Kane needs a manager


Pre-Show Stalwart
Would this be a great idea, to let kane go forgotten for months.
to let him return at tlc with a new manager and mouthepiece heyman.
now when kane 1st camed back with his mask he had alot of support. but over time kane was a mid card and nothing more than a mid card.
one of the reasons was he didnt get over to well.
thats when heyman comes in and boosts up kane fan support.
which could lead to a lesnar vs kane match at wrestlemania?
I have a feeling that when Kane ultimately returns from taking time off, and is finished filming See No Evil II, he'll return as a member of Bray Wyatt's "family". The fact that Wyatt & his family targeted Kane as Wyatt's first feud always struck me as part of some sort of a plan in which Kane becomes another follower.

After Wyatt defeated Kane at SummerSlam, Harper & Rowan carried him away from ringside after he was beaten down. Nobody has "seen or heard from" Kane since. When he does make his return, which probably won't be for several months, he'll have been "brainwashed" or conditioned somehow into being a member of Wyatt's cult. Maybe they'll simply go the route of Kane being repeatedly exposed to Wyatt's philosophy, whatever it is, and will ultimately pledge himself to Wyatt as a willing "brother all in the name of cause."

As for Kane becoming a "Paul Heyman Guy", it'd be a waste in my opinion. Kane is at a point in his life and career in which the days of his time as one of the top level stars is pretty much over with. He's still in great shape at 46 years old and, in my eyes, is someone that's been heavily underrated by a good deal of fans. He's been a consistently strong presence in the mid to upper mid-card scene, with occasional forays into the main event picture, for nearly 16 years. The thing about Kane is that he's someone who is already a long established talent who is in the midst of the final years of his career. If you want to make someone a "Paul Heyman Guy" then, in my opinion, it needs to be guys who are young, whose careers are in need of a boost, are fresh talents on the roster or any/all of the above. Wrestlers who spring to mind that could benefit, possibly, from being aligned with Heyman are wrestlers like Wade Barrett or Antonio Cesaro; If The Shield breaks up anytime in the near future, any of them would benefit from being aligned with Heyman, maybe bring up talent from NXT such as Kassius Ohno or even Paige as Heyman has hinted that his next client MIGHT be female.

As much as I like and respect Kane, there's no money in him being a "Paul Heyman Guy" and there's certainly no money in a Lesnar vs. Kane match at WM. With the general creepy vibe of Bray Wyatt and his cult, and Kane being this "sadistic monster", Kane joining The Wyatt Family is a much more fitting place if WWE wants to give him some sort of mouthpiece. That's especially true if WWE is going to turn Kane's character back to its darker origins.
He'll be a member of the Wyatt Family when he returns.

I imagine some superstar having Bray Wyatt cornered in the ring, when Kane's pyro goes off, and to the "surprise" of most people, he beats the daylights out of whoever tries to attack Bray.

I don't really like the idea of Kane being in the Wyatt Family, but It makes more sense than him turning out to be a Heyman Guy 17 years later.

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