Will Punk Cash in at Judgement Day?

I actually take back what i said earlier, i actually think that Money in the Bank will be cashed in on 2009 WWE Night of Champions. Now i know what your thinking, why Night of Champions?
Well, I gathered all the numbers. When I say all the numbers I mean i figured out when each MitB Match was and when the Briefcase was cashed in. And it just so happens that, on average, the money in the bank briefcase will be cashed in about 16-17 Weeks, specifically 118 Days, which is right around Night of Champions. Specifically its 6 days after Night of Champions, but the reason i chose a Pay-Per-View is because the MitB Briefcase has benn cashed 3 out of 4 times on a Pay-Per-View.
So thats what i think will happen, just think about and go ahead and do the #'s yourself, it always comes out to 16-17 Weeks After Wrestlemania.
I like the idea of him cashing it in soon and then losing. But after losing in a match that makes him look good he could then be taken seriously as a #1 contender. Then he can work up a good feud with Jericho or Edge and then win it in a strong match that makes him look credible so he can have a good reign this time.
I think this is a prime example of people not being ready for the next step within the Company. Now, by no means am I singling out NoFate in this opinion, but a lot of what NoFate said rings true..

Basically, people aren't ready for guys like Morrison, Punk, Umaga and Benjamin to step up and be the Main guys. While we see rematch after rematch of Edge/Cena/Triple H/Orton, etc, etc.. the fact is, when a World title match, or a Main Event suddenly hints at adding guys like Morrison, Miz, Punk, Umaga, etc.. without any build for a longer period of time.. it's something "too new" that people don't take well to.

In my opinion, I think Punk/Morrison will be the feud for the Heavyweight Championship on Smackdown, by no later than this September. Yes, Edge is still around and yes he can still go. You also have Mysterio, Jericho, Kane, Taker, and several others in which you could toss the strap around.. but that isn't helping your future.

If Punk takes the title, a guy like Benjamin, Umaga and Morrison INSTANTLY get elevated, because they've either defeated Punk, or have all the proper tools TO defeat Punk.. and it makes them not just a threat, but also a realistic contender.

See, I'd be perfectly fine with Shelton, Punk, Umaga, Morrison, Miz, etc being top guys. Well, I think Miz is better suited for a midcard title right now, but I'm a big fan of him. Morrison and Shelton are two of my favorites at the moment, and out of every "monster" in the WWE, I think Umaga is the best. I just don't think the people in charge to make those decisions are willing to take the steps. I have no faith that they would really set up these younger guys to take up a main event spot like they should. They'll probably just be forced to do it in the next 3 years by default, when everyone leaves, since it seems like everyone panics too much.

For WrestleMania 24, instead of getting the much better suited Cena/Orton match, we were forced to have HHH added in there as well. For WM25 this year, instead of having the much better suited Edge/Hardy match, Jeff was demoted to losing his title a month after winning it and then having a midcard no-DQ match with his brother. Shows they weren't willing to trust them to even have a standard match, let alone trust Jeff to main event. Every time we start thinking that they're FINALLY going to start pushing someone new, they cop out. Even with the Money in the Bank this year, they copped out. Instead of giving it to someone new that could've benefited from it very well, like Shelton, they just gave it to Punk again, as if they didn't trust anybody else and figured Punk was the safer, "less work for us to do" option. I'd love to see Morrison/Jericho as the main event of WrestleMania XXVI where Morrison gets the title and gets a sort of HBK/WM12 moment...but we're talking about the company that can't seem to watch monitors and chew gum at the same time.

On the topic of Punk cashing it in and losing the match, I hope everyone's suggesting that he cashes it in with an advance and loses, NOT that he cashes it in during a "surprise". How bad would that make Punk look if say, Edge was beaten down, bloody, and just barely retained his title...then a totally fresh Punk comes out, cashes it in, and LOSES? That would instantly kill whatever little credibility they want to keep the guy running on - and its obvious they don't want to give him too much credibility, since every time he picks up steam, they completely reverse it. MITB, jobs out. King of the Ring finals, but loses to Regal. Wins the WHC, but can only beat JBL clean. Loses the championship, so he randomly wins the tag titles, and does nothing with them and loses them on a house show. So he wins the IC title. Loses it without any defenses. Wins the MITB. Loses his first ppv match after that. The only way Punk can cash it in and not win the title, but walk out of the situation unscathed or in a better position, is if he challenges ahead of time and the heel cheats and gets a DQ or something. Like, if he were to come out the Smackdown after Extreme Rules, tell Edge he's cashing it in for the Great American Bash, and during that match, Punk almost beats Edge, but Edge gets a DQ and loses, but not the title itself. Then Punk can challenge him at SummerSlam and win the title there.
Punk cashin it in at Judgement Day is unlikely, but not fully impossible There is a slight possiblity that we could have a face champion after Judgement Day in Jeff Hardy considering that Edge hasnt had a decent title reign since last year. Thats whats keeping me to believe that he will because what sense will it make to have two faces feud wit eachother. The only time that worked in recent past was with Triple H and Cena, and Shawn and Taker. Cashing in on somebody doesnt exactly go unoticed.

Why do people say that hometowns dont matter when everytime Edge or John Cena in up in Massachusetts or Canada that its being talked about.
I dont think Punk will cash in the MITB in his hometown at Judgment Day because it's very predictable & we all know how WWE likes to swerve fans, i'm sorry, I meant the WWE universe, when they expect something to happen & doesnt, also most of the WWE wrestlers lose when they're in there hometowns.
MITB has only been 2 out of 4 times on PPV.

Edge took Kennedy's and cashed in on Undertaker after a cage match with batista and then after mark henry ran out and destroyed him even further.

I wouldnt mind a briefcase lose if as NoFate stated it made punk look good and led to a feud for the title..that he ends up winning.

I however, am not one to think the 100% chance is a bad thing, its extremely exciting to know that unless injury occurs that person is going to get a belt within a year. If they take that away I dont really think I'll give a fuck about the mitb match other then spot fest and it was one of the 3 things i wanted to watch at wm25 just to see whod be champ at some point this year.
Random Fantasy Booking- Have Christian lose the ECW title to Swagger. Then have Punk cash in the MITB in his hometown on an exhausted Edge. All of a sudden a bitter Christian comes out and saves his brother. The extremely pro-Punk crowd will absolutely hate the fact that Christian cost Punk his shot to become champion. Thus, you will have successfully turned Christian heel, and have united Edge and Christian on Smackdown.

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