Lawler/Cole at Mania???

This would be great!! and who's to say Cole has to actually wrestle?? obviously no one will take it much serious but again we want some entertainment and Lawler can very well do that, he isn't bad at entertaining the crowd..

This has been wuite a build up so far and am guessing Alex Riley may wrestle in his first wrestlemania match as well..
I wouldn't mind seeing these two go at it. I thought a match between these two would've taken place already, because Cole and Lawler have been at each other's throats for quite some time now. This match could take place on Raw, but it hasn't happened yet, so I wouldn't be surprised if a Mania showdown was on the horizon. I'm sure the match wouldn't last that long, and I hope WWE does decide to do a street fight with these two, because I'm sure a Cole/Lawler wrestling match would be weird or terrible. Cole always manages to get tons of heat from a live crowd. I'm sure the live audience would erupt if Lawler got the 1-2-3 on the leader of the Cole Miners. It would be one those insane pops to remember.
Do I think this will happen? It's very possible. The WWE has obviously started a feud between Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole and Cole has been learning how to take bumps. The only reason I can think of for this is because eventually, we'll see Cole vs. Lawler. Whether or not it's at WrestleMania is anyone's guess. I do agree with some posters that this could be used as a buffer, but I also hope that should this match actually take place, the Raw GM (Cole) will FINALLY reveal themselves.

Do I want it to happen? Yes, but not for the reasons you may think. While it would be nice to see Cole put on his ass, the reason I would like to see this match is so the feud between Cole and Lawler will finally be over. Yeah, it's been fun, but, if it goes on for too long, it could get extremely annoying.

How should it happen? I can see some accidental contact being made between Lawler and Cole and the Raw GM firing Lawler over it. From there, Lawler can come back at Elimination Chamber and challenge Cole to a match at WrestleMania. Cole would refuse, but the Raw GM would make the match (possibly No DQ). I can't see any other way to do this other than a flat out challenge made by Lawler.
Fuck this gorrila shit...please no. If I were WWE I would be more concerned on letting more mid carders on the card at WM than this match with a Vintage goof and an old guy who cannot wrestle anymore, sure he can take snaps but thats it, which match would you rather see this match Or Mysterio Vs. Bourne Ladder Match for the Cruiserweight Championship????
I'd rather not see that, Cole & Lawler are color commentators and they should stick to that role. The match would be intensely boring to the audience unless there was a lot of comedy aspects to it, but all I see is an old wrestling legends facing up against some guy who has had minimal wrestling experience, which will lead us to a great waste of ten minutes. I would much rather have the reinvention of the Crusierweight Championship than this match.
Official reports are that Cole is starting to learn to take bumps as part of the dark matches he has been refereeing lately in WWE house shows. I don't wanna pour petrol on the fire but I can't see a reason why they would be doing this unless they are planning him to be a match somewhere dodn the road. Not saying it'll be at mania but that's a good a place as any for the guy to take a bump seeing as how he gets so much heat and the payoff would be jackpot. The official report states:

"The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE wants Michael Cole to start taking bumps during his special guest referee dark bouts, which have been taking place over the past several weeks after Raw tapings. It's being said that Cole will begin in-ring training in the near future."

So there you have it. I believe the likelihood of Michael Cole competing in some degree in the ring at wrestlemania is pretty big.
I do have the need to see Cole get the shit beaten out of him after seeing how smug & self centered he was on RAW this past week.

I believe it'll be on the card, as it's been building for months. I do hope that if they do have the match it'll be a Loser Leaves RAW Match, that'll make the match more interesting & will leave space for Cole to go to Smackdown where he belongs.
If Jerry Lawler really is thinking about retiring, I don't see any problem with him going out on top at Wrestlemania.

I just wish he was fighting a better opponent. It will be funny if it's a 2 on 1 handicap match with Jerry Lawler and the Anonymous RAW GM against Michael Cole. That would be a good way to finally reveal the GM.

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