JTG in singles competition

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Pre-Show Stalwart
If there is any new talent in the world i have been impressed with it is JTG.

No disrespect for Shad, but JTG has got the wrestling ability to be on his own. I hope next year him and Shad should split up in a good way. I don't want to see Shad turn on JTG and vice versa. I think a win over Jericho is a good start. I just hope wwe doesn't mess it up. I love some of his moves like the mug shot & the shout out. I think he can get over with the crowd by himself. I think JTG would make a big name for himself by doing this.

So what are your thoughts on this one? Do you see JTG making it as a single wrestler?
There's a lot of promising talent, and you're more impressed with JTG? No offense, but there are definitely several more superior rookies.

JTG would not get over in singles competition. He's barely getting pops now, and he doesn't have the main event stature. I don't see any merits in him.

He isn't anything special, IMO. I think there's more deserving talent that should get pushed instead of him. He's just another mid carder, and he'll likely stay that way.
Yeah right JTG would be a jobber. What would he do if not in tag team fashion? What would his gimmick be? He gets no pops like a poster above me said, and he is decent in the ring but bad on the mic. Maybe just maybe if he improved in the ring or had the personality or charisma he might go somewere.
JTG has never done anything in the tag team division. As someone who starts his career in the tag team division, it would be expected that he get significantly over in tag team competition in order to seem credible as a singles competitor. All that in mind, I don't see JTG doing much in the singles division anytime soon.
Are we talking about the same JTG thats in Cryme Tyme right? Lets face it Cryme Tyme is a waste right now. Now JTG on the other hand isn't. Yea he hasn't done anything with Cryme tyme. That doesn't mean he should not be a single competitor. I'm not saying JTG should be thrown in a title match. I'm just saying he should be in singles competition. He is a very good wrestler. Yes he needs to improve on the mic. The only thing he has done to impressed me this year. He lasted a good amount of time in the rumble, He beat Y2J a few months ago. The guy can wrestle better then.... Well Drew Mackintyre (not sure if spelled correctly). Its just Cryme Tyme is holding him back.
The only reason why JTG and Shad is still around is because they are the tag team division. They are basically the ghetto pep squad. The crowd likes them because they are black. That's it. If they were white, they would get cut in a heartbeat..
Are we talking about the same JTG thats in Cryme Tyme right? Lets face it Cryme Tyme is a waste right now. Now JTG on the other hand isn't. Yea he hasn't done anything with Cryme tyme. That doesn't mean he should not be a single competitor. I'm not saying JTG should be thrown in a title match. I'm just saying he should be in singles competition. He is a very good wrestler. Yes he needs to improve on the mic. The only thing he has done to impressed me this year. He lasted a good amount of time in the rumble, He beat Y2J a few months ago. The guy can wrestle better then.... Well Drew Mackintyre (not sure if spelled correctly). Its just Cryme Tyme is holding him back.

JTG has not exerted any qualities that show he could succeed as a singles competitor. You even admitted he's not that great on the mic, which is a vital, very vital quality to have as a singles star. His in-ring work is decent, but he doesn't tell a good story, which is also essential. I can't foresee JTG getting over well if he doesn't have very much mic ability, and his in-ring work is mediocre. Magically going into the singles division won't help him any as he'd be the same guy, and he is not very over now, so it's a moot idea.
JTG has not exerted any qualities that show he could succeed as a singles competitor. You even admitted he's not that great on the mic, which is a vital, very vital quality to have as a singles star. His in-ring work is decent, but he doesn't tell a good story, which is also essential. I can't foresee JTG getting over well if he doesn't have very much mic ability, and his in-ring work is mediocre.

Correction! I didn't say he was bad on the mic. I didn't say he was good on it either. But I think as time moves on he can improve. What the difference that JTG is doing that The Miz is doing? I know Miz has charisma and works excellent on the mic. In wrestling ability the miz doesn't do much but that clothesline in the corner & skull crushing move. JTG have a nice moveset. He can tell a decent story. If Cryme Tyme separate next year? JTG is gonna open up alot eyes.
JTG has not exerted any qualities that show he could succeed as a singles competitor. You even admitted he's not that great on the mic, which is a vital, very vital quality to have as a singles star. His in-ring work is decent, but he doesn't tell a good story, which is also essential. I can't foresee JTG getting over well if he doesn't have very much mic ability, and his in-ring work is mediocre.

Correction! I didn't say he was bad on the mic. I didn't say he was good on it either. But I think as time moves on he can improve. What the difference that JTG is doing that The Miz is doing? I know Miz has charisma and works excellent on the mic. In wrestling ability the miz doesn't do much but that clothesline in the corner & skull crushing move. JTG have a nice moveset. He can tell a decent story. If Cryme Tyme separate next year? All I can say is give him a chance. He might open up alot of eyes.
JTG would not get over in singles competition. He's barely getting pops now, and he doesn't have the main event stature. I don't see any merits in him.

He's barely(?) getting pops now.JTG and Shad get a pretty damn big pop every time they come out. I believe he would get over in singles competition very well and have a few runs at the IC belt. And while no one said anything about main event, I think JTG would do at least a decent job if he was put in a main event situation.
For all the people saying JTG doesn't get pops, do you not watch Cryme Tyme? They get huge pops every time they come out. As far as mic work goes both men, especially JTG, are more then capable of cutting a good promo.

With all that said I still don't want to see either of these guys go solo. This is the first tag team in a long time that is an actual team. Good name, gimmick, similar attire, and they actually wrestle like a team should. The only thing I hope Cryme Tyme has in their future is a run as tag champs. JTG could be a solid mid carder if they split up, but I'd much rather see the team stay together.
i think he deserves credit for even getting his foot in the door and not being that tall.and him getting a push wont happen over night.so if its meant to be then its meant to be as far as a WRESTLERS SUCCESS THERE A MANY FACTORS WE DONT KNOW ABOUT WHETHER YOUR WILLING TO ADMIT IT OR NOT SHORT OF BEING THE WRESTLER YOURSELF.MPS IM PRO JTG
Is JTG a future main eventer? Doubtful. But even Helen Keller knows he's the breakout star of Cryme Tyme. Shad has a better build and probably better "look" for the main event, but he's Big Show slow, he's sloppy, and he's just... blah.

JTG would need a pretty huge makeover to get over as a mid-carder. He only has one shot to break it really big but creative has to come through with another superstar first, and that is MVP. To make it short, MVP needs to go back as a heel, and JTG needs to be paired with MVP as something LIKE lackey, but not a total lackey. Basically, JTG could def. get over as a younger version of MVP. It would be a pairing I would love to see because MVP can talk some serious shit when he needs to. JTG could very easily do the same. Pair these two together for a year or two, and watch them both grow.
JTG would make a good upper midcarder but thats it. He is not gonna ever be a main eventer unless he pull off some Rock stuff that nobody knew he even had. But its nothing wrong with being a midcarder, they make the WWE Hall of Fame. He make a good IC/US Champion, and be in good matches and storylines.
Do you see JTG making it as a single wrestler?

Well.... I dunno. Cryme Tyme has been in the tag team division for 3 years now and have yet to win a tag team championship. However, for some reason, they are still rather over with the crowd. I don't think either one of them would do too well if they split up anytime soon. They should remain a team for a while longer. I do think that JTG would do better than Shad as a singles wrestler if they do ever split up.... but I don't think he would get too far because if he has had no success in the tag team division (and this was before the belts unified) then what makes you think he would win a midcard title, let alone ever winning a world title?

It's honestly too early to tell, but if I had to guess then I don't think he would make it far because of what little success his tag team has had.
I think that the wwe likely wants JTG to become a singles wrestler, because (correct me if i'm wrong) they teased a split between cryme tyme earlier on in the year with the draft, just to have shad drafted as well. JTG put on a good match with jericho which, IMO, was a tryout match to see how he would work as a singles competitor. His in ring work is much better than most upper midcarders and cuts a decent promo. Possibility (and hopefully) cryme tyme splits up wen the draft comes around or jtg upsets by winning the rumble or joing ecw and gettng into the title picture
I dont think putting JTG in as a singles competitor would work right now he would get lost in the mix with all the other mid carders. There are alot of better mid carders out there at the moment plus he would have to be totally repackaged (like someone else said). I personally am a fan of CT and would like to see them as a tag team a little while longer and maybe eventually getting the tag titles and having a good run with them.

I also think they are one of the only tag teams that are over right now with a good gimmick and immage (again also mentioned in the thread above). If and only if CT dont get the titles or get over anymore then what they are at the moment i think then maybe have them seperate in the draft and the only way they could benefit individually is have say JTG go to ECW and compete with the likes of William Regal etc etc eventually getting a ECW title shot.

I no alot of people have been giving Shad a hard time in here but you never no if they did split threw a draft or something you could maybe have Shad go off TV for a while and bring him back in a way like Luke Gallows.
JTG in ring ability compare to Shad is superior, but Shad has the "IT" look. Shad could go off for a couple of months, put a blow out kit in his hair and VOILA. He has an Villianous look. Also, if he want to get over in the WWE; you need to be able to work the mic. Something Shad can do, but JTG does not try to.
He'll need a different gimmick to get over as a singles wrestler. I'm sick of the rapping ghetto clown gimmick. Sometimes its tolerable, other times its stupid, but never is it entertaining. Its cheesy and has completely run its course.

The guy has shown signs with some decent in ring work, but nothing to make me say give him a push. He's the better of the two that's for sure, but he's in Cryme Tyme so is that really saying much?
No way. JTG and Shad NEED each other to get over. I don't think either of them would succeed in singles competition. This would be one of those cases, where it would be hot at first, but then after a while, all of Jg's momentum would fizzle out. He really isn't that good on the mic. Most of the time when Cryme Tyme's doing a promo, it's Shad who does all the talking. As far as his ring work goes, there isn't anything really special there either. He brings a lot of energy, and is able to get the crowd going, but as far as skills go, he's just about average.
JTG is definitely better than Shad both in the ring and on the mic, but Cryme Tyme are pretty much the only team in the last few years that have been greater than the sum of their parts. They should stick together, and JTG will have a far more useful career in a team. If he ever does break out, it will be the death knell for Shad's career. I quite like Cryme Tyme, and that's pretty much all JTG's doing, and he has had some fairly decent matches, but there isn't enough there for him to do anything big, so he's better staying where he is.
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