"Just When You Thought..."

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Lying Retarded Crybaby Troll Bitch

Because I whine like an infant
Never mind. If any of you ever have a thought that has to do with my situation or how/when it will be fixed, let me know.

Seems Brain likes to reply, long or short, but doesn't like to allow people to reply to him... Whatever.

Want me to leave? Take me out of The Prison, return my original Username, & never see me post here again. It's quite simple, like so many of your minds.
What are you trying to accomplish besides getting out of prison and getting your username back?

If only I could Edit the first post in the thread... I'd add "read your posts before replying to them" to the things Brain hates to do.

I've named the things I'm trying to do SEVERAL times over! Not my fault you can't pay attention to anything besides porn, wrestling, & your own posts!!!
Haven't the admins told you want you need to do to get out like a billion times now? And you obviously keep refusing to do so... sounds like a personal problem.
If only I could Edit the first post in the thread... I'd add "read your posts before replying to them" to the things Brain hates to do.

I've named the things I'm trying to do SEVERAL times over! Not my fault you can't pay attention to anything besides porn, wrestling, & your own posts!!!

You said you're trying to get out of prison. You want your username back so you can post comments on the main page. Many people have told you several times there are other ways to do that besides using your forum username. You're just too damn stubborn to accept that. You feel that you are a victim of some kind of horrible injustice by being put in a fictitious prison on a wrestling internet forum. Several times you have claimed not to care about this place yet you keep coming back. I know, I know, if you're let out of prison and given your username back you will not come back anymore. If that's true why in the world does it matter? You just think that getting what you want would be some kind of victory. It's really quite sad that you need this so badly. If you've been offered a staff position on other sites that you prefer to this one I suggest you go to one of those sites and never think about this place again. You just can't do that though. You can't stand the thought of someone getting the best of you even though no one here will even notice if you log out tonight and never return. We will never think about you again. I think it's important for you to understand that we don't know you. If we bumped into each other on the street I wouldn't know you as the guy from wrestlezone forums who can't get out of prison. You don't have to carry any shame. It doesn't have to be your identity. Get back in touch with reality and find something else to do with your life.
Many people have told you several times there are other ways to do that besides using your forum username. You're just too damn stubborn to accept that.

No; I have tried several of those other ways, only to then be told it needs "confirmation", or some other kind of crap I see no way to change. I come back days later, & my comment isn't there. I'll take proven facts over the statements of the members here.

You feel that you are a victim of some kind of horrible injustice by being put in a fictitious prison on a wrestling internet forum.

Erase the "You feel....", & you'll have a correct statement, which must be rare in your posts.

Several times you have claimed not to care about this place yet you keep coming back.

Much the same way others have posted about avatars/lacking one affecting you, your posts, & the way they/you are treated, I believe this fully-untrue name gives what I say a lack of respect, among other things. Even if I were posting on-topic in the wrestling/sports/TV/other-related areas, my posts would be laughed at & cast aside largely due to the name I have been given.

If that's true why in the world does it matter?

I want to have the proper name attached to these posts for the above-mentioned reason. Also, for similar reasons, I want the proper name attached to my comments on the main site's pieces.

You just think that getting what you want would be some kind of victory.

Whereas you think.... Nothing at all. (Really; Why make that statement?! No relevance!)

It's really quite sad that you need this so badly.

Maybe the way you think of it, which means there is incorrect perception somewhere on your part.

If you've been offered a staff position on other sites that you prefer to this one I suggest you go to one of those sites and never think about this place again.

I would, except some have Admins that can't agree, & some offer me positions & powers, but others ban my IP, etc.

You just can't do that though.

I can't do that due to the above-given reasons that have nothing to do with anything I said/did.

You can't stand the thought of someone getting the best of you

These forums have rarely gotten my "good", & will never get my "best".

even though no one here will even notice if you log out tonight and never return. We will never think about you again.

Bullsh**. The threads prove you people post to/about me, & in threads largely about me, almost-incessantly, even during a recent month I spent miles away from any computers... Also, I get "rep" & things on posts during those same time periods.

I think it's important for you to understand that we don't know you.

Well-aware. If you did, you'd be offering me your respect, as well as any power you have here.

You don't have to carry any shame.

You should, yet it seems you do not. Why would you think that I do, or even think that I myself think that I do?!

It doesn't have to be your identity.

Again, well-aware.

Get back in touch with reality and find something else to do with your life.

The irony is posting here as much as I have gives you all far more respect than any of you have ever shown me. I am doing things & surviving crises all over when offline on the same days I pay this place any attention.
I would, except some have Admins that can't agree, & some offer me positions & powers, but others ban my IP, etc.

So you've been put in prison here and banned on other sites. It's everyone else's fault. The problem can't possibly be with you.

Bullsh**. The threads prove you people post to/about me, & in threads largely about me, almost-incessantly, even during a recent month I spent miles away from any computers... Also, I get "rep" & things on posts during those same time periods.

A quick visit to your other thread shows you posted on December 18. The last reply was only two days later until you bumped the thread a month after that. I'm shocked to see a month went by without you posting. I would have thought you finally gave up if I bothered to think about you at all. Get over yourself. Nobody noticed or gave a shit that you were gone.
You cannot possibly have anything of importance to say. Nothing with any substance anyways. If you did, then it wouldnt matter what your username is. Why is it so important for you to post on the main page? Because you think we are all missing out on your comedic genius? Because mommy said you are a good writer? Is your name Clark Kent & you are afraid of plagiarism?

People will respect you for how you carry yourself & what comes out of your mouth. In regard to both of those things, you have proven to be worthless. It doesnt matter what name you have on here, if you are good then people will take notice.

Maybe since you burned bridges elsewhere, its time to look at yourself for being the problem. Try being better & then you might get somewhere. Or here is a tip, turn off your computer. If your 'real' life is so important why the fuck do you care about an internet forum? A place where you have absolutely no say or control over anything, yet think you are owed everything you demand?

Threatening admins & mods wont get you very far. Especially when you think we should 'give' you respect simply for showing up. Like its a honor for you to grace us with your presence.
The problem with making ultimatums is that not only do you have to be in a position to execute that ultimatum, but also that the implied threat carried within the ultimatum is sufficient enough to compel obedience.

Neither is occurring here.
The best part is that only Sly or I can do anything about this. Sly doesn't know this guy exists as far as I can tell and I'm having way too much fun seeing how long he'll do this for.
It really is sad how much this means to you. You've convinced yourself that you're gods gift to this forum. Your ego is so massive you've deluded yourself into thinking you're something special, when in reality your pretty average. It's not even that funny anymore. you need to step away from the computer, forget your pathetic quest for "justice" and go and experience the real world for a while.
And yet again, not a single fuck was given. Get out and get a life you parasitic douche bag. Stop taking up space in your parents basement. Stop coming here when you know that nothing you say or do will get you out of the prison. Go get some fresh air and stop caring so much about a fake prison that has absolutely no real life implications.
I'm shocked to see a month went by without you posting. I would have thought you finally gave up if I bothered to think about you at all. Get over yourself. Nobody noticed or gave a shit that you were gone.

You say that, yet many posts show up in the threads I create regarding my situation, most of them to/about me & some even by you & other staff, without me posting anything anywhere at all during that same stretch of time.

Also, I'm not saying you ever thought about me at all, but that's because we can both admit you are incapable of any thought at all.
Jaws 2 reference?

Are you the Lebron sucks guy?

Yup, he is. Which honestly would have been fine if he had bothered to back it up...if I remember from his original prison thread, Sly asked him "why do you think Lebron sucks?" or something along those lines and this guy a whole rant about how "it's self evident" and rather than providing some evidence, decided to get this attitude...

Sly even said, if I remember, he'd let him out, give him his old name back and everything for just one piece of legit evidence, this guy dug in harder because he's an idiot...

This rant was way too long
You say that, yet many posts show up in the threads I create regarding my situation, most of them to/about me & some even by you & other staff, without me posting anything anywhere at all during that same stretch of time.

Also, I'm not saying you ever thought about me at all, but that's because we can both admit you are incapable of any thought at all.

Yes, when you create a new thread people line up to make fun of you. That is true. However, if you were to log out and never return nobody would ever mention you again.

Yup, he is. Which honestly would have been fine if he had bothered to back it up...if I remember from his original prison thread, Sly asked him "why do you think Lebron sucks?" or something along those lines and this guy a whole rant about how "it's self evident" and rather than providing some evidence, decided to get this attitude...

Sly even said, if I remember, he'd let him out, give him his old name back and everything for just one piece of legit evidence, this guy dug in harder because he's an idiot...

This rant was way too long

This is what the guy does. He thinks something is automatically true just because he says it. I have no problem with a guy that thinks what he says is true. That's normal. It's not normal that someone is never able to back up his opinion. He simply says something like it's so obvious there is no need for him to back it up or tells you to do the research yourself. If something is so obvious that there is no need to back it up then there is no need to even say it in the first place. If it's not obvious and I ask for reasons or evidence to support your opinion you should be able to supply some.

This guy will never get it. I have never seen one single person that has agreed with him since being put in prison yet it's impossible to think the problem is with him. It must be EVERYONE else. I'm still hoping he is just doing this for fun when he's bored. I hope he's having a laugh at our expense about how he's able to succussfully troll people on the internet because I really hate to think there could be someone this sad and delusional among us.
Yup, he is.

Be more specific; Anyone intelligent knows Lebron sucks.

Which honestly would have been fine if he had bothered to back it up...Sly asked him "why do you think Lebron sucks?" or something along those lines and this guy a whole rant about how "it's self evident"

Which it is.

and rather than providing some evidence, decided to get this attitude...

Is the sky blue? Sun yellow? Mars red? Yes. Do I need to provide evidence of those for you to agree? Not likely, for you can see it. Same with Lebron being awful.

Sly even said, if I remember, he'd let him out, give him his old name back and everything for just one piece of legit evidence, this guy dug in harder because he's an idiot...

No; I "dug in harder" because Sly also said even if I did all that, I would not be released.
Yes, when you create a new thread people line up to make fun of you. That is true.

Not what I was referring to. I was referring to people posting to/about me. I have no problem with that, as everyone has a right to their opinions. However, many here (you included) seem unable to differentiate between opinion(s) & fact(s).

However, if you were to log out and never return nobody would ever mention you again.

You have no way to prove that, whereas my long absences prove many (only counting among the Staff) are unable to survive without mentioning me.

He thinks something is automatically true just because he says it. I have no problem with a guy that thinks what he says is true. That's normal.

That's not normal; It's a description of yourself.

It's not normal that someone is never able to back up his opinion.

Nor is that relevant, or anything close to this situation.

He simply says something like it's so obvious there is no need for him to back it up or tells you to do the research yourself.

In my last post, I stated the sun was yellow & Mars red. Much of the time, these are true & visible to the average eye. Nobody asks me to back those up, probably due to those reasons. Yet when I make other statements about things that are visible just as easily, people ask for proof... I think it's just because people want me to do the work for them, same as me telling them to search for the proof of claims they make.

If something is so obvious that there is no need to back it up then there is no need to even say it in the first place.

I'd agree with that completely if Sly & others like him didn't seem insistent on disagreeing with me on the obvious statements I make.

If it's not obvious and I ask for reasons or evidence to support your opinion you should be able to supply some.

Not supplying them does not mean I am unable to do so.

This guy will never get it.

Again, I agree, if by "it", you mean the reason I was imprisoned, which itself never has existed.

I have never seen one single person that has agreed with him since being put in prison

That's because those that agree feel expressing that agreement would result in themselves being imprisoned.

...it's impossible to think the problem is with him. It must be EVERYONE else.

I wouldn't say it "must be", but in this case, it certainly is. Also, not saying "EVERYONE else", simple the seemingly-more-vocal majority.

...I really hate to think there could be someone this sad and delusional among us.

There is something far more pathetic, sad, & delusional among us. He calls himself "The Brain".
Not what I was referring to. I was referring to people posting to/about me. I have no problem with that, as everyone has a right to their opinions. However, many here (you included) seem unable to differentiate between opinion(s) & fact(s).

You have no way to prove that, whereas my long absences prove many (only counting among the Staff) are unable to survive without mentioning me.

That's not normal; It's a description of yourself.

Nor is that relevant, or anything close to this situation.

In my last post, I stated the sun was yellow & Mars red. Much of the time, these are true & visible to the average eye. Nobody asks me to back those up, probably due to those reasons. Yet when I make other statements about things that are visible just as easily, people ask for proof... I think it's just because people want me to do the work for them, same as me telling them to search for the proof of claims they make.

I'd agree with that completely if Sly & others like him didn't seem insistent on disagreeing with me on the obvious statements I make.

Not supplying them does not mean I am unable to do so.

Again, I agree, if by "it", you mean the reason I was imprisoned, which itself never has existed.

That's because those that agree feel expressing that agreement would result in themselves being imprisoned.

I wouldn't say it "must be", but in this case, it certainly is. Also, not saying "EVERYONE else", simple the seemingly-more-vocal majority.

There is something far more pathetic, sad, & delusional among us. He calls himself "The Brain".

cool story bro. I heard something once about successful trolls being successful.
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