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Judgement Day: Edge Vs Undertaker

Mighty NorCal

After winning the SD! Championship chase, Edge earned the right to have his ass whipped by UT for a third straight PPV. Share thoughs here

Welp. THe gogoplata is now outlawed. So it looks like Taker has to take an even more decisive victory over Edge, Via Tombstone or Last Ride. And there is no way it ends in DQ, becuase the title is vacant, so regardless of what happens, winner take all. I cant see Edge having a chance here, especially with the level of anger Taker has right now. Although this has every last oppurtunity for a screwy finish with Edge winning. If he doesnt, I really cant see him getting anymore title shots, as he has been put down decisively three times.
I freaking hate this match. The addition of this match has rendered this PPV totally worthless and fairly unwatchable. Instead of ordering the PPV or going some place to watch it, I'll either watch one of the last two UT v. Edge matches on YouTube....or I'll paint a wall and watch it dry.
I must say that there is every chance that Edge actually walk out the winner here. Although I would be very upset for this fued to continue much longer. It has been done so, so much that its not fun anymore.

I am fairly confident though, to say that Underaker will walk out the winner in this match looking fairly strong. I imagine the match will probaby be pretty good though. I wonder what the build up to this match will be like.

In the end Undetaker will walk out strong probably with a Piledriver.
Even though we all knew this one was coming, and even though Edge and Taker are two of my 5 favorites, I was hoping for something different. Stripping Taker of the title seems kind of pointless in retrospect, though there's no surprises here...though I still would rather see this rematch than ANOTHER Taker/Batista match haha.

Now, One Night Stand is only a few weeks from now and that's the gimmick ppv. Unfortunately, I think all signs are pointing to this match ending in some sort of controversy (if Taker wins both this and next time, it'll make Edge look weak)...whether its Edge cheating to win or both men being counted out/disqualified/not answering the 10 count. Then, they'll have a gimmick match....Last Man Standing or something....at ONS, where the feud finally ends and Edge finally gets rid of Vickie (and hopefully we do too lol). I'm getting a little tired of the exact same storyline, especially with Vickie behind the mic as she's horrid to look at and horrid to listen to.

Watch the WWE Creative team think they're pulling a fast one on us and have the same "Last Ride --> Sunset Flip --> Submission" deal that they've had twice now, but just have the Triangle Choke instead of the Googleplatypus or whatever its called.
While I've been told their Mania match was good, I wasn't impressed with the Backlash bout. So another straight wrestling match doesn't intrest me. They should have had surprise victors on Sunday. Possible Hawkins, Ryder & Edge. Stack the cards against Undertaker. It could be for the title. Edge is Takers equal, so it's not like losing 3-on-1 would harm him. I suspect Edge will walk out with the title amyway, culminating in a casket match at One Night Stand.
I really could care less as to who will win this one. Everything leading to this JD bout has been rendered pointless especially the title stripping. One thing, though: I believe if the Undertaker wins, it'll because of his ever "evolving" arsenal of holds and moves. Since the gogoplata was first used by Taker this year, WWE has been playing up the fact that UT evolves over time. That move is now banned. I believe if Taker wins, it'll be from a new move or submission hold we have not seen before. Hopefully, if that happens, he'll actually have other new moves to use other than "devestate" opponent after opponent if the gogoplata.
I don't think this match is going to end with a definite winner. If Edge loses 3 times in a row, he'll look weak. It would be a shame to see the best heel in the current roster be buried. If Edge wins, I'm sure Undertaker will win it back eventually if he was promised to have a long reign. Either way, Edge comes off looking bad.

I see this match ending in a DQ. Maybe Undertaker uses his banned choke hold then Vickie DQ's Undertaker. However, since a new champ can't be crowned with a DQ, the title remains vacant and the two face off at One Night Stand in some sort of gimmick match. This would be a perfect opportunity to get rid of Vicky as well. Maybe Edge could be pissed that Vickie ended the match in a DQ and thus breaks up with her.

Either way, I'm looking forward to this match. I loved Edge/Undertaker @ WM and Backlash.
The only way this match will work is if Edge wins. Taker already beat him twice, why strip him of the World title and have him win it back a couple of weeks later? The best scenario is Edge winning the title at Judgement Day, and at ONS there will be a gimmick match where Taker wins it back(or Edge defends it and Taker eventually goes to RAW to contend for the WWE title), this way Edge won't look weak because he managed to beat Taker at least once. I doubt WWE will do it that way though, Taker will probably destroy Edge once again in another predictable match where he reverses one of Edge's manuevers into a Tombstone Piledriver for the victory.
i kno this will end up happening but here its edge vs taker edge takes the match out side of the ring taker chases him while the refferee is knocked out from and unitended spear by edge ok so they are out side of the ring and ryder and hawkins comes out trying to take out the undertaker taker chokeslams both of them in the ring then once he goes for edge edge hits him with a chair the ref is still not up edge puts taker in the ring hits him with another chair shot edge wakes up the ref he covers him taker kicks out sits up gets up big boots edge then hits him with the chair undertaker is disqualified for letting his anger go to far this sets up an tlc or a ladder match at one night stand and the winner there will be undertaker and if the fued continues it will be hell in a cell at night of champions
I think that this match will end in a DQ/draw in order to prepare for either a casket match or (my personal favorite) a Hell in a Cell match at One Night Stand. I just don't see them assigning the championship when the next PPV is only two weeks away.
The unofficial thing to look at is the gimmick Pay Per View sitting 'pretty' 2 weeks after Judgment Day. With that said, its almost completely ******ed and down right stupid to have Edge drop 3 straight p.p.v. matches to the Undertaker.

I think Edge picking up the win, only to drop the title 2 weeks later isn't the best alternative either. That would take us all the way back to the horrible memory of Edge cashing in his MITB shot the first time, only to drop the title 3 weeks later to the same guy he took it from. Its pointless and hurts Edge as a whole. (to me, anyways)

This is a lose, lose situation for Edge. If he drops this match to the Undertaker, then he'll have lost 3 straight Pay Per View single's matches. And it'll make him look completely out of the league of the Smackdown Main Event. However, if he wins the Championship only to drop it in a gimmick match to the Undertaker two weeks later, it'll make his Championship victory and overall win over the Undertaker to look like a complete and utter fluke. Lose, lose.

I want, wish and hope Edge will pull one out and then shock all of us when he keeps it and Taker doesn't actually get it back. However Taker fans are already crying, bitching and moaning about him being stripped of the Championship. (which by the way was completely pointless, when he didn't have to reearn a spot back in the Championship match. What was the point of that?!) In the end, win lose or draw, Taker will somehow be the World Heavyweight Champion within the next 3 weeks, making this match as close to pointless as you can get.

EDIT: The very best alternative, would be to have Edge lose.. however have someone either return (Sid Vicious persay, doubtful I know) or have a monster heel immediately attack the Undertaker.. which takes all the focus off Edge losing 3 in a row, and instantly sets up Taker's next feud.
im hoping this could see the time of umagas switch to smackdown, umaga was just starting to get pushed again until Jeff came back on smackdown and beat him, which to me was pointless and proved umaga to be the "guy who will get some wins but lose when someone needs to go over"....u cud have umaga just randomly come out in the middle of this match and take out both men for no reason, or maybe have it set up with a backstage incident before the match....
this match ends in a no contest with no title holder still...goes onto one night stand where if rumours are to be believed it will be an all extreme rules night, so umaga once again comes out, this tme only attacks taker and leaves him "dead" for edge to pick up the win...after the match umaga goes nuts on edge, till vickie comes out and umaga takes her out too, leaves him as a bit of a tweener, heel for taking out taker but MASSIVE face for ridding us of vickie once and for all. then have a 2way battle for the main event between edge and umaga while taker is out for a few weeks, setting up a feud between taker and umaga for the title after umaga picks up his much deserved first world title
i believe i read a few weeks ago that edge was supposed to take some time off because he was burned out..that being said i think this will be edges farwell match for a couple of months and when he comes back thats when he will win back the title around unforgiven
First let's get one thing perfectly clear. Edge sucks, he is horrible. I don't understand why they keep throwing him down our throats. Yeah he is okay on the mic but if you look at all of his title wins, they were mostly by controversy. None of them were legit and to call him Taker's equal is a joke. I hate Edge, he is an average wrestler. If he were to quit, us fans of the WWE would be much better off. Taker needs to have a long title reign, this garbage with stripping him of the title is stupid. It makes no sense what so ever. I really hope that Undertaker goes over in this match. So what if it makes Edge look weak, big deal. He is annoying and if he were standing right in front of me I would say these exact words in front of him. GAME OVER!

So says the King!
I have really been disappointed and bored with this feud. Considering its the only main feud that Smackdown has at the moment I at least thought it would be good or decent.

Their match at WM24 was good but not great. I haven't seen their Backlash match yet so I cant completely judge. But having it on 3 straight ppvs completely bores me especially without a gimmick.

If Undertaker wins then seriously what was the point of stripping him of his World title in the first place? However, I think Edge will win by DQ but the title will still remain vacant until One Night Stand where Taker will emerge victorious in some time of gimmick.

BTW I think Edge's matches with the Undertaker have proved that he is good but overrated as I have enjoyed Batista vs Undertaker much more than Undertaker vs Edge. Next month I reckon Edge will ditch Vickie somehow which will lead to an Edge vs Big Show feud maybe.
You know, lately this one has become kinda unpredictable. Taker winning again serves little to no purpose. Edge winning for a rematch at ONS would be fine. ANd no one winning would be fine. There is almost NO telling me that they arent gonna continue this into ONS and do something insane there. Something involving no DQ, with Taker being able to utilize his choke hold. I like the unpredictability of this thing, so im guess either an Edge win, or a no contest. no contest seems the most likely result from a Judgement day PPV
Undertaker and Edge are probably my 2 favorite wrestlers of all time. I've been so happy since they started the feud at No Way Out. I personally think their match at WM24 was one of the best matches in recent memory, but now this feud has gotten dull. I mean, Edge isn't even part of the feud anymore, now it's more Vickie vs. Undertaker.
That would make sense. As much as I hate Edge and seeing him beat Taker would make me barf, moving over the Undertaker to Raw would be best. Raw is the A show and the best in WWE should be on it. Keep Edge on the second rate show, considering he is a second rate wrestler makes all the sense in the world. Personally I think they need to end the Brand split but that is for another story!

So says the King!
Taker and Edge are my 2 favourite wrestlers too, but this feud has really gotten stale. I was looking forward to this feud ever since Edge cashed in his MitB. But WWE backed themselves into a corner where either man will come out looking horrible in this feud.

If Edge loses AGAIN, he'll be buried. He's lost 3 consecutive PPV's to Undertaker. All this feud is doing is making one of the top heels in the company look weak. If Edge wins, that just adds another short and pointless reign to Undertaker's resume.

This feud has really turned into Vickie vs Undertaker, and again, it's making Edge look bad. I assumed that Edge was just using Vickie to get what he wants. But now it seems that Edge is Vickie's bitch in her vendetta with Undertaker. Vickie is stealing all of the heat from the fans, something that Edge should be getting.

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