First and foremost, some of you mentioned that the American Badass gimmick was a failure. It was FAR from that. It wasn't what we'll remember Undertaker for 10-20 years from now, but the Deadman character was getting a bit stale and, in retrospect, the Badass gimmick probably added a few years to his career. Not to mention his hybrid gimmick is freakin' gold. The reason IMO that Kane is all messed up is BC when he first came to the WWE he was this monster who didn't sell anything thrown at him. Hell, Mankind hit him with a monkey wrench and he got up inside of 5 seconds, mind you, that was the first time he sold ANYTHING. Kane took chairshots that literally had imprints of his face thereafter and still didn't budge. It took 'Taker 3 Tombstones to beat him their first match, and fast forward 11-12 years later and he's jobbing to Mysterio of all people. That being said, I don't think Kane should take on a Badass gimmick. Instead, focus on a similar but stronger gimmick after perhaps a 2-3 month hiatus, should work on his upper body to appear in better shape (They should re-introduce a mask; one that resembles both prior masks with a twist) and add a new finisher (the chokeslam is lame. he could bring back the tombstone; I always liked his over Undertaker's. I always wondered why the Death Valley Driver was never in 'Taker's arsenal, so maybe Kane can add that.) They shouldn't make him as impervious to pain as he was when he debuted, but they should be wary of what moves he sells while still keeping his character believable (i.e. the 619 and that ******ed splash Rey does nowadays. the guy is 175 lbs soaking wet with bricks in his pocket). The lights should go completely out in his entrances again with the red smoke and light gradually increasing as he walks up the ramp. I'd give his old music again. Anything that would make him that monster that he once was. I couldn't wait to watch his WM XIV match with Undertaker, because even though you kinda figured Taker would win the match bc it was his first back since he left, you still in some way didn't really know what would happen. You couldn't say the same about their second WM match. I'd like for Kane to have another REAL world title run b4 he retires.