Wzmania Press Conference!

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Big Ace

Championship Contender
Hey all. If you read my last post in the official WZMania thread, you would've read that we are having a Press Conference for WZMania. That means that one person will be represent their match from the 2 people who are fueding. You all will PM me your votes on who you think will cut a promo at the Conference hyping up their match. Keep in mind, WZMania will be posted this saturday and we need to get the Press Conference in on Friday Night. So all of you try to be here and remember to PM me your votes as we get ready for WZMania!
(Please follow these instructions so that this press conference goes on without a hitch.

First off, welcome as the countdown begins to WZMania. We are doing this as the final installment before the biggest thing to hit WrestleZone reaches its peak. This is your LAST chance, to cut a promo before your match is posted this Sunday.

First up, ANYONE, from the 30 Man Battle Royal for the WZ Intercontinental Championship may speak until Thursday night. On Thursday night, I ask that all 30 people please do not post any more promos (you can still post your thoughts and reactions). Picking up on Friday, two days before the big one, keep reading as Ace and Enforcer say their last words before their match. "The One and Only" Downward Spiral vs Y 2 Jake, a heated rivalry, in a small room, what will happen? Then D.C. and Jonny stare each other down before their match on Sunday. And finally, the most voted on match at WZMania, Team Jake vs Team Jonny will face off in front of the audience.

So with that said... lets kick this pig!!!!

A scene is shown where a huge table is sat up across a stage. Reporters are sitting in the seats in front of the table, and fans are huddled into the building as the press conference begins. Behind the table is a huge banner that reads, "WZMania!" The banner is cut right down the middle and can part so that speakers can walk through it and onto the stage.

Admin's music hits, and the fans explode. Admin parts the two sides of the banner and walks through and pauses. He stands for a second or two, before stepping up the microphone. The curtain again parts as Team Jake and D.C. walk up on to the stage. The crowd goes nuts for them as they all take their seats to Admin's left. After being seated. Team Jonny comes out to an huge amount of "BOOS!" Team Jonny is then seated on the right of Admin. Admin walks back up to the mic.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Offical, WZMania Press Conference!"

The crowd in attendance pops again.

"Let us begin this event, by thanking everyone that has supported this. And for the people who are participating in this event. We are sure that it will not disappoint, and that you will be highly entertained by what we have in store for you. But, lets get this thing started off on the right foot. I will ask anyone, involved in the 30 Man Battle Royal for the WZ Intercontinental Championship match, to come on out, and say something."

Admin takes a seat.

(Next person can continue this wherever they please. Music, entrance, anything, please keep it within reason and have fun. Your promos should take place at this event, however, you can have someone come out and show a video of a promo you cut. But please if you have any questions, PM, and I will get back to you ASAP. Enjoy!)
(The Admin, looks around as 29 Superstars Starstruck and look too nervous to speak, except a hulking cocky S.O.B by the name of Showtyme27,"Kill 'em All" by Twista begin's to play as he steps to the podium and is all set to speak.)

Showtyme: I guess the best and may I add eventual winner should speak first, but this time i'm gonna try and keep it short and sweet, now come on guys why do you all look so down? go ahead and cheer up a little cause in a couple of days you will become the first footnote in Showtyme's rise to greatness, I will defeat each and everyone of you worthless bastards and claim a prize I shouldn't even have to compete for in the first place The covented Intercontinental Championship! i've said it before and i'll say it again right to your fuckin' face's I am the premiere wrestler on this roster and there is simply no way anyone of you bogus ass jobbers can stand up to the superior skill I display everytime I enter a ring, so come WZMania you should be scared cause Showtyme promises to embaress any and everybody foolish enough to stand in my way, right now i'm lookin' at 29 victims that anit got a shot in hell of ever hoping to beat me!

("Kill 'em All" play's one more time as Showtyme take's a seat but quickly notices that now all 29 men have their eyes locked on him with a chilling gaze of pure hate, Showtyme's cocky attitude has become slightly more tame as he looks on waiting for the next competitor to speak.)
(After Showtyme’s little speech the DrofThuganomics stands up from the 29 other wrestlers in the battle royal at Wrestlezone and stares at Showtyme and make his way over to the podium)

“Bringing Da Pain” starts to play but the Dr. motions for the cut off as he approaches the podium and doesn’t take his eyes off showtyme and begins to speak

Drofthuganomics: (begins to clap) Well done Showtyme you manage to spit all that crap out about you winning and you actually believe it well all I can say to that is good for you as you must not live in reality as that is not what’s going to happen at all you no good sorry piece of garbage. (stops clapping and smirks) See if you all happen to remember I’m the Real Deal, I hurt people and I end careers like Mr. intercontinental(laughs) remember him I snapped his ankle in two proving my point. There is not man up here that can prove me wrong and tell me I will not be the last man in that ring at Wrestlezone. I bring the pain night in and night out and I just don’t talk like the rest of you wanna be wrestlers I make due on the promises I make and I make an impact. Showtyme you can talk all the crap you want(looks directly at showtyme then the rest) it wont make a damn difference as I will punish and destroy those in my way and if that means making some enemies so be it none of you are own my level anyways. Hell I should already be the Intercontinental champion but like I said before 29 pieces of garbage over the top rope and the Real Deal the new Intercontinental champion…and oh yeah Showtyme I will personally toss your punk ass over that rope and I’ll show the "premiere wrestler" on the roster just what as you said bogus ass jobber can do

(The Drofthuganomics makes his way back to his seat and leans back in his chair and takes a drink of water while smirking at the other 29 competitors in the battle royal)
::"Money" by Pink Floyd hits on the sound system. The crowd falls silent wondering who's going to come out onto the stage... after a couple of moments... no one does. Confused and annoyed as the music plays, the crowd begins to boo. Finally, a large projector screen unfurls from the top of the stage and a scene is projected into it. It's the same office we saw a couple of days ago... and there's someone behind the desk... it's PRAX!! The crowd boos loudly as Prax cracks his usual obnoxious and belittling smile.::

Prax: Hello, one and all! I'm sorry I couldn't be there with my 29 other competitors... but frankly.. hehe... I have much better things to do with my time then fly out to the middle of nowhere during business hours to address... you people.[/COLOR]

::The crowd boos loudly::

Prax: Anyway, just be thankful I was able to take five minutes of my precious time to address you people from my office. And I had to cancel an important business meeting in order to appear as well. And let me tell you something, Bill Gates wasn't happy to hear about that. But really it was my least important business meeting of the day so that's alright.

::The asshole chants begin...::

Prax: So I hear I'm in some sort of 30-man Battle Royal? Well that's interesting. I have to tell you, I'm excited. I can't wait to be WZ's next Intercontinental Champion. I would've preferred that the Administration at WZ just cut the foreplay and the costs and gave me the championship, but if I have to go through 29 other men, then so be it. Seems like an expensive set-up for something that'll take me all of... oh... let's say 10 minutes maybe? Anyway... I'm looking forward to it. And I'll see you all at the battle royal. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the show.

::Prax cracks that obnoxious smile again as the scene fades out and the screen raises back up to the rafters. Once the crowd settles down, we wait for the next competitor to make an appearance...::
"Oh ya" plays over the speaker, but this isn't the typical Macho Man Oh Yeah, it's none other then the Kool-Aid man as he bust threw the wall. The crowd looks on puzzled, as yet, another wall breaks, and it's none other then The Shockmaster coming out to Chris Jerichos "Break the Walls Down". The Shockmaster stumbles back to his feat and points over to the Kool Aid man, who begins to hand out glasses of Kool-Aid to everyone in attendance.

The Shockmaster composes himself and steps up to the podium.

"Oh yeah. WZMania has arrived, and that means its time for the Shockmaster to become the first Intercontinental Champion," The Crowd reacts with silence. The Kool-Aid man begins to dance around on the stage behind the shockmaster.

"All of these guys keep coming on here saying, oh, I'm the baddest, I'm the best, all I see is a bunch of mouths flapping, and not a one that can back it up. I don't need to eliminate 29 guys, I need to eliminate just one, and that's the last one. So everyone come up here and run their mouths, that's fine. I"m not all about talking, I'm about fighting. If this means I have to go threw WZEvolution to get that gold, I will."

The Kool-Aid man begins to breakdance on the stage, spilling Kool-Aid on everyone in the front Row, "Oh Yeah"

"The Kool-Aid man and I bring together the greatest cross promotion in professional Wrestling since Sting and Robocop. With the help of nutriants provided by drinking a glass of Kool-Aid before match, the Shockmaster has what it takes not only to break down walls, but to break down other wrestlers. WZMania, The Shockmaster leaves with IC Gold."

The Kool-Aid man bust threw another wall to leave, and the Shockmaster trips and drags himself out of the Press Conference Room.
Im not good at this but ill give it ago

All participants are sitting down talking amongst there allies,
One reporter starts to question Snyper who is sitting with a arrogant smile waiting and knowing its only time before talking stops and action starts

Reporter: What are your chances on winning the 30 man battle royal

Snyper: What are my chances? they are the best going in because nobody knows how i work and that makes me the "Dark Horse" going in to this match, while there are people in this match up that are talented but there isnt anyone that can call themselves a superstar like Snyper can.

Reporter: On a totally unrelated topic, do you think that if you win this match that WZ evolution will be knocking on your door.

Snyper: Well i really dont know i have made my intentions clear that i wanted to allign myself with WZ Evolution, i really am customised and groomed to be in WZ Evolution if they wanted the best then the best is no further then me and ill prove why i am "the Impactplayer at heart"

Reporter: Thank you for your ti......

Snyper: One more thing, these guys going into this will see me as an easy elimination but when i am crowned WZ first IC champion, alot of people will owe me alot of apologies.
OK. All 30 men battle royal promos are over. It is now time for the following people to cut their promos

Ace Vs Enforcer
Jake Vs Spiral

*Big Ace walks into the room with shades and a suit on and is met with raining Boos. He flips off the crowd and grabs the microphone on the podium*

Big Ace: Well, Well, Well. Look at this. Lucky Prax. He got to sit out on this piece of crap that you call a ''city''. Well, in this very city, this Sunday night, I will make history. Just like I've done in the past, I'll do again right here. See, in the weeks leading up to this unorganized Press Conference, I've been beating up Enforcer. Causing him pain, week after week. Until this Sunday. When I get to beat him in front of the World and prove once again, that I am...what I say I am.

*Big Ace hears chants of ''Enforcer!''*

Big Ace: Oh. You want your Wrestler huh? The big and bad Enforcer huh? Well guess what? At WZMania, I prove to you all for what? the 100th time? that Enforcer is exactly like the fans. Too coward to get in the ring. And they both...fear me. Folks....I can give you a show like you have never EVER seen before. Why? Because I can. I am the most charismatic superstar in the World today and I will stop at nothing to show you all that I belong at the top of the food chain.

Ace: So this sunday.....Enforcer.....You better get ready. You old man, I'm gonna make you regret ever stepping into the ring again. I'm going to knock you out when I kick your teeth DOWN YOUR THROAT! You have nothing on me. I am greatness. I am the absolute BEST that you ever will meet. When you step into that ring, in front of thousands and thousands of fans, You'll be just like the rest of America. Too scared to fight their own battles. See, Enforcer if you were a real man, You'd come out here right now and let me give you a little preview of what's going to happen tommorow night. So Enforcer, get your old ass out here because I'm ready to go. Right here. Right now.

*The crowd screams as Enforcer's music plays but a midget Enforcer is brought out instead*

Ace: Oh no! My worst nightmare. It's your beloved hero, Enforcer! But...wait...something's wrong. You look a little....down. Have you gotten shorter? Well you know what? You call me a little man? Look at you! Let's give these fans a preview of what's going to happen, right here, right now!

*Enforcer goes to punch Ace but Ace grabs him by the hair, stopping him. Mini-Enforcer is struggling and Ace pushes him down on the floor. Mini-Enforcer then grabs onto Ace's leg and Ace tries to shake him off. Finally, Ace superkicks him. Ace then goes for a cover and pins him 1...2....3*

Ace: Somebody come help me! Oh my back! If that's what I'm in for tommorow night, I better get to training.

*Ace is huffing and puffing now with Spiral helping him off the floor*

Ace: I just want to say....that other than my kid being born, I don't have one, (That I know of), This is the greatest moment of my life! Thank you Enforcer!

*Ace starts ''crying''*

Ace: Looks like once again....Enforcer has come up..... a little short.

*Ace starts laughing and takes off his shades*

Ace: But in all seriousness. This is real. This is damn real. Enforcer....this Sunday, I won't stop after I pin you, 1-2-3. I'm going to make sure you regret saying anything bad about me. But most of all....I'm going to make sure that you remember my name. No midgets. No catchphrases. No punchlines. I will be 100% Ruthless. I'm going to be full of Ruthless Agression. Because starting this Sunday...The name Big Ace....will be a landmark...In Wrestling History! Get with the times old man. This is my Era. Mine. Don't steal my spotlight. Or I'll end your career!

*Ace takes off shades and sits down as he waits for Enforcer*
King of Kings hits the speakers and out comes Enforcer from behind the curtain. He steps up to the podium and soaks in the chants of "Enforcer Enforcer!"

Enforcer: You know what Ace you come out here and disrespect the fans that made you who you are. And you disrespect me. This match has always been about one thing and one thing only and thats the lack of respect that you show people. You put yourself above everyone else and its about time that someone knocks you off your own little throne.

*Crowd cheers as Enforcer shakes his head in a yes motion*

Enforcer: You can play all the cute little games you want with bringing out midgets to impersonate me, but the only thing that comes up "short" is that little thing in your pants. You claim to pull all the ladies but they all wonder why you are hung like a gerbil!

Enforcer: Its like I said before this sunday will be a war. Where the men will be seperated from the boys. The legends from the rookies. This sunday, Ace you better be damn well ready to fight cause that is what I am going into this match to do. There wont be alot wrestling holds and alot of technical wrestling, this is going to be a fight. And there will be blood shed. Hell my blood may begin to flow from my head but I can damn well guarentee that yours will be gushing. So this sunday Ace come ready for battle cause in our LAST MAN STANDING match it will be one that is talked about for years to come. Little kids will be telling their grandchildren that they were there the night that Enforcer shut Ace up and left him in a pool of his own blood for the 10 count!! See you sunday bitch!!

King of Kings hits the speakers again as Enforcer stands face to face with Ace. Both men have there eyes locked on eachother. Neither one looks to back down and neither one flinches. This is going to be one hell of a fight!
(After Ace and Enforcer settle back into their seats, Admin stands up to go to the microphone. Downward Spiral quickly gets up and moves in front of him so that he can't get there. Admin just glares at him before sitting down. Spiral shakes his head and turns out to the booing crowd. He swiftly takes his sunglasses off and glares out at the crowd some more before lowering his head to talk into the microphone.)

"All you people better start shutting your mouths for me before I show you all exactly what's going to happen to him (points to Jake) at WZMania! I'm sick of having to wait for you people to sit down, shutup and listen to what I have to say, and those times are over because Downward Spiral is ordering all of you to show me the respect I deserve!"

(Crowd starts swearing at him as he just looks furious out to him.)

"I don't care what you have to say to me because it's all in jealousy. You are all jealous that you can't do what I do in this ring and the only way you express it is by opening your fat mouths against me! Now I've had enough of you people, it's on to the important people around here, and now after Big Ace 'enforced' exactly what he's going to do to that fat lump over there -"

(Spiral points to Enforcer, who stands up angrily but is held back by St Joe as Spiral smirks at him.)

"Settle down Enforcer, or Ace AND myself will give you a little preview of what's to come this Sunday. And like I said, it's back to me, the greatest wrestler in this business to give you all a little insight into what is going through my mind before WZMania. Well I've just got one thing going through my mind at the moment, and that is total destruction. The destruction of "Y 2 Jake" and the rest of Team Jake. You've all heard exactly what I'm going to do a thousand times before and you've seen exactly what I can do to washed up losers like Jake -"

(Jake just sits with his arms crossed and staring out into the crowd, as if ignoring Spiral)

"And everyone can sit back and pretend they don't see those things, and know in your minds that I am simply better than all of you and at WZMania, the end will be inevitable. You see, it doesn't matter what kind of match it is! I will beat Jake to within an inch of his life at any time! In any country! And in any match type because like I've shown week in and week out, I am simply phenomenal. You will all come to the realisation that the talking beforehand will mean nothing come WZMania, and if Jake is still alive after what he goes through at WZMania, he and everyone else will realise that when you get in the ring with Downward Spiral, it is not going to be pretty and you will have no chance in hell of making it out in one piece. So it's Y2Jake vs Downward Spiral in falls count anywhere at WZMania, and this match shouldn't even be on, because Jake doesn't deserve to be in the same ring because I am above him and simply better than him. So Jake, you and these idiots can think whatever you want to think about me but after WZMania, you are going to realise that there is one thing about me, and that is that I am simply unstoppable, and -"

(Y2Jake gets up quickly and confronts Spiral who has a bit of a fearful look on his face, but changes it into a smirk as Jake steps in front of the podium, while keeping his eyes fixed on Spiral. He doesn't speak for a while but just stares at Spiral.)

"Well Spiral, I certainly hope that you aren't unstoppable. Because that would mean the rest of these people out here have to hear you run your wimpy mouth forever without anyone doing anything about it!"

(Spiral looks in fury at Jake as the audience pops for Jake.)

"Now I suggest you sit down, shut your mouth and quit telling other people what to do you pathetic little bitch!"

(Spiral looks in anger once more and goes to step at Jake who just smirks at him. Admin eventually moves up to stop Spiral and starts slowly moving him back. Spiral shoves him off and sits down slowly.)

"Well now that WZ's resident piss-pants has finished, you people can all start tuning in again. I'm not going to go into detail though because unlike Spiral, I don't have a lot to complain about. You see Spiral, I'm not the one who's going to be complaining after I pin you 1, 2, 3 wherever you end up in our match. And I'm going to take great satisfaction like these fans are, or shutting you up for good when I leave you lying in a twisted, bloody heap and if you can even make it into Team Jake vs Team Jonny, I'm going to make sure that does is repeated."

"From the moment you turned on me, costing my shot at the WZ Championship at WZMania, you reignited my career. It just took one condescending son of a bitch to do that, and it looks like it turned out to be you. So enough's enough. The talking stops and the action begins Spiral, so bring whatever amount of guts you have to WZMania, because it's going to take an entire army to stop me and if your face wasn't so ugly right now, I'd say it wouldn't be pretty but it looks like things couldn't really get worse up there."

(Spiral goes to get up but is pulled back by Big Ace and Jonny B. They all look angrily to Jake as the crowd begins the JAKE! Chants.)

"Now guys, we don't want to see too much holding hands here because that can be saved till after you all lick your wounds after WZMania, literally."

(Ace and Jonny quickly let go of Spiral as they all have looks of shock on their faces and look between eachother.)

"Now Spiral, this Sunday, you know what's coming to you and so does everyone else, and that's the beating of your life!"

(Jake walks up to Spiral with a look of anger on his face. Spiral gets up as well and they both stare fuming into eachothers faces. Big Ace goes to stand up again as Jake shifts his attention to him. Jake quickly feigns to hit Ace with a backhand, as Ace quickly flinches back into his chair. The crowd start laughing as Jake shakes his head and walks away, pointing at the furious Spiral.)
Admin steps up the mic...

"Now ladies and gentlemen, it is time, for the two competitors of the Main Event Match, to join me here... and I will announce the stiplulations to the Three Stages Of Hell, for the WZ Heavyweight Championship! These two men, have been at each others throats. Come hell or high water, these two will battle for the championship that both equally deserve to hold. It is with great honor, that I stand with these two men here today. And thank them for their hard work.

One of them, has over come great odds, and has taken huge leaps, no pun intended, to make a name for himself. And you fans, have made him, one of the brightest stars in the business today, Ladies and Gentlemen, D.C.!"

*the crowd roars in anticipation as D.C. stands, his music plays over the speakers. Chants of "D.C." ring through the audience and cameras flash.*

D.C. stands still for a second looking around, and takes it all in. He waves to the crowd. He makes his way right up to Admin and stands.

"The other man, has his own agenda to say the least. He is a man that will do absolutely anything, to get what he wants. Now I personally don't have to like the way this man conducts business, but I respect him for never backing down from a challenge. He may try to get his way, but he faces adversity. And somehow, overcomes great odds himself. He is, Jonny B!"

*the crowd boos heavily at the site of Jonny standing up. Jonny says something to his team as he walks up to Admin and stands facing D.C., never taking his eyes off of him.*

"Now that you two men are here, face to face. I will personally reveal, the stipulations to your match, at WZMania. The Board has voted on which matches you two should face each other in.

First off, D.C. and Jonny, you will face off one on one, in a singles match, one fall, standard match rules apply."

*A modest pop from the crowd, a singles match... yay... Jonny nods, and smirks.*

Secondly, you two, will face off, in a Hardcore Match... falls count anywhere, no holds barred, no DQ, if you don't know what I'm talking about, then just beat the hell out of each other til the other one can't move!"

*The crowd pops loudly as D.C. nods in acceptance. Jonny scowls.*

"The last and final match up, should it come to a tie breaker. You two, will complete the event.... with.......

*The crowd hums in excitement. Waiting.*

"HELL... IN... A... CELL!"

*The crowd errupts! D.C. takes a deep breath and shivers for a second. Goosebumps on his arm are shown by the cameras as they zoom in. Jonny is furious, he looks back at his team, and they show concern.*

"Now, I will leave the microphone, to both you two. Whoever wants to speak first. Please do so. If you wish to part ways now, and not say a damn thing. That's fine by me. But, somebody bet....


*The crowd Boos extremely loud*

"Listen here you little f***ing piss ant. I don't give a damn, what this lazy old bastard says. I don't give a damn, what these people think. I don't give a damn, about you. I don't give a damn, about your familly. I don't give a damn, about all the blood, all the tears, or all the pain that you had to endure. Because it is NOTHING, compared to what I am going to do to you, at WZMania. You think, that Three Stages of Hell, are going to scare me... that they are going to make me flinch... A Hell in a Cell is going to make me run??? You got another thing coming, if you think I'm just going to back out, and walk away, like the little sissy boy that you so wish to think I am. I tried to warn you, I tried to protect your interests. You don't want to face me, I will end you. I will hurt you so bad, that your mother will cry... your father, will weep... and everyone that you love, will shed tears... because, you, will, fail... You will go down in history, as the man, who came, THIS CLOSE... but couldn't finish the job... because, I will give you some credit kid... you put up a hell of a fight... but you won't listen to reason... your think headed... I don't want to hurt you... I see a little bit of me, when I look into your eyes. The fire burns in you like it does in me. I know how much you want that belt. But what you want, means little to me. That belt.... is... MINE!"

*Jonny slaps D.C. so hard across the face, security has to stop people from jumping across the barricade. Chants of "asshole" start up. D.C. wipes his hand over where Jonny slapped him. Security gets in front of Jonny, and they start to fill between Jonny and D.C.*

"It's OK. It's OK." D.C. says into the mic.

*Security lets go of Jonny, the "asshole" chants continue.*

"Jonny... there is nothing to hide.... I don't like you. These people don't like you. And you can tell everyone, that you don't care about them, and its fine. Because we, don't give a damn about you either."

*The crowd cheers*

"See Jonny, it really isn't about me. It was never about me. If you look back, out of all the times I talked, you will notice, that with each passing week, I grew. I grew up in front of these people. From a no name, to a star. These people raised me, and without them, I wouldn't be where I am at today. I realize that I'm not the most popular guy. I know that, I don't have to play dumb. There are plenty of guys that could, and want, to fill my shoes right now. They would love to get a shot at you. But in all due respect. I don't think these fans, want to see anyone else, kick your sorry ass, as much as they want to see me doing it!"

*The crowd pops again and chant "D.C."*

"So you can still here, and say, that I want the title. And you can bitch and complain all you want about me. But I don't want this title for me. It's not about me, Jonny. It's about giving the fans exactly what they want. They want to see you, fall. They want to see you fail. Because, no one likes you Jonny. You say you see yourself in my eyes. But we are nothing alike. The reason you see yourself in my eyes, is because you are the only person I have to go through to get that belt. You are the only person I want to see right now Jonny. When it comes down to it. I know what the fans want. But when the bell rings. It all comes out. All the bullshit you put me through. All the times you tried to take Jake's team out. All the times you made fun of the fans. All the times you had the balls, to count us out. Like we never existed. We are all here Jonny. And at WZMania. I, and I alone, represent everyone, you ever stepped on. And you, are in for a world of shit! You are in for the ass kicking of a lifetime. So Jonny, your right, the belt won't be mine. The belt, WILL BE OURS!"

D.C. slaps Jonny across the face and holds the mic out so towards the fans as security gets between both men again. D.C. does a "Just Bring It" hand motion to Jonny. As both try to lunge at each other. Security forces Jonny back to his team who are all standing and yelling at Team Jake. Team Jake, has since stood up and stood behind D.C. and are giving him pats on the back.

We cut to a commercial.
Admin stands up to the front, smiling as he looks around the room.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, we've come to the final match to be promoted here: Team Jake vs Team Jonny!!"

(Crowd pops at the sound of this as Admin waits for a while for them to calm down.)

"Now, I'll ask the two captains to give their final words"

(Jake and Jonny both stand up and head to the stand, eyeing eachother off furiously. Jake goes to get up on the stand but Jonny cuts in front of him.)

"Let's hear from the important people first shall we? I've got just one word to describe Team Jonny vs Team Jake."

(Looks at Jake)

"Embarassment! And it's going to make a mockery of whatever you call this bunch of losers over here, and Team Jonny will prove to the world that we are the premier wrestlers in this business and that after we eliminate all of Team Jake without breaking a sweat, you will all see exactly how pathetic Team Jake is!"

(Jonny steps away from the stand and smirks at Jake before high-fiving Big Ace and Downward Spiral. Jake doesn't take his eyes off of Jonny as he steps up to the stand.)

"Team Jonny! I've just got one thing to say.......ACTIONS...speak louder than words!"

(With that, Jake turns around and whollops Jonny, which starts an all-in-brawl between the two sides. Punches are flying everywhere before tables are toppled over as the Intercontinental wrestlers step out and begin tearing eachother apart. Bodies are flying into the insane crowd as all hell has broken loose. Admin takes a microphone and shouts over all the wrestlers fighting:)


*End of Press Conference*
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