JointDC vs Jonny B (Wrestlezone Championship)

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Getting Noticed By Management
*The Chemical Brothers - Name of the Game hits, with pyrotechnics (Chris Jericho style) hitting at the peak of 'listen all you motherfuckers.' and the arena has a mixed reaction.*

*Joint is wearing a pair of baggy black pants and a plain white T shirt with a backward tilted hat.*

*walking to the ring JointDC pauses to look at the crowd and shakes his head slightly, enters the ring, and asks for a microphone.*

"Soul Survivor! Royal Rumble Champion! WZMania! WZ Championship! You can spell those words in the lights on Broadway and people know who you are. But how can a person who barely starting cutting his teeth get a title shot? After barely joining this company I single handedly lasted through 29 other superstars in your Royal Rumble *points to the crowd and gets applause*

"Abyss said it best, *crowd pops at the mention of Abyss* after winning I went backstage and he looked at me and told me, 'The only reason you weren't eliminated is because no one knows who you are.' I knew he wasn't trying to bring me down, he was just stating the obvious. But I promised myself that since I won, I won't let the guys that didn't win down. I will give them a match they won't forget! I will bleed for my opponents in the Rumble, I will give my goddamn life! Because I earned it!"

*crowds gets a little louder with the intensity*

"I went in an underdog. I didn't have a reputation. I wanted some status. And I earned my chance to be in this ring WZMania bound. And promised the Main Event against three other competitors. I say, bring em all on!"

*crowd cheers*

"So to my opponents I say this. You may look at me, and laugh. Someone that no one knows going after the three biggest names. *points into his eyes* You see this face. You see these eyes. This is something I have dreamed about for a long time. I want that belt. And there isn't a damn thing any of you are going to do to bring me down. I feed off of this crowd. If you think I'm not afraid, then I ask any one of you. LETS GET THIS STARTED EARLY! Lets give these fans what they came to see. Get your asses down here and see what a buzzkill looks like in the flesh."

wtf... am I ever gonna get someone, or even Jonny B to post something, or is everyone just ignoring this?
Jonny B = Green
Admin = Red
Dysturbed = Orange
JointDC = Blue

Jonny B comes out to the ramp. He looks at JointDC and laughs as he picks a microphone up and raises it to his mouth.

"You want to talk as if you are better than me you little prick? Why don't you try growing some brains because no one cares what a little twirp like you has to say. I am the innovator of Wrestlezone, and like I have said before, I call the shots. You can't mouth off to me just because you won some stupid Battle Royal. You don't tell people to come out, because I am going to be the one whipping people around and ordering them what to do, because what I say goes, and you or anyone else better not get in the way of me and my dream of gaining MY companies title. The WZ World Championship is mine, not some talentless little idiot like you. I run the show, and there is nothing you can say tha-"

(Jonny B is cut off by Admin's music. Admin walks out and stands face to face with a bewildered Jonny B. Admin smiles as he raises the microphone.)

"Jonny, did I hear you correctly? Did you say that you are the one who runs the shots around here? Listen up here B. I am the one who started this site. These fans know it, and so should you. You want to talk condescending to me? Don't even try it. I may not have been around much lately, but I damn sure am still the authority figure. Sure, my body is not what it used to be, but I can still put up a fight, and at WZMania, I will be ready for one, and I will try my heart out just to get to the top of the company that I created."

"DC, congratulations on the win at the WZRoyal Rumble. That was my return match, and you were the guy that outlasted everyone, including me, but I have to tell you that no matter how skilled you are, I won't hold back at WresleZone mania. You may not be as big of a bitch as Jonny is, but that doesn't mean that I won't try and beat you just as much. I am doing it for the fans and I will earn their respect for all I have done when I win the title. As for the match, I look forward to it and I have just three words to say to everyone: BRING. IT. ON."

(He drops the mic and his music hits as he goes to walk to the back as Joint DC is smiling in the ring and Jonny is looking angry as he looks at Admin walking back. Jonny raises the mic again)

"Woah woah woah, cut the music, CUT THE MUSIC!! You do not walk away from me you brittle old man. You forget that I am the one who has been laying the beatings down lately. Maybe if you bothered to actually get in the ring for the company you supposedly love so dear once in a while, you would see that I am deserved of this title. Not some washed up, fat loser like you. I am the one holding this company together, and you just can't walk up and say you are going to beat me in this match. I am sick of having to-"

"Listen Jonny, no one cares for what you have to say. I may not be that well known, but I am vowing to make my name at WZMania. I respect Admin for what he does for this company and it will be an honour to get in the ring with someone like him. Beating your ass at WZMania is going to be another honour I will gain at WZMania. So I am as ready as anyone else. This is my dream and if I can beat you guys in this match, I will be a house hold name and I am living my dream in front of all you fans. I will prove to the critics that I do belong in this match and I am not just lucky. It is going to be the thrill of my life and challenges are what I crave. So be ready, because the name JointDC is about to -"

(He is cut off by Dysturbed's music. Admin, who is standing near the front of the entrance ramp, Jonny, who is standing in the middle of the ramp, and JointDC, who is standing in the ring, all turn to look at him. Dysturbed comes out in a suit and sunglasses and stops to look at Admin before stepping back near the front of the ramp.)

"Listen guys. Forgetting someone? You guys have left out the main guy in this title match. I am the highest power in this business, and I won't stand for a guy like you Admin, who walks around as if he is something special, or you Jonny for walking around and acting as if you are the best and most powerful wrestler there is today. And you, whatever your name is (points to DC) I don't even know who you are so really, you pose no threat to me and my chances of winning the WZ title. Don't even try and say that you didn't get here on luck because you are a no talent dick who got here on the pure fact that no one even took notice of you in the match. I am the true talent here, and there is not a chance in hell that Dysturbed will walk away from WZ without a title. So don't overlook me, because that is the last thing that you want to do."

(He walks up to admin and stares at him for a while before taking his glasses off fastly, and slapping him right in the face. As Admin is recovering, he quickly walks up to Jonny and shakes his head as Jonny is looking angry. He then walks into the ring where he is face to face with DC. He starts laughing and pushes JointDC down before slowly getting out of the ring. He starts walking back up to the top and turns around to see Admin and Jonny staring at him. Admin looks at Jonny and nods, and then punches Dysturbed in the face. He continues the beatdown as Jonny stands back and watches. Admin throws Dysturbed into the side walls, and chokes him out with an electrical cord. He grabs a chair at the side of the ring and goes back to hit Dysturbed with it. He lines his head up against the barricades and belts him over the head with the chair as Dysturbed slumps down and Jonny looks on a little warily. He puts the chair in place against Dysturbed's head and walks back and gives him a shining wizard against the wall that busts Dysturbed wide open.

Admin walks away and turns back holding the chair to Jonny. He looks at him once and shakes his head before dropping the chair and looking back at Dysturbed once before walking back up the ramp. Jonny looks at JointDC in the ring, who is smiling. He then picks up the chair and looks at Admin who has stopped in his walk and looks back again. Admin continues his walk to the back before Jonny runs up and hits him in the back with the chair. Admin is down on the ground as Jonny chokes him out with the chair. He drags Admin down to the side of the ring against the steel steps and gets in the ring with JointDC, who is looking a little angry. He offers him the chair, and before DC can do anything, he drops it and glares at him. Jonny slowly backs to the turnbuckles, as DC doesn't take his eyes off him as he picks up the chair. They both slowly get down out of the ring as JointDC looks at the chair and then at Admin lying against the steel steps. He looks back at Jonny and shakes his head and drops the chair.

Jonny looks angry as he picks it up and looks at Admin and swings it into him. He looks at the chair after crunching it against Admin again, and goes to swing it into the back of JointDC but gets a big boot from him as he is holding the chair up. JointDC stands over Jonny B and picks up the chair and starts belting Jonny with it. He calls the paramedics down for Admin as he starts walking away. The scene is ended by Admin being attended to by the medics as Dysturbed and Jonny lie bleeding everywhere. DC looks back around the crowd before stepping behind the curtain.)
*Backstage JointDC is stopped in this tracks with a microphone shoved in his face asking for a comment after Admin and Dysturbed have been taken to a hospital.*

*he grabs the microphone and looks at the interviewer*

"Why, in the hell, should I have to say anything... It's obvious that the people around me, either commentating or watching me, don't know a damn thing about me. Add to that, the little fact that I have made mention that I am not a big bad ass Heavyweight. I don't throw, BIG BOOTS! Whoever said I delivered a Big Boot to Jonny is a damn fool. I kicked the chair in his face RVD style. But no one saw it, because everyone was worried about Admin and Dysturbed. And whats gonna happen to the match at WZMania. And the truth is, I don't know. Because I can tell you one thing and one thing only. And that is... I don't know... I can't tell you anything because no one has told me anything. Hell, I don't even know if I'm the main event match anymore. People seem to be more worried about Jonny B and his Team vs Team Jake. He scheduled himself in another match. I can't say he doesn't want to fight me. I KNOW he doesn't want to fight me. Its not hard to understand either. Abyss was right, I'm a fucking joke to him and all these people. No one cares to see JointDC in the main event. No one wants to see some rookie get the belt. Just so he can wave it around. Hell, I'd probably get fired from this company before they ever allow something like that to happen. I imagine that I wasn't the one that was SUPPOSED to win that Royal Rumble. But I did. And now look where I'm at. People getting my moves mixed up because they focus on other things. I bashed Jonny's brains in, but all people can talk about is his match with Jake, who stopped calling himself Jake and calls himself a Saint now. Or talking about Admin and Dysturbed because Jonny laid them out. Jonny, Jonny, Jonny! Well I got news for all you guys. I still want my goddamn match. If Jonny thinks he can run away from me and cover up his track in another match, without me getting involved then he has another thing coming. Jake, Jonny, and everyone else involved in that match, I don't give a damn who wins or who loses, I have a promise to keep. I'm gonna show you what I'm about. And I don't care if I have to interfere in your matches to do it. Jonny, YOUR ASS IS MINE! "

*crowd cheers as the screen goes blank.*
(There is a graphic shown of last weeks destruction of Dysturbed and Admin and Jonny. Jonny B's music hits and he walks out with bandages across his head. He looks angrily out at the crowd before stepping into the ring. He lifts a microphone to his mouth and starts talking.)

"Well it looks like Jonny wins again. You see, my plan all along was to put Dysturbed and Admin down for the count, and I guess I did that last week. They are not coming back, and Admin (laughs) well, I guess the guy will go to the old folks home where he belongs from now on. So you people saw exactly what I am made of. I want nothing more than distruction to anybody who gets in my way. And last we-"

(Jonny is cut off by Dysturbed's music. Dysturbed also has bandages on his head. He hasn't got a microphone but starts walking down to the ring.)

"Woah woah woah woah woah! Hold it right there! You don't DARE interrupt me Dysturbed. What the hell are you doing here? Huh? You wanted another beating. Well STOP RIGHT THERE! You don't want to stay down? Well I will make this easy. (Dysturbed gets in the ring and goes eye to eye with Jonny.) You smug bastard! I call the shots and I have got to say something to you right now. (Jonny backs up a bit, then comes face to face again with Dysturbed.) YOUR'E FIREEEEDDD!!!!!!!"

(Dysturbed looks furious as he turns around and looks at the ground. He turns back to face Jonny again but is met with a low blow by Jonny. Jonny gets up and taunts the crowd before rolling Dysturbed outside.)

"Security, get this lowlife scum out of MY arena!"

(Security comes down along with EMT's, but Dysturbed shakes them off and glares at Jonny before going insane and knocking out the EMT's. The security eventually restrains Dysturbed as he is taken out to the back.)

"Well now that I have taken care of that waste of time, it is on to WZMania. You see, this leaves me with someone not even worthy of lacing my boots. This "man" is also known as I can't even remember this guys god damn name. You were too stupid to take my advice last week, and you have gotten yourself into something that you never wanted. You think you can go and talk up your big match at WZMania? Well you know damn sure that if you ever show me the disrespect you showed me last week, you will be knocked on your ass and you won't be getting back up for long. So we may have this match at WZMania, and now, it is just you and me, but the ending is going to be just as I put it right now."

"Listen up and listen good you stupid rookie. I am leaving WZMania as the champion, and nothing anyone can say or do is going to stop me from doing it, especially not some talentless loser like you. You got here on luck, but I can assure you that you will have no luck when you get in the ring with me. You are a nobody, a pushover, and I will prove that to all these other idiots out here. I call the shots and I decide what happens around here and at is GAME OVER for you."

(Jonny drops the microphone and walks slowly from the ring and to the back.)
Dysturbed - Orange
JointDC - Green

*Cameras are following Dysturbed as he is being taken out to the back of the arena. He is still trying to push security off of him, but calms down enough and starts to walk upon his own will.*

*JointDC is standing next to a table to the left of Dysturbed talking on a cell phone.*

*Dysturbed walks up to him*

"You think this is funny? You think just because I got fired doesn't mean that I won't kick your ass right here and now? These rent-a-pigs can only hold me back for so long son. Because once I get done stomping a shithole in your ass they are gonna need a damn coroner to come."

"It's cool man. I'm not looking to start nothing I just...

"Just what? Minding your own business? You rookies are all the same. You get one foot inside the door an expect everyone to just let you in with open arms. You don't think you have to earn anything. Everything is served to you on a silver platter.

"Dude, come on man... I didn't mean...

"DIDN'T MEAN TO WHAT!? PISS ME OFF! I THINK ITS TOO LATE FOR THAT JUNIOR!" *Dysturbed backs off a little bit and glances back at security who start to close in on the scene.* "Consider yourself lucky that you won't have to deal with me anymore... because trust me. I would love to be the first person to wipe that stupid looking grin off your face."

"Look, if your leaving, I just wanna tell ya man... I'm sorry" *Joint extends his hand to shake hands with Dysturbed*

*Dysturbed looks around for a second. Reaches out for Joint's hand and shakes it.*

*Crowd gives a slight cheer*

"This doesn't mean I still won't whop your ass."

Dysturbed takes a cheap shot at JointDC as Security starts to pull them apart from each other. Dysturbed fights them off and lunges at Joint again but is cut off my more security.

*Joints cell phone rings and he answers it as Dysturbed shouts at him from a far.*

"HEY DYSTURBED! I THINK I GOT SOMETHING YOU MIGHT WANNA HEAR!" *Joint holds the cell phone up toward Dysturbed as a voice from the speaker phone comes through*

Admin - "Now what we have here Dysturbed is a failure to... ah hell what am I saying thats too cliche. I can't be there right now, but I still hold more power then Jonny does. And I may not be able to wrestle at Mania, but... I STILL have more power then Jonny does. So, heres a fair trade. You beat Joint right here tonight. Then you keep your job and go to Mania! If you don't, you walk your ass on out of here, and don't you ever come back again. So, if you really wanna kick this kids ass? Then someone ring that damn bell, and lets get this things started right now, backstage brawl, one pinfall. GET A DAMN REF!

(Match to follow soon, as I don't have enough time to write it all out in one shot, please post if you want to, the match should be up within the day.)
A referee is brought backstage escorted by a few cameramen to cover the action. The referee goes through the rules as both men are standing face to face. Dysturbed throws a punch that lands to the side of DC's head and he comes back with his own. Dysturbed locks up with DC and pushes him into the wall and starts to put knees to the gut of DC. DC falls to the ground as Dysturbed punches and kicks him the whole time. Dysturbed takes a few steps back and charges at DC, who moves in time and Dysturbed bashes side first into the wall but it does not phaze him. He charges at DC and tackles him into the table he was standing at earlier and continues to punch him. Dysturbed grabs the back of DC's head.

"If you think I'm gonna roll over and let you win you got another thing coming you son of a bitch."

Dysturbed starts to bash DC's head on the table three times. Dysturbed then looks into a camera.

"Are you getting this. I own this guy! Is this the best you got Admin. COME ON!"

He turns around in time to catch a punch to the head by DC. DC starts to work him over and grabs the back of Dysturbed's head and bashes it into the same table. DC then walks off camera, leaving Dysturbed laying on the table.

Cameras follow DC as he is seen pulling a curtain and reaching for something behind it. DC emerges dragging a ladder from behind the curtain and picks it up by his side and makes his way back to Dysturbed. Dysturbed has made a recovery and cuts DC off with a clothesline that sends DC and the ladder crashing beside them. Dysturbed picks up DC and hooks the arm over him. He points to the camera. As he lifts DC up into the air for a suplex. He holds DC in this position a bit too long, and DC starts throwing punches into the mid section of Dysturbed who loses grip on the suplex and allows DC to land on his feet. DC throws a couple more punches sending Dysturbed back a little as he picks up the ladder. DC charges Dysturbed with the far point of the ladder aimed at Dysturbed's head. Dysturbed side steps under the ladder and pulls DC's hair which sends him to the ground on the back of his head. Dysturbed picks up DC off of the ground and this time Scoop Slams him onto the ladder.

*"ohhhh" from the crowd*

DC is shown in pain as Dysturbed taunts to the cameras.

"That ain't shit.... I'm gonna break this kid in half..."

Dysturbed then picks up a chair that was sitting beside the table. He sits up, and sits down and smacks DC across the head as DC struggles to get up. He puts DC in a head lock from behind and pulls back, putting DC into a dragon sleeper while he sits in the chair. Dysturbed throws a couple stiff arms to the gut of DC as he is in the position but remember, it's pinfall only. The referee reminds Dysturbed of this rule and Dysturbed breaks the hold. And instead folds the chair up and gives DC a shot to the back with the chair.

Dysturbed then drags DC by the hair to the door way of the parking lot and places him under the garage door. Dysturbed grabs the handles of the door and smashes the down onto DC. Dysturbed goes for a pin, 1... 2... but DC kicks out. Dysturbed pulls DC from under the door and picks him up and Irish whips DC into the garage door. DC is hurting bad and clinches his ribs as Dysturbed picks him up again and Irish whips him again into the garage door. Another pin attempt by Dysturbed that ends in a two count.

Dysturbed walks back and picks up the chair. He takes a swing at DC who rolls out of the way. Another swing and another rolling miss. Another swing, and yet another rolling miss. DC struggles onto his feet and taunts Dysturbed with a "Just Bring It" type of hand motion. Dysturbed charges at DC who side steps that and sends Dysturbed into the garage door. Dysturbed falls to the ground and DC goes for a pinfall but only gets a one count.

DC picks up Dysturbed and drags him back to the table. DC then sets the ladder up beside the table. DC punches and places Dysturbed onto the table and makes his way up the ladder. Dysturbed climbs off the table before DC reaches the top and meets him there. Both men trade punches at the top of the ladder with Dysturbed shoving DC off the ladder. DC lands on his feet and pushes the ladder sending Dysturbed crashing with the ladder to the floor, but not through the table. A pinfall attempt by DC that ends in a two count. DC trys to pick up Dysturbed but is caught by a low blow by Dysturbed and hops around as Dysturbed grabs him by the hair and throws DC head first into the table. Dysturbed then goes for a fire extinguisher that is setting on the wall. DC jumps at Dysturbed as he turns around and does a Stinger Slash against Dysturbed into the wall. Dysturbed is standing against the wall as DC takes the already set chair and moves it in front of him. DC backs up and runs toward the chair and hits a Poetry in Motion onto Dysturbed.

*crowd cheers*

DC picks up the chair and cracks it over the back of Dysturbed. DC stands back and waits for Dysturbed to stand on his feet. Once Dysturbed is on his feet DC throws the chair at Dysturbed but he catches it. DC goes for the Vandaminator but Dysturbed moves and bashes DC over the head with the chair and busts him open. Dysturbed drops the chair and sits down on the floor to catch his breath.

Dysturbed looks around for something to hit DC with and spots a Big Rig truck that carries the ring and stage equipment. Dysturbed asks a security guard who carries the keys for the truck and orders him to go get the driver.

Dysturbed picks up DC and drags him by the hair toward the big rig. Dysturbed picks up DC over his head and throws DC into the side of the truck. Dysturbed looks into the cameras again.

"I hope everyone is watching this because this... is gonna get real ugly, real fast. Admin I hope your happy because now, your gonna have to live with this kids death on your hands."

*crowd boos and a few gasps can be heard.*

Dysturbed spits into the camera lens, but another camera starts to pick up the action. Dysturbed picks up DC, and takes him back a couple of steps. Dysturbed Irish whips DC into the side of the truck, but turns around to smile. DC has taken a few steps up the side of the truck and hits a Whisper in the Wind onto Dysturbed as he turns around.

*crowd cheers*

DC goes for a pinfall, 1... 2... kick out by Dysturbed. DC looks a little frustrated by the count but says its ok, and picks up Dysturbed off the ground. DC takes Dysturbed to the front of the rig and climbs on top of the hood of the rig. DC reaches down and grabs Dysturbed by the head and attempts to get him onto the hood with him. Dysturbed punches and trips DC . Dysturbed hooks DC's legs into a powerbomb and carries him a little bit in front of the truck before dropping him onto the concrete.

*Big "OHHH" from the crowd.*

Dysturbed kicks DC on the ground as the security guard comes back with the driver. He takes the keys from the driver and dangles them in DC's face.

"I think someone just hit the end of the road buddy."

He kicks DC again and heads towards the rig. He opens the door but a chair cracks him across the back. Dysturbed falls to the floor as the camera shows Jonny B holding a chair with Ultraviolent Icon standing beside him. UVI starts to kick and punch Dysturbed as Jonny B walks over to DC who is still laying on the ground.

Joint... I could easily let this peice of trash take you out, right here and right now. But I can't stand this guy, and if this is what it takes to get rid of him, then this is the one AND ONLY TIME, that I will help you out. So get your ass up. Ultraviolent, drag that jackass over here and lets finsh this thing."

UVI Irish whips Dysturbed at Jonny B who cracks Dysturbed over the head with the chair again with force. DC crawls on top of Dysturbed, 1... 2... 3... The bell rings and Ultraviolent Icon starts stomping DC as soon as the match is over.

*crowd cheers but Jonny holds his hand up in the air, and looks into the camera.*

"Now for all of you people watching this at home, and all the people out there in the actual arena. I just want to remind you, that your "precious" challenger has just wrestled his first match exactly where he was raised. In the back of a garage, where no one could see him, because, come on, let's face it, he couldn't match my mat skills and you people know it!"

*crowd boos*

Ultraviolent Icon picks up DC and hooks his arms and holds him up in front of Jonny B.

"With that said, if you really want to impress me. Which is HIGHLY UNLIKELY! Then I offer this challenge to you. And Admin *he points into the camera*"I don't want you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong this time."*He looks back at DC*"I want you DC to go one on one, with Ultraviolent Icon next week. Just because you beat Dysturbed doesn't mean you are in my league. You needed me to help you win. Just like you NEED me to be champion, because its the only way your sorry ass will ever get any attention."

Jonny B's music hits as the arena boos him. He holds the chair up in one hand above his head. He then grips it with both hands and turns and cracks JointDC over the head with it, with as much force as he possibly can. Ultraviolent throws DC to the ground and spits on him. Jonny B and UVI walk off the camera as DC is shown on the ground.

Dysturbed is shown standing up a little bit away from DC. He has been busted open and blood can be seen dripping from his forehead. Once on his feet he puts his hands on both sides of his waist and looks at DC. Dysturbed is bleeding and pissed... He looks at DC and looks toward where Jonny and UVI walked off, and looks at the big rig.

*crowd stirs in a little bit of a panic, and it turns into some screams of "No!"*

Dysturbed looks at the keys on the ground and picks them up and looks at the rig again.

*crowd is a bit louder and starts screaming "NOOO!*

Dysturbed looks at the keys one more time, and throws them on DC's chest. He nods his head. And walks away.

The camera shows DC laying bloodied with the keys to the big rig laying on his chest. The picture fades to black.

(Just a quick note. This is my first attempt at writing a match, I hope you enjoy it. But, please feel free to leave any sort of pointers or tips to help me. It would be much appreciated. I can handle any opinions with professionalism as I know I'm a rookie, so please, if you don't like it, tell me what you thought I did wrong. Thank you.)
Grisham - Blue
JointDC - Green

Todd Grisham is standing backstage with JointDC.

"Now, Joint. Mr.DC. ummm, I really don't know what to call you...?"

"Let's just stick with DC. And don't ask me what it means, just know that it is what it is... so for those wondering... wonder still."*DC smiles at the camera*

"OK. DC. I was just wondering about your thoughts about tonights match against Ultraviolent Icon. The challenge that was issued to you last week after your match with Dysturbed, in which he lost his job after he fell to your pinfall."

"Well, first things first Todd... I just want to say one thing to Dysturbed. I'm sorry. I wanted to fight you one on one. Admin doesn't like you. But he respects your commitment to this company and the business. I wish you the best of luck where ever you go man. I really do. Me and Admin knew, that it was wrong for Jonny to just up and fire you like that. And thats who I was talking to when you came backstage. I was going to explain things to you and ask you to come with me to see Admin at the hospital and we were gonna sort it out, but you got heated and punched me. And that was ok. Admin called me right then and there, he was watching it all go down. He called me and told me, DC... This man is pissed... he just got fired... "put me on speaker phone and I'll settle it myself". So he gave you the chance to go out in a blaze of glory. Me and him talked about how I needed a match before Mania, to get peoples eyes on me. And, I'm sorry that your career ended like it did. If you lost, I wanted to at least know that I could have beaten you. That is something I wanted to earn, I wanted to earn your respect. I wanted to beat you, so even you would know, that I earned this spot. And Jonny ruined that, he ruined your chances to keep your job. He hurt my pride. Because that is not how I wanted to win. He makes me look as bad as him. But, at the same time I have to apologize to Dysturbed, I have to thank Jonny B. And believe me, thats not something thats easy to say, but he saved my life. Dysturbed you were gonna run me over with a truck. I didn't want it to come down to one of us dying, and thankfully Jonny was there to save me. But he only did it to get rid of you. So Jonny, I know you are never gonna say 'your welcome' and you won't ever hear me say 'thank you' ever again. But we are here tonight, and here tonight, I have a match. Against your little puppet. Ultraviolent Icon. But Jonny, if you want me to take him on, then I want something out of it. You see... I have thought about it, long and hard. I want our match at Mania a no-DQ match. Because I want you on your A-game, and I don't want any of your dirty tricks to stop the match. You fight dirty, then that is how I want to beat you. I want to beat you at your best. But I don't want it that easy. Because Ultraviolent has a reputation for being hardcore. He has a reputation for being Extreme. So, I wanna spice it up... I want a ladder match. And the no-DQ contract will be above the ring. If I win, I get my wish. And there is no, if I lose... I already gotta go through your flunky. If I lose. Nothing changes. So we'll find out then won't we Todd... Go find UVI and Jonny and get a comment from them, I wanna know."
(Jonny B is walking to the ring. Todd Grisham walks up to him and grabs him on the shoulder)

"Jonny, Jonny, just wanted to get your thoughts on what JointD-"

(Grisham is cut off by Jonny, who grabs him by the collar and lifts him up.)

"You don't ever...EVER try and talk to me. You want my thoughts you pencil necked geek? Firstly, you don't ever try and address me like that. I don't have to talk to you, or anyone else. Second, you can hear what I have to say when I get out to the ring."

(Jonny let's go and pushes Grisham away before his music hits and he walks out to the ramp. He walks past the ladders by the ring and starts smiling. He gets into the ring and snatches a microphone off the ring announcer.)

"Now that I have got past that piece of crap, I have moved on to the ring. I have moved on, to 20000 pieces of crap in this arena. (crowd boos) You people don't like hearing that do you? Well that's too damn bad because I call the shots around here, not a bunch of inbred, moronic hicks. Now, onto "JointDC". He wants to get to me at WZMania? Well it is not going to happen. You see I don't let people get in the ring and be graced with MY presence that easy. He must go through a ladder match against Extremetwistoffate tonight if he ever wants to face me."

"So you can see, I don't let people challenge me, especially not for no talented, pathetic losers like JointDC. I bet you people haven't even learnt his name yet. It took me a month, and I am a thousand times more intelligent than scum like you people. The reason I didn't know this guy's name was because he is a nobody. He won that WZRumble on pure luck, because that is the only way that that fatass could ever win that match. But me and Team Jonny are different. We don't go down fighting, because we don't go down. I will assure you Joint, that you will not make it past tonight, because you haven't seen ExtremeTwistofFate yet. He was smart enough to join Team Jonny, because Downward Spiral and the rest of us beat some sense into him."

"You are so pathetic that you couldn't even make it onto that "posse" that Y2Jake threw together with the dregs of this industry, known as Team Jake. But that's completely different. This is about ME destroying you. Like I said before, it won't happen at WZMania, because you aren't even going to make it through tonight, but I could beat any rookie like you, (clicks his fingers.) It's condescending idiots like you DC that need me to remind you that I call the shots around here. When you are on your ass after tonight, with blood pouring from your mangled face, and you have no idea where you are, THAT is when you will know that you NEVER mess with me."

"You are going to feel pain and I will NEVER lower myself to having to face you, because I am going to make sure that I leave WZMania as champion, because Dysturbed and Admin are out, and you will be as well once the night is over. Dysturbed was nothing, so don't feel proud that you beat him last week, because I can assure you that anyone on Team Jonny could beat your ass in an instant."

"You will get just that tonight, when ETOF rips flesh from bone and tears your body apart in this ladder match and there is no way in HELL that you are going to make it to WZMania. Jonny B, is the leader of this business, and no one, especially not you, is going to stop me. The name Jonny B is going to be known worldwide, and the name JointDC is going to be forgotten and left in the trash just like your pathetic career. I am the General Manager, and what I say, goes, so welcome to your own personal hel-"

(Jonny is cut off by the sound of JointDC's music, and Jonny scurries out of the ring and through the crowd before DC runs to the ring and stares him down.)
***Here we go***

JointDC (who by the way is wearing a plain White T Shirt. and black pants) is left standing in the ring in a fighting stance as Jonny points to him from the crowd. DC grabs the mic that Jonny dropped and turns to where Jonny is in the crowd. He does the 'cut the music' throat cut with a big smile across his face. The crowd is cheering more then they ever have been since DC first showed up.

"Well thanks for noticing."He says to the crowd. Looking around.

Crowd starts chanting DC! DC! DC!

"Now what are you running from Jonny? Geez, can't one man come to a ring running and looking for a fight without the person standing inside it running away like a scared animal? I bet this fine girl right here in the front row could kick you ass! Just go to the back and watch what's in store for you at Mania."

The announcers make mention that JointDC's girlfriend is sitting at ringside as DC's opponent for the night is about to make his way to the ring.

Ultraviolent Icon's (extremetwistoffate) music hits and he comes from behind the curtain wearing a cut off T shirt and shorts. He is pushing a shopping cart full of his "toys". Sticking out of the cart in view are a few steel chairs, a stop sign, a barbed wire bat, some peices of wood panels wrapped in barbed wire, and a couple of huge table size things wrapped up in a curtain. He leaves the shopping cart by the ladder.

UVI crawls into the ring and is met inside by DC. The referee stands between them and shows both men the briefcase. He opens it up and shows the contract inside it that will make JointDC's match at WZMania a No-DQ match against Jonny B. A wire is lowered to the ring and the referee ties the case to the wire and lifts it up in the air and it raises 20 ft. above the ring. Both men watch the case and slowly stare at each other once it has stopped moving.

*crowd starts chanting DC! again*

Both men start to circle each other as the bell rings. They lock up in the middle of the ring. UVI gets the better of DC and starts to over power him. DC backs off. And paces a little. They lock up again, and again UVI overpowers DC. DC backs off again and starts to hop around the ring. They lock up again and this time, UVI completely overpowers DC and pushes him back into the corner. UVI does a blatant choke to DC, and releases the hold once DC is out of breath. UVI starts to throw punches at DC. DC throws kicks and starts to get UVI backing up. DC Irish whips UVI into the ropes and jumps over UVI. UVI bounces off the opposite ropes and DC falls as UVI hops over him. UVI comes off the ropes and DC does an arm drag that sends UVI out of the ring on the other side, under the bottom rope. DC walks to the side of the ring where UVI went out at. UVI gets to his feet as DC runs the opposite direction and into the ropes, apparently to get more speed to dive. UVI grabs the stop sign out of the shopping cart. DC launches himself over the top rope but is caught by UVI hitting him with the stop sign.

*"oh!" from the crowd*

UVI walks around the ring on the outside and heads for DC's girlfriend. He starts to flex in front of her and blows kisses to her. UVI backs up towards DC, waving bye to DC's girlfriend. UVI turns around in time to see DC running the guard rail and jumping at him with a clothesline. DC lands on top of UVI and starts punching him. DC gets up and winks at his woman and walks back over to the ladder sat up by the shopping cart. UVI has rolled back into the ring as DC grabs the ladder. DC goes to put the ladder inside the ring, but UVI drop kicks the ladder back into DC's face, sending DC to the floor and leaving the ladder half way outside of the ring. UVI picks up the ladder and sets it up under the case. UVI only gets half way up the ladder before DC is back inside the ring and hitting UVI across the back with punches. UVI and DC trade punches. UVI kicks DC right in the (you know what) and rolls out of the ring. UVI grabs the barbed wire wrapped baseball bat and holds it up in the air.

*crowd starts booing him*

UVI goes back inside the ring and taunts DC to get up. UVI holds the bat high for a swing as DC starts to use the ropes to stand up. DC quickly drop kicks UVI in the right knee and sends UVI to the mat. DC picks up the bat and tosses it outside of the ring. DC pushes the ladder down on top of UVI. DC folds up the ladder and places it in the corner. He helps UVI up off the mat and attempts an Irish whip into the ladder. UVI reverses this and sends DC into the ladder and he bounces off the ropes as DC stumbles backwards. UVI hits a high knee on DC. DC falls to the mat and UVI goes out of the ring again. DC seems to be out for a while as UVI picks up the barbed wire bat and tosses it back into the ring. UVI then makes his way to the shopping cart. He slides in the boards wrapped in barbed wire and tosses two chairs into the ring. UVI slides back into the ring and grabs a chair once he stands up. DC gets up but is met with a chair shot from UVI. UVI drops the chair and grabs DC by the hair and drags him toward the boards. UVI attempts to push DC's face into barbed wire but DC grabs onto UVI's foot. UVI gets his foot lose and kicks DC in the head. UVI kicks the ladder to the outside and sets up a chair in the middle of the ring. UVI picks up DC and kicks him in the gut before Irish whipping him into the ropes. Once DC bounces off the ropes UVI hits a drop toe hold sending DC face first onto the chair. UVI slides out of the ring yet again and heads for the shopping cart. UVI passes DC's girlfriend along the way and blows a kiss to her, but she lunges at him. UVI laughs and tells her to sit her ass down.

UVI goes to the shopping cart and looks around the arena. He grabs the curtain with what appears to be two tables underneath it. He pulls the curtains off and exposes what is underneath. Two solid glass table sized panels, clear and threatening.

*The crowd cheers*

UVI pulls one of them out and sets it on the floor. DC is on his knees in the ring and is bleeding a little from just above his eyebrows. DC looks at UVI and shakes his head as he makes his way to his feet. DC is crouched over and waiting to see what UVI is going to do. UVI pulls out the second glass panel and sits it on top of the last and points to DC. He raises a fist in the air and holds the other hand flat palm up. UVI smashes his fist into his palm as a sign of what he is thinking of doing to DC.

DC slides out of the ring opposite UVI and goes for the ladder. UVI runs around the ring and attacks DC. DC loses grip of the ladder and it is left standing up right and still folded, resting on the guard rail. UVI throws DC back into the ring. DC stands up to meet UVI. The two trade punches. DC starts to work over UVI and sends UVI reeling into the ropes. UVI bounces off the ropes and DC clothelines him to the mat. DC looks around on his stomach and spots the chair. DC stands up and picks up the chair as UVI stands up behind him. DC swings at UVI but UVI ducks under it and pulls brass knuckles out of his shorts. UVI turns around and punches the chair into DC's face.

*"oh" from the crowd*

DC falls to the mat gripping his face. UVI sets up the second chair in the middle of the ring. UVI takes DC by the hair and rests his head on top of the set up chair. UVI grabs the barbed wire wrapped board and smashes it into the side of DC's head, and tosses it outside of the ring.

*"Oh" from the crowd*

DC slides off of the chair holding his head. UVI starts shouting at the crowd. UVI goes out of the ring and takes one set of ring steps and slides it into the ring. UVI then slides back into the ring and out the other side and does the same with the other set of ring steps. UVI yet again slides out and grabs one of the two panels of glass and puts it in the ring. And then sets the glass on top of the ring steps. (The actual steps are facing outward so someone can go through the glass and not into the steps.) UVI looks at DC and looks at the ladder. He climbs out of the ring on the side closest to where the ladder is and makes his way to the ladder. UVI stands in front of the ladder and points to some kid sitting in the front row. The kid starts calling UVI a jerk and UVI responds by making a "I'm gonna slap you" lunge, but doesn't strike the kid. Meanwhile DC has stood up in the ring and is waiting to pounce. UVI grabs the ladder and pulls it off the guard rail. DC bounces off the opposite ropes and hops off of the chair and over the top rope. UVI turns around just as DC is coming down for a Poetry in Motion. UVI tosses the ladder at DC and steps away from it. The ladder goes crashes into DC in mid air.

*"OH!" from the crowd.*

UVI picks up the ladder and scoop slams it onto DC. UVI reaches into the ring and grabs the baseball bat. UVI walks back to DC and cracks the bat into the ladder, sending the force directly onto DC. UVI the pokes the bat through the rungs and shoves the end of the bat into DC's face. The barbed wire is cutting DC's face.

*The crowd starts booing UVI*

UVI sits the bat down, and picks the ladder up off of DC and slides it into the ring. UVI sits up the ladder below the case and starts to climb the side away from the glass on the steps. UVI slowly makes his way to the top and starts to reach for the case, but the ladder is wobbly. DC stands up and climbs to the apron and then to the turnbuckles. UVI has one hand on the case. DC comes flying off the tope turnbuckle and drop kicks UVI off of the ladder.

*The crowd starts cheering loud and a few DC! chants start up.*

The ladder tips over and bounces off the tope rope and rests there. DC and UVI make their way to their feet. UVI backs up into the corner. DC runs at UVI, and the crowd anticipates the Stinger Splash. UVI moves and DC takes steps up the turnbuckles. UVI turns around as DC is twisting in the air. DC lands the Whisper In The Wind. DC grabs the ladder and sits it back up under the case and starts to climb slowly on the side opposite the sat up glass. DC is half way to the ladder when UVI starts to climb as well, obviously on the side with the glass.

*some of the crowd start to stand up as UVI and DC are both at the top.*

Both men trade punches. UVI grabs DC's head and smashes it into the top of the ladder and DC falls back a little. UVI climbs one rung higher and turns around, placing DC's head below his butt. UVI hooks one arm of DC's and then the other. UVI lifts DC up onto his back and slowly gets himself turned around with DC aimed directly down at the glass below.UVI has managed to set up DC for a vertabreaker (Last Rites) off the top of the LADDER! UVI takes a small hop off of the ladder and DC goes crashing through the glass below! The glass shatters into a million pieces.

*"HOLY SHIT" chants start. Both men are down for quite some time.*

The referee checks on DC as UVI grips his lower back. Another referee comes out and checks on UVI. EMTs follow shortly and huddle around DC, who seems to be moving around OK. The EMT's and refrees start to kick the glass out of the ring. Both men are laying down surrounded by people.

*"Wrestlezone" chants start up*

UVI makes his way to his knees and looks towards where DC is being treated. UVI is on one knee as referees start to hold him back from DC. UVI points to the ladder and tells the ref that is where he is going. UVI slowly, very slowly, starts to make his way up the ladder.

*The crowd starts going nuts*

DC is standing up against the ropes. DC's face is bloody and pieces of glass are stuck inside of his body, but he is standing. UVI is half way up the ladder when he looks to see DC standing up. The two men stare at each other, and UVI looks up toward the case, and back at DC. UVI starts climbing faster. DC pushes through the refs and EMTs and starts climbing the other side of the ladder. The refs and EMTs climb out of the ring and stand at ring side, all they can do is watch. The two men meet again at the top of the ladder. They trade blows. DC is really hurting as UVI starts to work him over. DC slumps down, as UVI reaches for the case. DC comes full force with a shot that sends UVI reeling. DC takes a step higher on the ladder and starts pumping right hands into the head of UVI.

*The crowd is going nuts!*

UVI starting teetering backwards, DC continues to punch him with anger. UVI finally falls to the mat as DC reaches for the case.

*The crowd is loud as hell but in a panic induced state*

Jonny B has made his way back to the ring and pushes the ladder over sending DC belly first into the top rope, and then bouncing over to the outside. Jonny B grabs a mic.

*The crowd is chanting "YOU SUCK!"*

"Dammit stay down! Icon, get your ass up there and get that damn case! NOW!

Jonny rolls out to where DC is and starts stomping him. UVI is struggling to set the ladder back up. Jonny rips off his shirt and starts choking DC with it.

"This is what happens to people like you that try to get where they don't belong. Choke! Your worthless Son of a B...

Y 2 Jakes music hits and the crowd gets even louder. Y 2 Jake is carrying a chair with him and he charges at Jonny who hops the guard rail again and runs through the crowd. Y 2 Jake hops the guard rail and starts to go after Jonny. UVI has sat up the ladder and is climbing. Y 2 Jake stops in the crowd and looks back at UVI. UVI is half way up the ladder. Y 2 Jake hops back over the guard rail, runs to the ring and slides in. Y 2 Jake cracks the chair off of UVI's back. UVI cries out in pain as Y 2 Jake drops the chair and hooks UVI's arms. Y 2 Jake has UVI in a cross powerbomb (Razor's edge) and walks to the side of the ring. Y 2 Jake then tosses UVI to the outside and into the barbed wire wrapped panels of wood. Y 2 Jake slides out of the ring and helps DC up.
Y 2 Jake helps DC into the ring and helps him up the ladder. DC straddles the ladder and reaches up and grabs the case.

Here is your winner... JOINTDC!!!

*The crowd is going crazy as Y 2 Jake grabs a mic*

"Jonny, I'm not getting involved in your twos fued, because we already got a match at Mania to settle our differences. But I'll be damned if your gonna screw this kid."

Jonny comes out on the stage, apparently he has made his way back from the crowd and onto the stage.

"I call the damn shots, if that bastard is supposed to lose, then dammit, I MAKE SURE HE LOSES!"

DC is still on top of the ladder and is looking at Jonny. DC starts motioning Jonny to bring it to the ring.

*The crowd starts chanting "Your an a$$hole" and Jonny is getting furious.*

"Your people shut the hell up! Dammit!"

UVI has slid back into the ring and runs at Y 2 Jake. Y 2 Jake turns around and ducks under a clothesline, UVI bounces off the rope. UVI comes back at Y 2 Jake. Y 2 Jake picks up UVI into the air and slams him back down with a spinebuster (Farooq style). Y 2 Jake slides out of the ring and starts walking towards Jonny.

"Screw this shit. I'm out of here. DC! I'll see you soon! Jake! I'll be back to kick your ass another time!"

Y 2 Jake starts to walk up the ramp but stops and notices the other panel of glass. Jake looks at the glass and picks it up. Jake slides the glass into the ring and looks up at DC who starts climbing down. Jake tells him to stop and to get back up there. DC starts climbing back up with a confused look on his face, as Jake sits up the glass onto the ring steps. Jake picks up UVI and sits him on top of the glass and holds him in place and looks at DC. Jake makes a motion for DC to jump through UVI. DC drops the case to the mat.

*The crowd starts chanting "DC!"*

DC makes a gun with his hand and points to his head as he stands up on the very top of the ladder. DC shrugs and jumps into a Swanton Bomb. Y 2 Jake moves as DC goes crashing through UVI and the glass. Glass shatters everywhere for the second time.

*"Holy Shit" chants from the crowd.*

The EMTs are back in the ring to check on both men. DC doesn't seem to be hurting that bad this time around. Y 2 Jake walks over and helps DC to his feet.

*The crowd goes nuts*

Y 2 Jake holds DC's hand up in the air for a second, but DC falls back to the mat. Y 2 Jake laughs and climbs out of the ring and back up the ramp. Jake faces the ring as he leaves and claps a little bit. Jake throws an arm in the air and walks behind the curtain.

DC stands up in the ring against the ropes and falls to his knees. DC crawls over to the case and grabs it. EMTs and referees are tending to UVI as DC rolls out of the ring. DC collapses into the guard rail with his back into the crowd. Fans are grabbing at him and chanting his name as the camera fades to black.

(I do wanna take a moment and thank Spiral for letting me do this kind of stuff. UVI for his willing participation. Big Ace as Spiral has made mention for actually starting WZMania. And finally, Y 2 Jake for letting me use him, hopefully he is ok with what I had him doing. I hope you all enjoy this, as I'm pretty proud of this one. Thank you.)
(I like my avatar... anyway)

Kristal is backstage in the parking lot area waiting the arrival of JointDC. A car pulls up. DC is driving it and parks near her and pops the trunk when he comes to a stop. Music is cranked as the door opens and DC emerges from the car. He shuts the door and walks to the trunk limping. He also has a BandAid on his forehead. Obviously signs of his match with Ultraviolent Icon just a week ago. Kristal walks up to him...

"DC I have a few questions that people want to know... do you think you will be able to wrestle against Jonny B at Wrestlezone Mania? Do you think he will attack you again at some point in time?"

DC stands for a second with a serious look on his face. And then cracks a smile.

"First off... your hot...*he looks at the camera to get feed back from the crowd, and the crowd cheers.*"Secondly, I have some gear here with me in this very bag... so, to answer your question for right now... who knows..."

DC walks off camera...


Chemical Brothers - Name of the Game hits, and pyros go off and DC emerges from the smoke. He is still limping and is wrapped up in a few bandages in case someone comes out. The crowd is cheering and chanting his name as he makes his way to the ring.

DC slides into the ring ready for action. He grabs a mic.

"I just wanted to come out here, and address a few questions. People wanna know, if the things that I have done in just two matches are too much? Are they going to start taking a tole on my body? Do I really think I can take Jonny at WZMania even after the fact that I have survived through almost everything he has thrown at me? And my answer...

*he pauses*

"You bet your sweet ass I am! You can't stop me Jonny. I've opened the eyes of a lot of people in the back. I've shown this crowd what I'm capable of. And now, they know, that me winning the Rumble wasn't just a fluke. I earned this spotlight and I'm earning this chance. I don't have the power that you wield. But I actually have fans! I have people that believe in me, and the hell if you think I'm gonna let them down. You think a couple of bruised ribs will stop me? You think a couple of stitches wills top me? Do you think a few drops of blood will make me turn around and run like a dog with its tail between its legs? No Jonny! None of these things matter. Ribs heal. Wounds close. But blood... BOILS! And when this crowd sees what I do, and cheers my name... thats when I know... nothing will keep me down! Nothing! So bring your flunkies! Bring your stooges! Bring your whole damn army of has-beens and have-nots. I will take them all on to get to you, and if you think for a second, that I'm gonna let you get the better of me, then I promise you this. The games have just begun!"

DC throws the mic down and climbs the top turnbuckle. He starts yelling at the crowd to get louder. The crowd is gradually getting louder.

But then... Jonny's music hits...
*sorry for interupting*

*Big Ace's music hits and the crowd is as shocked as DC is*

Big Ace: Blah, Blah, Blah, is that all you can talk about? You're nothing but a jackass.

*Crowd boos*

Big Ace: Shut up! You know DC, You talk about being an inspiration for people, but you're not. You won the 'Rumble, big deal. People have done it before. You think you're tough. You're the people's wrestler? What a feel-good story isn't it Jonny? Well you know what? Nice guys finish last, so thank God I'm an asshole!

*Team Jonny laughs*

Big Ace: You don't deserve to wrestle Jonny for the title. Hell, none of us, should have to wrestle in front of these idiots. Don't you think Jonny has given you fans enough? You call us flunkies? It's not our fault that we could give you the beating of a life-time right now. You want to see it happen?

*Crowd starts cheering*

Big Ace: Well that's just too damn bad! I can not wait for Jonny to give you an ass-beating so he can remind you that he is the top dog in this industry. Not Admin, not you. See, we're not giving you a match tonight. Jonny's too big of a name to wrestle on this piece of crap! But when he does step in the ring at WZMania, and retains his WZ'll be just another name that falls down to the number one guy in WrestleZone! Has-beens? Have-nots? These are the same people that could kick your ass whenever we wanted to. But for tonight, Jonny has the night off. So you can't wrestle him!

*Team Jonny waits for DC's reply*
DC picks up the mic.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa Big Man... who said anything about wrestling Jonny?"

*crowd cheers*

"I came out here, KNOWING, that Jonny was going to send somebody out to do his dirty work. I mean, lets face it... why would he have to wrestle me right here and now. I already have a contract in writing, and its binding, that I will be able to kick his ass at WZMania... so... with that said.... I'm still in my ring gear... and... your all looking pretty lonely up there... So..."

*crowd cheers*

"So there is only two possible things YOU GUYS can do... You can turn around right now like a bunch of *****es!"

*Big Pop from the crowd*

"OR, you can come down to this ring... and just maybe, TRY, to shut me up!"
*Downward Spiral and Big Ace walk halfway down to the ring but then turn back*

Big Ace: No, no, you're not worth it. Why put our million-dollar bodies on the line to face your pathetic ass? It's not gonna happen. Why do you think every goddamn time we come out here, we HAVE to wrestle? Can't we just humilate you even worse then you've already humilated yourself? I mean, why can't..

*JointDC yells ''Shut Up!''*

Big Ace: You know what? You want a match so bad? YOU GOT IT! But, it's going to be in our favor. How about, Big Ace Vs JointDC, and, you have to put your #1 contender's spot on the line! You like to risk it all don't you? So in front of your precious fans, me, vs you, and the winner goes onto the main-event match at WZMania?! What do you say pretty boy?
DC stands in the middle of the ring as the fans are cheering like crazy. Big Ace and DownwardSpiral are standing on the ramp starring a hole through DC. The crowd bust into some chants of "DC!"

"I'm already in my gear... and if you want MY match at WZMania... then I suggest instead of standing there and waiting to pop a blood vessel, you climb your ass on into this ring, AND LETS DO THIS!"

Big Ace climbs into the ring as a ref runs down the ramp. Spiral is left at ringside. Ace and DC stand face to face as the ref slides into the ring and breaks them apart. Ace starts to shake his head and clinches a fist. The ref calls for the bell and the match has started.

Ace throws a punch at DC but DC ducks under and runs to the ropes. DC comes off the ropes and Ace hits the mat, with DC hopping over. DC bounces off the opposite ropes and Ace faints a Super Kick. DC puts the breaks on and locks his arms around the top rope, stopping his forward motion into what would have been the end of the match. Ace charges at DC but DC does a backbody toss that sends Ace over the top rope. Ace lands with his feet on the apron of the ring and punches DC in the back of the head. Ace climbs back into the ring with DC holding the back of his head. Ace goes for and lands a bulldog on DC. A pinfall attempt by Big Ace... 1... kick out by DC.

Ace picks up DC by the hair and walks him over to the corner. Ace attempts to pound DC's head into the turnbuckle but DC fights back with punches to the gut of Ace. DC gets Ace backing up and Irish whips Ace into the ropes. DC bends down for another back body but Ace stops in front of him and kicks him to a standing position. DC holds his chest as Ace starts with knife edge chops that ring throughout the arena. Ace Irish Whips DC into the ropes and attempts an arm drag. Halfway through the arm drag DC manages to get his legs around Ace's head and sends him to the mat with a head scissors takedown. Ace picks himself up quick and charges DC. DC ducks under a clothesline and spin kicks Ace's legs from underneath him. DC does a front flip leg drop near Ace's head but Ace moves. DC lands on his back and Ace attempts a small elbow drop, but DC moves. DC runs and bounces off the second rope and attempts a Lionsault, Ace rolls underneath it and DC flips over him onto his feet. Both men freeze...

*Crowd starts cheering at the fast pace of the match so far.*

DC stares into the crowd with a smile, and Ace looks around with a pissed off look. Ace and DC lock up in the middle of the ring and Ace starts to over power DC. DC starts to come back and over power Ace. Ace knees DC in the injured ribs with enough force that DC cries out in pain and falls to the mat. Ace kicks DC again in the ribs. Ace puts his arms out to the crowd almost saying "is this it?" Ace walks over and gets a high five from Spiral who is still at ringside. DC starts to get up. Ace walks up to DC and places his boot right on DC's forehead and kicks his head back to the mat. DC is holding his ribs and starts to cough.

*crowd starts booing Ace as he walks around the ring, waiting for DC to get up. Spiral yells at a couple people sitting at ringside.*

DC manages to make it to his feet, as Ace is standing in the corner. DC is still holding his ribs, but looks at Ace. DC nods as if to say "ok, we'll do it like that then."

Ace walks up to DC. Both men stand face to face and talk trash. Spiral climbs the turnbuckle and the ref turns around to yell at Spiral. Ace tries to kick DC in the (bleep) but DC blocks and catches Ace's leg. DC bends down and trips Ace's other leg. DC holds both legs and jumps up and puts both of his own legs between Ace's (that Jeff Hardy low blow thing). Ace is on the mat as DC gets up and walks towards the ref. Spiral points toward DC and the ref turns around to tell DC to get away and let him do his job. DC backs off as Ace moves to his knees directly behind DC. The ref turns around to face Spiral again and Ace connects with a low blow.

*BOO! from the crowd*

Ace attempts a pin and yells at the ref. The referee turns around and sees the pin and starts the count... 1... 2... kick out by DC.

*Crowd cheers*

Ace stands up and points up. Ace climbs out onto the apron and walks to the turnbuckle. DC is holding his groin as he makes his way to his knees. Ace climbs the top turnbuckle. DC makes it to his feet and turns around toward Ace. Ace comes off the top rope with a high cross body. DC jumps and dropkicks Ace in mid air.

*Big cheer from the crowd.*

Ace rolls on the ground as DC favors his ribs. Pin attempt by DC... 1... 2... kick out by Ace.

Ace and DC stand up and trade punches back and forth. DC lands two in a row and sends Ace reeling. DC punches Ace with one hand and holds his ribs with the other. DC backs Ace into the corner and punches Ace until Ace is sitting down. DC graps the top ropes with both arms and bounces up in the air. Ace moves as DC comes down in a dropkick fashion. DC's legs are hooked up and over the bottom rope as Ace starts to stomp his ribs. Ace grabs DC's legs and drags him into the middle of the ring. Ace hooks DC's legs and rolls him over into a Sharpshooter. DC cries out and reaches for the ropes.

*The crowd pops and starts chanting to get DC pumped up and make it to the ropes.*

DC reaches for the ropes as Ace pulls back to apply more pressure. DC is reaching for the ropes as the crowd starts to get louder. DC crawls, moving Ace with him, to the ropes. Ace milks the count to four before breaking the hold. Ace picks up DC by the hair and walks to the corner. Ace puts DC in the corner and knife edge chops him again. Ace takes a few steps back and charges and DC. Ace attempts a Stinger Splash but DC moves and starts punching Ace. Spiral gets on the apron and starts yelling at the ref. DC sends Ace to the floor and turns around and runs at Spiral. DC throws a punch at Spiral but Spiral moves out of the way before DC hits him. DC turns and charges at Ace in the corner. Ace sidesteps and DC takes a few small steps up the turn buckle. Ace turns around as DC is twisting in the air. Ace sidesteps again as DC crashes to the floor. Pinfall attempt by Ace... 1... 2... kick out by DC.

*TWO! from the crowd*

Ace looks at the ref. The ref tells him that it was only two as Ace picks up DC. Ace Irish whips DC into a corner but DC reverses it. Ace goes into the corner and DC follows close behind, but Ace slingshots over DC. Ace runs up behind DC and goes for a German suplex. DC elbows Ace in the head and Ace stumbles back and into the ref. The ref is knocked down... YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS....

Spiral gets into the ring as soon as the ref is out and cracks DC across the back of the head. Ace gets up and starts stomping DC as well. Spiral gets behind DC and hooks his arms. Ace backs up a little bit and signals for a Super Kick. Ace goes into motion as DC mule kicks Spiral and ducks. Ace catches Spiral with the Super Kick as DC moves behind Ace. DC grabs Ace's arms and attempts a Un-prettier. Ace shoves DC before he can finish the move. DC is a few steps ahead of Ace and Ace charges from behind. DC turns quick and pushes Ace past him and takes a few steps back. Spiral makes it to all fours as Ace crashes into the turnbuckle. DC gets a running start and jumps off of Spirals back and hits a Poetry in Motion onto Ace.

*Crowd goes crazy*

DC rolls up Ace real quick as Spiral rolls out of the ring. DC looks around.

*crowd chants 1... 2...*

DC rolls off of Ace at the crowd's two count. Another ref comes to the ring...

DC picks up Ace and moves behind him and attempts an Un-prettier again. Ace pushes DC off yet again and DC hits the new ref. The new ref falls to the mat and DC looks down to see what he did. DC looks over toward Ace, who has already started in motion. SUPER KICK BY ACE!

Ace goes for the pin!

*The crowd lets out a big BOO! but chants... 1... 2... 3...*

Ace should be your winner but now both refs are out. Spiral makes his way to the first ref and shakes him. The first ref comes to and makes the slow count. 1... 2... KICK OUT BY DC...

*The crowd lets out a big pop*

Ace gets to his feet and looks at the ref. Spiral gets on the apron and starts yelling at the ref.

*The crowd starts booing Spiral and Ace*

DC is to his knees. Ace turns toward DC and DC catches him with a punch to the stomach. Ace backs up a little as DC punches him again. DC is still on his knees and punches Ace to the corner. DC stands up and sits Ace up onto the top rope. DC climbs up with Ace. DC motions for a top rope hurricanrana. DC hops above Ace and hooks his legs around Ace's head. Ace holds the top rope and DC crashes to the mat below. Ace stands up and looks to see if DC is in range. Ace comes off the top rope with an elbow drop. DC moves out of the way as Ace hits the mat flat on his back. DC rolls onto the apron as Spiral again climbs the apron on the other side. DC climbs the turnbuckle and hits a Swanton Bomb off the top rope. DC lays there as the Swanton took its toll on his ribs.

Jonny's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Spiral climbs off the top rope and him and Jonny exchange words. The camera moves in closer and you can hear Jonny saying to Spiral "What the hell is going on!?! Who said that this was ok!?! I run the damn show! What are you two doing?" Spiral is trying to calm Jonny down. DC rolls into the corner. Ace makes his way on his knees and looks to see Jonny pointing at him while yelling at Spiral. Ace leans through the ropes to talk to Jonny. The ref comes over and checks on DC. DC stands up and the crowd lets out a faint cheer so Jonny and them don't look. The ref walks over to tell Ace to pay attention, but its too late. Jonny continues to yell at Spiral as DC rolls up Ace and is going for a pinfall. 1... 2... 3...

Here is your winner: JointDC!!!

*the crowd cheers loudly*

Ace is PISSED and looks at DC. Jonny pulls out DC to the floor below and stomps him. Spiral comes and stomps DC with Jonny. Ace is in the ring yelling. Jonny and Spiral toss DC into the ring. Jonny calls for a mic.


*The crowd Boos Jonny real loud and chants of "Y 2 Jake"*

Spiral hooks DC's arms again, like before, but this time, Ace connects with a Super Kick and DC falls to the mat. Spiral goes out of the ring as Ace mounts DC and punches him. Spiral grabs a chair. Spiral slides back into the ring with the chair. Ace picks up DC to stand him up as Spiral comes with the chair and cracks DC over the head. DC falls to the mat busted open. Jonny yells something to Ace. Ace puts DC in the sharpshooter as Spiral stomps DC. Jonny goes down to the mat and gets in DC's face.

"That belt ain't worth this DC! That belt ain't worth it! These people won't lift a finger to help you. Not so long as me and my team are in control. These people don't give a damn about you! They aren't even chanting your name!"

DC starts to cough up blood.

*The chants of "Y 2 Jake" turn to chants of "DC! DC!"*

"They have to be told who to cheer for! Listen to em, your just a flavor of the month to them. Even if you win at Mania, in a month you'll be nothing to them!"

*The crowd Boos! Jonny even louder and the chants of "DC!" get even louder*

Spiral stops stomping DC and climbs the turnbuckle to tell the crowd to shut up. DC raises himself up with his arms and looks at Jonny.

*The crowd goes crazy to see DC up*

Jonny puts the mic down and gets on his knees of front of DC. Ace puts more pressure on The Sharpshooter. DC fights back the pain and stares at Jonny with pain in his eyes. Jonny raises the mic back to his face, but before he can talk, DC SPITS A MOUTHFUL OF BLOOD ALL OVER JONNY'S FACE AND SHIRT!

*The crowd goes nuts*

Ace lets go of the hold and Jonny, Spiral and Ace all start stomping DC.

Y 2 Jakes music hits and him and the rest of Team Jake charge the ring. Team Jonny slides out of the ring and into the crowd. Team Jake stand in the ring with a few members checking on DC. Jake yells at Jonny to come back to the ring but Jonny is long gone.

Y 2 Jake and rest of Team Jake help DC up to his feet. DC is not standing on his own will and is instead being held up by two people. DC manages to stand by himself after a minute. Team Jake give DC a couple high fives and pats on the back. DC climbs one turnbuckle as Jake climbs the other. With DC on the far left, four members on in the ring and Jake on the other turn buckle. They all pose and get the crowd pumped up.

DC holds his ribs and climbs back down. Jake climbs down too. They all meet in the middle of the ring as the picture fades to black.
D.C. - Green

The show opens up as Name of the Game - The Crystal Method hits the speakers and the crowd goes crazy. The lights in the arena turn to a strobe light effect as the music picks up. Pyro goes off at the peak of the intro and the lights come on. D.C. is standing at the entrance looking at the crowd, in his typical black cargo pants, white tank top and backwards white hat. The crowd is going crazy as he stands at the entrance way and looks around. D.C. stares into the crowd and they start chanting his name while the music plays. D.C. runs to one side of the ramp and points and shouts at the crowd on the left. D.C. then runs and does the same on the other side, then makes his way to the ring, with a big smile on his face.

D.C. climbs into the ring and climbs all four turnbuckles egging the crowd on to keep cheering. The crowd eats it up for a while and D.C. asks for a mic. The crowd dies down a little so D.C. can talk.


D.C. starts to laugh a little into the mic and looks around again. The crowd starts going crazy again and chants his name. D.C. climbs the turnbuckle again and points and shouts at the crowd. D.C. climbs off the turnbuckle and stands in the middle of the ring again. After a couple of minutes the crowd dies down again.

"Damn does that feel good."

The crowd pops again.

"Alright Alright.*D.C. holds his hand up*Now see, this is something Jonny will never appreciate. All of you, in your seats, gave me a chance. Based solely on the reaction that I just got from all of you... I have proven myself to you... there just isn't anything like that in the world, and for that, I thank you. But enough about me, I came out here tonight, to say a little something, to some people, about something in particular. And that is, I got some good news... and I got some bad news... And that is this... The bad news... is that the match at WZMania, between Jonny and I, will NOT be a no DQ match.

*The crowd BOOS!*

"So I beat Ultraviolent Icon ass for nothing! Something legal and all this technical B.S. Icon got suspended right before the match, and he wasn't supposed to have it, blah blah blah. I didn't care to listen to it. They told me I still had my match, and thats all I cared about. But tonight, as we speak. The Board is voting, on a purposed stipulation. And in the event that it does indeed go through... Jonny's feelings toward me will start to go... two stages to the negatives. Some might even go as far to say as that... it may even go down... three stages... into the negatives. And we all know that positive, is a good thing. And whats better then good?... well... its like... Heaven. And we all know that negative, is a bad thing. And what is worse then bad?... well... its like Hell. Now, a lot of you may not be catching on to what I am saying... I'm kind of speaking in riddles here... but what I'm getting at is that if the board of directors vote in favor of the idea me and Admin came up with then the match at WZMania will be a...

Jonny's music plays and he comes out and stands at the entrance way.

"Would you just shut the hell up already! You have been pissing me off for a while now. And quite frankly I'm sick of hearing your voice. I'm sick of seeing your face. And I'm sick of having to come to the building night after night, and hear these dumb ass losers in the crowd, cheer for someone that isn't even HALF the talent that I am. Is it... is it because your jealous? Are you jealous that I have what you don't have? Do you think you have to piss me off to get a point across? Cause all I know is that, once you go down at Mania, your head is on the chopping block. Do you really think that they are going to let some loser like you stick around. You get a shot at the number one guy, but fail. So what does that leave you, lets see... former WZ Royal Rumble champ, but only won because no one even knew he was in the ring. And... ummm... I'm sorry I'm drawing a blank. Oh yeah, now I remember. NOT A GODDAMN THING! You are STILL a nobody! You will always be a nobody! You are not in my league! I am the hybrid! I am the future! I am..."


*crowd lets out a big cheer*

"Jonny, do you know what I see when I see you?"

"I'm all ears."*Jonny crosses his arms and waits for D.C.'s reply.*

"I see someone, who abuses power, who lacks confidence, who gets other people to do his dirty work, who takes people out with a cheap shot from behind so he doesn't have to go one on one with them. Now, with all that baring in mind. You threw all of these things at me Jonny. And I'm still here. So, while you say I'm a nobody, I can still prove myself to the audience. So, I am the failure, but Jonny YOU, my friend, are the failure!"

*The crowd cheers as Jonny starts walking to the ring slowly*

"Cute. Thats cute. See. Normally, what I would do, is just, snap my fingers and, Spiral or someone would come out and nail you from behind. But as you can see. I'm all by myself D.C.. I stood backstage and heard you mumble and grumble, about 'my match isn't DQ anymore, my match isn't DQ anymore mwahhh' you sound like a baby."*Jonny climbs into the ring*"But then you said something else D.C. you said, that the board of directors were voting on our match. And you are correct. They are voting on the match. And I'll tell you what they are voting on D.C.. They, are voting on a no-contest agreement based on your actions here lately on the show."

*crowd boos*

Jonny looks out at the crowd, "Shut up!"

*crowd boos louder and start chanting, "@$$hole!"*

Jonny looks back at D.C."You see, what these people don't understand about what I just said, is that, I am not going to wrestle you. You are a danger to everyone you step in the ring with. You are unsafe. You are not fit to fill the role of a champion. I am perfect for this company, I got the physic. I got the skills. So you can go ahead and say I'm a failure, but the way I see it. I am the pimp, and you, are the BITCH!"

*Crowd boos Jonny heavily.*

"So at the end of the night, our little match at Mania, will be nothing but a distant memory to you. It is never going to happen. You don't know the friend I have. You don't know the strings I can pull. You don't know..."

"Whoa whoa whoa..."

*everyone looks around. As Admin comes onto the Titantron*

"Jonny. D.C.. The board has voted. And Jonny you made a very strong case against D.C.'s in ring behavior. Which is why, your match at WZMania, has been stripped from the card...

*The crowd boos, and D.C. looks away with an angry look on his face*

"Thank you, thank you. See I told you all..."


*The crowd cheers again*

"We deliberated over the idea me and D.C. had discussed earlier. So, the no DQ match at Mania has been cancelled, and instead, replaced! By another match!"

*the crowd cheers in anticipation.*

"Now Jonny, and the audience, D.C. did a good job of describing the match. And indeed Jonny, you will hate D.C. three times as much..."

*D.C. starts jumping in anticipation, and Jonny starts cussing at the Titantron.*

"At WZMania, it will be D.C. vs Jonny B, for the WrestleZone Championship. To be decided, in not one... not two... but THREE, matches. A Three Stages of Hell match up!"

*The crowd goes crazy as Jonny becomes so mad that he kicks the ropes and swears up a storm. D.C. is jumping around and yelling at the crowd to stand up and cheer.*

"Now we have not yet decided what types of matches will take place. But rest assured you will both find out in due time. So, tonight, D.C. I want you to relax. And Jonny good luck next week with your match against Y 2 Jake. I'll see you next week. Before WZMania, to announce the matches, and a contract signing for the match. Until then gentlemen."

The screen goes black as Jonny turns around with the most pissed off look on his face.

D.C. is standing there making a 'title belt' sign across his waist. And pointing at Jonny. Jonny gets out of the ring and never takes his eyes off of D.C.. Jonny walks to the back as D.C. yells at the crowd.

The screen goes black as we cut to a commercial.

(please follow up on the other matches taking place a week before WZMania in the Team Jake vs Team Jonny thread. We would all like more feedback on all of the threads. And be sure to read all of the WZMania matches to see who comes out on top.)
The Main Event!
D.C. vs Jonny B
Three Stages of Hell!!!
WrestleZone Heavyweight Championship Match

Lillian Garcia: "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time now, for WZMania's MAIN EVENT!"

*The crowd cheers as the announcement is made*

Lillian: "This match is for the WrestleZone Heavyweight Championship! And it will be a Three Stages of Hell match. The first person to get two victories will be the winner of the match."

The Referee holds up the Title Belt to show the crowd as they go nuts.

Jonny B's entrance music hits and the place starts booing him heavily. He has his head down, and he is wearing a baseball jersey that says Jonny B on the front, WZMania on the back, and a pair of running pants. A couple foam cups fly past his head, he pauses and looks around. He smiles big and holds his hands up in the air as fireworks go off behind him and around him. The crowd is blanked out while the pyros go off, but the boos continue once the noise dies down. The Titan Tron flashes the words "Team Jonny" across the screen as he takes the long walk to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: "Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing first. From Southhampton, England, Jonny B!"

Jonny pauses and holds his arms out again. The crowd continues to boo him loudly with almost anything he does. Jonny slides into the ring and poses on all four turnbuckles individually.

JR:"Well if this match doesn't have Slobber Knocker written all over it, then by God King, I don't know what else would."

King: "Without a doubt JR. These two guys hate each other. They both have gotten in each others business. But my money is on this man right here. Jonny B, how you doing buddy! He going to win it JR, you can mark my words."

JR: "King your as crazy as a pet coon. But your opinion is your opinion. And if that matters, I hope your opinion of Jonny B is not like your opinion on woman, or your in for another disappointment."

The lights go out in the arena as The Name of the Game by the Crystal Method hits. Strobe lights kick on, and lasers flash to all corners of the arena. The music is a little more drawn out, and the lights flash faster as the song picks up. It reaches its peak and right after "Listen all you motherfuckers!" fireworks explode all across the stage area and D.C. comes jumping from underneath the stage ala Rey Mysterio Jr. He is wearing black cargo pants and cut off shirt with D.C. written on the front and back. The crowd pops loudly as D.C. walks back and forth on the stage pointing and shouting to the crowd.

Lillian: "And his opponent. From Williamsburg, Pennsylvania. D.C.!"

The lights kick back on as he makes his way down the ramp and fireworks follow him as he jops towards the ring. He slides in and runs toward the nearest turnbuckle and jumps to on the second rope and leans towards the crowd. He hops down and says something to Lillian, before walking around the ring shouting at the crowd to get louder.

JR:"And what do you think about this young stud. He has been called a lot of things, but this kid, has it all! Speed. Agility. A risk taker. A dare devil. King, have you ever seen anyone like D.C.?"

King:"He's an idiot! He's lucky to still be standing after some of the things he's done. I can't believe someone is willing to risk it every night like D.C. does JR. He is liable to end up killing himself for these fans. Jonny was right, this kid is a danger to himself and everyone around him.

JR:"I'd really hate to say it King, but I have to agree with you on some levels, this kid is gutsy. He is a high flyer, and a damned good entertainer. But the risks he takes are death defying. But he loves this crowd. And will do anything, I repeat, anything, to give them everything he's got. He's not going to let them down."

King:"Well these fans aren't going to have to cheer for him if he ends up in the hospital."

JR: "Well thats the risk you take in this business King. I support D.C. and feel that he is the one, that is going to take home that title. But I've been wrong a few times before. But I have a gut feeling, that either way, this is going to be one long roller coaster of a match."

King:"Well JR, I know whose going to win, but I can honestly say. I'm in for a long ride as well... HERE WE GO!"

(to be continued...)
Jonny reaches out of the ring and asks for a microphone.

Jonny: "Cut the music, cut the music"

*Crowd boos heavily*

JR:"What the hell do you make of this King, what's he got to say?"

King:"Well if you would shut up JR, we'll find out now won't we."

Jonny: "Now, everyone, let me be the first to say. SHUT UP!"

*crowd chants asshole*

JR:"These people are giving Jonny a piece of their minds."

King:"Quiet JR!"

Jonny:"Let me be the first to say... that this... is going to be the biggest night of our lives. This right here is what its all about. So, DC let me ask you. Is this worth it. I'm going to tear you apart. Do you really want me to beat your ass right here at Wrestlezone Mania!?! Think about it Kid, the grand daddy of em all. The biggest show in the history of Wrestlezone, and you want to remember it from a hospital bed? I'm going to give you a choice... right here, and right now. Walk away, and save yourself the heartache."

Jonny hands the mic to DC.

JR:"Don't do it DC! Kick his ass like the dog that he is!"

King:"Watch your mouth JR, talk like that will end up getting you in trouble."

DC:"Well Jonny... thats a nice offer... but, I watched my matches, and I watch highlights of me winning the Rumble. And I have to say..."

*The crowd starts chanting DC!"

DC:"I've got to say, in front of all these people. I have come, way, way, way too far, to ever look back. So you can take your offer... turn that son of a bitch sideways... and..."

*Crowd finishes: "Stick it straight up your candy ass!"

DC: "No, no don't do that, not yet, haha. You can turn it sideways... you can turn it upside down... you can turn anyway you want to turn it... either way Jonny... these people forgot to do one thing... see... shine it up real nice... and then, THEN, YOU STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!"

The bell rings and both men stand face to face against each other in the middle of the ring. Jonny starts laughing and points at D.C. and mocks him. Jonny flips D.C. off and backs away. D.C. puts his hand down and looks around at the crowd. He walks up to Jonny and starts talking to him, but the cameras can't pick up what is being said. There is a faint mumble and then all of a sudden D.C. puts up a middle finger and shoves it in Jonny's face. The crowd pops loud. But Jonny takes a cheap shot at D.C. and the match begins.

JR:"A cheap shot, go figure."

King:"Nice guys finish last. D.C. is aggravated now, he's going to lose focus."

D.C. and Jonny start throwing wild punches at each other. Both dodging and ducking every other shot. Finally Jonny slides out under the bottom rope and the ref begins the ten count, but Jonny slides back in at 4.

JR:"Remember folks, this first match, is a regular match. All the rules apply here. Count outs, pinfalls, submissions, and DQ's all count in this first contest."

D.C. invites Jonny for a lock up in the middle of the ring. Jonny stands in front of DC and takes one hand into his left hand. And then hooks the right hand. They tie up and both men jock for leverage on the other. Jonny takes out DC's legs with a quick kick that sends DC to the mat on his back. They remain holding hands as Jonny jumps to a body splash. DC puts his legs up and catches Jonny. Jonny falls back onto his feet and DC uses the leverage to jump on top of Jonny shoulders into a hurricanrana position. But Jonny rolls DC back and they up lock hands as DC backflips onto his feet.

JR:"Pretty even contest. But I have a feeling this match could explode on all cylinders any second. It has that potential."

King:"I think they're just measuring each other up JR, I agree with you. This can get really interesting really quick."

DC and Jonny step back from each other. And look around at the crowd. The crowd starts clapping at a quick pace, showing that they want to see both men tear into each other and not hold anything back. And sure enough, the pace quickens really fast.

Jonny charges at DC, DC side steps and sends Jonny into the ropes. Jonny bounces back and DC hits the mat stomach first, with Jonny hopping over. DC gets up quick and runs with Jonny to the opposite ropes, but slides out quickly as Jonny hits the ropes. Jonny comes back off of them and doesn't see DC anywhere. DC tugs on Jonnys legs as he is on the outside, and Jonny turns around and starts kicking at DC. DC slides back in and Jonny starts stomping on him. Jonny takes DC and Irish whips him into the corner. Jonny gets down in a quick three point stance and charges a few steps behind DC. They meet in the corner with Jonny nailing DC with a thud of a clothesline. Jonny gets back a little and starts slapping DC with knife edge chops. The crowd "WOOOOOOOOOO!s" at every chop. After taking 3 chops. DC reverses and tosses Jonny into the corner, and slaps a defining chop to Jonny's chest. Another "WOOOOOOOOOOOO!" from the crowd.

DC Irish whips Jonny into the opposite corner and charges at him. Jonny moves out the way and DC takes a few steps up the turnbuckle. But before he can jump back at Jonny, Jonny moves behind DC and pushes him off the turnbuckle to the outside, and DC crashes into the barricade. The crowd stands up to see DC laying there. Jonny waits for the ten count and stands by the ropes pointing and laughing at DC. DC makes it to his feet and slides back in, but is met with some stomps from Jonny. The ref pulls Jonny aside and shouts at him to let DC get into the ring.

DC stands up and runs at Jonny, Jonny pushes the ref out of the way and takes a spear from DC. DC starts laying in punches to Jonny's head and they roll around on the canvas. The crowd pops loud as both men roll around. DC gets up first and picks up Jonny. DC Irish whips Jonny into the ropes and goes down for a back body drop. Jonny kicks DC upright and punches him. Jonny works over DC and Irish whips him into the corner. Jonny goes for a splash but DC moves out of the way and Jonny crashes into the turnbuckle. DC grabs Jonny by the head and tosses him to the outside. The ref starts the count and Jonny makes his way to his feet grabbing the side of the apron. DC grabs the top rope and hops backward. He brings his feet out from underneath him and does a sit down dropkick under the bottom rope into Jonny face. Jonny stumbles back and is laid out. DC goes under the ropes and stands with his back toward Jonny on the apron. DC starts to bounce on the second rope as Jonny starts to stand up. DC jumps one last time and launches himself into a Whisper in the Wind and catches Jonny just as he stands up.

JR:"Good God King. These two are going at it pretty fast and this is just the first match up."

King:"Its like I said JR, this kid is an idiot. He is gonna kill himself before we ever get anywhere.

DC stands up holding his back, the ref starts the count over, but DC grabs Jonny and tosses him back into the ring at the 5 count mark. DC climbs the top rope and looks down at Jonny. DC stands up and leaps into the air, and puts his legs behind him and grabs his heels. Right before he comes down he puts his legs out for a leg drop (Kenny Dykstra feint leg drop) but Jonny moves out of the way.

JR:"DC landing very unceremoniously there King."

King:"I don't know what must be hurting more, his ass or his ego."

Jonny goes for the quick pin, but only manages a one count. Jonny stands up and goes to the top rope himself. DC stands up and wobbles around, as he turns around Jonny comes flying off the top rope with a high cross body and rolls DC up. 1... 2... kick out by DC.

Jonny is aggravated and gets in the ref's face begging for a three count. He slides out of the ring and goes under the apron and produces a steel chair. The crowd pops for the introduction of a weapon, but the ref is there to meet Jonny and shouts for him to get rid of it. Jonny threatens to hit the ref with the chair and the ref grabs it. Jonny and the ref fight back and forth over the chair, as DC stands up. DC runs up toward Jonny and does a running Enzaguri kicking Jonny in the temple and sending him to the mat. DC stands up and starts to put the boots to Jonny as the ref takes the chair and kicks it onto the apron of the ring to get it out of the way. DC stands Jonny up and gives him a European uppercut that sends Jonny to the corner. DC climbs up in front of Jonny and starts punching, the crowd chants with the punches, "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9" DC winds up a big punch as the crowd goes "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" DC lays one last punch on Jonny as the crowd pops "10!"

JR:"This kid is something else, he entertains the crowd and still manages to have a little fun..."

King:"Yeah but this kind of stuff makes you vulnerable, if you keep playing to the crowd you won't pay much attention to your opponent."

Just like King predicted, DC starts shouting at the crowd as the ref looks at DC. DC makes his way back to Jonny, and the ref walks over and knocks the chair off the apron and to the floor. With his back turned, Jonny lands a low blow onto DC. The crowd boos, and when the ref turns around Jonny holds his hands up in the air innocently.

JR:"Oh give me a damn break! Come on ref! You know better then that!"

King:"What are you talking about JR, I didn't see a thing. But if I were to take a guess, I bet Jonny used his head, he's such a smart guy."

Jonny goes for the quick pin... 1... 2... kick out by DC.

The crowd pops slightly, as the match is starting to go a little on the boring side. Seeing as how there is a lot riding on this match, they want to see more action. Jonny looks around and does a mocking "Hulk Hogan" hand wave, and holds his hand up to his ear to hear the crowd. He is met with a lot of boos from the crowd. As he turns around DC throws a punch to the gut of Jonny. Jonny backs up and DC throws another punch that lands. DC is on his knees throwing punches wildly as the crowd picks up more. He sends Jonny all the way to the turnbuckle and stands up and continues to throw wild punches. Jonny throws a thumb to DC's eyes and DC stumbles backwards. The ref walks over to both men as Jonny lunges at DC. DC ducks under the clothesline and Jonny nails the referee with it. The ref goes down as Jonny stands up quick. DC rolls away and stands up and both men look at the fallen referee.


King:"Oh yes it is JR, now anything can happen, and I think these two know it."

Jonny slides out quick and grabs the chair that the referee kicked out of the ring. DC slides out on the other side and goes under the ring and grabs a steel chair of his own. Both men slide into the ring at the same time, both holding chair. The crowd is going wild as they stare off at each other. Jonny swings and DC with the chair, but DC lifts his chair and blocks the shot. DC goes for a gut shot with the chair. But Jonny puts his down and blocks it.

JR:"This is a like a sword fight with chairs!!!"

King:"HAHA, have you ever seen anything like this JR?"

JR:"Well I..."

King:"Don't answer that."

DC blocks another high shot from Jonny. DC goes for a baseball type swing with his chair but Jonny blocks it as well. Both men stand still for a second as the crowd errupts. DC tosses his chair at Jonny. Jonny tosses his chair down and catches DC's in his hands. DC goes for a Vandaminator. But Jonny sidesteps and lifts the chair high above his head. DC is on the ground as Jonny comes down with the chair, DC rolls out of the way and Jonny again smashes the chair on the ground trying to hit DC. DC slides out under the ring as Jonny chases after him. DC slides back into the ring and slides out the other side. Jonny shouts at him from inside the ring as the ref makes it to his hands and knees. DC points towards the entrance ramp and Jonny looks, turning his back to the ref and DC. DC slides back into the ring and runs towards Jonny, jumping off of the back of the ref. DC shouts as Jonny turns around, DC launches off the ref's back and hits a front dropkick smashing the chair into Jonny's face. The ref falls back to the mat, as the crowd starts cheering loudly.

JR:Good God almighty. What the hell was that King?"

King:I don't know JR, but it doesn't look good for Jonny, ahhhh come on Jonny."

DC goes for the pin but looks and sees the ref is knocked out. DC gets up and shakes the referee. The ref crawls back to life, and DC goes for the cover again. 1... 2... KICK OUT BY JONNY!

JR:"He kicked out King... He kicked out!"

King:"Alright Jonny!"

DC gets up and can't believe it. He walks up to the ref who rolls back over and plays the "knocked out" bit again. DC stands over him as Jonny sneaks over and grabs a chair, and gets to his knees. DC turns around and Jonny shoots the chair into DC's gut. Jonny stands up and cracks the chair off of DC's skull. DC falls to the mat as Jonny stumbles up. Another ref comes running to the ring as the ref in the ring slides over. Jonny goes for the pin, 1... 2... the other ref pulls the referee inside out of the ring. The crowd goes crazy as the second ref explains something to hit, making a motion that someone hit someone with a chair. The first ref calls for the bell and walks over toward Lillian, who is just as confused as everyone else.

JR:"Now what the hell is this King. Jonny could have got the pin but that ref pulled the other referee out of the ring. What the hell is going on?"

King:"I don't know JR, but I think we are about to find out."

The ref is talking to Lillian. She stands up and brings the mic to her mouth.

Lillian: Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee that came to the ring has announced that Admin has disqualified both men. Both participants used chairs, and therefore, both men have been disqualified. This match, as a result, will not be counted as a pinfall victory for either man. We will now start with the second match. The Hardcore match."

The referee again tells something to Lillian.

JR:"So you mean to tell me that both men, just spent that time kicking each others asses, and neither one of them got a pinfall victory?"

King:"Thats what it sounds like JR. But if I can go out of place for a second, that means that since both men are DQed then that means if neither person can get 2 pinfalls in the next two matches... then whats going to happen?"

Lillian:If the series of pinfalls is tied 1 to 1 at the end of the final match, we will go into a sudden death situation."

JR:"Well if that don't beat all... so neither man gets a victory, and now, the only way to win, is if one person, wins the next two matches..."

King:"Oh man JR... thats what I feared... we need a champion, so this match will just keep going until we do get one..."

TBC... this was actually cut in half, but the next two will be more action packed.
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