Kane..... As Kane?

First and foremost, some of you mentioned that the American Badass gimmick was a failure. It was FAR from that. It wasn't what we'll remember Undertaker for 10-20 years from now, but the Deadman character was getting a bit stale and, in retrospect, the Badass gimmick probably added a few years to his career. Not to mention his hybrid gimmick is freakin' gold. The reason IMO that Kane is all messed up is BC when he first came to the WWE he was this monster who didn't sell anything thrown at him. Hell, Mankind hit him with a monkey wrench and he got up inside of 5 seconds, mind you, that was the first time he sold ANYTHING. Kane took chairshots that literally had imprints of his face thereafter and still didn't budge. It took 'Taker 3 Tombstones to beat him their first match, and fast forward 11-12 years later and he's jobbing to Mysterio of all people. That being said, I don't think Kane should take on a Badass gimmick. Instead, focus on a similar but stronger gimmick after perhaps a 2-3 month hiatus, should work on his upper body to appear in better shape (They should re-introduce a mask; one that resembles both prior masks with a twist) and add a new finisher (the chokeslam is lame. he could bring back the tombstone; I always liked his over Undertaker's. I always wondered why the Death Valley Driver was never in 'Taker's arsenal, so maybe Kane can add that.) They shouldn't make him as impervious to pain as he was when he debuted, but they should be wary of what moves he sells while still keeping his character believable (i.e. the 619 and that ******ed splash Rey does nowadays. the guy is 175 lbs soaking wet with bricks in his pocket). The lights should go completely out in his entrances again with the red smoke and light gradually increasing as he walks up the ramp. I'd give his old music again. Anything that would make him that monster that he once was. I couldn't wait to watch his WM XIV match with Undertaker, because even though you kinda figured Taker would win the match bc it was his first back since he left, you still in some way didn't really know what would happen. You couldn't say the same about their second WM match. I'd like for Kane to have another REAL world title run b4 he retires.
When it's not broken, don't fix it.

The WWE has fucked up Kane's gimmick beyond belief. He has an interesting character, but they just continue not to capatalize on that. He shouldn't change his gimmick because his gimmick works fine, he just needs better storylines. Anyway, 'Taker came back to his original gimmick. Why? It was better.
Im surprised to hear Kane does not feel he can carry a title cause of his knees.. I see him having good matches IMO all the time, with whatever size guy they put in there with him.. Give the Devil his do.. i liked the Sack angle but it kind of died too soon... To me , I think Kane is easily World Title material.. Let him speak... Glen Jacobs has been writing open lettters to our goverment for godsake... hes an intelligent man.. and witty and funny.. remember him and RVD... Also I hear other wrestlers all the time say how respected he is an never politics and shows up all the time... Ive heard Taker say in a shoot if it was up to him, hed loose his Wrestlemania streak to Kane cause hes never gotten his do.. I hope they realize time is ticking and its time to give the man some Respect.. and I dont mean a movie role
He should have a gimmick change back to his old gimmick. No, not Isaac Yankem DDS, the original Kane, without speaking and with the mask. That would revitalize his career better than anything else.
No. If they wanted to, they should have done it in '99 or so. If you have the same gimmick for 12 years, its hard to change it. What they should of done is have Undertaker or someone like that unmask Kane. There goes the half brother thing. (They could make a small feud out of that.) Give him some kind of kayfabe injury, or just say in the Undertaker feud, Taker sent him to "hell." Give him a break for two years or so, so everyone can forget about the gimmick, like they did with Dolph Ziggler. Then do whatever you want with him. What I would do would make him some psycho who leaves superstars and divas laying randomnly in places. Turns out they were raped (this is aimed for the attitude era) by Glen Jacobs, a maniac who just came out of an asylum. Glen Jacobs, Kane's real name, sounds like a pedophile, don't it? Yeah, its pretty creepy, but it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw his name on Wikipedia.
If the biker days were better then why did the Undertaker only use for 3 years? That's not what he'll be remembered for when he retires. All of his most memorable moments revolved around the deadman/ministry.

Anyways I'd like if they worked out a program to throw the mask back on but that's as far as it could go. I'm fine with keeping him here rather than using him as a test subject for a new gimmick. Just give him better feuds. Doesn't have to win the title, but he deserves better than he gets.
I'm sick of people, wanting Kane to Change Gimmicks. Kane don't need a gimmick change. the Gimmick he has now is perfect, Except for the fact that he loses all the time. If the WWE built him up more and had him win, against Buyable wrestlers, rather then obvious ones, He would be perfect.

But In all honesty, Where do you really think, Somebody like Kane, A wrestler who held the Main title for like a day, Is the age he is and is average at best at what he does, Would be even if he had a new gimmick. A new Gimmick wouldn't change Kane. Only him winning now would. Cos you can dress a monkey up in a suit, but he is still a monkey.

( Don't get me wrong I like Kane, but he don't need a gimmick change.)

yeah, any gimmick change would end up a serious failure, and tarnish his legacy.
here's an idea,
have someone confront him about "losing a step" calling him washed-up, and piss him off.
maybe a couple weeks in a row, or make people not so scared of him anymore. then as he get frustrated, JBL comes out from the shadows and says he has a bussness oppertunity. kane says your money is no good in hell! or something in character. and JBL says "I know" that, and give himself someline like "he's a millionaire and he got that way by being smart". so, he opens his briefcase, and its kanes mask/pic of kane mask!!! he "employs" kane to do his dirty work in another title run attempt with a few loses like the HBK angle. as he loses, he "stokes the fire" telling kane he needs to be crazier/better, with kane getting more violent every raw building up towards a JBL #1 contender PPV. With an insane kane in his corner.Have him knock out the ref as some top heel is about to beat him, and kane comes in and detroys him, not with just a chokeslam, but really beat the crap outta him. giving JBL the win/giving "demented Kane" everyone wants back his mask. Eventually the next PPV would Have JBL vs Kane. Giving him his first Real Title run.

every one says he only had the title for 1 day, but it was more like only 1:45 minutes of raw airtime, as he won the title in the ME as it went of the air the night before
it would really be a great way to breathe life into a stale position on the jobber ladder, not a stale gimmick.

im shocked noone said "they made kane a soft cuddly teddybear like mic foley?" yet

OH Yeah, he's awesome, and DESERVES a title shot more than HHH,Cena,Edge, Randy Orton, or countless other champs who ALREADY had more than one show with the title no disrespect to anyone, but 1:45 aint enough for someone as good/loyal as kane
:undertaker2:While I understand you,d like Kane to change his image IF it meant getting a look in,I think its a bit late in the day to do something totally different..The ChangE from masked mute to big baldy was gradual & it was never explained why the Kane you see today doesnt looked so badly burned after all.But he can still turn psycho when needs must.
But LiKe when Taker ,,started driving harleys to the ring,people started crying out for the deadman of old,the same WoulD happen if Kane had ,a ToO totally different gimmick..The ECW title shows he,s still got it,Right now though he,s just one of many CreaTiViTy dont know what to do with it.
Kane doesn't need a new gimmick, he just needs a half-way decent push. Money In the Bank is the perfect opportunity. It's a clean, cut and dry starting point. If Kane wins Money In the Bank, it's a HUGE win. Therefore, the win one/lose one or two past that Kane has had recently makes no bit of difference once he wins Money In the Bank.

After he wins at Wrestlemania, he can cut a sinister promo on Raw with the red lights shining all over the arena. The promo doesn't have to be anything over the top, but Kane should be assertive and issue a "warning" to the champions of the WWE. Give Kane a couple of victories over the likes of Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio (superstars that won't be hurt by losing a random match to Kane) just to give Kane a moderate win streak over a few decent superstars. You can have GREAT build up because of Kane's history, having Kane randomly show up on Raw, Smackdown!, and ECW to target their champions. The lights can go out in one of the champions promos or matches and then the fire can explode from the turnbuckles and Kane is standing in the ring holding the briefcase in the air, looking at it and doing his evil laugh as the champion becomes intimidated (obviously works best if it's a heel champion). And if it's a face champion, Kane can just chokeslam them instead of intimidating them. A mind games angle could really work great.

Therefore, I don't think Kane needs a new gimmick at all. WWE just has to breathe a little life into his current gimmick. That being said, I doubt Kane wins Money in the Bank, but it would be a GREAT way to inject some life into Kane.
a reason for why the Kane gimmick worked is because of the mystery in the character, I mean he had a goddamn mask on! now I'm not saying give him the mask again cause that would be quite redundant

and try finding an article dating in 2006, right before summer, with all WWE's hype in See No Evil, there was an article about Kane and his future plans, it said that Kane had continually passed on the opportunity of winning the world title and prefers to put over younger talent and seeing as Kane was a (substitute) teacher and that he is some sort of a humanitarian/political activist junky, campaigning for Ron Paul and all, there is no surprise that Kane likes to see younger talents shine above him

In short, it's not the writers in the WWE's fault for Kane not receiving a World-Title push, its cause Glenn Jacobs is too damn modest.
If he had the same ambition as Christian, Edge, Jericho, or Kurt Angle, I bet
this man would've been a five-time world champion by now..
No. If they wanted to, they should have done it in '99 or so. If you have the same gimmick for 12 years, its hard to change it. What they should of done is have Undertaker or someone like that unmask Kane. There goes the half brother thing. (They could make a small feud out of that.) Give him some kind of kayfabe injury, or just say in the Undertaker feud, Taker sent him to "hell." Give him a break for two years or so, so everyone can forget about the gimmick, like they did with Dolph Ziggler.
Then do whatever you want with him. What I would do would make him some psycho who leaves superstars and divas laying randomnly in places. Turns out they were raped (this is aimed for the attitude era) by Glen Jacobs, a maniac who just came out of an asylum. Glen Jacobs, Kane's real name, sounds like a pedophile, don't it? Yeah, its pretty creepy, but it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw his name on Wikipedia.

that is a horrid idea. why would you even consider this to be a good idea? who would fathom the thought? attitude era my arse! get over it. that goes way beyond the attitude era, quite franky the wwe doesnt need to go back. they need to start focusing on going forward and a serial rapist storyline sure as hell wont do that.

as for kane's gimmick, sure it's stale, but changing it around now would be an unwise choice. besides, the fans still pop for him all the time. as someone stated, jacobs has no intention to be a wwe champion. he's stated that numerous times. infact, i feel that he'll soon be retiring very soon so going into a total reburb of his character just wouldnt be a good idea.
Its too late i dont think Kane has many years left in him
but i really think WWE made a huge mistake by taking the mask off him and they should of definitiely put the title on him back in 2002 when he had that feud with Triple H
i think his career went down hill when the whole Katie Vick storyline happened

Very sad to see
Kane's great but he is getting more and more stale. It's not his gimmick though, it's his employer. He doesnt need a new gimmick, his gimmick is great! It just needs a good push/storyline to go with it and it'd be awesome again, imagine a world heavyweight championship fued with Taker, it'd be epic!

I'm not sure about a match between Kane and The Undertaker for a title. Although I would definately like to see a match between Kane and The Undertaker at some point. Who can't remember the feuds that they had in the past? However, I do agree wholeheartedly with the idea of Kane getting a push. I don't think it's too late in his career for it either bearing in mind that Shawn Micheals is 44, The Undertaker (Mark Calloway) is 44 and Kane (Glenn Jacobs) is only 42. He still has a few more years left in him and perhaps a good storyline. I also agree that Kane should be rewarded for his loyalty to the WWE and should get a good send off. How about this, Kane vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania. How good would that be? With a good, dark angle to accompany it, it would be awesome. Just my thoughts though.
I don't know how many people even know or remember but Kane has been through several gimmcks before he was Kane. He was Isaac Yankem DDS. A denist character...Yes A denist. And he was the fake Diesel. This is just a few of the gimmicks he's had and they failed. Kane works. They just need to let Kane be Kane. Let him be creepy let him be scary. I think they tried remarketing him with taking the mask off. It worked. It wouldn't hurt if they put the mask back on. Either way, let Kane be Kane and he'll be a success.
No one has said anything about the intellectual Kane, and by intellectual I mean the man behind the monster, Kane is a smart guy outside of the WWE throwing his support behind Ron Paul and actually being able to speak on his view points, so I want JBL Kane, have him come out in limo with a buisiness suit on, the whole shabang.Plus think about it, "I think you should diversify your portfolio" *chokeslam* He could even wear the mask, but it would have a big AIG logo on the front for ad space and buisiness sense ofcourse.
i reckon kane as we know him has gotten a bit stale...im a massive kane fan have been ever since he debuted but the fact is hes gettin jobbed al the time and its gettin beyond a joke...the last straw for me was when kane was beaten by rey mysterio one on one i mean come on would masked kane have stood that shit...I DONT THINK SO!!!....so if kane is goin to change his gimmick he either puts the mask back on n kicks ass n get a title he deserves or they make him snap without the mask and make him into the monster we all fell in love with and he still gets a title !
Monsters need other monsters to exist.

What's the closest thing he's got to a legitimate feud that he hasn't already gone through the motions with (Undertaker) – Batista? Kane as a champion is useless – you all said yourselves, he's a monster from hell, so what's the point in having him shoot for gold?
kane not winning the m.i.b match was a huge dissapointment
they need to push him
he has no direction
i will admit i liked the pairing of him and mike knox
I agree that he just needs a push.remember a long time ago when Stone Cold pissed him off by saying he wasn't the same old Kane.someone else could do that and have him go nuts again.then he could dominate for a while.I get if he doesn't feel like he needs a title but his fans would like to see it. and yes he is an incredibly smart man. I read his citizen x blogs all the time. I just want him to go out being remembered as something other than a jobber for people like Mysterio

see watch this clip this is how they could set him up for a title run
no kane is not like the other older generation of wrestlers in wwe he gives youth a chance which is great i admit it fuckin pisses me off jobbing to the likes of kofi fucking kingston and yes i do love the kane with a mask on but that would just be sending him back which i think wouldnt work yh it did work for taker because he was a massive star as the phenom but kane wasnt really a massive star he did have a great feud with taker but i say they just make him snap without his mask on and give him a push just 1 last push
It's the WWE, couldnt they just burn is face in a freak accident and after a month or 2 off of tv bring him back with a mask?
It's the WWE, couldnt they just burn is face in a freak accident and after a month or 2 off of tv bring him back with a mask?

I was thinking something along those lines, maybe an inferno match...or nothing at all that causes it except a loss to Kingston, or Santino(a), or maybe have someone challenge his title of "monster" and then the next week, the music hits, and voila there he is with his mask on, he comes in the ring, cleans house, tosses a half dozen people over the top rope and hits the pyro. Hell even have Paul Bearer lead him back out like he did back in the DX/Radicalz vs. Too Cool, Rock and Mick Foley match.
I was thinking something along those lines, maybe an inferno match...

I was thinking on the same lines. Since jericho is now on smackdown, a feud between kane and jericho would be really good again. Everytime these guys have met in the ring, its always turn out to be a decent feud so have kane and jericho in an inferno match which leads to kane's face becoming burnt.

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