JUST heroes for the Wyatts.

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
So what happens if The Wyatt Family were able to steamroll through the WWE? Laying waste and claiming followers.

You got Bray Wyatt, Kane with a beard(hopefully), those other dudes, whoever the hell else they want to be the sheep being lead by the wolves. They could essentially build an army around Bray Wyatt and make him nearly untouchable because of his followers. Will they? Probably not, but I hope so. Of course some fans might start not liking the anti-realism of the whole thing, but isn't this based off real events? The Manson family sorta?

Anyways so yeah, Bray Wyatt and his family would pretty much be a force to be reckoned with in numbers and force. You'd be towards the end of Raw, a rematch from Summerslam... Daniel Bryan Vs John Cena... but of course, this is the WWE, there is no clean finish. The Wyatt Family interupts the match while Daniel Bryan has Cena in the Yes Lock! Both Cena and Daniel Bryan get laid out, maybe a few other wrestlers from the back get laid out. Michael Cole is calling for justice at ringside...

Enter The Shield. The defenders of justice and all that stuff, the bad guys, are essentially the last hope. Of course, they most likely would get a huge pop if they interupted a major Wyatt Family attack, thus making them the faces of justice.

Just saying with the arrival of the Wyatt Family and if they can be established as a legit threat, their is a massive potential for The Shield to get over big as faces.

I'm still looking forward to The Shield rolling through Summerslam with a win and facing Undertaker at Survivor Series in an elimination tag. (Speculating)

Would you like to see the Shield go face? Do you think they have pretty much gotten as far as they can in their current heel run?(They've faced everyone but Punk).
Yeah I would love to see them turn face, Wyatts vs Shield. Would make great matches... Imagine what they could do, With Seth Rollins who is born to be a face and reigns who has that superman feel, maybe they could break off Ambrose, I don't think he would make a good face
I don't want to see the whole Shield turn face. For me, Reigns is perfect as a heel. I agree that Seth Rollins would be a good face, but my vote for a face turn goes to Dean Ambrose. I don't mean a Cena-esque face turn, but more a la SCSA. Like with Stone Cold, I get a major lone wolf vibe from Dean Ambrose and think such a turn could work well for him, especially if WWE is planning to push him as a singles competitor.
I have two MAJOR problems with this scenario and that is that you have it taking place the night after Summerslam. Now as far as I'm considered I don't see how the Wyatt's could build an army in about 22 days. Which if broken down is about 3 RAWs I believe and 3 Smackdowns. Now of course getting them more followers is a good idea as it places their stable higher than the others however looking at it logically it doesn't work yet. Now conceptually the idea could work but for them to properly amass an "army" I feel like they need to have been on television for at least 3 months. Now of course having 4 massive Men in wrestling is comparable to a militia but whn I hear army and think of that in reference to wrestling I'm thinking from 8-10 people who all need to be logically added to the group and not thrown together so clearly this idea needs the time that you are not giving it.

The Second Problem also deals with "time" but it's not the kind of time that you'd think. Sure having the Shield turn face to fight the Wyatt's could work well. However, do you really want The Wyatt Family to suffer a significant loss to a group with less numbers than they do this early on on their career. I don't think so which is why it is my belief that the should and Wyatts need to stay clear of each other for however long as possible.
What if we let this build through Survivor Series....

Wyatt Family gets Kane to join. They terrorize WWE through the summer and into Sept/Oct. Undertaker himself comes back to try to get his brother to leave the Wyatt Family, only to be attacked by all. Taker has no choice but to challenge the entire Wyatt Family, plus Kane, with three partners to be revealed at Survivor Series...

When SS rolls around, Taker is in the ring.."and his partners....."


Yeah I would love to see them turn face, Wyatts vs Shield. Would make great matches... Imagine what they could do, With Seth Rollins who is born to be a face and reigns who has that superman feel, maybe they could break off Ambrose, I don't think he would make a good face

i don't know what's being forced into your body, but please, for all that is good and decent, break away from your assailants and seek medical help.
Individually, none the shield are anything special. reigns is a generic bland guy too small to be considered a big man, and too big to be considered a little guy. rollins (is he the one with long hair that's 2 colors?) just screams midcard heel jobber, not face. he's the shield's luther reigns, mason ryan, test, jindrak, ohaire, stasiak, and so many others it's too hard and actually painful for me to list them because doing so would mean thinking about things I spent good money on having a shrink help me forget.
and ambrose is the modern version of marty jennetty. the one people are hyping up the stratosphere as the future breakout star of the group, but who is so bland and dull in appearance and roll, he's going to fall down and never live up to the hype.
Main difference in Shield are three individuals who are all rock solid as singkles also. The Wyatts are Bray's platform, the other pair are nothing more than Godwinn Brothers, Jacob and Eli Blu like nobodies. As a group they have a spot, but when Bray goes solo, they will perish. For the time being I am loving to see where this is going, first Kane brainwashed. then maybe others who are completely lost in the shuffle and could use a storyline with Wyatts, like Swagger or Kingston lol
I love the idea of them fueding with undertaker ar SurvivorSeries. The sheild suprisingly showing up as his partners would be great. If they didnt go with the shield and this is totaly a dream.. i would love to see this as the match HBK comes back and we get HHH HBK Foley and taker vs the family which is the other option i think would work best for the wyatts.
Shield-Wyatts would be a great feud and I think everyone can realize that.

The Shield would get great pops and everything to start, but after a feud with the Wyatts where do they go from there? Split up right after that and launch singles careers?

If WWE could somehow manage to do this as a heel-heel feud it could be perfect. They could claim that they run Raw and if anyone's gonna take those guys out it's gonna be them. I would love to see them be the guys who are for 'justice' and seem like badass faces, but if they want to keep this stable together as soon as this feud ends they should quickly go back to attacking a babyface that is really over.
i don't know what's being forced into your body, but please, for all that is good and decent, break away from your assailants and seek medical help.
Individually, none the shield are anything special. reigns is a generic bland guy too small to be considered a big man, and too big to be considered a little guy. rollins (is he the one with long hair that's 2 colors?) just screams midcard heel jobber, not face. he's the shield's luther reigns, mason ryan, test, jindrak, ohaire, stasiak, and so many others it's too hard and actually painful for me to list them because doing so would mean thinking about things I spent good money on having a shrink help me forget.
and ambrose is the modern version of marty jennetty. the one people are hyping up the stratosphere as the future breakout star of the group, but who is so bland and dull in appearance and roll, he's going to fall down and never live up to the hype.

With all due respect, I disagree partially with your assessment here. First, I do agree about Seth Rollins. He has put on some amazing matches, but his character doesn't have me invested. He just seems to be missing that "it" factor. The same can be said of Roman Reigns, but I do see potential for him being a top heel, if not on the upper card, at least the mid-card. Where I disagree most, though, is your assessment of Dean Ambrose. He just has the look of being demented and wanting to hurt someone just for fun. Also, watch him on the independent circuit - for me his showings there were impressive - much more so than has been the case in WWE. Also, with Ambrose, WWE would have a solid guy for any hardcore type matches.
Individually, none the shield are anything special. reigns is a generic bland guy too small to be considered a big man, and too big to be considered a little guy. rollins (is he the one with long hair that's 2 colors?) just screams midcard heel jobber, not face. he's the shield's luther reigns, mason ryan, test, jindrak, ohaire, stasiak, and so many others it's too hard and actually painful for me to list them because doing so would mean thinking about things I spent good money on having a shrink help me forget.
and ambrose is the modern version of marty jennetty. the one people are hyping up the stratosphere as the future breakout star of the group, but who is so bland and dull in appearance and roll, he's going to fall down and never live up to the hype.

Nope. Nope nope nope nope.

Reigns is improving monthly, Rollins is one of the best in-ring competitors in the WWE, and could be big with the right gimmick post-Shield, and Ambrose is a damn fine promo cutter who could get over with any crowd. Stop trolling and/or talking out of your ass.

Now, as for the Wyatts vs. the Shield, I would love that. A Shield face turn would only work in the short-term, since attacking heels 3 on 1 wouldn't be very face-y. But for the purpose of a match with the Wyatt's, I would be okay with that. Let's face it, if the Shield's music hit during a Wyatt family attack, once the Wyatt family is establishes as a real threat, the pop would be immense.

There was one idea someone mentioned about the Wyatt family and Kane against The Shield and the Undertaker at Survivor Series. While that match would be awesome and probably be a decent draw, it would mean the Undertaker would have to forget The Shield taking him out, and the Shield would have to still be together then.

But yeah, if The Shield turned face, got their match with the Wyatts, then were forced to break up because of a heel GM, I'd really enjoy that. They could then go about establishing themselves as singles competitors. And, in years to come, we'd have Ambrose vs Rollins or Ambrose vs. Reigns billed as "X years in the making." But I may be getting ahead of myself there...
It could be interesting to see The Shield turn face and feud with the Wyatt Family. I question whether or not there is space in the roster for both heel stables so this could be a good move. A problem with the match itself is that one of the stables would have to loose and that may damage momentum.

Looking long term The Shield have to break up. They are all talented and need to prove themselves individually. If The Shield are face; we could see something like Reigns turning heel and attacking Ambrose/Rollins and have a feud with either. I'm undecided but Ambrose will probably be better suited as a heel and Rollins could be a face.
Your booking is stupid (surprise, surprise) but you actually stumbled across an intriguing idea. Shield going face to take on the Wyatts, after the Wyatts have actually established themselves as a real threat, could work out marvelously. After months of dominating the roster, Bray could be cutting one of his inane problems and say something along the lines of "No one can stop us." Then The Shield's music hits and an incredible moment is made. They wouldn't even have to lose their edge or really even change their M.O. They would just be beating up 3 heels instead of 3 faces.

I like it.

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