Just why?


Gone. For. Good.
So the question is that Why did the interest in WZCW decline and the roster is thin?

WZCW alumni consists of a lot of people. A big number of people.

I could see some people leaving due to personal life problems but what about others? And do they all return when their personal life is settled?

Might sound like a weird question but I would love to know the reasons behind less no. of people in WZCW?

The bar room consists of a thread about Lethal Lottery 2016 and Noone just noone has asked about it at least in the thread.
Because a lot more people used to flock to the forum due to WrestleZone not having that Disqus shit so we'd have a lot of people who would sign up, lose and quit. Or just not even show up.
A lot of those former character's handlers had multiple characters too and a number of said former handlers are banned. So there's that. Killjoy's right though.
The ones I've reached out to have either not been back to the forums or been too busy to consider a return.

I'm not sure I buy the lack of numbers as a reason . There's just a big stigma around the demands of the fed I think. And that needs to be corrected as we need to find a unique way to appeal to new faces.
I'm curious as to what you think the stigmas of the Fed are?
There is no set reason.

I think the main reason is people lose interest.

Couple that with life happening and people just don't want to join/come back.
I'm not completely aware of WZCW history, but I believe most people just couldn't keep up. Life happened and they had to look the other way. Also, a lot of people who participated earlier have more responsibilities. Tbh, the numbers are now building back up with some key returns which is a good thing.
ShinChan™;5603973 said:
Can I post the link of the page here?

You need to slow your fucking roll. This is something that needs approval from Creative first and something either they should run or someone that has been with the fed for a hell of a lot longer than you have.
You need to slow your fucking roll. This is something that needs approval from Creative first and something either they should run or someone that has been with the fed for a hell of a lot longer than you have.
That would be an official page.

What I have made is a fan page. Do fan page need approvals too? :shrug:
Well yeah, you literally said "we should promote it on social media" and before anyone has repolied you've created a page.

WZCW has existed for over 10 years, it's something I (and others) are very protective over. You have no idea that before you created this thread backstage we were having the same discussion but alas you've acted on something and to be honest you're the last person I want in the fed to be seen as the public face.

I like your passion but for fuck sake man calm it down, stop changing your name and avatar and just see what's in store.

Doesn't really look like a fan page...

Moving on...

If you want more members, I think the 50 posts thing has to go. Outside of the tournament, I reckon I've probably made non-spam 50 posts here in about 3 years. There's just not much worth discussing.

I have absolutely zero knowledge of eFeds outside this one, but I imagine it must be pretty good relatively as guys who do this elsewhere like Doc retain an interest. You have far more chance of attracting eFedders than you do casual forum members, where the well has pretty much run dry.

The obvious counter to this is that people will say 'but how do we know they'll stick around?' Frankly, the fed has let a lot of people return for a show or two all of the time, I don't see how it's any different. If this is a concern, just say people can't be entered into a programme until they have RPed 5 times or something. Then if they do leave on a whim, it's just like having an enhancement talent. If you get a big uptake, you can have a developmental or something.
I've always thought the 40 posts thing was doing more harm than good.

Do away with it and make the 3 strike rule a hard & fast rule across the board.

Also don't give anyone a storyline for a cycle or so to make sure they don't screw anything up if they do duck out.
The 40, formerly 50, post rule isn't one I like, but the higher ups want it kept in place.

There are a few reasons that the fed's numbers are down.

The main page added Disqus, leading to less people coming onto the forums. Traffic on the forums has been down since they added it. They also no longer actively advertise the forums on the main page, so again it leads to decreased traffic.

This is a hobby that requires a fair amount of commitment without much reward. I have talked to some former members and they say that it only takes one or two bad booking decisions to turn them off from RPing. People are very protective of their characters.

That leads me to my next point. I feel like no matter how hard we try to bridge the gap, there will always be a distrust of creative by the non creative members. It comes with the territory. Anytime there are people working behind a veil like creative does, there will be distrust by those who can't peak behind the curtain. At times that distrust has lead to exoduses by the members. All it takes it a couple of disgruntled guys to cause people to leave.

On top of all that, I just think wrestling is in a down period right now, and people don't want to discuss it as much, so less people are seeking out forums.

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