Great wrestlers who got over without great mic skills

I think Bret "Hitman" Hart is underrated on the mic. He didn't stand out against all the over-the-top gimmicks in his era (Macho Man, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Million Dollar Man, etc.), but his more realistic style fit his persona of being the best technical wrestler instead of an over-the-top character. I remember his promo after beating Ric Flair for his 1st WWF Championship, and it was a great interview, because it came from the heart and he meant everything he said 100%. By no means was he great, but I think he was pretty good.

As for other guys people have mentioned like Randy Savage, Sid, and the Ultimate Warrior, I disagree 100%. All those guys had a ton of intensity and charisma, and were very entertaining on the mic as far as I'm concerned. Savage is one of the greatest promo cutters of all time (along with one of the greatest in-ring performers), and people just denigrate the Ultimate Warrior because of that hatchet job video the WWE put out on him. His crazy, over-the-top, hyper-intense promos full of allegory and symbolism were a PERFECT fit with his crazy, over-the-top, and hyper-intense character. Which is a big reason why his popularity even surpassed Hulk Hogan's for awhile.
I was watching some old matches and promos from Randy Savage and it got me to thinking. Who are some of guy who got over and were considered all time greats who never had great charisma?

My pick-Bret Hart

Bret was a great in ring performer. Good technical skills, played the face well, played the heel well. He just knew how to put on a good match. He could incite the American crowds well when he played the heel but he just never seemed comfortable. He often messed up lines and just looked out of place. He even said himself the reason he wore his trademark shades was to help hide his nervousness on the mic. I think some of it was when The Hart Foundation went toe to toe with DX he was simply outshined but he never really did anything that made me say, "Wow this guy can cut a promo"

Honorable mentions for me go to: Bob Backlund and The Iron Shiek

bret wasn't as bad on the mic as everyone says.. i remember how he used to captivate me with his promos when i was a kid.. early in his career yeah, i can see you saying that.. or maybe comparing his wrestling ability to his mic skills would leave a great gap... but by no stretch was the hitman as bad as you are portraying him to be on the mic...

seems to me like you are judging on just a few instances when the guy had about a 20 year career.. take a look at his promos toward owen.. or jerry lawler for a few examples
2. Scott Steiner His Frankensteiner was just out of this world for a big man to pull of a move like that his mic skills though were not that great even now in TNA when he does a promo it's laughable because every other word he messes up on.

Lol that sot of stuff is why Steiner is one of my favourites on the stick. Sure he's far from articulate, hell half of what he says is barely English, but he's downright entertaining to me. Obviously he isn't going to win a war of words with many people, but he can bring a strong presence when he's talking which can be just as important.


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