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Justin Gabriel's Future?


Dark Match Winner
So justin gabriel has been apart of the nexus, the new nexus and the corre. He's been tag team champion and has a beautiful 450 splash but what i want to know is where do you see his character going in the future is he a future world champ maybe a ic champ?
i think sooner or later justin gabriel is going to be in the intercontinental championship hunt because their slowly setting cody rhodes for the main event spots making hiim face randy orton and their going to need new contenders for that championship. it shouldnt be to hard for gabriel to make it in my opinion he's the most talented one in nexus minus daniel bryan
I honestly see him being gone in the next 3 years, I mean we already have enough high-flyers in WWE today so unless Gabriel can individualize himself from the others, then his career is doomed.
Gabriel has a bright future ahead of him as a midcard face. He is the kind of guy who can get the crowd excited. I see him going down a path similar to Kofi, winning midcard titles and helping revive bored crowds or being in opening matches. That 450 of his is very impressive. A feud for the US or Intercontinental Championship would be perfect for him. I do not see him winning any world titles anytime soon but you never know. He might one day. I don't see it happening because he is the kind of guy you keep in the midcard.
Currently, there's a wave of talented superstars being groomed into main-eventers and those are Rhodes,Barrett,Ryder,Ziggler and Bryan. Sheamus is also being built to be of the same level as Cena, Orton and Punk. They're doing lots of build-up. Lower card talent like Hunico and his budding stable will also be built up(Most likely future tag team titles contenders). Gabriel is currently lost in the mix but make no mistake, the guy will surely get his opportunity. So will Drew(again), Tyler, and Ted among others.

Focusing on Gabriel:
I think he'll make for a decent regular at the midcard. Winning midcard titles is also not counted out in his future. I can't be specific with his ring work because I don't follow Gabriel devotedly though I think it's safe to say that he isn't bad. Plus, a nice finisher that easily gets the crowd hyped.

He's not getting that much opportunities but if I were him, I'd try to make the most out of the screentime(At least he's more exposed than Drew and Tyler are) he's getting to make him gradually over with the crowd and that in turn would make the creative to consider giving Gabriel more opportunities.
I can see Justin building up the midcard part of the roster for a few years and winning the IC or US title. Hell, he might even become tag team champ again. He has a good future with the WWE because his image is that of a guy that adores the fans as much as they adore him. Not to mention, he has that look. You know, the "I can look good even when I'm not smiling, and with or without facial hair" look. Few have it and he does. I don't think the WWE will get rid of him because he has good talent, a good backround (from a town few even know exists in South Africa- who wouldn't go "aw" over that one?), and some charisma that he needs to build up with.

I can see him being in basic midcard matches for a while until the WWE starts a trend of him facing a certain guy before throwing them into a full-fledged feud. I figure if they do the McIntyre vs Hardy feud type the crowd will get bored quickly and it'll just go yeesch. Now, if they brought back the feud with Slater then we can work them both on building on the crowd and maybe even their mic skills. Plus, with them both being in Nexus and Corre together (they weren't in New Nexus, they left before they could be) and have experience working together they kind of now how each one preforms so it'll make for a good match. I mean, their ONLY two matches against each other were better than decent, they were really good and had enough excitement in them to keep the crowd following. That's what the WWE needs in the midcard.

Maybe after years and years as a midcarder people will finally be able to see him as a world champion and he'll get his shot at it but first he needs to start ruling the midcard and building from there. Yes, his mic skills need a ton of work but he has that kind of voice that people like listening to- kind of like Wade Barrett's.

Alright, bad comparisson. But seriouslly, look up an interview of him on YouTube. Teach that guy how to talk on the mic and he can out talk John Cena if he wanted to. Oh, and you know his moves from FCW? The ones they showed when they were "introducing" him on NXT? Yeah, let's bring those back, they are fun to watch.
Gabriel has a bright future ahead of him as a midcard face. He is the kind of guy who can get the crowd excited. I see him going down a path similar to Kofi, winning midcard titles and helping revive bored crowds or being in opening matches. That 450 of his is very impressive. A feud for the US or Intercontinental Championship would be perfect for him. I do not see him winning any world titles anytime soon but you never know. He might one day. I don't see it happening because he is the kind of guy you keep in the midcard.

Couldn't have said it better myself, excellent post Dagger. I really enjoy watching Justin Gabriel, I remember seeing him and Slater win the Tag Titles from Santino and Kozlov at Elimination Chamber and the best part of that whole match was Gabriel. He's fun to watch and he's very likeable, but I really don't see him every going past mid card. I think that he will continue to have success and he'll be a mainstay who will probably hold the IC and US titles several times, but that is all this man is destined to do.
I honestly see him being gone in the next 3 years, I mean we already have enough high-flyers in WWE today so unless Gabriel can individualize himself from the others, then his career is doomed.

Do we have enough high flyers in the WWE right now? Let's take a look at the current roster:

Rey Mysterio - consistently injured, and will likely work towards retirement in the very near future.
Kofi Kingston - Ok, there's one high flyer with a decent size and crowd reaction, that could be a potential star.
Sin Cara - Was Triple H's pet project, failed a wellness test, came back, got injured. Still can't speak English and the fans don't yet care. He might be a long-term thing, but he might not.
Evan Bourne - Great all-around wrestler with a better mat-based style than cruiserweight style. Still technically a high flyer though
Primo, Epico, Hunico - How long do you really think any of these guys are going to last? There's so little separating their character, granted they've only been around for a very short time, and are still rarely used. But going forward, will they be differentiated, or simply cast-away?
Trent Baretta - When was the last time this guy was on Raw or Smackdown, and not in a backstage comedy section? I guess he still counts though...
Tyson Kidd - Not a high flyer. You could make a case if you were desperate, but I'm not going to count it...

So that's 8 high flyers in WWE right now, other than Justin Gabriel. The veteran and former World Champ is regularly injured and on his way out in the next few years. One of them could easily become a middle-weight singles star. One of them hasn't had more than a few months of active ring work because he's always out for one reason or another, and hasn't been useful when he is active regardless! Primo, Epico, and Hunico are likely not going to be around in a few years. Maybe one of them. Trent Baretta is only used on Superstars and backstage filler spots, but might break out eventually. So...if you really break it down...going into the future they have Evan Bourne. Maybe Sin Cara.

And Justin Gabriel is already individualized by his nationality and accent. He just needs some time to break out and I think he could be a decent talent. I wouldn't put any money on him even winning the World title, but perhaps a few runs as a Intercontinental Champion or involved in another tag team.
I say Gabriel is dentine to be.... a jobber- face- who wins off TV, but never on.

He will be in this stage until Cody, Kofi, Dolph, Bryan, Wade, etc. make their way to the Main-event, and that makes room for him to gain some momentum in the mid-card.
He'll be a mid-card dude for a while. Judging by him teaming with Sheamus and wins over Christian, he's not going anywhere. Plus he got his own video promos too (Although that doesn't always mean anything. (See, Zeke Jackson, Hade Vansen.)).
He'll be the dude that pumps the crowd up. I doubt he'll be a main eventer for a looong time, but you never know with WWE. He'll probably win the IC Title when Rhodes is done with it, he could even be the one who defeats Rhodes. Just pray that he doesn't go to Raw.
I honestly see him being gone in the next 3 years, I mean we already have enough high-flyers in WWE today so unless Gabriel can individualize himself from the others, then his career is doomed.

Ok, Justin Gabriel can differenciate himself from the rest of the cruiserweights by powerbombing John Cena. That would work, right? When was the last time Evan Bourne did a power move? By the way, he actually did that in when he and Cena had a match together. Gabriel's more than just a high flier, he's one of the most diverse wrestlers WWE has at the moment.

I say Gabriel is dentine to be.... a jobber- face- who wins off TV, but never on.

Gabriel won on TV this week, and last week. If you're going to say something stupid, at least make sure you've got your facts straight.

He will be in this stage until Cody, Kofi, Dolph, Bryan, Wade, etc. make their way to the Main-event, and that makes room for him to gain some momentum in the mid-card.

I doubt he'll be waiting that long. WWE have been giving him regular TV time on SD, even if they've not been doing anything with it. Which is a decent sign that they want to keep him in the minds of people so that when they decide to push him people still remember who he is.
A bright future...future IC champion, not a chance, sorry he seems like a nice guy he might be kept around for me he'll be only a Tag title holder and maybe just maybe get a IC contender match. Like JR on his blog said there is a lot of talent getting ready to be brought it, obviously guys will be dropped, Justins lucky as in he is South African and that helps the WWE market for there. That's all.
I'd like to think Justin Gabriel has a bright future, he's a very good guy to have around. I mean, I don't think he'll ever reach the main event or contend for a World Title, but he's a solid hand to have in the midcard. He's good at what he does, no doubt about it. His in-ring work is great, in terms of fluidity and diversity, and he consistently entertains me with his matches -- there's not much else I could ask for.

He's not a "cookie-cutter" guy and I like that. He's a high flier, but can hold his own when it comes to working on the mat, etc. His size, or lack thereof, can be perceived as an issue, but personally, I don't mind it. His style and abilities more than accommodate for that. He's a good young face to push in the midcard, so I can see him winning a midcard belt. Actually, at this stage, I don't think he's too far off of that. He's been winning most of his matches, he's TV time, he's getting more and more over with the crowd -- a slight push could really help solidify him. Yeah, he still needs to work on things, maybe get more comfortable in his role, but he's ready for a step up in competition.

All in all, I see him having a bright future. He's not a main event guy to me, but there's nothing wrong with working your way into a niche midcard spot. He's been on TV consistently, had tag experience, singles experience, and had lots of success. He already has a relationship with the crowd, they just don't fully know what he's capable of. In watching some of his FCW matches (especially his match with Kaval over the FCW World Heavyweight Championship), I was pleasantly surprised. He's a talent, no doubt and a future midcard champion.
IC champion without a doubt. He's a cruiserweight but he is believable when it comes to going up against a bigger opponent. Kotre Ibushimix mentioned that he's powerful as well.

He has a great finisher and he pulls it off well. Holding his ribs after he's hit the 450.

I think that he needs to work on his promos as after that he'll be great.
A bright future...future IC champion, not a chance,

Why not? It's not like holding the IC title requires a lot of tallent (see: Zeke Jackson), overness (See: Drew McIntyre), mic skills(see: John Morrison) or star potential (see: Santino Marella) to hold. Gabriel has tallent by the bucketload, has gotten over on two contients, has a marketable look and was probably a draw in the past. He's shit on the mic when he's given a script, but if that's the only thing holding him back then he could definately be a good midcarder.

sorry he seems like a nice guy he might be kept around for me he'll be only a Tag title holder and maybe just maybe get a IC contender match.

Yeah, like I say, you don't need to be that good to hold the IC title. Gabriel's damn good and has a great mind for the buisness.

Like JR on his blog said there is a lot of talent getting ready to be brought it,

And ond of them is Justin's good friend Leo Kruger. Should he get the call to Smackdown, chances are he'll work with Gabriel. Since he's a much better heel than face, it would make most sense for them to feud, probably over the IC title. Additionally, Gabriel's one of the guys likely to work with newcomers to the roster because of his attributes in the ring.

obviously guys will be dropped, Justins lucky as in he is South African and that helps the WWE market for there. That's all.

Gabriel's unlikely to get dropped any time soon.
Why not? It's not like holding the IC title requires a lot of talent (see: Zeke Jackson), overness (See: Drew McIntyre), mic skills(see: John Morrison) or star potential (see: Santino Marella) to hold. Gabriel has tallent by the bucketload, has gotten over on two contients, has a marketable look and was probably a draw in the past. He's shit on the mic when he's given a script, but if that's the only thing holding him back then he could definately be a good midcarder.

The IC title has been dignified by Cody Rhodes' solid all-around reign (bereft of serious challengers, but that's about it), and unless the WWE plans on taking it to the cleaners again by giving it to someone who isn't an up-and-comer like Cody or at least one who can serve as a doormat to the stars like Santino or John Morrison, I don't see Gabriel getting that strap any time soon. It doesn't matter if Justin Gabriel got over on two continents; the WWE is a different beast.
The IC title has been dignified by Cody Rhodes' solid all-around reign (bereft of serious challengers, but that's about it)

And once it's time for him to drop it and move on?

unless the WWE plans on taking it to the cleaners again by giving it to someone who isn't an up-and-comer like Cody

Who's to say that Gabriel can't be an up and comer? His ringwork is good enough to get him over to a midcard level and have consistently good enough matches to justify giving him the strap.

or at least one who can serve as a doormat to the stars like Santino or John Morrison, I don't see Gabriel getting that strap any time soon.

So the logical next step after someone who had a solid overall reign (despite never defending the title) is to give it to a jobber to the stars? I don't like the way you think.

It doesn't matter if Justin Gabriel got over on two continents; the WWE is a different beast.

True, but people with a track record of getting over, are probably more likely to get over in the USA than randomers who don't.
So the logical next step after someone who had a solid overall reign (despite never defending the title) is to give it to a jobber to the stars? I don't like the way you think.

Santino is very very much over despite (eeek, because) being a jobber. I can't be bothered to know whether Santino is with Smackdown or Raw, but giving the title to him isn't as demeaning as you manifestly think, since he can hold his own both in the ring and on the mic, while making his opponents look good and interesting. It is in that sense that I am using the phrase 'doormat to the stars'.

That, or I'm being a mark for Glamarella and the Honk-a-Meter again. Good times --- gooooooooood times... :lmao:
Gabriel has a bright future ahead of him as a midcard face.

That sounds about right. I was puzzled a couple of months ago to see the company produce a couple of videos showing Justin's hometown hero status in South Africa. To me, this guy has "mid-card" written all over him and I wondered where the company planned to take this apparent push. Well, he won a couple of matches (based, I presume, on the cost of making the videos) and then sank quickly into the role of "opponent."

Don't you often wonder what management's thinking is? Why do they elevate some people so quickly, yet leave others to wither on the vine waiting for their chance? And then, even more confusing, seem to launch a big-time push for someone like Justin Gabriel......only to abandon it in the wink of an eye?

Maybe he'll get a run as Intercontinental champ if he hangs around long enough. Or maybe he'll wind up as fodder, same as his Nexus buddy Heath Slater. Either way, I don't see anything amazing happening for him in WWE; not in the main event, anyway.
Bob Holly was a midcard fixture in WWE for atleast 15 years, so why is it impossible for Justin Gabriel to be around(who btw is more talented)? I'd argue second to Wade Barrett I would say he has been the second most successful from Nexus as an original member(I don't consider Daniel Bryan an original member) thus far.
Ok, Justin Gabriel can differenciate himself from the rest of the cruiserweights by powerbombing John Cena. That would work, right? When was the last time Evan Bourne did a power move? By the way, he actually did that in when he and Cena had a match together. Gabriel's more than just a high flier, he's one of the most diverse wrestlers WWE has at the moment.

Gabriel won on TV this week, and last week. If you're going to say something stupid, at least make sure you've got your facts straight.

I doubt he'll be waiting that long. WWE have been giving him regular TV time on SD, even if they've not been doing anything with it. Which is a decent sign that they want to keep him in the minds of people so that when they decide to push him people still remember who he is.
Because a powerbomb gets you over? Because having a diverse moveset gets you over?

No, he's not much of a character. He doesn't play his character well. He's a decent athlete, but if being a great athlete got you over, WWE would be hiring olympians left and right. That's not what gets you over though. Making people believe your character is what gets you over.

Maybe Gabriel can tap into that, maybe he can't. Right now he looks like generic kick-pad wearing "moveset" driven net darling #45. The fact that a large portion of posts have added "and his 450..." should tell you he has more IWC appeal than mass appeal.

Another thing I've seen a lot of is "once so and so moves up the card it'll make room for gabriel". That's not how it works. You get over and make yourself room. If Vince wants you to be GI Joe, you be the best GI Joe. You don't say "well I'll be a great charater people believe in when I get booked in a better position" you do it now. Saying "when there's room" is like saying "the Orioles will win the East once the Yankees, Red Sox, Blue Jays, and Rays leave".
Because a powerbomb gets you over? Because having a diverse moveset gets you over?

No. That was to prove a point, that Gabriel's more than just your average high flier. Knowing how to work can get him over, which is something he's damn good at. Watch one of his matches that lasts more than 3 minutes some time. He'll tell a story, tease his finish and pop the crowd to end it brilliantly. He's got a lot of moves, but he also knows how to use them to their greatest effect.

No, he's not much of a character. He doesn't play his character well.

1) he doesn't have a character at the moment. Therefore you cannot judge if he plays it well or not. that would be like deciding a presentation is shit based on the introduction slide. 2) Unless you've seen his work as PJ Black you cannot judge if he can play a character. Because that's when he he last actually played a character. And that character was damn over and being a draw is the only explanation that partially justifies his booking down there. Believe me, nothing confuses me more in wrestling than Justin Gabriel's booking in South Africa circa 2008. If you like, I can shoot you a PM about the insanely convoluted mess that it was.

He's a decent athlete, but if being a great athlete got you over, WWE would be hiring olympians left and right. That's not what gets you over though. Making people believe your character is what gets you over.

He can do, and he has.

Maybe Gabriel can tap into that, maybe he can't. Right now he looks like generic kick-pad wearing "moveset" driven net darling #45. The fact that a large portion of posts have added "and his 450..." should tell you he has more IWC appeal than mass appeal.

I never said most of his fans were smart. Coincidentally, he is very smart about the buisness, even if most of his fans aren't.

Another thing I've seen a lot of is "once so and so moves up the card it'll make room for gabriel". That's not how it works. You get over and make yourself room.

That's actually a somewhat valid point. You can't get over unless you have time to do so, which you don't get unless the bookers give you that time. Or you do what Ted DiBiase and Zack Ryder have done and use your own time and hope the company rewards them for it. Gabriel gets a short match every week. No time to get over a character. Were he given some time on the mic, some direction and allowed to get himself over he probably would. But that does require some degree of booking support. If he was given that time and he flopped, a lot of people supporting him would quickly turn around and say he should be fired.

If Vince wants you to be GI Joe, you be the best GI Joe. You don't say "well I'll be a great charater people believe in when I get booked in a better position" you do it now. Saying "when there's room" is like saying "the Orioles will win the East once the Yankees, Red Sox, Blue Jays, and Rays leave".

Actually, it's more like saying "This franchise will win the East when they're able to play". However, since I think your GI Joe comment more, I'll talk about that. Simply put, you can't be the best GI Joe unless you are given the time to be the best GI Joe. Just like a monster heel can't get over as a monster heel unless you're allowed to kill some bitches. And what if Vince doesn't tell you to do anything? Your instructions are just to go out there, have a match and then sit and watch the show then, right? So you should just try to have the best damn match you can and get the biggest reaction from the crowd you can? Because that's what Gabriel does, unless he's told to do otherwise (see: his match vs Jinder Mahal. His purpose was to further the feud between Ted and Jinder, it would have been unprofessional to do otherwise). Gabriel does everything you praise in guys like Daniel Bryan and Bryan Kendrick when he wrestles, he tells a story and he does his damndest to maximise the pop when he hits the 450.

He's also acutely self aware, which is why his matches in each and every fed he's been in have been different. In WWP he was every bit the exciting high flier that would have fast, furious and fun matches (though stopping just short of being a head droppy spotmonkey). He got over, voted the best wrestler there by his fellow wrestler and became the first person from South Africa to ever join WWE. In FCW his matches slowed down, so Gabriel highlighted his other skills and refined his psychology greatly. He got over and was called up. Now, he's again showing off his speed and agility but in a different way. He'll run rings around his opponent on offence, constantly teasing the 450 (more on that in a moment), but when on the recieving end he'll sell his ass off (work a limb? He'll sell it while even while he's on offence) and constantly move the story of the match on (i.e. how will Gabriel be able to hit his 450 after taking such punishment). Is he over? No. Could he get over if he was given the time to establish that there's more reason to be liked than his big move? I think so.

Gabriel knows that the crowd wants to see his 450 splash, that's why his matches focus on it. He uses it like the tool it is to get a good reaction for what he's given (decent length matches on a show nobody watches). If Justin was given time to wrestle on Smackdown and a minute or so before them to cut a short promo and told to do what worked for him in South Africa (minus the match style, his current or FCW style is an improvement), I believe that he'd get over with that. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.
No. That was to prove a point, that Gabriel's more than just your average high flier. Knowing how to work can get him over, which is something he's damn good at. Watch one of his matches that lasts more than 3 minutes some time. He'll tell a story, tease his finish and pop the crowd to end it brilliantly. He's got a lot of moves, but he also knows how to use them to their greatest effect.

1) he doesn't have a character at the moment. Therefore you cannot judge if he plays it well or not. that would be like deciding a presentation is shit based on the introduction slide. 2) Unless you've seen his work as PJ Black you cannot judge if he can play a character. Because that's when he he last actually played a character. And that character was damn over and being a draw is the only explanation that partially justifies his booking down there. Believe me, nothing confuses me more in wrestling than Justin Gabriel's booking in South Africa circa 2008. If you like, I can shoot you a PM about the insanely convoluted mess that it was.

He can do, and he has.

I never said most of his fans were smart. Coincidentally, he is very smart about the buisness, even if most of his fans aren't.

That's actually a somewhat valid point. You can't get over unless you have time to do so, which you don't get unless the bookers give you that time. Or you do what Ted DiBiase and Zack Ryder have done and use your own time and hope the company rewards them for it. Gabriel gets a short match every week. No time to get over a character. Were he given some time on the mic, some direction and allowed to get himself over he probably would. But that does require some degree of booking support. If he was given that time and he flopped, a lot of people supporting him would quickly turn around and say he should be fired.

Actually, it's more like saying "This franchise will win the East when they're able to play". However, since I think your GI Joe comment more, I'll talk about that. Simply put, you can't be the best GI Joe unless you are given the time to be the best GI Joe. Just like a monster heel can't get over as a monster heel unless you're allowed to kill some bitches. And what if Vince doesn't tell you to do anything? Your instructions are just to go out there, have a match and then sit and watch the show then, right? So you should just try to have the best damn match you can and get the biggest reaction from the crowd you can? Because that's what Gabriel does, unless he's told to do otherwise (see: his match vs Jinder Mahal. His purpose was to further the feud between Ted and Jinder, it would have been unprofessional to do otherwise). Gabriel does everything you praise in guys like Daniel Bryan and Bryan Kendrick when he wrestles, he tells a story and he does his damndest to maximise the pop when he hits the 450.

He's also acutely self aware, which is why his matches in each and every fed he's been in have been different. In WWP he was every bit the exciting high flier that would have fast, furious and fun matches (though stopping just short of being a head droppy spotmonkey). He got over, voted the best wrestler there by his fellow wrestler and became the first person from South Africa to ever join WWE. In FCW his matches slowed down, so Gabriel highlighted his other skills and refined his psychology greatly. He got over and was called up. Now, he's again showing off his speed and agility but in a different way. He'll run rings around his opponent on offence, constantly teasing the 450 (more on that in a moment), but when on the recieving end he'll sell his ass off (work a limb? He'll sell it while even while he's on offence) and constantly move the story of the match on (i.e. how will Gabriel be able to hit his 450 after taking such punishment). Is he over? No. Could he get over if he was given the time to establish that there's more reason to be liked than his big move? I think so.

Gabriel knows that the crowd wants to see his 450 splash, that's why his matches focus on it. He uses it like the tool it is to get a good reaction for what he's given (decent length matches on a show nobody watches). If Justin was given time to wrestle on Smackdown and a minute or so before them to cut a short promo and told to do what worked for him in South Africa (minus the match style, his current or FCW style is an improvement), I believe that he'd get over with that. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.
No such thing as never having a character. If you dont' have charisma and don't make people believe, that's your fault. He can have a character without being written one. I should be able to immitate any wrestler and you know who I'm immitating. They need mannerisms, a way they walk, a way they talk, a way they breathe, it all needs to fit into a character. By "character" I don't mean "GI Joe" or "rapper" I mean his on screen persona.

Maybe I'm tough on him, but you need to standout, even if it's in 3 minutes. You don't need to try to steal the show, but make people remember you. A lot of people don't. Create a hand gesture, SOMETHING to standout a little bit and add character.

I assume most guys in the WWE can work a crowd with basic psychology. You rarely see guys in the WWE screwing up their selling, if they do, it's fixed. They do a good job with that sort of thing.

I don't doubt that gabriel COULD get over. I'm just saying, you can't wait for opportunities.

the ted Dibiase thing bothered me, the company gave him all sorts of opportunities to get over. He's just not very good. He can do all the moves, but he looks like a guy playing a character. If I were to try another character on Dibiase, I'd make him tim tebow.

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