Justice League Movie to officially go head to head with Avengers 2 in 2015

FlexAmerican Dynamite

Warner Bros hell bent on apparently trying to get Justice League to start filming in 2013 for a summer 2015 release.

Hot on the heels of our recent report suggesting the WB had started zeroing in a new Batman – with Armie Hammer one of the names on the short list – for their “Justice League” exercise, The L.A Times has revealed that the superhero blockbuster looks to be hurriedly making it’s way towards the cameras, shooting next year for a 2015 release.
If the report is accurate, that would pit the film against another big superhero team-up due the same year, “The Avengers 2″.
Warners are said to be working on casting the thing, and finding a director (both Christopher Nolan and Ben Affleck have already passed on the opportunity of being involved), now that they’ve got a script – by “Gangster Squad” scribe Will Beall – coming together.
Had Warners lost that big court case over the rights to ‘Superman’ this week, and not reached a new agreement with the estates of Joe Shuster and co-creator Jerry Siegel, they wouldn’t have been able to use ‘Superman’ in the “Justice League” film – let alone any other future film. The uncertainty of the whole thing had WB concerned about “Justice League”, naturally, since Superman is a huge constituent of the gang. With a deal now made though, plans to add the Boy in Blue with his ‘Super Friends’ can push on.
As our Armie Hammer/Batman story stressed, the WB’s plan is to bring the superheroes together – Superman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern and so on – for “Justice League” before spinning them off into their own solo movies.

Read more at http://moviehole.net/201258921justi...g-2013-for-a-2015-release#lCIoiqgxMmDjdQ7Z.99

In short, they don't have an official director yet, nor do they have any for sure actors for each of the roles besides maybe Superman ( they're still deciding on whether or not they want separate actors for solo and team up movies, though they will most likely just get Henry Caville to do it) and possibly Green Lantern (I think Reynolds wants to continue as him right?) and Warner Bros plans to put it up around the same time Avengers 2 comes out.
He's playing the lone ranger if he's who I think he is.
The Avengers blew my expectations out of the water. It is probably my favorite comic book movie (TDK is a better film, but Avengers feels like more of a comic book adaption). I have no doubt a second, still helmed by Whedon, is going to be fantastic.

I have no such positive feelings towards a Justice League movie. Especially if it's going to have no connection to Nolan's Batman trilogy, and possibly even re-boot Batman altogether. Anybody who wants to wait anxiously for a new Batman movie, raise your hand. Aaaand...that's what I thought. I'm even pretty excited for Man of Steel, but again if it has no connection to the JLA movie, it's just going to get extremely convoluted. Marvel was brilliant in the way they went about it; everything was fluid, connected, and ultimately flowing into one vein. Plus, they had characters like Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America that people really wanted to see individually. Green Lantern sucked balls. If they make an Aquaman film, it's probably going to be entirely CGI too, and it will suck as well. Flash could be cool, depending on what era they take his character from. But the only real "draws" for a JLA film are Batman and Superman. And with Nolan's Batman and the new Man of Steel film so fresh on our minds, even by 2015, and I'm still not going to be able to separate those ideas in my head. This all seems really sloppy and rushed, and thus far I'm not even remotely excited.

EDIT: There is one thing DC and whoever ends up producing and directing this movie can do to win over comic books fans. Give Alan Moore and Scott Synder total creative control over the script.
Marvel and Disney showed that patience is the key to making something like this successful. They took their sweet time building up to The Avengers and man did it pay off. Warner Brothers is doing the exact opposite and as Norcal put it, it's going to no doubt end up being an absolute fucking disaster.
EDIT: There is one thing DC and whoever ends up producing and directing this movie can do to win over comic books fans. Give Alan Moore and Scott Synder total creative control over the script.

BLECH! FUCK ALAN MOORE. Bitter old man on too many drugs far too angry at everyone ever even talk to someone about such a possibility. No, no, I'd rather see Peter David write the script.

Marvel and Disney showed that patience is the key to making something like this successful. They took their sweet time building up to The Avengers and man did it pay off. Warner Brothers is doing the exact opposite and as Norcal put it, it's going to no doubt end up being an absolute fucking disaster.

The only thing I can add to this is that DC actually had a bit of an advantage. They could see that films like Hulk and Thor weren't really necessary, and that they didn't have to make a bunch of solo films before doing Justice League. If they wanted to afterwards they could make a Wonder Woman or Flash spin-off, but just the familiar core of Batman and Superman would be enough to get people on board and in line.

On that note, even just a World's Finest movie could do big business and set up a Justice League movie. There were so many ways to go, and waiting until the last minute seems to be what they're doing. A pity if it's simply the ownership stuff that held everything up, but being familiar with Warner and DC I couldn't say I'd be surprised if this was a result of simple ineptitude.
Yeah it's not like there's been a Green Lantern, Superman, Batman movie recently and a Green Arrow TV show. That's four of the league there: Wonder Woman, Flash and Martian Manhunter are all that's missing.
The only advantage DC has is the fact that Superman (if well received) and Batman are by far the two biggest draws in the world of comic heroes.

They'll fuck it up. Guaranteed.
I really do find it interesting Warner Bros didn't think of doing this before. I mean they've owned the rights to pretty much every DC character for years yet only now are they considering doing a team up movie.

If they go the route of having seperate actors for team up and solo movies then they're gonna bomb.
Anybody who wants to wait anxiously for a new Batman movie, raise your hand.


I'll gladly wait & see where they take the Batman franchise next, in fact I think spinning the new Batman franchise off of JLA is smarter in this case.

I'm even pretty excited for Man of Steel, but again if it has no connection to the JLA movie, it's just going to get extremely convoluted.

Yeah, welcome to the world of comicbooks, reboots happen all the fucking time, what's your point?

Plus, they had characters like Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America that people really wanted to see individually.

I cannot think of a single person that when they heard there was going to be a Thor movie gave a shit, nobody was excited of Thor.

Green Lantern sucked balls.

It was bad, but it's not nearly as bad as everyone is trying to make it out to be, I mean both Ghost Riders, Catwoman, Jonah Hex, & Ang Lee's Hulk were all far far faaaaaaaar worse. GL had some moments, it's biggest problem was them trying to cram too much shit into it.

If they make an Aquaman film, it's probably going to be entirely CGI too, and it will suck as well.

:rolleyes: The fact that the movie is about Aquaman is likely going to have more to do with why it'll suck than anything else.

Flash could be cool, depending on what era they take his character from.

I don't know how the era would matter, they update everything, so you would get Barry Allen in today's world... kind of like what they're currently doing in the comics.

But the only real "draws" for a JLA film are Batman and Superman.

Yeah so? I fail to see a problem there, people go because of those two characters & then find that they love the other characters as well, & DC makes movies for each of them afterwards, then they know which characters the fans love most, so not to waste any time or money making moves about people nobody cares about.

And with Nolan's Batman and the new Man of Steel film so fresh on our minds, even by 2015, and I'm still not going to be able to separate those ideas in my head. This all seems really sloppy and rushed, and thus far I'm not even remotely excited.

That sounds more like a you problem than anything else

EDIT: There is one thing DC and whoever ends up producing and directing this movie can do to win over comic books fans. Give Alan Moore and Scott Synder total creative control over the script.

:lmao: This is a terrible idea, Snyder is busy writing 5 different monthly books for DC (Batman, American Vampire, Swamp Thing, Talon, & his new Superman project w/ Jim Lee), dude has his plate pretty full, & you want him to add a movie script to that pile as well.

Alan Moore is a grumpy old asshole who hates everybody & everything, every time DC adapts one of his works to film, be bitches & complains, he's done this with Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell & League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, he's not exactly on good terms with DC at the moment as a result of Before Watchmen either, why the fuck would this dirty old prick of a hermit want to come out of his cave in the woods to write a script for a company he currently has no love for what so ever?

Marvel and Disney showed that patience is the key to making something like this successful. They took their sweet time building up to The Avengers and man did it pay off. Warner Brothers is doing the exact opposite and as Norcal put it, it's going to no doubt end up being an absolute fucking disaster.

DC & WB has spent the last 12 yrs. building up the characters in JLA through cartoons on TV & amazingly well done direct to DVD animated features. If you think DC & WB should follow a similar path as Marvel & Disney, then you have about 7 movies to make to introduce each of the characters, which means it's gonna be at least 7-8 yrs. before we get a JLA movie. Pretty much everyone who is going to see a JLA movie has grown up with these characters, whether it be through cartoons, various prime time tv shows (Flash, Wonder Woman, Superman), or past movie franchises. If you don't know these characters than you've been living under a rock for the past 50 yrs. cause they've been every fucking where.
Sooo... we have a Batman trilogy that doesn't lend itself to a glossy team up movie. Green Hornet and Green Lantern movies that don't inspire confidence. A Wonder Woman TV Series that didn't make it beyond pilot. Flash, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter haven't even figured.

That leaves us with the only credible reason for JLA to go ahead on recent releases being Bryan Singer's Supes movie and that's 6 years old now (and will be 9 by the time this proposed film would be released)!

Now while this doesn't bode well for an Avengers style build up, it still doesn't automatically mean that there is nothing to get excited about. Spiderman and Batman have completely rebooted in recent years and X-Men is a good template for doing an ensemble piece with no prework. My feeling would be that all movies that have gone before will be forgotten and this will operate as a stand alone franchise with any spin off films coming from this storyline arc. As such, feelings on excitement should be based on normal parameters - director, writer(s), plot and stars.
That leaves us with the only credible reason for JLA to go ahead on recent releases being Bryan Singer's Supes movie and that's 6 years old now (and will be 9 by the time this proposed film would be released)!

For the record, I can not wait to see Bryan Singer fall flat on his face. Fuck him and the shitty movies he rode in on.
Yeah it's not like there's been a Green Lantern, Superman, Batman movie recently and a Green Arrow TV show. That's four of the league there: Wonder Woman, Flash and Martian Manhunter are all that's missing.

DC & WB has spent the last 12 yrs. building up the characters in JLA through cartoons on TV & amazingly well done direct to DVD animated features. If you think DC & WB should follow a similar path as Marvel & Disney, then you have about 7 movies to make to introduce each of the characters, which means it's gonna be at least 7-8 yrs. before we get a JLA movie. Pretty much everyone who is going to see a JLA movie has grown up with these characters, whether it be through cartoons, various prime time tv shows (Flash, Wonder Woman, Superman), or past movie franchises. If you don't know these characters than you've been living under a rock for the past 50 yrs. cause they've been every fucking where.

It's not even really about them making other movies to build up the characters.... it's about them rushing into this only because of the success of The Avengers. I mean, they want to start production already and there isn't even a director set, which must mean the script is garbage. For them it's obviously only about trying to make a quick buck, not about creating an awesome story and giving fans the best adaptation possible.
JLA movie has been in the works in years now, they started filming one years ago, but then WB stop production, because they didn't want to release it the same time as Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.
I cannot think of a single person that when they heard there was going to be a Thor movie gave a shit, nobody was excited of Thor.


This old commercial was the only time I heard about Thor until the super-short sneak peak when he does a terrible dropkick in the rain, I think.
JLA movie has been in the works in years now, they started filming one years ago, but then WB stop production, because they didn't want to release it the same time as Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.

The idea has been banging around FOREVER, but that doesn't mean that they still aren't rushing things now. In 20 years, they've never come close to getting shit together for this project, or any other "crossover" film. All of a sudden, they have a deadline and are starting up when there are so many things that aren't finished, most of which upon which the success or failure of the project depends on. In the film industry, that's rushing shit.
I just don't think trying to rush a JL movie to go up against the sequel to possibly the highest grossing Superhero movie of all time is a good idea at all. If this was released on a completely different year than I'm sure it would do fine, but trying to directly compete with Marvel is something DC just can't do when it comes to movies.
I was kinda excited for Thor. :(

Not sure how well film Batman would go in a team up movie, especially considering how ridiculously powerful some of his allies are. I guess there are plot contrivances that can cover it up, but I think that Gotham and Batman should be kept away from the DC Universe as a whole.
I was kinda excited for Thor. :(

Not sure how well film Batman would go in a team up movie, especially considering how ridiculously powerful some of his allies are. I guess there are plot contrivances that can cover it up, but I think that Gotham and Batman should be kept away from the DC Universe as a whole.

Christopher Nolan Batman wouldn't suit a JLA movie yes, Joel Schumacher Batman (Forever) probably could

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