Kane's Mic Skills


of the Le'beau family
I was watching Smackdown this last Friday, and it opened with Kane presenting himself as the World Heavyweight Champion, and claiming that he would still have his vengence.


All though I thought the drammatic music and flashbacks were slightly corny, I still found myself entertained. Why? Kane showed something I didn't really know he had. Skill on the Stick. He cut a nearly 6 minute long promo by himself, and didn't bore me in the slightest. I didn't notice any mistakes either, which is excellent for such a long promo. The end of his promo kicked ass. :worship:

So I ask you:

Do you think it's been an injustice to have Kane's vocal skills left untouched for so long throughout his carrer?

Do you think his mic skills will keep is championship run from being a transitional one?
Holy Fucking Shit Dude No Way... Seriously I just caught smackdown on my dvr right now and I watched Kane's promo and I was exactly thinking the same thing I was wondering if he Kane had always had those mic skills. Well to answer your first question I believe Kane has always had those skills but he's been so irrelevant for so long until Taker got injured so he finally got time too showcase them especially with smackdowns depleted roster. To your second question I don't his mic skills will keep him from becoming a transitional champ due to the fact that he's over 40 and is doomed to lose the title to Taker when he returns.
Kane has got some skills on the mic but he can't do promos every week which i noticed when he was doing the ones on undertaker the first one was great then they started to go downhill for a while. Then this one was great again.
Talk about one person's injury bringing opportunity for another. Would any of this have happened for Kane had 'Taker not gone down?

Sure, Kane has always had the mic skills, but the company was so busy depicting him as a rampaging monster that he never had much of a chance to use them, except for a few brief words proclaiming that he was going to destroy anyone who got in his path.

This whole program is great and was, obviously, created at a moment's notice when 'Taker got injured. We shouldn't assume that when 'Taker returns they will team up and knock people out of the way. It could be that 'Taker decides that Kane was the one who actually injured him.......and the war between the brothers will be on.
Kane's promos in this current angle have been exceptional. It's a shame he hasn't really shown them before. But I guess his character is more suited to being silent yet ruthless.
The only complaint I have is that his promos are a bit over-dramatic. The music does add something to it but it can make it seem over-the-top and as the OP said, a bit corny.

I feel that his title run will be improved and possibly prolonged if he keeps on showing his talent on the mic.
It is not really shock that Kane can get himself over on the mic as he has shown that ability in the past. In this angle in particular he has been allowed to demonstrate not just his articulate way with words but also his acting skills - his first promo regarding the attack on 'Taker was awesome and this past week on Smackdown! was almost as good.

A decent job has been done in building him up again somewhat as the Big Red Monster (as much shite as he talks from time to time, I liked Striker's name of Big Red Justice), especially during the MITB match itself as at some point Kane butchered just about everyone in the match and was responsible for them being down at the end.

It is just such a pity that it has taken so long for this to happen with Kane nearing the end of his career and his prowess in the ring not what it once was. It is also a shame that this is leading almost inevitably, inexorably to Kane himself being 'Taker's assailant. I would not mind a BOD reunion against either SES or Nexus first but that is not going to happen and that means that Kane's reign will only be transitional, if transitional means holding on to it until perhaps Survivor Series.
:worship: I'm SO glad I watched my tape of smackdown after pulling a double shift at work. I had read the reviews of Kane's speech at the beginning. Normally I watch the show just to see what amazing linguistics I can learn from Mr. Striker, but HOLY :wtf: Kane is AMAZING!! I was blown away. I'm only saddened it took how long? for them to give him this kind of push...
Even watching my best of Smackdown Dvd this last week when they showed him doing his Hogan impersonations, and my other clips of him on You Tube leading up to him and Lita with their 'baby' and him torturing Shane at Armageddon '03, I think Kane has been a severely under-rated star and am glad he's getting this time now. I, for one, hope that this is not one of those short lived title reigns. I would LOVE to see this go on a while and see more of promos like he did last night. :worship:
While I'm very impressed with Kane's recent mic work, I'm not even slightly suprised because he has always been exceptional on the mic. By exceptional, I don't necessarily mean that he's on par with The Rock in terms of charisma and one liners but Glen Jacobs is excellent at portraying his character, in fact I think he pulls it off to perfection. When he speaks, I have little trouble believing that Kane is a true psycho and that's what I mean when I say Jacobs has a great command over his character. He is able to bring the intensity and rage that the Kane persona requires and that's what makes him so good on the stick.

However, some people in this thread appear suprised but why? Kane has demonstrated many times that he can talk to a very high standard, especially when the mask came off but even before that he did demonstrate on occasion his oratory skills. I believe it was Kane's initial promo he cut on finding the Undertaker in a vegetative state that persuaded Vince to push him and so yes, I agree that it's quite possible Kane's talking ability could be enough for him to see out a decent reign as champion.

As for his vocal skills being left untouched, they haven't been....you can check out a lot of Kane's past promos on Youtube, all of which are of a high standard in my opinion...sure when he first debuted with the mask, he didn't talk much but once they got rid of the voice box, Kane was permitted to talk and when he did it was quite impressive, which is why I'm not suprised by hearing him talk today. I've always known Kane could talk, the evidence is there, all you have to do is look.
Kane has always had skills on the mic, this is no shock to me, nor should it be to any of you. If you've watched anything WWE/WWF related with Kane in it, than you know he can layeth the verbal smackdown with the best of them. I mean, Kane was cutting good promos when he used the voice box with his gimmick.

As for last nights opening promo, it was most definitely a cut above everyone else on smackdown (except for maybe punk). I felt that promo did a damn good job of showing how dominate Kane is going to be. They basically said everyone knows what Kane brings to the table, but now he's been infused with the power of the Undertaker, so watch the fuck out. For that reason, I don't see him dropping the title at Summerslam, unless of course, the Undertaker directly costs Kane the title.
Completely agree with you. I have always loved Kane's promos. But the music and the video clips always ruin it a bit for me. I hate having music in his promos, it makes the whole promo seem way too staged and honestly it's cringeworthy. This is one of the problems I have with WWE as a whole at the moment, they are making everything too flashy and adding unecessary things; it just seems they are focusing too much on production value.
Glen Jacobs is a great speaker, and highly intelligent, he knows all his P's and Q's about politics, and economics. if you doubt that, watch this video...i was highly impressed


downside, you all notice that Kane and Taker are the only real cartoon characters left in the WWE from the 90s, most everyone else is either retired, dropped the silly gimmick or dead
I definitely agree that promo on smackdown was exceptional as have all of his recent promos been, he has really showed some excellent mic work since this whole angle has started. Heres hoping that this title reign is a long one, Kane definitely deserves it.
Some of you are saying that it should be no suprise that he had these mic skills, but I disagree. Before this angle Kane just hasn't been on the stick that much. Sure I guess you could look it up on youtube and find a some, but they're few and far between, and I pretty sure he's never had THIS much success in a promo before.

And if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I've been watching Kane since he debuted, and I have yet to see outstanding promos from him that were outside this storyline- not because he couldn't, but because you didn't see him talk much with or without the mask.
Do you think it's been an injustice to have Kane's vocal skills left untouched for so long throughout his career?

No, because the Kane character has been involved in some of my favorite feuds and angles since I started watching WWF/E in 1999. (I was probably the ONLY person who didn't have USA then...so I didn't watch Raw, but I had UPN so when Smackdown became a weekly show, I started watching it regularly...I watched WCW on and off since 97 at that point, but i never really got into it...I've digressed enough now...back to the topic

I loved the Big Red Machine/Monster as a character who got over by beating the holy hell out of everything and everyone, my favorite tag team was the BoD and one of my favorite Kane moments was in April 2001 when Austin and Trips were beating up the Hardy Boyz and Lita on Raw and then, BOOM, BoD show up and start cleaning house, it was epic.

Do you think his mic skills will keep is championship run from being a transitional one?

I sure as hell hope so. Glen Jacobs has been loyal to the WWE since forever ago, and now he's getting a chance to shine as "the guy" on SmackDown, I honestly would hold off Taker's return and let Kane get a good reign with the belt (until...maybe Survivor Series) and to top it off, I hope Kane gets to face some more fresh personalities in the main event....I wouldn't mind seeing a Kane vs Matt Hardy or a Kane vs Christian match (I personality don't have any interest in Jack Swagger, who IMO looks like a frat boy who should be a drunk fan, not the WHC)

I would have Kane put Jack Swagger out of action by going Big Red Monster on him, then do the same to Matt Hardy at the Sept PPV, then go over Christian in similar fashion at the October PPV and begin teasing a 'Taker return (I'd hold off Taker until Mania at this point since IMO, WWE has been better than it's been in years over the last couple months)

Survivor Series Kane beats the SeS when they turn on Punk, leaving Gallows/Punk/Mercury to sort out there issues, then Matt Hardy comes back with his "will not die" character, Hardy then takes the title from Kane at TLC holding it until the Rumble (I mark for Matt, but I admit he's not exactly long term main event material, think of his WHC as a lifetime achievement award) at the Rumble Matt can drop the belt to a returning Taker and Taker can set up his mania feud as a defending champ, OR Matt can retain against Kane at the Rumble, and have Christian win the rumble and then have Christian vs Matt Hardy at 'Mania

the SD EC match would be: Matt vs Rey vs Punk vs Swagger vs Kane vs Taker

Christian could have a match with Gallows or Mercury to help get them over...

that's what I'd do at least
I have loved every minute of Kane's promo's since this whole storyline began! I kinda wish he had a lot more mic time over the years...

I hope it continues and that this title reign ends up meaning something and that he will continue to get mic time!
Kane is awful on the mic. All he does is yell into the mic trying to sound like a "scary monster" and it comes off as the most cheesiest thing I've ever heard. If Kane wasn't Undertaker's kayfabe brother he would have no fans and would have been fired years ago.
Kane is awful on the mic. All he does is yell into the mic trying to sound like a "scary monster" and it comes off as the most cheesiest thing I've ever heard. If Kane wasn't Undertaker's kayfabe brother he would have no fans and would have been fired years ago.

And yet it appears that you're the only one that thinks that on this thread. He got a reaction out of the crowd, and did alot more than yell into the mic. Out of the 6 minutes of his promo, he yelled 30 seconds at most, and the rest of the promo was well received. He spoke with intellect. Glen Jacobs is well known for being a workhorse and he deserves the spot he's in and even if his character had no connection with the Undertaker I think he would still be working for the WWE today.
Kane is pretty awful in just about everything he does. He has little credibility as an actual wrestler, almost no credibility as a "monster", and he's flat out awful in the ring. He's a journeyman wrestler who found himself thrust into a good gimmick because of his size. He failed with numerous gimmicks before Kane, and finally lucked into Kane.

As far as his promo giving is concerned, Kane is not a character that talks on the mic. He's supposed to be a big bad scary dude, and in situations like that, the less you know about someone, the scarier they are. The fear of the unknown is always the greatest.

And as far as this specific promo goes...good fucking Lord, he gets to recite from a script. He just stood in the ring, and recited the script, it's really not that big of a deal. He didn't have to do hardly any acting, he didn't have to try and get the crowd involved, he just stood and read from a fucking script, with the added benefit of the background music and lighting giving a great ambiance. The promo he gave was interesting because it was original, since, as I said before, Kane's not a character that gives promos. Throw in the music and lighting, and it's interesting in its uniqueness.

The truth of the matter is that if Kane was 6'4, he would have been fired long ago. But, he seems to be easy to work with, he's big, and he generally seems agreeable to do just about anything he's asked. But, he still sucks.
Kane is pretty awful in just about everything he does. He has little credibility as an actual wrestler, almost no credibility as a "monster", and he's flat out awful in the ring. He's a journeyman wrestler who found himself thrust into a good gimmick because of his size. He failed with numerous gimmicks before Kane, and finally lucked into Kane.

As far as his promo giving is concerned, Kane is not a character that talks on the mic. He's supposed to be a big bad scary dude, and in situations like that, the less you know about someone, the scarier they are. The fear of the unknown is always the greatest.

And as far as this specific promo goes...good fucking Lord, he gets to recite from a script. He just stood in the ring, and recited the script, it's really not that big of a deal. The promo he gave was interesting because it was original, since, as I said before, Kane's not a character that gives promos. Throw in the music and lighting, and it's interesting in its uniqueness.

The truth of the matter is that if Kane was 6'4, he would have been fired long ago. But, he seems to be easy to work with, he's big, and he generally seems agreeable to do just about anything he's asked. But, he still sucks.

Well, I guess I've been outranked. But you make it sound like acting out a promo is easy. I've got to disagree there, not everyone can act that out even if they've memorized their lines before hand. It is a big deal when you consider it. He may not be the best wrestler in the world, but very few big men are. How many exceptions to that rule are there in WWE? One? Kane's character needed something to return credibility, I'll give you that. But that's what this run as world champion is doing. The fear of the unknown can only last so long. It's been 13 years, so you've got to do something other than have him come out mysteriously and attack people. And your right, if he was 6'4 he would have been fired. But he's not 6'4, so we can only dream. I ask you to name some of the things that he was involved in that sucked, that can't be blamed on creative. (You know, something like Katy Vick)
Well, I guess I've been outranked.
My rank lends no credibility to my opinion.

The fact I'm right is what gives credence to my opinion. :)

But you make it sound like acting out a promo is easy.
Not at all, but if you're in the WWE, then you should be able to put on a promo where you stand in the middle of the ring and talk from a memorized script. You're in the fucking big leagues, the very top of your profession, the New York Yankees of professional wrestling...if you can't give a promo that's been already written down for you, you don't deserve a job in the WWE.

It is a big deal when you consider it. He may not be the best wrestler in the world, but very few big men are.
That's completely untrue. Abdullah the Butcher, Andre the Giant, Brusier Brody, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker are all considered by man to be some of the best workers in wrestling history and all would be considered a "big man".

How many exception to that rule are there in WWE? I think 1.
Well, how many big men are there currently in the WWE? 4? Kane, Taker, Show and Khali? Two of them are damn fine workers, and I'm not talking about Kane or Khali.

Kane's character needed something to return credibility, I'll give you that. But that's what this run as world champion is doing.
I disagree. I think his run as World Champion is simply giving the Smackdown title scene a gimmick run to help freshen things up. I mean, look at the Smackdown roster. Outside of the Undertaker, Smackdown doesn't have a single wrestler who is credible world champion material. It's obvious what the WWE is trying to do on Smackdown, and that's build up wrestlers with multiple World title reigns. Punk's had a couple, Swagger just had his, Mysterio just had his second. But, instead of passing the title back and forth amongst those guys, to keep the scene fresh, they give Kane a token run, just to help keep things fresh.

But, make no mistake about it. Kane's run as World Champion is not about building Kane. Everyone and their brother knows Kane is not, and never will be, a draw. It's simply to take the focus off the younger guys for a little bit.

The fear of the unknown can only last so long. It's been 13 years, so you've got to do something other than have him come out mysteriously and attack people.
Right, so they give him a title run. But, like you said, let's not pretend. Saying Kane is good on the mic is simply proof that he sucks, and his promo was better than you figured it would be. If you consider that a good promo, then it's simply because you figured it would be a disaster, and when it wasn't, it surprised you.

It's similar to a few years ago, when the IWC was still blind to how good of a worker Batista was, and he and the Undertaker put on a solid match at Wrestlemania. It's not that the match was a great match, it was just better than people expected. Then, Batista went on and had good matches with several other people, and by the time he left the WWE, he finally was getting the recognition he deserved for his in-ring work.
Not at all, but if you're in the WWE, then you should be able to put on a promo where you stand in the middle of the ring and talk from a memorized script.
Yes, Should be able to. But even in the big leagues, there are plenty that can't cut that promo. Which means according to you, there are a shit load of guys on both shows that need to be fired...
That's completely untrue. Abdullah the Butcher, Andre the Giant, Brusier Brody, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker are all considered by man to be some of the best workers in wrestling history and all would be considered a "big man".
Andre the Giant nor Hulk Hogan were actually good wrestlers. They were just highly over. I was refering to technical skill, and I'm not sure about Brody or Abdullah, as I'm not familar with their work. The Undertaker was the exception I was refering to.

Oh, and seperate quote, but you forgot Mark Henry as one of the big men today. Not an argument, but just pointing it out.

I disagree. I think his run as World Champion is simply giving the Smackdown title scene a gimmick run to help freshen things up.
Fair enough, but you don't think that it couldn't add to his credibility? I know it seems like a World Title run is an easy thing to come by these days, but it does add a little back to Kane's cred as a wrestler- whom was begining to seem like Jobber #1.

As for the rest of it. I submit defeat.

P.S- Your presence strikes fear into the hearts of the little people.
Yes, Should be able to. But even in the big leagues, there are plenty that can't cut that promo. Which means according to you, there are a shit load of guys on both shows that need to be fired...
Well, it depends on how new they are to the business as well. But, why do you think the WWE releases 5-10 guys every year? It's because those guys have proven they won't draw, and can't hack it.

Kane has been fortunate in his career to not have to be able to deliver promos because of the characters he's played and his roles with those characters.

Andre the Giant nor Hulk Hogan were actually good wrestlers.
Bullshit, they were fantastic wrestlers.

They were just highly over.
Which only proves how great they were. :shrug:

I was refering to technical skill
What the fuck does technical skill have to do with being a good wrestler? Nothing. Being a technical wrestler is simply a style, not a sign of aptitude. Steve Austin performed 5 moves a match, and he was an incredible worker. Bret Hart's major run in the WWE was as more of a brawler than as a technical wrestler.

Technical skill has nothing to do with being a good wrestler.

and I'm not sure about Brody or Abdullah, as I'm not familar with their work.
A shame.

The Undertaker was the exception I was refering to.
Wait, how is Undertaker a good wrestler and Hogan/Andre is not? Undertaker is not a technical wrestler, never has been. Why would you call him a good wrestler, but not the other two? And because I've seen responses to this before, I'm going to guess you will say "because he puts on good matches", to which I say, "what makes a good match?".

The simple fact is that all of the guys I mentioned have been good workers, and the Undertaker is probably close to the bottom of that list. He and Abdullah would be the two fighting for the bottom spot of that list.

Oh, and seperate quote, but you forgot Mark Henry as one of the big men today. Not an argument, but just pointing it out.
And there you go, another fine big man wrestler.

There are many good big men wrestlers. Kane's not, and never has been.

Fair enough, but you don't think that it couldn't add to his credibility? I know it seems like a World Title run is an easy thing to come by these days, but it does add a little back to Kane's cred as a wrestler- whom was begining to seem like Jobber #1.
Why should we care about his credibility though? That's what you have to ask yourself. Is Kane, now in his last couple of years, suddenly going to become a big drawing card? Is plastering Kane's face across a billboard going to make people want to buy a ticket to the show?

The answer is "of course not", so we, and the WWE, are not at all interested in adding to Kane's credibility. Oh sure, there will be a small benefit when Kane goes back to being a glorified jobber, but at the end of the day, there is absolutely zero benefit to trying to make Kane credible. So, the WWE uses Kane as a title scene relief, perhaps stoke some short-term interest in the Smackdown brand, and then when the time is right, one of their other young and upcoming guys will get the title back, and Kane likely will not hold the title again, except, possibly, when the WWE is in a pinch.

Kane can't be a World Champion. A champion has to be visible, has to be seen and heard from every week, maybe two or three times. Think about how often you see John Cena, or Triple H when he's around...that's what you need from your champion. You need a guy who can cut a promo, who can interact with other workers. Kane cannot do that, and never really has been able to do that. The best promo Kane's ever given was when he was with the two most charismatic wrestlers in history, the Rock and Hogan, and even then, he was only good because he was acting in a unique fashion to his character.

Kane's promo skills are not good, never have been. When pulled out of the bag on a rare occasion, then it can serve it's purpose, but you won't see many promos like that from Kane, and I'll be surprised if Kane holds the title for even three months. My guess is he'll lose it at Summerslam.

P.S- Your presence strikes fear into the hearts of the little people.
By technical, I'm talking about utilizing submissions, and moving around the ring like your NOT a tank. The Undertaker fits this description. Andre/Hogan do not.

In this day in age, it is very difficult to be a good wrestler (which I can see we have different definitions for) and not have those qualifications. Which Andre and Hogan do not. By wrestler, I mean someone that can actually go in the ring, and give a great match. To me, Hogan hulking up isn't impressive, even if he gets a crowd excited by being "The Hulkster".

No, Kane won't be a drawing card, but if he's going to help any young guys over, you've got to make him seem like a tough opponent, and when he's losing every week he doesn't look like one. If he's going to be a stepping stone, lets not have the stone sink yet shall we? That's why there's worth in it.

And my guess is Survivor Series.
Originally Posted By Slyfox696:
Kane is pretty awful in just about everything he does.

Kane is pretty good in just about everything he does.

He has little credibility as an actual wrestler, almost no credibility as a "monster", and he's flat out awful in the ring.

The World Title is what gives him credibility. Saying he's flat out awful is simply your opinion, obviously, so I'll counter that by giving my opinion that he's decent/good in the ring.

He's a journeyman wrestler who found himself thrust into a good gimmick because of his size. He failed with numerous gimmicks before Kane, and finally lucked into Kane.

No, he's someone who had shit gimmicks but impressed WWE enough that they rewarded him with a good gimmick. Had he been all the things you said like having little credibility as a wrestler or being flat out awful as a wrestler then chances are they wouldn't have kept him, they'd have let him stay in Smokey Mountain.

However, he is good so they kept him until they came up with a gimmick fitting of his talent. To say that he was only given the Kane gimmick because of his size is a tad dubious (Giant Gonzales may have been hired because of his size, but not Glen Jacobs), he was given it because they wanted a character to give The Undertaker a feud for a few months, but the thing is, Glen Jacobs impressed them enough to keep Kane around....and he hasn't looked back since.

As far as his promo giving is concerned, Kane is not a character that talks on the mic. He's supposed to be a big bad scary dude, and in situations like that, the less you know about someone, the scarier they are. The fear of the unknown is always the greatest.

Clearly this isn't true anymore. The original character was one where the less you knew the better but like any character, Kane had to evolve. And so that's what he did. Now, Kane has been delivering promos for years....just like that other 'big scary dude' you offer praise, The Undertaker.

And as far as this specific promo goes...good fucking Lord, he gets to recite from a script.

Good fucking Lord....just like everyone else then.

He just stood in the ring,

Yes he did come to think of it. A lot of promos tend to be recited in the ring. It's a good place for it to occur I think.

and recited the script,

Ahh, yes. Just like everyone else.

it's really not that big of a deal.

It is that big of a deal. The World Champion just delivered a promo, in wreslting they generally tend to want you to listen to their champion's recited, scripted promos....whether that be HHH, Cena or come to think of it, Kane. When the World Champion speaks, it's a big deal.

He didn't have to do hardly any acting,

Apart from the part involved in playing the Kane character, which come to think of it, consists entirely of acting. Especially when he had to talk about taking the goldfish out of its bowl...I'm pretty sure Jacobs was acting there.

he didn't have to try and get the crowd involved,

True. It was that good, they got involved anyway.

he just stood and read from the fucking script

And? Isn't that what all WWE people do? Kane just happened to do it particularly well, as he often has done mind, especially since unmasking.

with the added benefit of the background music and lighting giving a great ambiance.

Great ambiance or corny? I think a tad corny....

The promo he gave was interesting because it was original, since, as I said before, Kane's not a character that gives promos.

No, Kane has delivered promos along these lines before (again especially since unmasking)...it was interesting for a few reasons. One it actually was interesting, it was good and it was well delivered and executed by Glen Jacobs acting as Kane.

Throw in the music and lighting, and it's interesting in its uniqueness.

I think it would have been interesting and unique without the music and lighting ...I may have actually preferred it without all that jazz. Kane is good enough on the mic to not need all that, but since he is a supernatural character of sorts, I can understand why they do this.

The truth of the matter is that if Kane was 6'4, he would have been fired long ago.

Even with his skill at pulling off a character? I'm not so sure. The real truth of the matter is that it's impossible to say what would have happened, but I'd bet Jacobs would still be here, over him being fired for being 6'4 any day.

But, he seems to be easy to work with, he's big, and he generally seems agreeable to do just about anything he's asked.

Yes, unlike some of the cocks employed by WWE.

But, he still sucks.

Of course he does.
By technical, I'm talking about utilizing submissions, and moving around the ring like your NOT a tank. The Undertaker fits this description. Andre/Hogan do not.
Again, this is false. Not only did both Andre and Hogan utilize submissions in their match, neither of them moved like a tank either. Submission moves aren't just limited to fancy moves to end a match, they apply to simple things like bearhugs and chinlocks as well.

In this day in age, it is very difficult to be a good wrestler (which I can see we have different definitions for) and not have those qualifications.
No, it isn't. The problem is simply that most wrestlers don't understand that being a submission wrestler and run around the ring DOESN'T make you a good wrestler. Being a good wrestler is so much more than being athletic and using submission moves.

Which Andre and Hogan do not. By wrestler, I mean someone that can actually go in the ring, and give a great match. To me, Hogan hulking up isn't impressive, even if he gets a crowd excited by being "The Hulkster".
But the Undertaker sitting up after getting his ass beat is? Sorry, but you're excusing the Undertaker for the same things you blast Hogan and Andre for.

And, did I not tell you that you would say putting on a good match? I did, and you did, so I direct you back to what I said in my last post. What makes a great match? Do you know?

No, Kane won't be a drawing card, but if he's going to help any young guys over, you've got to make him seem like a tough opponent, and when he's losing every week he doesn't look like one.
So? Anyone can be a jobber, which is what you're talking about. Hell, Ric Flair and Funaki were both jobbers in their career, which shows the wide spectrum of wrestlers which can be jobbers.

Anyone can be a jobber. There's a difference between "putting someone over" and "jobbing". Kane, at this point, basically jobs.

If he's going to be a stepping stone, lets not have the stone sink yet shall we? That's why there's worth in it.
The whole point in wrestling is about making money, that's it. A guy like Kane doesn't make anyone money, and, like Flair at the end of his WWE run or Foley at the end of his, beating Kane means basically nothing anymore. Everyone's done it at least once, and it's simply not credible.

Kane has name recognition, and has been in front of the audience for over a decade, so the WWE can get away with making him a transitional champion. But that's all he'll be.

And my guess is Survivor Series.
No way he lasts that long, unless he suddenly becomes the draw he's never been in over a decade.

Kane is pretty good in just about everything he does.
If you mean good at sucking, yes, he is. Everything else? No, just no.

The World Title is what gives him credibility. Saying he's flat out awful is simply your opinion, obviously, so I'll counter that by giving my opinion that he's decent/good in the ring.

No, he's someone who had shit gimmicks but impressed WWE enough that they rewarded him with a good gimmick. Had he been all the things you said like having little credibility as a wrestler or being flat out awful as a wrestler then chances are they wouldn't have kept him, they'd have let him stay in Smokey Mountain.

However, he is good so they kept him until they came up with a gimmick fitting of his talent. To say that he was only given the Kane gimmick because of his size is a tad dubious (Giant Gonzales may have been hired because of his size, but not Glen Jacobs), he was given it because they wanted a character to give The Undertaker a feud for a few months, but the thing is, Glen Jacobs impressed them enough to keep Kane around....and he hasn't looked back since.

Clearly this isn't true anymore. The original character was one where the less you knew the better but like any character, Kane had to evolve. And so that's what he did. Now, Kane has been delivering promos for years....just like that other 'big scary dude' you offer praise, The Undertaker.

Good fucking Lord....just like everyone else then.

Yes he did come to think of it. A lot of promos tend to be recited in the ring. It's a good place for it to occur I think.

Ahh, yes. Just like everyone else.

It is that big of a deal. The World Champion just delivered a promo, in wreslting they generally tend to want you to listen to their champion's recited, scripted promos....whether that be HHH, Cena or come to think of it, Kane. When the World Champion speaks, it's a big deal.

Apart from the part involved in playing the Kane character, which come to think of it, consists entirely of acting. Especially when he had to talk about taking the goldfish out of its bowl...I'm pretty sure Jacobs was acting there.

True. It was that good, they got involved anyway.

And? Isn't that what all WWE people do? Kane just happened to do it particularly well, as he often has done mind, especially since unmasking.

Great ambiance or corny? I think a tad corny....

No, Kane has delivered promos along these lines before (again especially since unmasking)...it was interesting for a few reasons. One it actually was interesting, it was good and it was well delivered and executed by Glen Jacobs acting as Kane.

I think it would have been interesting and unique without the music and lighting ...I may have actually preferred it without all that jazz. Kane is good enough on the mic to not need all that, but since he is a supernatural character of sorts, I can understand why they do this.

Even with his skill at pulling off a character? I'm not so sure. The real truth of the matter is that it's impossible to say what would have happened, but I'd bet Jacobs would still be here, over him being fired for being 6'4 any day.

Yes, unlike some of the cocks employed by WWE.

Of course he does.
I'm sure you feel like you made some valid points here, but considering you're obviously a biased Kane fan, I really don't feel wasting my time pointing out to everyone else how stupid your post is. What's really great about this is I didn't even read anything after your first line, but I know your post is stupid. You have a Kane avatar, and your first line defended Kane...obviously it's stupid.

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