John Morrison needs a new Finsher....


Dark Match Winner
That makes it three times (that ive seen) he doesnt connect cleanly with his opponent rather his head grazes their body.....i am not trashing Morrisonm i think hes a talented wrestler but the starship pain is a difficult move to execute and often times he "overshoots" the opponent and it looks fairly weak

In my opinion he needs to go back with the Superkick or "Nitro Blast" as he was calling it when he and miz had their little feud with DX....he executed it cleanly and beautifully
Yeah, I am definitely in agreement with you about this.

The fact of the matter is that this move is not working for John Morrison. It is a very hard move to perform and needs to be expertly applied if it is going to come off well. However, Morrison has missed three times with this move and the commentators scurry to clean up after it. I couldn't help but laugh when Cole exclaimed how good it was before the replay this week, then it showed Morrison clearly missing the move and nothing more was said of it.

Personally, I think Morrison needs something new. All that promise that he had a few months ago seems to have disappeared and people are already calling him the new Shelton Benjamin. Over the last few weeks, it is has become harder and harder to disagree with that claim and in his current gimmick, I don't think he will ever get that push that will take him all the way to the top of the company. I think that some of his moves need looked at his gimmick definitely does too. He has become boring and stale and really hasn't set the heather alight since WrestleMania. I say turn him heel and see what he can do. Of course, he couldn't use the Starship Pain as his finisher because it is too much of a crowd pleaser and that could be a blessing in disguise.

I am of the impression that it's not just his finisher that needs work, it's John Morrison that needs review.
yes he does, its flashy and the wwe proably gave it to him to help get him over with the crowd, but like others have said he needs to use the nitro blast or a corkscrew body pin (top rope) if he can hit it correctly. Or just use the chuck kick more and more as i luv that move
Morrison is talented, but he hasn't been winning lately. Will we ever see him defeat the Miz in a singles match?

The Moonlight Drive should suffice as his finisher. I like it way more than the Starship Pain. In fact, he doesn't even need the Starship Pain since that's just a spot move. He already has enough unique favourites being the standing shooting star press and the flare into leg drop. I don't find him boring at all even at this point. I just feel like he's losing his momentum, because WWE isn't doing anything with him. Eliminate the Starship Pain and he's still quality.
The thing with Starship Pain is that it could easily be covered up by one of two methods:

1) Different camera angle to hide how he misses it.

2) Simply move the guy further back. Morrison overshoots it, so if that's the case, don't position him so close. Duh.

But in my mind, Starship Pain shouldn't be his finisher in the first place, but rather his equivalent to how Jeff Hardy uses Whisper in the Wind. Morrison can use the Moonlight Drive to set up Starship Pain, use that as a finisher for rare occasions, but usually get a 2-count. Then go to the Superkick - as I agree that if anyone else does it in the WWE other than HBK, it should be JoMo. He can use the Flying Chuck as a regular move as well. Four semi/full finisher moves isn't too much. Look at Taker. He has his own special maneuvers like Old School, the Chokeslam, Tombstone, Hell's Gate, the leg drop on the outside, etcetera etcetera.

As far as Morrison's future status, it's all about a push. They just need to give him something to do and he'll seem higher up than what he currently is. People seem to forget about that. A few weeks ago, everyone was claiming that Ziggler is going nowhere because he never won the IC title. He has one backstage segment with Vickie, two matches later and people are saying he's now a huge part of Smackdown. You give Morrison a feud with the Miz for the US title, a feud with DiBiase, or a feud with Sheamus/Edge/Jericho, and guaranteed people don't refer to him as "the new Shelton" a week or two later. I still think they made a huge mistake not keeping him on Smackdown where he could've been a main eventer with the bigger fish/smaller pond scenario to help boost his credibility...
It's too predictable, any move or fall near the turnbuckle signals either a Starship pain win, or a Starship pain miss.

I like the move, but feel that he definitely needs a mat based finisher as well, possibly in the same way Jeff Hardy has the Twist of Fate which leads to a Swanton.

Not only would this give Morrison a move which he can perform anytime or anywhere, but would also let him setup the Starship pain with premeditative intent- rather than the opportunistic move it seems now.
I'm definately in favor of him using the Nitro Blast as his finisher. Does anybody know why he stopped using the Moonlight Drive? Everytime I see him botch Starship Pain, which is incredibly hard to begin with, I see visions of when Lita would botch her Lita-sault finisher.

I think Morrision needs to be heel. I can't imagine his mic work being any worse than it already is. I know many see him as Shawn Michaels V2, but I've always seen him as a cross between "Ravishing" Rick Rude and "The Model" Rick Martel. Can he do much worse than he is currently by being a cocky heel with the mannerisms of those 2?

Sigh! Maybe all I want is a wrestler to come to the ring with a spray can (fumigator) like The Model, and spray down his opponents after the match, while insulting them and the crowd for being "sweathogs" or whatever insults are used for out of shape people these days.
He should go back to Moonlight Drive or his opponent needs to move a foot or 2 back as the always do for Rey, Jeff, and Rob. I think JoMo is just startin up again just look at his NXT Season 2 rookie as Eli Cottonwood reminds me of a Kevin "Diesel" Nash. Plus he needs Melina back as his valet as that team/relationship was better than any other combo in the last 5 yrs other than Lita w/ Edge or Matt. But JoMo should stick w/ the Starship Pain only if the opponent actually wants to help him w/ it. The Superkick was awesome by JoMo as there's only 3 ppl in the history should use it the other 2 r HBK's "Sweet Chin Music" and ya I'm goonna say a TNA star James Storm's "Last Call". So JoMo should switch it to the Nitro Blast but rename to fit his new persona.
I feel starship pain is just plain stupid. I don't remember the last time I saw Morrison connect with that move. I don't get why the road agents don't have his opponents lie a bit further from the turnbuckle. The problem could be easily solved.
I am of the impression that it's not just his finisher that needs work, it's John Morrison that needs review.

I couldn't agree more. Starship pain in itself is a microcosm of what is wrong with JoMo. It's a flashy finisher that makes people happy and is, simply said, hit or miss. JoMo is a flashy wrestler that makes people happy, and he himself is very hot and cold.

Yeah, he is the typical mid-card face with serious character development issues. There is a laundry list of people who fall into that same category. Sure the fans pop for him, and he's entertaining to watch in the ring, but that's not gonna be enough to put him over the top.

I might catch some fanboy flack for this but ohhh well, JoMo reminds me of RVD, in a negative way that is RVD is fun to watch, but after you watch him consistently, you begin to know exactly how each match is gonna go, move for move, spot for spot....

I digresses. Starship Pain needs to go, and so does this stale john morrison character.... sad thing is, i'm actually a fan
I agree with you Jackie but I myself am not a fan of "JoMo" least not now in his current form. I may be in the minority here but I think he needs to be repackaged all the way or at least to the extent Miz was before his big push. I think his character is stale and if im not mistaken isn't 90% of his moves stolen? I mean starship pain looks like AJ Styles Spiral tap and the flying chuck is ripped off from Low-ki. Dont get me wrong I think he has tremendous talent and potential to boot but so did Shelton Benjamin and we all know how that turned out...
Dont get me wrong I think he has tremendous talent and potential to boot but so did Shelton Benjamin and we all know how that turned out...

Dude, Nailed it. There isn't a better comparison out there. There was even a thread in here at one point comparing the two of them. Their careers have been almost identical, albeit JoMo gets more of a reaction than shelton ever did. Shelton is without a douibt my favorite wrestler of all time. The only difference between the two for me is that i never lost faith in shelton's ability to break out. His rng work was absolutely main event worthy, the same cannot be said about Morrison. Sadly enough, Morrison will never win the big one, He's a midcarder for life...
His superkick was about a submission hold...could he pull it off..i mean dolph has...

he aint really a technical wrestlers that is the only problem....He should just do a corkscrew moonsault from top rope.... i think it would be better...or like a spinning superkick...
He needs a high impact move to be done that doesn't need a wrestler to be lifted off the ground really. At the moment his moves dont seem to be WWE title winning moves. Then again, Cena has the Attitude Adjustment and the STF maybe all he needs is the push. He could have the best arsenal in the world but if all he does is face superstars calibre people its pretty much wasted. If he is believable to beat the main eventers then his moves arent too important.
I actually can't remember the last time i've seen him hit a spot-on Starship Pain. It is enfuriating and takes you right out of your suspended disbelief when a wrestler pretty much misses their finishing move and scores a pinfall. it would be like seeing HBK going for the sweet chin music and hitting the other wrestler in the arm and getting the pinfall. i understand it's something that's going to happen from time to time, but when it happens almost every time it get's to be too much.

Also, what does "Starship Pain" mean anyway? is there some reference i am missing?

Ya know, back when The Miz and John Morrison were the team of Miz & Morrison, i would have never guessed it would have been the Miz that would end up being the breakout star of the two.
I agree,
Starship Pain is a cool name,
but has very little affect,
When you have top rope finisher like Air Bourne,
His just looks kind of silly as a match ender,
that's a move that should be used in the middle of the match,
Like Matt Hardy's Side Effect,
What other finishing move would suit his style
I couldn't agree more. Starship pain in itself is a microcosm of what is wrong with JoMo. It's a flashy finisher that makes people happy and is, simply said, hit or miss. JoMo is a flashy wrestler that makes people happy, and he himself is very hot and cold.

Yeah, he is the typical mid-card face with serious character development issues. There is a laundry list of people who fall into that same category. Sure the fans pop for him, and he's entertaining to watch in the ring, but that's not gonna be enough to put him over the top.

I might catch some fanboy flack for this but ohhh well, JoMo reminds me of RVD, in a negative way that is RVD is fun to watch, but after you watch him consistently, you begin to know exactly how each match is gonna go, move for move, spot for spot....

I digresses. Starship Pain needs to go, and so does this stale john morrison character.... sad thing is, i'm actually a fan

No flack from me, I think you're spot on.

RVD is as popular as a lonely girl in a sports bar, but his personality is duller than a fifty-year old penny, and as you noted, JoMo is in the same boat, because he has no personality to speak of that would otherwise carry him to the tier of being the next Shawn Michaels as he's so inadequately compared to so often.

JoMo doesn't have so much as half the charisma, personality and vocal talent HBK did, and he suffers tremendously because of it, I'd imagine. He, Kingston, Swagger, Bourne and a slew of others all fall into the same category.

As for this finisher, SP is a fine signature move, but a poor finishing move IMO – submissions and more impacting mat finishers are much more suited to suspend disbelief, and I think he needs to return to form there if he expects to continue climbing the tiered ladder.

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