Dark Match Jobber
God, you're harsh. Not even going to get into the whole racism thing but she'd had no in-ring experience at all before NXT. Considering that, I don't think she's done half bad. Doesn't deserve all those insults being thrown her way just because she won win some show that WWE didn't even take seriously on screen. Considering that the show was basically a joke, I don't know how you can be upset about it either.
Anyway, I really don't know why her winning is such a big deal for some people. At the end of the day, does it really matter who wins these competitions? Most of the talent will still get on the main roster anyway and AJ and Naomi have their wrestling ability to help them get over, or at least get over by a Diva's standards, when they get there.
She's hot and she's got a personality. You can't learn hotness and you can't learn to get a personality but you can learn to wrestle.
Tell me...
What is so great about her personality? Is being a bimbo something to be proud of or something to be in awe of? I mean, that's all she has shown that she is. Kate is a part of a large problem right now. A problem of untalented people being successful simply because of other superficial people.
Maybe I'm asking too much from a meat head brand of entertainment. And if this wasn't an existing problem in all parts of entertainment these days, I would simply write it off. But Kate is like the Britney Spears of WWE. She is only being successful because of how superficial other people are.
I'm sick of untalented bimbo's like the Kelly Kelly's and Paris Hilton's being thrown at me every time I turn on the TV. So honestly, you can take this as a rant against the entertainment business all together.