John Laurinaitis


Dark Match Jobber
I think his promo was actually good and he worked well with triple h and john cena and i loved it when he said YOU'RE OUT OF LINE! He added to the fantastic promo well.My question is what kind of role is he gonna do and what you thought about the promo?
Well the promo was good and and John Laurinaitis played a descent heel.As for the role I think with the rumored HHH vs CM Punk match at SS maybe he will ad a stipulation that if Hunter loses Vince will take back his position.And maybe Laurinitis will interfere in the match thus HHH will lose it and he will become the man that gave back Vince McMahons position.And maybe we will see a rebirth of the Corporation with Vince,Laurinaitis and Punk.Just my opinion.
For one why would Punk join Vince when he said he hated the people that ran the company but anyways John I think could only be in this storyline cause it's involving the company and them making Vince lose his job so he could be the annoying guy trying to be like Vince but getting no say in the matter.
Well the promo was good and and John Laurinaitis played a descent heel.As for the role I think with the rumored HHH vs CM Punk match at SS maybe he will ad a stipulation that if Hunter loses Vince will take back his position.And maybe Laurinitis will interfere in the match thus HHH will lose it and he will become the man that gave back Vince McMahons position.And maybe we will see a rebirth of the Corporation with Vince,Laurinaitis and Punk.Just my opinion.

i thought punk vs hhh was rumoured for mania? anyway what i see happening is Triple H turning on punk at Summerslam and going full corporate boss mode with john possibly playing his love to see cena also go heel and play the corporate champ but i cant see them turning him heel just yet.
Ugh, another one of this guy's threads.

I thought Laurinaitis did a pretty good job, despite some slight hammy over-acting. Though it was hard to take him totally seriously given how much he reminds me of Marty Funkhauser.
I think he did great. I see him trying to get Vince McMahon his job back only to fail, or succeed and then Vince fires him for not ringing the bell at MITB.
I thought he did a great job. He acted like a total douchebag corporate suit. I can see him being an on screen character. Cena did a good job too. He was actually funny. The impression was dead on.
This is defiantly leading to a HHH vs Vince power control thing.

John will be the guy to push to get Vince back by continuing to step on Triple H's toes. The wrestlers will be falling onto their respective sides and perhaps a Survivor Series bout is in the works.

Of course John played his douchebaggy kiss ass heel gimmick well, probably because that's what he is. Doesn't mean I enjoy seeing that gimmick though, I'd prefer he just stayed out of things, but before I completely throw him under the bus, I shall wait and see what kind of role they throw him in.
He did pretty good and I think he is definitely the guy to start a Vince Vs Triple H feud. He'll be Vince's bitch much like he is now and keep 'confronting' Triple H by saying you don't deserve to be making decisions and then superstars will start listening to him and rebel against Trips and then we'll have Triple H Vs Vince. I hope this doesn't happen though because I want it to be Cm Punk Vs Triple H.
It was a well worked promo but I have to admit, I hated Laurinaitis' accent and the way he spoke but maybe thats because im a brit :p

Hopefully this gets better.
For one why would Punk join Vince when he said he hated the people that ran the company but anyways John I think could only be in this storyline cause it's involving the company and them making Vince lose his job so he could be the annoying guy trying to be like Vince but getting no say in the matter.

Remember when Stone Cold turned full heel and joined forces with Vince after his match with The Rock? That didn't make a whole lot of sense at first but Punk is basically in the same position minus the loooooooong feud Vince and Austin had. If Punk joined up with McMahon it would be for power and championship reasons. Stone Cold hated Vince but made an extreme decision in return for power and a championship. The title belt is always legitimate reason for anything in the "E"

As for Lauranitus... He seemed really out of place and was overly playing to the crowd. You can tell he is an amateur/first time actor at the way he was turning out to face the crowd awkwardly and such. As for affect, the man was spot on. He is the new goon/stooge of the company. I wish they would bring in Kevin Dunn or some of the other back stage guys or announcers (Arn Anderson, William Regal, IRS, Brian Gerwitz) or even make Michael Cole an on screen corporate guy to play up the goon factors of some of the guys kissing ass in the company. I absolutely love how they are somewhat breaking the fourth wall in bringing in actual company employees instead of just characters claiming roles in the company. This storyline has potential to play out really well and be something special in the long run. I haven't been this excited for a WWE storyline in a long time.
What if John Lauranitus is the GM?? The "yes man" that has been doing all of this? Just saying.....but do we REALLY need another non-athlete taking up the TV time? We had Vince, we have Vickie, we had Michael Cole, and now we have Johnny Ace? (hard to believe that he's the Road Warriors brother....but anyway). There seems to be a pattern that started with the Stooges----Pat Patterson and Briscoe, and then it moved onto the McMahon's.....and now this. ANYWAY, I see like one poster said---I see Johnny getting into HHH's face more often, and more spotlight, that will probably culminate at Wrestlemania 50 :lol: with John inteferring and costing Hunter control.....OR.....OR....I see John making his way down to the ring and Stephanie running behind him and saving Hunter (only because Punk referenced her last night) and fully taking control from VKM.
To those saying that Vince could come back due to a stipulation of a match.... how does THAT make any sense? Remember, Vince wasn't "relieved of his duties" by some figurehead higher than him... he was voted out by a corporate board of directors.

Consider this in both storyline and reality... do you really think a board of directors of a publicly traded company is going to go along with something that could change the corporate structure based on the outcome of a match?

"OK, HHH, we know that we got rid of Vince and put you in charge of operations because we all agreed Vince was doing a bad job, but we're willing to put our jobs and our stock value on the line based on whether you win this match or not."

Come on, people.
Did nobody notice that although he had problems with HHH he seemed to really have a problem with Cena? This is going to turn into a him trying to screw Cena angle, but I really hope this isn't the case because it would kill the storyline quickly. Punk needs to win clean at SS to continue on his hot streak.
Also I hated the fact that Cena asked for a valid reason why he should be stripped of the title and when John gave him one his response was "oh going back to that match again, I really enjoyed punching you I'm going to do it again". Why couldn't the valid reason be realised and have Cena begin to question did he truly deserve to be champion at all, lose his confidence slip down a bit and disappear for a while to heal injuries. The kids aren't going to forget Cena and with him gone for a short while Punk can continue on his hot streak with other people and when Cena returns in a few months he can end it and the storyline can be extended a bit.
Johnny ace did a great job. Cena did a great job immitating his voice too.

He's a hateable guy because I think he's probably a pretty shitty person in real life. I mean, isn't this the guy who fucked Giant Baba's wife when Baba was in the hospital?

Remember when Stone Cold turned full heel and joined forces with Vince after his match with The Rock? That didn't make a whole lot of sense at first but Punk is basically in the same position minus the loooooooong feud Vince and Austin had. If Punk joined up with McMahon it would be for power and championship reasons. Stone Cold hated Vince but made an extreme decision in return for power and a championship. The title belt is always legitimate reason for anything in the "E"

As for Lauranitus... He seemed really out of place and was overly playing to the crowd. You can tell he is an amateur/first time actor at the way he was turning out to face the crowd awkwardly and such. As for affect, the man was spot on. He is the new goon/stooge of the company. I wish they would bring in Kevin Dunn or some of the other back stage guys or announcers (Arn Anderson, William Regal, IRS, Brian Gerwitz) or even make Michael Cole an on screen corporate guy to play up the goon factors of some of the guys kissing ass in the company. I absolutely love how they are somewhat breaking the fourth wall in bringing in actual company employees instead of just characters claiming roles in the company. This storyline has potential to play out really well and be something special in the long run. I haven't been this excited for a WWE storyline in a long time.
Yea, that was after a LOOOOONG feud, so it was out of nowhere and meant something. Plus Austin was never quite as over after that because he became just like everyone else who flips heel/face. PLUS most people consider that the end of the attitude era and led to the wierd part in time where WWE was confused as to how to book in Invasion. Not only that but STOP comparing Punk to Austin. Punk is the liberal who protests the Iraq War outside the white house, Austin is the angry factory worker who beats the shit out of his boss after he gets fired with no pension. Totally different ideologies. Punk is all about pushing himself and his ideas. Austin was about working hard, getting the belt, and beating up anyone in his way and he eventually went crazy.

What do you mean Laurinitas is an amateur? You realize he was actually a pro wrestler at one point in time. He pulled off his character and promo better than Morrison does on the mic.

Arn Anderson and Regal have too much credibility as noble ass kickers to play corporate ass kissers.

How is bringing in actual company members breaking the fourth wall? You do realize Pat Patterson actually was employed and Vince actually was the chairman. It's nothing groundbreaking, just a different person.

I agree, it's a very fun and exciting storyline. I think it'll be even more fun if it's NOT a rehash with HHH=Vince, Punk=SCSA, Laurinitas=Pat Patterson or whatever other outdated fantasy the tude era fans have. It needs to go in it's own direction. It should be culture clash. CM Punk's underground Jesus philosophy vs HHH's mainstream pop philosophy.
I don't think Laurenitis can have a major impact, they told us his corporate role is talent relations. As stated in the segment, he can't even sign people to side with Punk without Mr Levesque's say so. Anyway, do we really want to see ANOTHER Punk stable?

If I was to take a guess, Johnny's appearance was to tie up loose ends story wise. Unless we see a return of the Mr McMahon character, I don't see DoubleP2.0 making any significant reappearances.

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