Just why?

Well yeah, you literally said "we should promote it on social media" and before anyone has repolied you've created a page.

WZCW has existed for over 10 years, it's something I (and others) are very protective over. You have no idea that before you created this thread backstage we were having the same discussion but alas you've acted on something and to be honest you're the last person I want in the fed to be seen as the public face.

I like your passion but for fuck sake man calm it down, stop changing your name and avatar and just see what's in store.
I did say it before this too but no one made one so I made one.

I didn't make it to be a public face of this e-fed. I made it as a fan to garner more attention towards WZCW.

I am already calm. More than you that I don't need to knock someone down without reasons. Changing name & avatar is my personal decision. Although I have said in the past, yet I will say it again. ShinChan is my permanent name from now and so is my avatar. Ask Dagger whom I requested to replace Kapu with ShinChan in that thread. Still can't trust?

Then just continue tryin' to knock me down.


Doesn't really look like a fan page...

Moving on...

If you want more members, I think the 50 posts thing has to go. Outside of the tournament, I reckon I've probably made non-spam 50 posts here in about 3 years. There's just not much worth discussing.

I have absolutely zero knowledge of eFeds outside this one, but I imagine it must be pretty good relatively as guys who do this elsewhere like Doc retain an interest. You have far more chance of attracting eFedders than you do casual forum members, where the well has pretty much run dry.

The obvious counter to this is that people will say 'but how do we know they'll stick around?' Frankly, the fed has let a lot of people return for a show or two all of the time, I don't see how it's any different. If this is a concern, just say people can't be entered into a programme until they have RPed 5 times or something. Then if they do leave on a whim, it's just like having an enhancement talent. If you get a big uptake, you can have a developmental or something.
Yeah, that's why it's written in description: IT IS A FAN PAGE.
Kapu I say this with all the friendship I have for you

Be quiet and drop it. Nothing you can say will make people ok with it. Whether you're meaning to or not you're upsetting people.

What's done is done but you need to concentrate on your next RP instead of trying to justify yourself.
I am going to end it soon Franku.

Here's the About section of that page:

A fan page about WZCW.

WZCW = WrestleZone Championship Wrestling.

WZCW is the premier e-federation of WrestleZone Forums.

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