Just a thought

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Moon Knight

Original Prince of Darkness
TNA needs a better TV deal, who thinks maybe TNA could try to get a TV deal on a major network on saturday nights? Nobody airs anything there so they wouldn't have much to go up against other than college football for a brief period. What network may give it a go? Maybe Fox during the summer so they can try something other than cops and america most wanted.
I like TNA on Spike but I really do think that they need a two hour slot. Half the matches are annoyingly rushed and there's weeks - sometimes months - between us seeing active wrestlers. Same network, longer time slot...
^I'm in agreeance with you on the extended timeslot. It'll allow the show to progress in a more natural fashion and keep new talent on the brain instead of having the casual viewer forget who the hell they're watching. I just hope they don't book it in a mish-mash order like WWE to generate better quarter hour ratings. It makes it tougher for the undercard to generate pops when the main-eventers go out to wrestle in the first hour. I personally think they should still secure a Monday slot on Spike and re-ignite the Wars again. The best way to catch the WWE demographic is to occupy the same space during the same hours and make sure you're running your show when they're at commercials. This was how people discovered Nitro.
Kasey said:
^I'm in agreeance with you on the extended timeslot. It'll allow the show to progress in a more natural fashion and keep new talent on the brain instead of having the casual viewer forget who the hell they're watching. I just hope they don't book it in a mish-mash order like WWE to generate better quarter hour ratings. It makes it tougher for the undercard to generate pops when the main-eventers go out to wrestle in the first hour. I personally think they should still secure a Monday slot on Spike and re-ignite the Wars again. The best way to catch the WWE demographic is to occupy the same space during the same hours and make sure you're running your show when they're at commercials. This was how people discovered Nitro.

They go head to head with Raw now and they will die in months. Even the TNA wrestlers don't think they can right now, the dudleyz when asked admitted it. But if you want TNA to fall apart in 2 years, by all means do it. They don't have the main eventers to challenge WWE, ask spike tv as they have wanting TNA to get more of them.

FYI, The reason nobody in TNA is elevated to maineventer is because of Jarrett. Look at his title runs in number and length compared to all others.
DeathIsARight said:
They go head to head with Raw now and they will die in months. Even the TNA wrestlers don't think they can right now, the dudleyz when asked admitted it. But if you want TNA to fall apart in 2 years, by all means do it. They don't have the main eventers to challenge WWE, ask spike tv as they have wanting TNA to get more of them.

FYI, The reason nobody in TNA is elevated to maineventer is because of Jarrett. Look at his title runs in number and length compared to all others.
That's the same attitude that people spat forth when Nitro debuted. A little friendly competition wouldn't hurt. Besides, I myself watch TNA because I'm a fan of wrestling, as I imagine the other viewers are. I wasn't an idiot who stuck around because I was watching the Ultimate Fighter. TNA to fall apart in 2 years? They make most of their money off merchandising and DVD sales. Not by advertising revenue, which is what the TV show generates. They have the main eventers to challenge anybody. They don't have the existing foothold and decades-old exposure that WWE does. If WWE started out fresh the way the way they are now...they'd fold in only a MONTH. Jarrett has kept the title because he is the biggest heel in terms of scooping heat and the promotion is his baby. He's like Triple H (who had his shots because he humped the bosses' daughter) or Ric Flair (in his prime) who was always solid on the mic. It's always better going into a PPV to watch the face chase the heel with the belt. This is why Wrestlemania almost always has the face win the title each year and the season resets itself. The same cycle has been going for many years now. And FYI, there are plenty of main-eventers in TNA, but they don't need to wear gold to be important to the fans. They can wrestle good. That actually counts for some people.
DeathIsARight said:

I guess thats why the dudleys are against it. Jarrett hogs that belt to the point where even the fans want it off him. TNA has very few main eventers, because to be called a maineventer you have to be....SHOCK...In the mainevent! Most of TNA's talent is held back, hence Monty Brown, their best future talent LEFT! Did you watch last years Mania? WHo held the belt? Face Cena or Heel Triple H? CENA DID!

Triplw H is an excellent wrestler and got the belt because he was GOOD! If you actually watched WWE you would know that! There are NO TNA wrestlers near him as thanks to the hour broadcast they can't show anything! Most matches are fast and boring, but you think thats awesome... :icon_rolleyes:

FYI, if you actually had watched Nitro, you would know they had a lot of talent! Like Flair, Sting, Luger, Hogan, Savage, Pillman, and people like Jimmy Hart and mean gene okerlund! For cryin out loud, Flar wrestled sting on the FIRST show! They had a lot of talent and huge names! But you didn't know that!
The fact you championed Monty Brown just removed any credibility you may have ever had. He's the black Batista. He couldn't entertain a crowd past ten minutes if he spontaneously combusted (for proof watch the World Title shot he got against Christian a while back...it was as entertaining as watching snails mate). He's a one trick pony that is only good to watch hit his finisher then spout a catchphrase and get the hell off TV. Yes, Cena was given the "main event" slot. He's still shit in the ring, though. His gimmick was successful, not his wrestling. Want proof? Watch Wrestlemania 21. Both main events were upstaged by a old man from San Antonio taking on Kurt Angle in a clear display of who really should be sporting the gold. I've watched more WWE than you could imagine...and Triple H got his entrenched spot in the company because he's porking Vince's daughter. He's good...but not "that damn good." I still remember Jean Paul Levesque back from his WCW days when he was actually semi-talented and had a large arsenal of moves. If anything, he deserved more props for those days than for what he does now in the ring. The only difference now is that he spits Evian before a match, hosts the Mr. O, and hires Motorhead to take a dump on their own legacy by playing a Wrestlemania.

Most matches are fast and boring? Yes, because action in the ring is a turnoff. This must be why you tune in to WWE each week. I like solidly executed wrestling done in a high impact fashion and matches that entertain for a duration of longer than five minutes (which wasn't always the case, mind you). You like horribly slow, unentertaining matches that put a crowd into a collective coma (which the WWE is chock full of these days). Remember, some of us tune in for solid WRESTLING, not just gimmicks and half naked chicks.

I watched WCW before it was even WCW, let alone almost every telecast of Nitro, Thunder, Saturday Night, Prime, and Worldwide from its inception all the way down to its end. I still remember watching Flair fight Sting for the first time in '88 at the Clash, so stop wasting keystrokes with concern to what I know when it comes to WCW.
DeathIsARight said:
So you were watching it since you were 5? It was called WCW in 1988 when that show aired you know.........You lost all respect by attacking HHH. Let me guess, next you are going to say is HBK is a bad wrestler?
No, in 1988 it was called the National Wrestling Alliance. It didn't officially disregard the NWA moniker until after Ted Turner bought it complete from Bill Watts sometime later. No, I didn't lose all respect because I actually have well crafted opinions to back it up why I think Levesque is way overrated by most WWE marks. Triple H is a solid worker, but hardly worthy of all of his time on the belt(s). HBK isn't bad these days, but he's a damn shell of his former self, but then again, he's back in the ring to pay his bills from the incident at the T.W.A. a few years back. His repertoire is very limited by comparison to his heyday and he's become a routine man (much like Flair) instead of the groundbreaking American wrestler deserving of the moniker "The Showstopper." The only times he has shown his original self was during matches with guys like Jericho or Angle. Otherwise, his matches are snoozers where I can call three or four spots out ahead of time, in sequence. He used to come out of left field and scare the hell out of me with what he did in the ring.
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
I like TNA on Spike but I really do think that they need a two hour slot. Half the matches are annoyingly rushed and there's weeks - sometimes months - between us seeing active wrestlers. Same network, longer time slot...

It's coming. From what I've heard, late October at the earliest. But I'd look for it to happen in November.
THNB490 said:
Shut up, you clown. You dont know crap about wrestling, you need to just give up.

I dont follow this attack. At first i thought you are some bitch WWE mark but you have pics of Chris Daniels, Joe and Punk. I think I'm missing something, not a big deal, but I'm curious to know why you said that.

As for the two hour time slot, there were rumblings about it a few months back but it was never comfirmed or made official or anything. I htink Spike is still pretty hesitant about it and i personally dont see it happening any time soon. Although I would fkn love it. I still remember the 2 hour special they had last year. OMG best weekly show from a mainstream wrestling company in probably the last 4-5 years. It was a PPV quality show. Granted they had an Ultimate X and World Title rematch but it was fkn incredible. The fact that they had so much more time and were able to let their matches go longer than 2 minutes really made the show a whole lot better than your usual Impact! The whole 42 minutes of TV a week is killing them and holding them back from creating a much better and more solid product.
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