Kane & The Big Show are the new WWE Tag Team Champions

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
I figured someone else would have made this by now, but no matter. Tonight on Smackdown, Kane and Show defeated Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater to once again become the Tag Team Champions. What are your thoughts on this? Where do you see this going in the future?

Personally, I don't really care all that much. It's cool that Kane and Show have them as they did a pretty good job with the belts last time they held them. It seems like they just got them off of Slater & Gabriel in order to further the split up angle they seem to be working on. As for where they go now, who knows? I honestly can't think of any Tag Teams that still exist in the WWE right now. I'm assuming that they'll just randomly pair 2 guys together and hope that putting them over Kane & Show will get them over.

So what do you think?
Honestly, when Big Show got the pin and was celebrating I was wondering "What is he getting so excited about?" I find it very hard to care about the tag titles at all anymore, I'm sorry to say.
There are several threads in the forums here about how to revive the tag team scene, but I haven't seen anything that made me think it would be happening anytime soon. So now it's Big Show and Kane again. How nice. Let's see who catches the hot potato next.
Yeah it seemed like they just needed a credible team to take the belts off of Heath & Gabriel in order to split them up between brands to begin their singles careers. I don't really know what direction they will head now since the WWE cares less and less about tag team wrestling. I don't see any team now that can come in and challenge Show and Kane unless they start trying to push the Usos. I hope they do something with the division though because it use to be great to watch at one point.
I would assume the title change came about because of plans for the draft. Expect Slater or Gabriel to get drafted to RAW. Show and Kane will likely stay where they are. I don't think they would remove both from the already hurting Smackdown.

Edit: Duh. Just noticed that hollowpoint already said that with the split. :p
It seems WWE is trying to do things in an effort to keep Kane relevant. He was the fortunate beneficiary of Undertaker's injury at the hands (or feet) of Rey Mysterio. If that hadn't happened, Kane might have continued in his "nowhere" role as a glorified jobber. Instead, he enjoyed an unexpected championship run.....but when that ended, the company didn't seem to know what to do with him.

So, rather than simply ignoring Kane, WWE made him a good guy (again) and gave him a tag team title to defend. I suppose it's better than just using him as filler.

But still........big whoop.
I'll go with what everyone else is saying - this was done to further the angle of the splitting of The Corre. Kane and Big Show can be a pretty dominant team and if the WWE can find them passable contenders, they could very well bring some good back to the shitty Tag Team Championships. I like Big Show and Kane teaming with each other, as it gives two veterens something to do without being completely burried. I'd expect a rematch maybe at Extreme Rules or Smackdown only to have Justin and Heath put the final nail in the coffin when they break up for good. Overall, I'm quite glad the WWE Tag Team Championships are around a very solid team in which I can totally get in to.
While I still find the Big Show watchable, and am a big Kane fane, I could really care less about the Tag Titles right now. I would find it more interesting if Kane & Show were heels. At least then, they could come out and destroy people just for the fun of it.

It should always be a honor for a wrestler to hold a strap. There is a ton of history in the WWE tag team division. But it seems that WWE has done nothing short of sabotaging this division and making sure it is irrevalent.

I'll continue to hold out for the glory to return to tag team wrestling. The WWE is so insistent on breaking up, up & coming teams to give them mild, shitty midcard pushes as individuals (see the Harts, Rhodes, DiBiase)
I take a slightly different look at it all, in a market of kids and teams which failed to get over what do you do to bring some light to the tag team style(i use that loosely in this sense) well quite obviously you give the belt to mega over's. santino rivals the top cards pops and kane and big show have been over for a decade and previous holders of the belt, the corre has big heat and spotlight. It may not make much sense to the iwc but the iwc is 0.1% of their viewers probably.

Im not saying of course we are suddenly going to see the uso's become relevant lol, but i think its about the best wwe could be doing with it the last few months(sadly) i mean seriously what real tag teams are there in the wwe now? prizes for more than 3 answers. i would like to maybe see ryder and primo be on smackdown and have a little title run and try and bring in some actual tag teams, its the 1 thing wwe cant do which both ROH and TNA can do
As others have said, this has a lot to do with moving along splitting up The Corre. Also, this is probably the best thing the WWE could do with the tag titles at this point in time. I'm not necessarily saying that's a good thing, but it's certainly they've got with what they have. But, to be fair, Kane & Show did a pretty good job as tag champs the last time they had the belts. All the same, it's really hard to get excited about it.

Kane & Show are both respected veterans and most likely future Hall of Famers. It's likely the WWE will eventually use them to put over one or two teams at some point, which has been their strategy when it comes to tag team wrestling the past few years. I just hope we don't wind up with another Kane vs. Big Show feud when they break them up.
I'm just going to repeat the point that has been stated by everyone else already; This was jus a device used to build towards the incoming split up of the Corre. Personally I don't like the split considering SlayBriel are the best team in the WWE right no as they compliment each others style greatly.

There is positive point to Show and Kane getting the tag titles. These are two stablished stars that are featured on PPV quite regularly. This can give WWE time to get some good teams together to challenge these two. Sure the matches will be nothing special but it will be good for tag specialists that can challenge or reform older teams(Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder).

Overall I'm all in favour of established stars getting the tag titles. It'll restore some much needed prestige that was lost when Santino and Kozlov won the titles.
I don't mind it. They are two popular characters and it wouldn't surprise me to see thing on both shows weekly. The only thing I don't like about the switch was the match. It was dull, uninspiring and Zeke looked like a drunk gorilla] trying to bump and move around quickly.
I don't have a problem with this. Kane and Big Show are two popular veterans in WWE, and they can work well as the "destructive force". Although, I hope WWE doesn't decide to do another Kane VS Big Show feud. There's a chance Kane could snap at some point, and this is something I really don't want to see. Kane has turned heel by throwing these ape shit style temper tantrums so many times. It just becomes tiresome after a while, and I wouldn't be excited to see these two wrestle each other.

It also looks like the days of The Corre are numbered. Barrett will probably continue to see spotlight, because he's been pushed hard for a while now, Slater and Gabriel might stay together as a tag team, and Big Zeke could become a dominant heel. The draft is rapidly approaching, and I can't see The Corre staying together.
The Corre split angle is obvious, and been stated by pretty much everyone. While the team of Kane and Big Show getting the gold doesn't exactly inspire a ton of excitement in the IWC, it accomplishes a lot in WWE marketability. The thing about having "destructive forces" like Kane and Show on the roster is that, in theory, they should be tearing through everyone, winning titles all the time and/or retaining them 90% of the time. There is only so much jobbing that a 7 foot 300-500 lb. guy can do before the product stops seeming legit, even to kids. This gives both guys something to do, which keeps their credibility up, as well as that of whoever ends up going over them.

Additionally, people need to realize that we're not going to have teams like E&C and the Hardys show up tomorrow and revitalize the division. Having a (metaphorical) ladder in place for teams to climb can do a lot to restore credibility to the belts and make them feel like something one really has to earn. Hell, it could even be that Edge's retirement has drawn/will draw attention to some of the old tag matches and create a desire for that niche. Will WWE drop the ball there? It might be likely, but this is the closest we're going to get to a sense of hope there until something actually does happen.
I am thinking...
How the hell they will take the Tag Team tittles out of them?? They dont have Batista and Mysterio to team up now!!
And Christian or ADR dont look capable of beating Big Show or Kane, at least Batista did!!

Who the hell will win them?? They will have to vacate the tittle or feud between them again!!
I'm really worried about that!!
Big Show just destroyed CM Punk, when he was part of the SES!!
And more, how the hell cant Big Show hold a world tittle? i dont even remeber him , being a world champion, and c'mon, in the roster, who seem capable of winning against him??? LOL

Thought, on how they will lose it, because right now, pretty much look impossible :S
I like Kane & Big Show winning the Tag Titles again and seeing them as Tag Team Champions just looks right to me for some reason as it did in 2005-2006. It does look like The Corre will be going their seperate ways coming up in the Draft.

Wade Barrett as IC Champion will continued to get pushed,Slater/Gabriel might stay together,and Zeke will probably get a singles push. I think WWE still does care about the Tag Titles to some extent,yeah they don't have as many Teams as before but what can you do.
The only place I see them at this point is at the top!. If not it removes any power and fear we see from these 2 big men who at one point were in feuds for the wwe/world heavyweight titles. Kane is no longer the big red machine he once was, and yes the big show is a lot more friendly and kid loving as well. That said let them take the titles and run with them, no one should really be able to stop them.
Good for Kane and Show. It's also reassuring to know The Corre will likely be broken up when the Draft hits on Monday.

Besides, point me to one other credible tag team right now. There are none. Who cares if Show and Kane have been here before? Better than some rooks that that are trying to get over.
Not that exciting but in the grand scheme of things, out of the entire roster, this team is the only team on the whole roster who currently make believable champions and they do add some much needed prestiege to the belts, they are also popular which should ensure the tag team belts will be defended on PPVs on a more regular basis whilst they are a tag team, which again adds to the importance of the belts. They are also the only team around at the moment which have the ability to put a tag team over, a win over the Gabriel and Slater would do next to bugger all to get any team over... same with Kozlov and Santino but a win against Kane & Show? That'll help any new team get over

What the WWE need to do here is make Kane & Big Show dominant champions & I mean dominant...make them seem unbeatable & then introduce a couple of teams to challenge them just before Summerslam, then slap the straps on one of the new teams in Autumn with a clean victory & not because Kane snapped and killed the Big Show mid match.
I suppose this makes sense. Kane & Big Show have held the belts before and had a good run. It also gives both guys something to do, they can now appear on both shows (pretending that the brand extension matters). Slater and Gabriel were not doing anything with the belts and neither were several of those who held the belts before them. Big Show & Kane are believable as champs because they are dominant enough by themselves let alone together. I doubt this will be as good as their last run but at least the tag team belts can get some better matches for now.
I was glad when they won the titles but only because for the first time in a while, it was not two guys randomly put together, they had history in the division. Hopefully, they will feud with new tag teams after the draft and make titles a little more than a childs toy.
Not necessarily. The tag champs appear on both shows.

When Jerishow was the tag team champions, Jericho was from Raw and Big Show from Smackdown. They actually made a thing of that when Jericho got banned from RAW because he lost the title and so the team got split up.

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