I guess thats why the dudleys are against it. Jarrett hogs that belt to the point where even the fans want it off him. TNA has very few main eventers, because to be called a maineventer you have to be....SHOCK...In the mainevent! Most of TNA's talent is held back, hence Monty Brown, their best future talent LEFT! Did you watch last years Mania? WHo held the belt? Face Cena or Heel Triple H? CENA DID!
Triplw H is an excellent wrestler and got the belt because he was GOOD! If you actually watched WWE you would know that! There are NO TNA wrestlers near him as thanks to the hour broadcast they can't show anything! Most matches are fast and boring, but you think thats awesome...
FYI, if you actually had watched Nitro, you would know they had a lot of talent! Like Flair, Sting, Luger, Hogan, Savage, Pillman, and people like Jimmy Hart and mean gene okerlund! For cryin out loud, Flar wrestled sting on the FIRST show! They had a lot of talent and huge names! But you didn't know that!