JR or Jerry The King Lawler?

LFC till i die

Mrs Drizzy <3
This is a pretty simple question. Who do you think is a better comontator JR or Jerry Lawler?...

As much as i like JR I would have to say Jerry Lawler. Because Lawler is a great commontator. If the match is boring he would still keep me entertained with his jokes and quick wit. His jokes are the best. He should teach Cena a few things on jokes. He never stuttors when talking like Cole does half the time.

So who do you think is the better of the two??
Ugh... Lawler in my opinion has been pretty dismal lately. He did a lot better on the beginning of Raw when J.R. was by his side by I would say that at least since Cole turned heel last year Jerry Lawler has been pretty boring with commentary. The jokes are only ok, I rarely laugh, and lately they're few and far between. Most you hear out of Lawler is "shut up, Cole"... I wouldn't be able to quote much of anything intelligent he said...
J.R. is a better commentator by miles and miles.

... and miles...

I can only like Lawler with J.R...
Only someone who actually thought Lawler was better would even bother posing this question. The vast majority of people are going to say Jim Ross, and it's by such a wide margin that they wouldn't waste time on this discussion.

JR is, without a doubt, the best play-by-play man ever. Of course he had his annoying moments, but they all do. Even some of the best commentators in professional sports like Marv Albert and Kevin Harlan do things that bother me. JR knew how to sell a story and enhance the impact of what the talent was doing. I think he's a huge part of why Austin became such a star, because Ross sold the hell out of everything Austin did.

Lawler's not only below Ross, but I'd also put him below Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon on the all-time list. That's not a negative thing at all, because all three of the guys I have above him are outstanding. Lawler was fantastic in the early days but became a caricature of himself during the late Attitude Era and has never found his fastball again.
JR by such a huge amount it's not even really worth the question. Lawler's best stuff has always come along while sitting next to JR which I believe tells you all you need to know. JR gets the best out of Lawler as can be seen in the last few matches of Mania and the start of Raw. The best commentary we've had in months, with them actually helping the match rather than their characters.

So yea JR, in my opinion he's the best of all time. I admit I'm younger than many so I'm sure someone will disagree but he's the voice I will always associate with wrestling.
It's really unfair to compare the two considering. Lawler is a color commentator and Ross is a play by play announcer. It's Lawlers job to be entertaining and add humor to the matches. Ross's job is to simply call the action. Ross plays the straight man while the King plays the role of funny joker type. The two of them together are possibly the greatest announce team of all time.

JR is definitely better at play by play than Cole. As the King is a far better color commentator than Booker T. Lawler may be more entertaining than JR, but that's his role. It doesn't make him better.
you had to bash Cena, didn't you? Couldn't just ask the question. LOL! Cena bashers are such losers

Calm down, and also, you should get a spam for wasting the thread maker's time by not even replying to his question


Jerry Lawler was a terrible commentator as a heel, the wrestling observer called him the worst commentator of the year, every year he was a heel that is. Nowadays, he sucks without JR. JR made him look great when he was a face commentator, now he's with Michael Cole, and he sucks bad again. Jerry Lawler, as a heel was almost worst than Michael Cole as a heel. He always made fun of Canadians, WCW, ECW, and more and he really ruined matches with his distracting commentary. But as a face, he's only good with Jim Ross, so I officially say that Jim Ross is 10X the commentator that Jerry Lalwer ever was, even though Jim Ross' best work was with Jerry Lalwer.
sorry but this question is pointless...The question should be who's the better color commentator...KING or Cole?...I would have to say King because there's being a heel commentator and still entertaining...then you have Cole who is just way over the top and almost impossible to watch..I'd rather listen to Vikkie Gurrero then Cole..
Ok, Jim Ross IS the voice of professional wrestling! He is the best, most professional, and definitly most passionate about the business! OK, let me break it down:

Best: JR's voice will make a match! You could have Great Khali vs Ultimate Warrior, but JR's commentary alone can make it seem like Flair vs Savage! Also, He has millions of phrases! (case of the libbertail, government mule, stuck pig, boomer sooner, etc)

Professional: Ok, when Owen died, the camera was on JR the whole time! It couldn't have been me, because i would have freaked out knowing that a freak accident of one my friends happened right in front of me. Then, on top of that he had to announce the man's death with a straight face! Mad props!

Passionate: You can hear it in his voice! For instance, you know when you're at a live show and you can't hear the announcers? Well, you can just look at JR and see him standing up shouting waving his arms! and he's been here for over 30 years!!!

JR OWNS wrestling announcing!!!!! PERIOD!
ur joking right? JR is easily the best commentator ever in wrestling with all the catch prases,he always kept me entertained in a match even when it was boring and he was always the serious announcer,king is boring without JR there as his brodcast partner so yeah without a doubt JR is better
Well if you're going by commentary then its easy and safe to say J.R. is a million times better then lawler. Plus back in the day when J.R. was heel he could cut a good heel promo which was surprising and he STILL got cheered. Lawler was better off heel and hes just too nice now and corny jokes. He needs to stick to commentating now and give up with this comeback of his.

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