly objective on the subject, and are willing to concede the truth when confronted with it, even if it doesn't necessarily fit what you believed before. Furthermore, you strike me as a decently intelligent individual, which I've never felt from Chill.

It makes you look like a parading jerk when you go on about why something is so stupid, and you don't have the guts to explain why. :disappointed:
What does that make you when you jump to false conclusions to insult someone? ;)

But, I have explained my position, a couple of different times in this thread to you. All I would be doing is basically repeating myself ad nauseum, to someone who, unlike you, would never even bother to discuss it rationally or intelligently. Why waste my time with that kind of an individual?

The fact of the matter is that Kane was a gimmick for most of his career, which allowed him to avoid the ax early on. And at this point of his career, he's good working with younger wrestlers, and he's experienced in the ring. Throw in the fact he's 6'8"-6'10", and willing to do anything he's asked, and you can see why the WWE keeps him around. And, from everything ever said, it seems as if he's a nice guy and a hard worker.

But, that doesn't change the fact he's terrible in the ring, and he's never shown any ability to carry a good promo. It doesn't change the fact the promo he gave on Friday night was simply standing in the ring, reciting from memory a script that was written for him, to ominous music and lighting in the background. Which is what this thread is about.
Originally Posted By Slyfox696:
I wasn't discrediting him because of his avatar, I was discrediting him because he's an obvious biased Kane fan. And it's a waste of time to point out how poor a wrestler is to one of their biased fans. The Kane avatar just helps me make the conclusion he's a Kane fan. It's not why I dismissed his argument.

Kane fan or not, I cannot agree with something I atually disagree with. I have no problem saying something's poor when I feel it is, but when I don't feel that way then what'd be the point in simply agreeing? Because someone else says that what their saying is the truth? Nah, I don't think so. I do respect your opinion, but I disagree with it.

It's not like I've come on here and said Kane is the best wrestler, or the best promo cutter of all time....what I'm saying is that in my honest opinion, he's good at what he does. He isn't the best in the ring, he isn't the worst but he is good. Same with his mic work, I believe Jacobs is excellent at portraying the Kane character and I feel his recent Smackdown promo was good, with or without the fancy lighting and sound.

If anyone is not being objective, it's yourself, after all, you are the one who intially came to this thread with the one sided and fairly blunt opinion that Kane's 'pretty awful in just about everything he does' or that he's 'flat out awful in the ring' and that he was simply lucked into the gimmick because of his size. That's your opinion, fair enough but because I disagree with this, I'm suddenly unable to contribute rationale discussion? Listen, if I feel Kane does something shit, I have no problem criticising it, but I refuse to do so when I think he deserves praise or credit.

Again, I haven't come here and said Kane was a massive draw or suddenly will be a massive draw, that would be actual bullshit on my part. However, what I would say is that Kane was never given a proper chance to show whether he was or was not a draw, at least as champion. He's never truly been tested and certainly not during his best and most over years in WWE.

Will Kane suddenly be a massive draw now he's been made champion years after his prime? Unlikely, but again I would attribute that to poor booking and character assassisination/neglect on Creative's part which ultimately made Kane stale and somewhat insignificant the last few years. How can WWE suddenly expect him to draw huge now? In my opinion, it would be an unfair expectation. Had Kane been consistantly booked well his entire career, then it may have been a different story but I don't think the majority of errors in Kane's career are down to him being shit, rather it's more attributable to shit booking at times.

But, I have explained my position, a couple of different times in this thread to you. All I would be doing is basically repeating myself ad nauseum, to someone who, unlike you, would never even bother to discuss it rationally or intelligently. Why waste my time with that kind of an individual?

I'm sorry you feel that way about me.

But, that doesn't change the fact he's terrible in the ring, and he's never shown any ability to carry a good promo. It doesn't change the fact the promo he gave on Friday night was simply standing in the ring, reciting from memory a script that was written for him, to ominous music and lighting in the background. Which is what this thread is about.

But again, all this is your opinion and it's one I still disagree with. Of course, you're perfectly entitled to it but I'd like to think I'm entitled to mine, Kane fan or not. If you still feel I can't look at something objectively then please don't bother replying because I don't want to read anymore insults about my inability to carry conversation or intelligence. Thanks.
To be honest, we actually caught a glimpse of kane's mic skills back in late 2003-early 2004 after kane buried undertaker alive at the survivor series 03. I think it was the 1st smackdown following the survivor series that kane came out and gave his reasons for burying his brother. It reminded of the recent promo kane cut when the undertaker was "found" in a "vegetative-state". It was full with emotion and strong use of words, just as the recent one was.
So it seems to me that kane has always had the good mic skills but wasn't given the opportunity to express himself with the mic much. I can actually recall another good promo that kane cut back in 2000 when kane was feuding against the rock. He talked about the mask and being laughed at as a kid. Check them out on youtube, they are well worth the replay.
Holy shit are you people joking? Kane is absolutely horrendous on the microphone and his promos the last few weeks have been some of the most cringe-worthy embarrassing cartoonish bullshit I've seen in the WWE since the days of Mantaur and the Gobbeldygooker. It doesn't help when the WWE edits in clips and cheesy background music to accompany his promo, making the segment seem like a terrible music video or highlights package rather than the emotional promo it was supposed to be.

Kane/Glen Jacobs is simply not a good actor. His promos pretty much prove this, as he comes off sounding like someone desperately trying to act emotional, instead of coming off as naturally emotional about the situation with his brother. He's so over-the-top lately it's just ridiculous, a far cry from the simple and perfect monster character he debuted as 13 years ago.

I can't believe everyone thought those were good promos. They had me reaching for the fast-forward button on my DVR.
Does Kane with his gimmick need to have GOOD mic skills. Come on he can talk whatever it doesnt matter, his gimmick just doesnt want him to talk. but I did like his mic skills though. But to your answer no his mic skills didnt affect his career and neither is it gonna stop from making Kane a Transitional Champ(atleast he is not a world champ for a day now)
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Proof Kane has had it in him for a long time now. there was just no need for it to be shown on a nighty basis. i have always loved his character as the Anti-Undertaker. it's the UnderFaker done right. and it's one the few that can go on for years, and always be a top guy, no matter HOW many times he jobbs to nobody's.
I did not know Kane was that good on the mic. That promo definately impressed me. I hadn't seen it before I just watched it now because I don't watch SmackDown!. Kane should not have been able to use mic skills before though. Him not talking was an immense part of his character. But now, as he seeks vengance for his brother's demise, it fits in just fine. Kane's mic skills impress me, and he needs to use them more often now.
It is not a surprise to me.

First, he's an english major, which means he has a good handle on the english language and can use the types of words, most other wrestlers simply can't. He comes off as the intelligent, homicidal psychopath so it all works well.

Second, go read his blogs as "Citizen X" You can see he is extremely intelligent and can get a point across.

he's always been one of the best big men, but now even though hes less athletic, he can now use other things to get him over, plus it looks like he lost a good 15 pounds. Create a slow build w/the taker, give Kane a strong run, and culminate it at WM. Less hot shotting, more long term thinking.

And also who on that roster can be a credible world champion? Kane, Taker, Big Show and CM Punk...That's it.
It is not a surprise to me.

First, he's an english major, which means he has a good handle on the english language and can use the types of words, most other wrestlers simply can't. He comes off as the intelligent, homicidal psychopath so it all works well.

Second, go read his blogs as "Citizen X" You can see he is extremely intelligent and can get a point across.

he's always been one of the best big men, but now even though hes less athletic, he can now use other things to get him over, plus it looks like he lost a good 15 pounds. Create a slow build w/the taker, give Kane a strong run, and culminate it at WM. Less hot shotting, more long term thinking.

And also who on that roster can be a credible world champion? Kane, Taker, Big Show and CM Punk...That's it.
Yeah. Glenn Jacobs is clearly an intelligent and well spoken guy. I've had the pleasure of briefly dealing with him over email in the Citizen X capacity and he comes across as a very genuine and thoughtful person.
This promo was the best of Kane's entire career, IMO. He has taken an angle which was taken by most as a weak way to write off an injured Undertaker, and turned it into something that we here on WrestleZone.com talk about every day. He has done excellent promo and mic work duing this angle, so good that we have come to take the once glorified jobber seriously again. Even before he won the World Heavyweight Championship!

I will bet Kane does still lose the title to the Undertaker once he returns. My only hope is that if Taker does beat Kane for the belt upon returning, that the IWC doesn't take it out on him. Just don't hate on the Deadman if he goes over Kane again. Kane fans can take comfort in the fact that he actually got a world title for the 1st time in 12 years, and how many can actually say they knew all along that Kane would be world champ again? Taker has spent to much time putting over other champions, it's his turn Damn It!
Kane has always had mic skills, I don't know why people have decided to just start noticing them right now. Kane has cut some of the best promos in the WWE during his time with them, he's a hell of a talent. For those who are complaining about the music and videos, stop. A lot of promos do that, it adds some different effects to the promo and it stays fresh... nothing wrong with that.
My god! Was anyone else just so sucked into that promo by Kane? I swear that this 10 minute promo was better than the entire month of wrestling by both WWE and TNA. It just seems that it gave a fresh look to the rivalry between Kane and Undertaker! Does anyone else feel this way? This promo was just pure gold in my eyes. Kane is a real beast on the mic and this just proves why WWE made a good decision in giving him the World Title
My god! Was anyone else just so sucked into that promo by Kane? I swear that this 10 minute promo was better than the entire month of wrestling by both WWE and TNA. It just seems that it gave a fresh look to the rivalry between Kane and Undertaker! Does anyone else feel this way? This promo was just pure gold in my eyes. Kane is a real beast on the mic and this just proves why WWE made a good decision in giving him the World Title

A great promo - executed well and one that made a lot of sense. The music helps it a lot - but that's not the say the promo was bad on its own. I just think it would sound less effective to the live crowd.

I'm really want to see this feud now.

And to think they stumbled on this idea when Undertaker got injured!
Kane is giving, hands down, the best promos in WWE today. Sure, you have your Cena, Barrett, Jericho, Punk etc, who give good promos, but Kane is a whole other animal. You know why Kane's promos are so damn entertaining? Because they aren't just promos, they are spectacles, they are like theatre. Sure, like Cena and others, he has his central point, the overall theme, i.e. vengeance being used alot. Look at a John Cena promo, entertaining, realistic, over the top at times, but overall realistic. Kane's are so wild, that you have to suspend disbelief, I mean, he has his own horror movie background music, and voice altering effects, and references to the supernatural. It's a nice throwback to what promos used to be. His promo last night was the best so far, because he toned down to a much more sinister, cold tone, which adds to it, as opposed to the screaming style he had been doing in previous promos.
First of all, the writing by WWE's writing team was excellent last night, the way they spun the intial feud with Undertaker in as well as the WrestleMania XX encounter and the Shawn Michaels story was tremendous. Now onto Kane himself.

Kane was right on the money last night, never mind the cheesy effects and great video packages, Kane himself was delivering one of the best promos (if not the best) of his career. His passion and hatred came through that promo brilliantly and he was fantastic. The way he built up towards the end was great, as if he had kept all of these emotions bottled up until it was just too much for him and he had to just scream into the mic.

It was a great promo, I really do look forward to seeing how his feud with Taker pans out.
The promo on Smackdown! this week was phenomenal but one thing that struct me other than Kane mic's skill was the amazing production value it had with the music and video montage. It was like watching the bad guy reveal his master plan to the fallen hero in a movie with the flashback to show you how the pieces fit together while you get the big picture just like the hero.
Did no one actually see him do the promo where he set J.R. on fire after he removed his mask?

This is the level that Kane has always been able to perform at, but they never used him in a manner that required him to speak at his level for this amount of time before.

Sadly, if they'd used him in this manner in 2001 and 2003 when he got his biggest pushes, and was probably in his best physical condition, and was putting on his best matches, then the Kane of 2010 would probably have far more accolades under his belt, but that was then and this is now, and now he's just being used to stop people from complaining about the SD ME scene being stale like Raw's was pre-Sheamus. And since every new guy that steps up is going to be half Kane's size or at least smaller than him, then it makes more sense than Rey Mysterio, who couldn't realisticly successfully beat anyone of the possible contenders on the SD roster, unless he's going to take his boot off to win every title match he has......

Anyway, Kane's always been able to deliver promos at this standard, but they chose not to have him do it when his matches were at a higher standard, which is sad really....
His mic skills are incredible. Everything he does when he speaks makes the viewer emotionally invested in the storyline. His mic skills where he talked about why he attacked Undertaker were awesome. He actually made it sound like it was years in the making.
I have always figured Kane to have incredible mic skills....he is an intelligent man, and the story of Kane to me parallels the story of Frankenstein.....the monster was cast to the shadows for being hideous, being what people belived to be stupid and imbecile.... but just like the monster in the novel when he speaks he sounds intelligent and very emotional.....of course in the end the monster dies a vicious death, and that is the only way the story of Kane could possibly end is by being burnt alive.....back to the topic at hand lol, Kane has some of the best mic skills, and probably are in my top 5
I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE SMOKING? And WHERE can I obtain this insanely potent drug that clearly makes you hallucinate that Kane is good on the microphone? I literally have to hit the fast forward button on my DVR every time Kane cuts a promo because it's just so horrid by about 60 seconds in that it's literally embarrassing to watch, like I feel bad for Kane for how foolish he looks cutting these incredibly over-the-top cartoonish promos with some of the worst overacting I've ever seen. Ever heard of a fucking thing called SUBTLETY Kane? You don't need to scream and try to talk REALLY-INTENSELY to come off as angry or scary, try cutting a promo that isn't the exact same shit you've been saying about 'Taker for the last 13 years. Oh you don't like your brother, do you? I think we've established that by now asshole.

I'm literally baffled by how many people in here are raving about Kane's promos when they're by far one of the worst things going on in wrestling today. Notice how the crowds are DEAD QUIET through out every single fucking Kane promo? It's because he can't cut a promo for shit, and if he could he'd make the crowd give a shit about him, but they continue not to just as they haven't for years now.

Seriously, someone, anyone, explain to me how Kane's promos are so awesome. I feel like I'm watching a mentally ******ed man attempt to act in a school play.
Originally Posted By xfearbefore:
I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE SMOKING? And WHERE can I obtain this insanely potent drug that clearly makes you hallucinate that Kane is good on the microphone?

I don't smoke anything when watching/listening to a Kane promo, they're quite watchable without I find.

I literally have to hit the fast forward button on my DVR every time Kane cuts a promo because it's just so horrid by about 60 seconds in that it's literally embarrassing to watch,

Really? 9/10 I find myself re-watching his promos again because I find them entertaining. Kane's recent promo was easily the highlight of Smackdown for me this week, dare I say it was the best thing I witnessed from both WWE and TNA this past week. Can't speak for everyone though and there's far more embarrassing things going on than Kane's promos...

over-the-top cartoonish promos with some of the worst overacting I've ever seen.

But isn't over-the-top allowed in the over-the-top world of main stream pro wrestling, especially when the promo is being delivered by one of the last true 'cartoon gimmicks' the WWE has in Kane? I mean think about it, all of the great orators have been over the top from Hulk Hogan to Ric Flair to Roddy Piper to The Rock. This is the WWE, not a Hollywood masterpiece...

Ever heard of a fucking thing called SUBTLETY Kane? You don't need to scream and try to talk REALLY-INTENSELY to come off as angry or scary,

But let's be fair here, it's not like he screams for an entire promo, take the most recent one for example, he literally just sat on the chair talking and yet I felt he came across as the 'intelligent monster' so to speak. So in actual fact, Kane did employ subtletly in this promo and only raised his voice at select moments, which came across well in my opinion (as it nearly always does).

You want someone who just screams to try and come across as scary, watch Abyss but if you want someone who can actually talk and cut a good promo, watch Kane instead of fast forwarding through him. Kane is a character let's not forget, so you have to allow him some leeway in that regard, surely?

try cutting a promo that isn't the exact same shit you've been saying about 'Taker for the last 13 years. Oh you don't like your brother, do you? I think we've established that by now asshole.

Well when Kane first feuded with 'Taker he didn't actually speak or cut a promo but fair enough, I accept your point - no, Kane doesn't like The Undertaker. But in fairness, when Kane's playing the heel in a fued with 'Taker, it's not like he's going to come out and declare his love for him either, is it?

The Undertaker himself has been talking about souls and whatnot for two decades now, yet people rarely complain, Ric Flair has been crying 'Woooooo!' for thrity plus years, Austin gave people the middle finger his entire run on top, The Rock told people to 'Just bring it!' for years, John Cena has been thinking we 'Can't see him' for a long time now....the point being here, a lot of people talk about the same thing in their promos and it's unfair to just single out one person, whether it be Kane or anyone else for that matter.

I'm literally baffled by how many people in here are raving about Kane's promos when they're by far one of the worst things going on in wrestling today.

See, I'm not baffled by the fact people are raving about how good his promos are, but what I am baffled about is how people can come on here and say they're shit or one of the 'worst things going on in wrestling today', I find that a total exaggeration.

But hey, fair enough, that's your opinion and I have the gumption to respect it but please try to do the same for those who like and are entertained by Kane's promos and from the looks of what's being said in this thread, there are a lot of people who like them.

Notice how the crowds are DEAD QUIET through out every single fucking Kane promo?

No I don't because WWE feel the need to play corny music over the top of him, which sometimes works but I admit it can at times be a bit much...

I feel like I'm watching a mentally ******ed man attempt to act in a school play.

They didn't use to call him the 'Big Red ******' for nothing now, did they?
Really? 9/10 I find myself re-watching his promos again because I find them entertaining. Kane's recent promo was easily the highlight of Smackdown for me this week, dare I say it was the best thing I witnessed from both WWE and TNA this past week. Can't speak for everyone though and there's far more embarrassing things going on than Kane's promos...

I don't see them. I'd put Kane's promos right next to Orlando Jordan as one of the most embarrassing things in wrestling today. Are we supposed to be taking him seriously? Because I can't every time he cuts a promo right out of a 3rd rate B movie.

But isn't over-the-top allowed in the over-the-top world of main stream pro wrestling,

Sure, when it's ya know, well done. Which this isn't. This is sad, this is Kane trying desperately to cut a good promo by trying to be over-emotional and failing miserably. The guy is the World champion right now and no one gives a shit, he's probably like the 5th or 6th most disliked heel on the roster. Pretty bad for a world champ.

especially when the promo is being delivered by one of the last true 'cartoon gimmicks' the WWE has in Kane? I mean think about it, all of the great orators have been over the top from Hulk Hogan to Ric Flair to Roddy Piper to The Rock. This is the WWE, not a Hollywood masterpiece...

Please, please tell me you did not just compare Kane to Piper, Flair, Hogan, and The Rock. That's almost offensive to even suggest such a thing. Kane couldn't spit-shine any of those men's boots, let alone compare to them on a microphone. See because unlike Kane, Piper, Flair, Hogan and the Rock all made the crowd care about their matches and their promos got the crowds riled up. Kane is met with dead silence, every time. He's lucky to get a few 12 year olds booing him in the front row.

But let's be fair here, it's not like he screams for an entire promo, take the most recent one for example, he literally just sat on the chair talking and yet I felt he came across as the 'intelligent monster' so to speak. So in actual fact, Kane did employ subtletly in this promo and only raised his voice at select moments, which came across well in my opinion (as it nearly always does).

His promo about a week or two ago on Smackdown was literally like 90% yelling. He spits and slobbers on the mic from how much he overacts, it's absolutely awful to watch. Subtlety? What exactly is subtle about yelling about the same shit you've been saying for 13 years while giggling like a madman from a horror movie and trying to sound "scary"?

It didn't come across well, it came across very very poorly. Like if someone walked into the room and saw me watching that, I'd literally be embarrassed to be seen watching it, that's how bad he is on the mic.

You want someone who just screams to try and come across as scary, watch Abyss but if you want someone who can actually talk and cut a good promo, watch Kane instead of fast forwarding through him. Kane is a character let's not forget, so you have to allow him some leeway in that regard, surely?

His "character" has been dead for years now, let's not pretend otherwise, this title reign of his is his first in 13 years for a valid reason---he's simply not very good anymore. Oh sure he used to be awesome about 10 years ago. Unfortunately not he's as intimidating and frightening as a bunny rabbit and both his in-ring work and mic work is subpar at best.

I've given Kane promos a chance, one after the other week after week, I can't take it anymore. I give him about 60 seconds and by then it's usually too cringe-worthy to continue watching.

Well when Kane first feuded with 'Taker he didn't actually speak or cut a promo but fair enough, I accept your point - no, Kane doesn't like The Undertaker. But in fairness, when Kane's playing the heel in a fued with 'Taker, it's not like he's going to come out and declare his love for him either, is it?

So are you agreeing with me then that Kane's heel shtick against Taker is old as hell now? It hasn't been entertaining in years, it's a horse that's been beaten to death and literally no one gives a shit about seeing yet another terrible Taker-Kane match.

The Undertaker himself has been talking about souls and whatnot for two decades now, yet people rarely complain

See because The Undertaker doesn't sound like a baffoon when he says those things. He's been doing it for 20 years and unlike Kane, knows how too cut a subtle promo. You never see Undertaker screaming and yelling and slobbering all over a microphone like Kane, he's always calm and collected and it adds to his character.

People don't complain because unlike Kane, the Undertaker is a legend and probably one of the best to ever lace up a pair of boots. Unlike Kane, who hasn't been good in about a decade now.

Ric Flair has been crying 'Woooooo!' for thrity plus years, Austin gave people the middle finger his entire run on top, The Rock told people to 'Just bring it!' for years, John Cena has been thinking we 'Can't see him' for a long time now....the point being here, a lot of people talk about the same thing in their promos and it's unfair to just single out one person, whether it be Kane or anyone else for that matter.

I never singled out Kane for being repetitive. I never said that he was repetitive in fact, so I'm not sure what you're getting at here. My point is that he's not good at what he does, and the lukewarm at best crowd reactions to his promos and matches would seem to validate that point.

See, I'm not baffled by the fact people are raving about how good his promos are, but what I am baffled about is how people can come on here and say they're shit or one of the 'worst things going on in wrestling today', I find that a total exaggeration.

And I literally find it baffling that you guys are all creaming over this shit. I saw a better promo cut by the Dudebusters on Superstars a few weeks ago.

But hey, fair enough, that's your opinion and I have the gumption to respect it but please try to do the same for those who like and are entertained by Kane's promos and from the looks of what's being said in this thread, there are a lot of people who like them.

When did I ever say I didn't respect you if you liked Kane? Don't recall saying that. I'm just explaining my point of view, which is that Kane is terrible on the microphone. Which he is.
Kane's promos lately have been very impressive. His one last friday was easily the highlight of the show. I hope he has a long reign as the champ.
So are you agreeing with me then that Kane's heel shtick against Taker is old as hell now? It hasn't been entertaining in years, it's a horse that's been beaten to death and literally no one gives a shit about seeing yet another terrible Taker-Kane match.
Hello. I'm looking forward to and am a fan of this feud.

See because The Undertaker doesn't sound like a baffoon when he says those things. He's been doing it for 20 years and unlike Kane, knows how too cut a subtle promo. You never see Undertaker screaming and yelling and slobbering all over a microphone like Kane, he's always calm and collected and it adds to his character.
Because that is his character. Kane is the beserker/sociopath of the two, remember?

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