"Just When You Thought..."

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The best part is that only Sly or I can do anything about this. Sly doesn't know this guy exists as far as I can tell and I'm having way too much fun seeing how long he'll do this for.

While we are on subject any chance I'll ever be out here? Couldn't throw me a bone for promoting your website. (Which I'll do regardless) Maybe? Please :)
Where would you promote it?

I share the link on my Facebook constantly. I'm in Calgary Alberta, everyone I know is a wrestling fan and they love it. I'm on your site constantly, cause I really enjoy the reviews. And no I don't share the links just to try and get out of here, I thoroughly enjoy them and know people I know would want to read them.
Be more specific; Anyone intelligent knows Lebron sucks.

You be more specific, what does Lebron suck at? I heard he once tried acting, but was really bad at it.

Which it is.
If something is self evident, it means "able to be seen" if people ASK about it, then maybe you can elaborate. What does Lebron James suck at? Can you show me an example of someone better? I'll be honest, I don't give a shit about Lebron James. I haven't watched an NBA game in maybe 6 years.

Is the sky blue? Sun yellow? Mars red? Yes. Do I need to provide evidence of those for you to agree? Not likely, for you can see it. Same with Lebron being awful.

Again, all of those can be easily google'd. However, Lebron James's talents for basketball are widely accepted. Maybe we weren't specific enough, what does Lebron suck at it?

No; I "dug in harder" because Sly also said even if I did all that, I would not be released.

No. One. Gives. A. Single. Fuck.

Actually I do have one final question. Serious question.

Why does this matter to you? It's the fucking internet. I'm only responding to this thread because I'm currently home sick with the flu and realizing you're insane is making me feel better
Only posting in here because can't make threads yet and it's active and this seems to be the folder for people who have experience with moderation and whatnot so does anyone have any insight into my situation described here?
Only posting in here because can't make threads yet and it's active and this seems to be the folder for people who have experience with moderation and whatnot so does anyone have any insight into my situation described here?

Dude, Crock already told you the forums are not ran by the main page and vice versa. You got your answer so why post in the prison? No one will know here either.
Dude, Crock already told you the forums are not ran by the main page and vice versa. You got your answer so why post in the prison? No one will know here either.

This criticism would make sense if you correctly assessed the continuity of events.

Regardless it has been resolved, carry on with the engrossing LeBron discussion.
It's a shame Rayne scared Todd away, I'd love to see him try and debate troll Bitch on something they disagree about.
It would be over quick. LRCTB would say how obvious it is that he's right that he doesn't have to discuss anything, and PPSGF would throw out a non-sensical rant barely touching on the topic at hand and declare that he had proved his point. Each of them would then declare themselves the winner, because the other person had somehow demonstrated they weren't capable of debating them.

Since neither person would attempt to engage each other on the subject at hand, they'd each run out of things to say before declaring themselves the winner pretty quickly. I think what would be more likely is if PPSGF tried to make common cause with LRCTB, because PPSGF is plainly desperate for companionship and would try to find an ally in the whole "the mods are oppressing us" thing.
We need to set up a debate between this dude and Todd. That would make for some hysterical reading.

On second thought, that might create some kind of vortex that would rip a hole in the space time continuum and kill us all.
You be more specific, what does Lebron suck at? I heard he once tried acting, but was really bad at it.

If something is self evident, it means "able to be seen" if people ASK about it, then maybe you can elaborate. What does Lebron James suck at? Can you show me an example of someone better? I'll be honest, I don't give a shit about Lebron James. I haven't watched an NBA game in maybe 6 years.

Again, all of those can be easily google'd. However, Lebron James's talents for basketball are widely accepted. Maybe we weren't specific enough, what does Lebron suck at it?

No. One. Gives. A. Single. Fuck.

1] He sucks at playing basketball. If it's required to play basketball well, he can't do it, or at the very least, can't do it well... For instance, I was personally sitting in the crowd for a close Laker game at Cleveland. Team gave Lebron the last shot.... Needless to say, overtime was next.

2] I have a few questions in return for you...

2A] If you don't care, & haven't watched a game in years why do you care what he sucks at? Also, how do you know he doesn't suck at playing basketball?

2B] My big problem with your post is asking what he sucks at, & then laer asking, " what does Lebron suck at it?" Think that's meant to be 2 questions... "What" (in reference to something else), & "Does Lebron suck at it?" (Answer is completely.)
1] He sucks at playing basketball. If it's required to play basketball well, he can't do it, or at the very least, can't do it well... For instance, I was personally sitting in the crowd for a close Laker game at Cleveland. Team gave Lebron the last shot.... Needless to say, overtime was next.

Anecdotal evidence, he missed ONE shot. So did Michael Jordan. It's a limited sample size and should not justify his career. He's currently a top scorer and has won several awards for his ability to play basketball. By definition, to win awards mean he is good at basketball.

2] I have a few questions in return for you...

This sentence is not a lie, not ******ed, not crying, not trolling, and not bitchy. Hey KB, I think we have hope for this guy not living up to the name he was given.

2A] If you don't care, & haven't watched a game in years why do you care what he sucks at? Also, how do you know he doesn't suck at playing basketball?

Because I understand basic facts, Lebron James averages 27.6 points per game, that means he is good at basketball.

He's been in EVERY NBA All-Star Game since 2005. This is more proof he's good at basketball.

Read the awards: http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/j/jamesle01.html

He's a multi time MVP winner and part of the current NBA Championship team.

This is greater than him missing ONE shot when you watched him.

So, in short, I think Lebron James is good at basketball because he scores a lot of points, won a lot of MVP awards, was part of several All Star Teams and won the NBA Finals MVP award in 2012 when he won the NBA Title with the Miami Heat.

2B] My big problem with your post is asking what he sucks at, & then laer asking, " what does Lebron suck at it?" Think that's meant to be 2 questions... "What" (in reference to something else), & "Does Lebron suck at it?" (Answer is completely.)

Were my questions unclear?

If so, I'm sorry. As I mentioned in that post you were quoting I'm currently sick with the flu and if my ability to convey a clear message was compromised due to my illness and the affects of the medication I'm taking, I would like to apologize.
And yet he has the NBA contract worth several millions per year, plus all the endorsement money, plus all the white women he can handle.

Life is just fucking you right over, huh?
Anecdotal evidence

People have said I need to provide evidence, & I have. The size/magnitude is irrelevant.

It's a limited sample size and should not justify his career.

It's not the only shot he's missed, & by the same token, however many he's made also does not "justify his career" or anyone's opinion of it.

He's currently a top scorer and has won several awards for his ability to play basketball. By definition, to win awards mean he is good at basketball.

I'm not positive on this, but I believe most awards in any sport (including HoF inductions) are voted on by other people. If the voters are stupid, the wrong person get the award.

This sentence is not a lie, not ******ed, not crying, not trolling, and not bitchy. Hey KB, I think we have hope for this guy not living up to the name he was given.

There is no "living up" to that name, which has never truly described me.

Because I understand basic facts, Lebron James averages 27.6 points per game, that means he is good at basketball.

Take the last/worst guy on the roster of his team. When was the last time he took a shot in a game? Bet it's been a while, which also means it's been that long since he missed. Does that mean he's good? NO.

He's been in EVERY NBA All-Star Game since 2005. This is more proof he's good at basketball.

Mistaken voters, injuries, trades to other teams/conferences... Lots of reasons players that don't belong could/do get in.

He's a multi time MVP winner and part of the current NBA Championship team.

If Tiger Woods or anyone else wins a Masters event, it's because they are good. Go back to the 12th guy on the Heat, who is also a member of the defending Champs. Is that proof he's good?!

This is greater than him missing ONE shot when you watched him.

Clearly, but anyone agrees that is far from the only shot he's missed. We all agree making is better than missing, but making one is equal to missing another one. (1/2 = 50%.)

So, in short, I think Lebron James is good at basketball because he scores a lot of points, won a lot of MVP awards, was part of several All Star Teams and won the NBA Finals MVP award in 2012 when he won the NBA Title with the Miami Heat.

He gets the ball more than many on his team (& FAR more playing time to shoot). The other things are all voted on (phrase I recall about "the human error").

Were my questions unclear?

Somewhat. You began by asking what he sucks at, & later asked me, "...what does Lebron suck at it?" without clarifying what the "it" you referred to is/was.
Then you'll agree that your thoughts on this subject are clearly just your own opinion and that you are in fact living up to your prison name. Cool, glad we could get that sorted out.
Then you'll agree that your thoughts on this subject are clearly just your own opinion and that you are in fact living up to your prison name. Cool, glad we could get that sorted out.

Not hardly... My statements about Lebron are no more-or-less-factual than those made by any other member here. My Username is not at all factual, either.

I will admit to stating my own opinions if: Sly & all others in the discussion do the same, I am properly released, & my original name is restored.
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