"Just When You Thought..."

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That is, theoretically possible.

Perhaps theoretically, but not in actuality. However, it is theorectically & actually true you put a needless comma in that sentence. That proves I'm at least ahead of you.

Since these test proves you're not ahead of us, we can assume, you did NOT start out ahead of those of us on the forums.

Oh, subordinate clauses... "Since.... then...". True. But your "since" is untrue, so the other part matters not.

Facts are objective. Opinion is subjective. Anything objective requires evidence to prove or disprove it.

Here we agree. Stop now?

Fact: "The sky is blue."

How do we know it's a fact: I can post pictures of a blue sky.

You could post sky photos of any color. I believe it's called Photoshop.

Fact: The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.

How can I prove it: a science experiment, I can fill a glass of water that's 10 Celsius and a liquid, then freeze it out 0 degrees over time in my freezer.

Waste your time doing that then, not typing this BS.

Opinion: "Apples taste better than cherries"

I can't prove this. For me, apples do taste better than cherries, but my girlfriend LOVES cherries.

Then I hope a heterosexual tends to hers while you & Brain take care of each other.

To everyone else that isn't our prisoner:

This is my proof that he is, in fact, ******ed. Does it meet with the scientific approval of the forum? Or can we just call it self-evident by reading any of his posts?

None of the above. Proof is provided of your own ******ation, but not mine.
Why do you choose not to? It's not irony as you never asked me to prove that either of our names describe us. So now we know you don't even pay attention to what you say.

It's irony I pay attention to what I say, but you pay little attention to what either of us says.

Also, why do I choose not to? That is on a "need to know" basis, & none that have asked need to know.

Great minds think alike, but I see you & CN proved that is not exclusive to them.
Based on your reasoning, I am a better rapper than Eminem, a better tennis player than Roger Federer and a better lover than Casanova. It's all true and I could prove it, but I don't see the point since I know it's true.

Prove that I'm not.
2] Nothing objective or subjective about it. I'm stating facts, & whether any of you agree or not is inconsequential.
As a matter of fact, I can, & simply choose not to.
There are two kinds of people in the world who talk to others without caring if they influence their opinion. The first are the mentally insane, who talk to people without trying to communicate. The second are the bullshitters, who want to influence others opinions, but suck at it, so they put on a big pout face about how they didn't want to influence anyone anyways, they were "just stating facts." Spare us the "think as I do but I don't care what you think"; that's third-grade junior league stuff.

You're operating under a very mistaken assumption that's popular amongst the less-educated on the internet; that in order for someone to demonstrate that you've made a statement lacking factual accuracy, they either have to have your personal consent to that, or absolute, undeniable proof of their assertions, which doesn't exist in any discussion worth having.

What you are attempting to do, and mistakenly considering it a valid tactic, is refuse to give any evidence of your own, so that no one can make an objective comparison, and are forced to rely on their assumptions. A fool might say it's wrong to rely on assumptions, but it would be far smarter to say it's wrong to rely on assumptions that don't have reasonable odds. People make assumptions correctly as part of everyday life. I assume that fire is hot, because based on prior experience, it has always been hot. Based on what I have seen of Lebron James' basketball skills, which involve MVP awards, a world championship, and the cash which demonstrates someone's willing to pay those skills, and what I have seen of yours- a steadfast denial to provide objective evidence- the educated assumption would be to say that you're full of shit.

In the event that you are ever able to provide any objective evidence, I reserve the right to revise my assumption based on new information received. Objective vs. subjective always applies, even if you don't understand how. I reiterate my offer to explain the terms, as you don't seem to know how to use the words properly.

It only took me about five posts to get you to the point where you'd pull a Todd-esque "I'm stating FACTS!!!1!" I thought you could hang better than this.
Such a childish response. In other words you talk out of your ass and even you recognize you're full of shit. You're not even a good troll anymore.

1] Actually, I started trying to be childish & talk out of my ass, since it seems most members here do those things, so I figured I might be understood or even liked more.

2] I don't recognize that I'm full of shit; That is a recognition you must have finally made about yourself.

3] I was never any kind of troll.
1] Actually, I started trying to be childish & talk out of my ass, since it seems most members here do those things, so I figured I might be understood or even liked more.

2] I don't recognize that I'm full of shit; That is a recognition you must have finally made about yourself.

3] I was never any kind of troll.

Interesting that you ignored Rayne's last post. This thread has ended up just like all your others. I think it's time to close this one too. Feel free to create some threads here in the prison. Just don't create any more complaining about being in here, asking to be released, or asking for your user name back. If you create any threads like that you will be infracted for posting duplicate topics.
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