kahlis in ecw??

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Getting Noticed By Management
whats up with that i just read it in the spoilers for ecw i thought he needed knee surgery or something?? i dont think hes really gonna fit in there unless he fueds with big show or big guedo whereever he is
Well, I noticed that he was facing Shannon Moore.. And Moore is supposed to be a heal.. So, does that mean Khali and Davairi are both now faces? I see they are really trying to push this guy as a face.. I see Khali probably becoming the person to defeat the Big Show.. Definatly wouldnt want to see that.. Could possibly worste match ever..
Well it may not be Khali that is going to be a face, Cause i mean there is really no available faces that he could have faced. I mean everyone is either in a feud or they wouldnt want them to lose. Makes that person look bad. It may have just been a way to show Khali's size. But who knows? He sucks anyway. We will just have to wait and see how long this stay last. My money is that he will be gone before WM23
Maybe it was just a dark match and he's going to be returning on t.v. soon. I dont like the thaught of Khali anywhere near a wrestling ring let alone a ECW one. I would be happy if Khali was fired so Daivari can get an oppertunity to wrestle more instead of always being a mouthpiece for talentless wrestlers.
haha i also just got done reading this
wrestling trainee Brian Ong. In May 2001, Ong was training with Dalip Singh (better known as WWE's Great Khali) and took a flapjack from Singh. The move was botched, reportedly because Ong had grabbed Singh's shirt instead of pushing off Singh's back as he was instructed. Although he had made the mistake several times before without incident, this time Ong landed tailbone first and his head was whipped back violently against the mat. The resulting impact, coupled with a previous concussion resulted in Ong's death a few days later

lol if i ever killed anyone from my wrestling skills being so bad i wouldnt wrestle again lol
I think theyll try him in ECW (the burying ground for no talents), and when they realise he really is THAT auful,i think theyll release him. I thought he was going back to india as a policeman anyway?
Might have a feud with Sabu, due to the supposed ethnic backgrounds (sabu, hailing from calcuta,michigan). Think theyll use it to get sabu over once and for all, and show him as a viable threat to the big show.
Taker4545 said:
haha i also just got done reading this

lol if i ever killed anyone from my wrestling skills being so bad i wouldnt wrestle again lol

It wasnt khalis fault. The guy had already sustained a neck injury and wanted to wrestle anyway. I read that article when i first heard about khali comming to WWE. Him going to ECW would help. He can do hardcore matches...but thats about it.
Not only is Khali in ECW now, they sent Terkay and Elijah burke there too. The only one I see going ANYWHERE is Burke, unless, like someone else said, the give Daivari some ring time. As far as putting the title on Khali...please...NO!!!!! Maybe a feud with Burke and Punk would be good though
To be honest I would much prefer Khali in ECW than on Smackdown. In ECW perhaps his technical shortcomings will be owerlooked due to the fact that he can be used in no dq matches. Basically he can just be a big dummy for sandman to hit with the cane.
Taker4545 said:
haha i also just got done reading this

lol if i ever killed anyone from my wrestling skills being so bad i wouldnt wrestle again lol

Did you even read what you posted? It cleary states that it was Ong's fault not Khali's. I'm not saying his in ring skills are good, but the poor guy shouldn't have this hanging over him for his entire career.
i hope he wins the title from whoever wins it at the elimination chamber
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