General Guidebook (Updated - February 2018)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Hello Guests and Members alike and I, on behalf of the WZCW staff and community, would like to welcome you to the premier eFed on WrestleZone Forums: WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. I am the WZCW Handbook and I am here to help you with a step-by-step guide on how to navigate yourself through the WZCW Forum (because this place can be a little confusing at first) as well as provide all the rules and regulations that are in effect within this section of the forums.

Before we get started, I would like mention to the people responsible for running WZCW who are known as the Staff or Creative Team. If you have any questions or queries about anything WZCW-related that are not answered in this Rulebook, please do not hesitate in contacting them through the Private Messaging system so they can help solve whatever issue needs answering:

WZCW Staff Members

Killjoy Head of Creative
Lee: Second in Command

Jeff: Creative Moderator
Milenko: Creative Moderator

Echelon: Creative Member
Spidey: Creative Member
Yaz: Creative Member

Now that you know the people in charge, the next step is to familiarize yourself with the different sections of the forum so that way you don't get confused when you need something specific. Once you understand these simple sub-sections, it should be easy enough for you to navigate yourself:

WZCW Sub-Sections

WZCW Network
This sub-section is divided up into two categories: the first being WZCW TV where all the shows and PPV's of WZCW will be posted by the staff for your enjoyment. The second is the WZCW Roleplay Board where all members come to post their RP's for their allotted matches. There is a separate set of rules for the Roleplay Board that you should read before starting.
This is a "mock" online website where all WZCW bulletins can be found, as well as members having "In-Character" fun. Here you will find exclusive WZCW Show Schedules, the WZCW Podcast & the Official Power Ranking system.

Here you will also find a link to the WZCW Roster where every active member of the Current Roster will have their own profiles list here. You will also be able to search for Title History threads, NPC Information, the WZCW Hall of Fame and an entire sub-section to former WZCW Alumni.

This is the area where all members can relax and discuss matters about the E-Fed out of character in the WZCW Discussion Thread, as well as letting us know of any character changes and time-off that you may require (see Personal Threads).

After having a gander at all of these sections and deciding upon joining WZCW, we'll need to head over to the Backstage area will you will find the WZCW Application Thread. The Creative Team hold the right to reject and request immediate changes to any application.

Once you have applied and been accepted into WZCW, check the Roleplay Boards to see whether your character has been selected to compete in a match for the next set of shows. All shows are done on a Bi-Weekly basis: meaning that the round will consist of the match cards being posted up, allowing all members to RP and posting up the shows. This process will take approximately two weeks before the next round begins. Here is an overview of what happens:

WZCW Rounds:

(1st) Friday: Match cards are posted: Members are allowed to RP.
(2nd) Monday: RP Boards are closed*
(3rd) Tuesday - (3rd) Wednesday: The shows are posted
Cycle restarts on Friday after the show airs.

*Sometimes the RP boards may close at a later date due to extension requests or other special circumstances.

There are usually three shows that get posted outside of the PPV round. These are:

WZCW Shows:


The "flagship" show of WZCW
Posted first out of the three shows


Another mainstay show of WZCW
Posted second out of the three shows


Optional show (may not occur depending on roster size)
Posted third out of the three shows
WZCW's testing grounds (new applicants normally start here)

Note: During a PPV round, no other shows will be ran that week (with the exception of Aftershock should there be an abundance of roster members) and will normally be posted within the time the regular shows would be posted.

WZCW also has its own PPV's that usually occur every four or five rounds (i.e. three or four rounds of Meltdown, Ascension & Aftershock followed by the fourth or fifth round, which will be a PPV), thus creating a PPV cycle. We currently have six PPV's (and their cycles) running, theoretically creating our WZCW Calendar year:

WZCW Pay-Per-Views:

Revolution: New Year's Redemption

First PPV of the WZCW Calendar

Gold Rush

Named after signature "King of the Ring" tournament
Winner earns a World Title shot at Unscripted


Features Fan-Voting Stipulations

Lethal Lottery

Named after signature "Royal Rumble" contest
"Roulette Rounds" (random matches) held first round of the cycle
Winner headlines Kingdom Come for World title

Kingdom Come

Biggest PPV of the WZCW Calendar
"Supershow" (combined show) held prior to PPV
Features a Hall of Fame ceremony


Last PPV of WZCW Calendar
Features a Elimination Chamber contest for a "Money in the Bank" briefcase
Winner becomes King For a Day & has until next Apocalypse to cash-in for a World title opportunity

On top of the regularly scheduled programming, WZCW also holds special events that may replace a particular round or be inserted right before an entire PPV cycle.

WZCW Special Events:


Non-canon comedy PPV
Participation is Open for Everyone
Can use any character (an event-specific Application Thread will be posted)
Guest writing (& creative team)

Non-canon guest writing event
No RP's required
Potential recruitments for new Creative members

WZCW Awards Show

Regular RP round
Normally held shortly after the new year
Fan-voted Awards given out for specific categories

Note: There are other One Night Only events that take place whenever necessary. Creative will inform everyone about any changes for these events when they occur.

WZCW also features five championships including divisions with specific restrictions on how to attain title opportunities (usually done by performing well on a consistent basis):

WZCW Championships/Divisions:

WZCW World Heavyweight Championship

Primary Tier Singles Title
Potential challengers must earn title shot via stipulation (or exceptional performance)

WZCW EurAsian Championship

Secondary Tier Singles Title of Ascension
Potential challengers can earn title shot via stipulation or good performance, currently exclusive to the Ascension brand.

WZCW Elite Openweight Championship

Secondary Tier Singles Title of Meltdown
Potential challengers can earn title shot via stipulation or good performance, currently exclusive to the Meltdown brand.

WZCW Mayhem Championship

Tertiary Tier Singles Title
Potential challengers can earn title shot via stipulation or good performance

We also encourage non-staff participation to help us when creating the shows. If you feel like you'd be ready to write a match to help out the Creative team, let us know in the Guest Writer Sign-Up thread in the backstage area. and we will eventually assign you a match, depending on whether you are available or not. We also encourage non-staff members to tell us of any ideas that you may have concerning your character such as storylines/angles/feuds you'd like to have, a certain backstage segment that you'd want to include or just a general thing like shaking the hand of an audience member because they are someone your character knows. To do so, send any one of us Staff members a PM and we should get back to you. (Remember, we can reject or modify any requests).

There are also other useful threads that are available for you to communicate to the Creative team for very specific and very frequent requests.

Personal Threads

Character Changes

Already been accepted in WZCW yet have sections of your profile you wish to edit? Post your proposed changes in this thread and the Creative team will work with to help edit your character.

Non-Player Characters

Need to make a personal NPC? Just fill out this short application.

Extension Requests/Taking Time Off

Sometimes, RPers are unable to meet the RP deadline requirements. If you cannot post an RP by the specified date, please let the Creative team know and they will grant you a 24 hour extension. Make sure to let Creative know a few days beforehand. Last minute requests won't be tolerated on a regular basis (emergencies and special circumstances are exempt).

If you need an extended period of time off, this is also the thread for letting Creative know which dates you are unavailable to RP


Well, that about covers everything there is to know for WZCW. If you would like any further help: you can contact a member of staff; read the rules around the forums or simply ask in the WZCW Discussion Thread in the backstage area where inquiries are normally made... oh, I almost forgot the one most important thing:


This is a fictional online federation. Everyone here who roleplays and are members of staff do this for the fun of playing a fictional character and creating fictional storylines; almost to the point where everyone is considered a family here. We do not want any drama to occur in the fed as it could close the federation down and ruin everyone's fun. So please, play nicely with the other children so we can all get along together and make this experience fun for the whole family. General banter against other people is allowed in-character but any insults or direct shots will result in staff punishing you for your consequences. The rules of WrestleZone Forums apply in WZCW as well, on top of all the rules of the federation.​

That's all for now:

Apply, RP & have some fun!
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