30 Man Battle Royal for the WZ Intercontinental Title

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
(Admin's music hits as he walks out in a suit and tie, holding a briefcase. He is smiling and gets in the ring swiftly and takes a microphone from the ring announcer. He looks around for a while before raising it.)

"Well ladies and gentlemen, we are just a few days away from the grandest stage of them all, WrestleZone Mania! (Crowd pops.) And I was thinking to myself that the card, doesn't seem quite full yet. There are a lot of guys itching to get their turn, but none of them are up to scratch. They just don't have enough passion to be cutting it at the bigtime, and in the main event. But, I have an idea that is sure to get hearts pumping, asses on seats, and reinstore some passion in my wrestlers! Some wrestlers have voiced their opinions about being left off the card and I thought that they had some merit in saying that. So what I have decided to do, is to make a way for them to ALL get on the card. This is WZMania, and I am about to make it explode. At WZMania, we are going to have a 30 man battle royal on the card! (Crowd pops.) So all of your favourite superstars will be in it. And I know for sure that this is the opportunity that all those slackers in the back have been waiting for."

"You may be asking: "What's the point of having this battle royal? What does it mean?", well you also may be asking what is inside this briefcase. You see, I just thought to myself, what's the point of making everyone go for the one title? There are people leagues above the rest and so a lot of my wrestlers will never get to see the spotlight. So I have changed that. The wrestlers that weren't on the WZMania card before tonight will have a reason to bust their asses off in front of each and every fan, night in and night out. So without further ado, let me unveil exactly what I am holding inside this briefcase. The very thing that those 30 guys will be fighting for, in the Battle Royal at WZMania..."

(Admin holds the briefcase in front of him and unlocks it, slowly lowering the lid until a glittering championship belt is shown.)

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, the WZ Intercontinental Championship!!!! (Crowd cheers.) So now, this is what will give meaning to have those guys at WZMania. Week in and week out, guys will be cutting their teeth in the business over this title, and I can assure you, they will tear their bodies apart just to have this! Everyone involved in the Battle Royal, get out here, right now!!"

(The WZ Theme music plays as 30 wrestlers come out and stand outside the ring. Some come through the crowd and some come from the back. The wrestlers are: Kasey, Kaedon, Snyper, Pastie1545, Shadowmancer, Wrestledude1232, Deathisaright, realblackhart, justinsayne, Showtyme27, Wotdoiput, Snyper, The Shockmaster, drofthuganomics, xfearbefore, trunksjmd, themostelectrifyingman, HellboundPower, Prax, platynumx, Shining Wizard, RVDGurl, Suzymbc, 3Nigma, JamestheWolf, MrESteel, Cyric, Capt Charisma, The Dragon, Old School #1.)

"All right now. Let me introduce the 30 competitors in the Battle Royal for the WZ Intercontinental Championship! The wrestlers who will be using any means necessary to win this title (holds it up.) Bring on WZMania!"

(Admin goes to leave the ring but stops.)

"What would a pre-WZMania show be without a little preview. All of you bastards outside this ring, I, Admin, owner or WZ, am ordering you to beat the crap out of one another RIGHT NOW!!!!"

(Kaedon jumps Kasey from behind, and this starts an all out brawl between everybody in the match. Bodies are flying everywhere as Admin walks up the ramp laughing and raising his arms to the roaring crowd. A few steel chairs are brought into the brawl as all hell is breaking loose. The camera fades from the image of Admin holding the WZ Intercontinental Title up over the 30 wrestlers fighting.)
Backstage Wotdoiput is seen with Borash.

Borash: Wotdoiput your just one week away away from WZMania and the Battle Royal ma....

Wotdoiput: Really Borash? Did you think that I, the man who will become the first Intercontinental title holder, had just forgotten that WZ Mania was a week away??.... Have you been smoking those funny cigarettes again Jeremy??.. get the hell ut of my interview..

Wotdoiput pushes Borash off screen...

Wotdoiput: The days count down to WZMania, the night of nights where all the blood sweat and tears will pay. Where Wotdoiput will enter the Battle Royal with an assortment of 29 other pieces of grabage, from tall to short pieces of trash, to skinny and fat wastes of space.

I'm going to take each of those pieces of garbage and throw their fat, or skinny asses over that top rope.That will leave Wotddoiput standing in the ring, waiting just waiting for the ref to hand me my title belt so all those watching will know that I, Wotdoiput is the first and the greatest Intercontinental champion...
-Light fades in-


Get ready punks cause I'm about to dismiss all of you from the xfearbefore school of hard knocks. They tried to stop me, they tried to ban me, but the public demanded for the return of the angry one. Once I'm done with all of you fools in this battle royal, I'm makin the challenge right now for my first title defense against that pretty boy John Cena. It's time to put up or shut up, me and you, battle of who can wrestle a better match. (I don't even have any experience wrestling besides backyard feds and I'm sure I could whoop Cena's ass)

So write it down folks, you're lookin at the new WZ Intercontinental Champion, in the vein of the greats before me like Pat Patterson and the Honky Tonk Man, I'm gonna hold onto this belt for a loooong time. And one day...one day you'll be able to tell your kids all about how you were there to see xfearbefore take what is rightfully his---the Intercontinental gold.

I'm out.

-Lights fade-
::The scene is Prax's 20th floor penthouse office in Downtown Montreal. Prax is seen behind his desk, hard at work, typing on his computer, taking calls, eating a baloney sandwich. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Prax's hot secretary enters the scene.::

Hot Secretary: Excuse me Mr. Prax? Are you busy?

Prax: Yes I'm busy, what do you want? And it better not be more relations. I've got a 3 o'clock with my hot female masseuse.

Hot Secretary: No, it's ok, you rocked my world last time, I'm good for now. It's just that I just got a call from WZ... it turns out you're going to be in this 30-Man Battle Royal for the WZ Intercontinental Title.

Prax: Is that so? I thought they were just going to give it to me. I mean it's pretty counter-productive to hold a match for it... since I'm so obviously going to be the winner. Oh well, i guess I'm going to have to go get ready... not that there's any point.

::Prax gets out of his chair and onto the floor and starts doing push-ups.::

Hot Secretary: ugh... Sir? The match isn't for the next little while.

Prax: (between push-ups) I know woman! it's time for my hourly 100 push-ups. Is there anything else?

Hot Secretary: No that's all.

Prax: Then be gone woman!

::the Hot Secretary scurries out of the room, leaving Prax to his push-ups. Prax looks up and realizes there's still a cameraman in his office. he gets up and approaches the camera.::

Prax: Oh, you're still here? I know I have a hot bod cameraman, but I don't swing that way. Oh you just want a few comments from me? What the bloody hell was all that I just then? Anyway... I don't know what else to say? Is there even a need for this match? We all know I'm going to win it. I'm going to go down to that ring whenever this stupid thing is supposed to start, and I'm going to eliminate 29 other men. it's as simple as that. Now be gone! I have more hard work to do!

:: The cameraman backs out of the room as Prax gets back on the floor and starts doing sit-ups. As he walks through the lobby, a hot masseuse enters Prax's office and shuts the door behind her. Her giggling is heard through the doorway as the scene fades out.::

Coming back after a commercial break we see The Drofthuganomics1 in the ring with a microphone in hand as the fans seem surprised to see him out there. He looks around then raises the mic and begins to address the hostile crowd.

Drofthuganomics1: Well..well…well you know I have to admit that was quite impressive what Prax had to say…I mean really thinking he is going to win the Intercontinental championship when we all know that winner will be (Pauses and get a cocky grin on his face and looks directly in the camera) ME!!! The Drofthuganomics the Real Deal the one man here that night in and night out always Bringing the Pain around here at WrestleZone. (crowd begins to boo heavily and the Dr. pauses and begins to speak again) Are you all done?.( crowd begins to chant asshole and the Dr. smirks again and raises the mic back up to speak once again as they calm down) You all chant all you want doesn’t bother me one damn bit as for you chanting “asshole” just proves my point that I am the REAL DEAL of WrestleZone and always be Bringing the Pain

(Dr. then looks at the ring announcer and points for Lillian to come in. She enters the ring and looks confused)

Drofthuganomics1: Lillian when I give you this microphone I want you to say these very words…Ladies and gentleman your winner of the 30 man battle royal and the New Intercontinental champion The DrofThuganomics

(Crowd is booing as the Dr. gives Lillian the mic and she gulps and begins to speak)

Lillian: Ladies and gentleman your winner of the 30 man battle royal and the New Intercontinental champion The DrofThuganomics!

(Crowd boos widely as Lillian gives the Dr the mic back exits the ring while the Dr. leans on the rope and speaks again to the hostile crowd)

Drofthuganomics1: Thank you Lillian, thank you so much (evil laugh) now back to business about the 30 man battle royal I will do whatever it takes to win that damn championship and if that means breaking some rules….so be it and hell if that means taking out a few of my competitors well (evil laugh) let just say you do not stand in the way of the one that will break ankle and does anything for a victory and I mean anything!!!Oh yeah one more thing I guarantee that if I don’t win the Intercontinental championship then there is a faint future for whom does win it courtesy of me…but that won’t happen as when it’s all said and done I’ll bringing the pain but leaving the new Intercontinental champion!!!

The Dr. drops the microphone and leaves to a chorus of boos but has an evil smirk on his face as he exist the ring and heads up the ramp as we cut to a commercial break with the Dr. at the top the ramp way looking at the crowd motioning that the belt will be around his waist.
Later that evening we see the DrofThuganomics walking out of the of the commish’s office with a devilish grin on his face and Jeremy Borash runs up to the Dr.

JB: Drofthuga….

Dr: What in the hell you want JB?

JB: I’m just curious as to why you were smiling coming out of the commish offices right now and…

The Dr. snatches the mic out of Borash’s hand

Dr: JB you sure do have a lot questions and well to answer your first it is none of your damn business as to why I was in the commish’s office but let’s just say that tonight I will be in action against a man who has fought and been a world champion on the seven continents and yes that even means Antarctica thus making him a true intercontinental champion of a man that I will face as a warm up for the battle royal at WrestleZone. (shoving the mic in JB’s chest) this interview is over

The Dr leaves and B is left grabbing his chest after the Dr shoved the mic right in his chest.

After a commercial break we hear “Bringing Da Pain!!! (followed by Brock Lesnars music) making his way out from behind the curtain the Drofthuganomics to a chorus of boos as he struts to the ring ignoring the fans and sliding in the ring and walking up the frist turnbuckle and posing (like Randy Orton) and them motioning the Intercontinental belt will be his soon

Lillian: In the ring from Bakersfield, California weighing in at 245 pounds “The Real Deal” The Drofthuganoimcs!

Then some bump in bump music out comes some scrawny kid who almost trips as he makes his way to the ring while the crowd is laughing and slides in the ring and looks the Dr face to face

Lillian: In the ring Mr. Intercontinental !!

Lillian exits the ring and as soon as she does the Dr. clothesline Mr. IC.

Singles Match
Mr. intercontinental vs. The Drofthuagnomics

The start
The refree rings the bell after the Dr. clothlines Mr. IC. Then the Dr. pick up Mr IC and gives him a belly to belly over head suplex which Mr IC lands awarkley on his head. Then the Dr mounts him and starts to punch his head with numerous blows to the forehead ad the referee begins his five count and gets to four before the Dr breaks it to a chorus of boos as he then flips off the crowd.

The Dr then goes for a cover but the picks up Mr. IC and yells out,” you kicked out now you’re gonna pay” The Dr then pick him up and throws in to the ropes and as Mr.IC bounces off the ropes the Dr nails him with a facebuster but follows up the face buster with ddt. If that wasn’t enough the Dr gets up and gives him a elbow drop and goes for another cover but yet again breaking it up at two. The Dr. yells out ,”Its over!”

The Dr. picks up Mr. IC who is cannot even stand on his own anymore and give shim snake eyes in the conor turnbuckle and as Mr. IC turns around he get a spear and the Dr. gets up picks him and delivers Devastation(an brainbuster). Yet he doesn’t go for a cover he grabs his ankle and locks in the ankle lock and leg grapevines him and Mr. IC taps out but the Dr wont let as the referee tries to get him off him

More referees come down but the Doctor won’t let go and then you hear Mr.IC screaming pain as the Dr snapped his ankle in two. Then the Doctor lets go as the refrees attend to Mr. IC as the Dr. demands a mic and gets it from Lillian

Dr: (breathing deep) That right here is an example of what will happen to anyone that stands in my way of winning the Intercontinental championship at Wrestlezone. You will not be able to leave on your own as you will need a stretcher to carry your pathetic ass out of my ring!!!

The Dr. then shoves the referees away from Mr. IC and the medical staff who came down while the Dr was talking and picks up Mr. IC and dumps him over the top rope and picks up his mic one again as the crowd is booing wildly

Dr: 29 pieces of garbage over the top rope just like that at Wrestlezone as I will be bringing da pain but leaving the new Intercontinental Champion…

The Dr. drops his mic and exits as his music plays as the crowd cannot believe what he did to this local joe who was portraying a great wrestler. Then we had a to a commercial break
(Showtyme27 is standing in the backstage area with the lovely Maria, She look dumbfounded as usual tring to remember just why she stopped Showtyme.)

Maria: I remember I was going to ask you something but I can't seem to recall what it was.....(Maria frowns as she's disappointed in herself)

Showtyme: Let me try to help out out a little sweetheart, I believe you wanted to ask The so-to be Intercontinental Champion how he's going to not only outlast, dominate, and humiliate his opponents at WZMania but where is he takin' you to dinner tonite?.....(Maria looks a little confused but seems okay with it)

Maria: I don't think that's what I was going to ask you but....OKAY!, I like dinner....

Showtyme: I'm sure you do...but don't worry Showtyme is gonna treat you to a night you or he won't soon forget, but back to the business at hand, I have overheard just about everybody in this match sayin' just why they will clean house and win the Battle Royal at Mania, but you guys have seem to forgotten 'bout me and the small little fact that I...Don't...Lose, I am byfar The Strongest, Most Talented, and Best Lookin' Guy in this match and I promise you I will not be denied what should already be rightfully mine The Intercontinental Championship! You know as a matter of fact there isn't even one sorry SOB in this match that can go toe-to-toe with someone as great as me, and once again I will prove that there is not a damn person in this company that can stop me, cause when it's all on the line I not only come out on top but I steal the whole damn show! so in closing i'll say this to my follow opponents, Get Ready! cause the clock has started ticking and the countdown is on, when I step into that ring at WZMania just Step up to get knocked down! cause by the time of my watch it will be Showtyme! and Last but diffenently not least I Assure all of you I will make due on my promise and be the last man standing and your new Intercontinental Champ! It's not True it's Fuckin' Real!

(Showtyme storms off with a determined look on his face, while Maria is still standing their with a spaced out look on her face when suddenly, Showtyme reappears on camera and grabs Maria gentlely by the hand.)

Showtyme:(In a very slow and somewhat demeaning tone) It's okay honey, I see you've over thought yourself, but it's okay Showtyme is smart enough for the both of us, I think your done so lets get outta here....

Maria: I am that's Great!....Um....now what should we do next!

Showtyme: Slow down Girl!, let's go to dinner first and after that's outta the way i'm sure I can think of something for us to do.

(Showtyme has a delighted devilish smirk on his face as he and Maria head out of the arena in his Limo.)
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