John Cenas & Bray Wyatts next feud?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I have enjoyed the Cena vs Wyatt feud but it looks like it could be just about to stretch into a 4th PPV. I think after MITB that will probably be it for Cena and Wyatt and both will move on.

John Cena
I hope they don't put I honestly think Rusev is going to be involved in a feud with Cena shortly. Rusev will again dominate Big E and go into a Cena feud looking strong. It is going to stink of USA vs Russia!!! I think it is a little too soon for Rusev, who should be involved in another feud or two before he goes with Cena. Another possibility is Brock Lesnar. They still have unfinished business from 2 years ago and there is no reason why these two couldn't main event Summerslam. There doesn't seem to be anyone else apart from honourable mentions to The Miz (needs re-establishing) or maybe Bad News Barrett.

Bray Wyatt
He has already had two top feuds with Daniel Bryan and John Cena - a real baptism of fire. I think next up for Wyatt could be Big Show. Again, working with a seasoned pro would really establish himself as a top superstar. Show wouldn't have any issue putting him over and beating someone like him still has credentials. Mark Henry and Sheamuswould be another good alternatives.
I personally like Rusev and hope they don't throw him to Cena quite yet. I think at summerslam we should see Brock vs Cena. I think it makes sense on a few fronts. 1)brock isn't going to face just anybody, 2)I don't wanna see Daniel Bryam vs Lesnar as, to me, it would take a huge suspension of belief after Lesnar defeated the streak. And finally it makes sense because if Lesnar Beats Cena, he's at least beaten the top guys currently at least once and that blemish against Cena isn't so
Blaring. That extreme rules match was awesome
Between these two and another match in similar fashion could top it.

As for wyatt, I'd like to see him feud with the Authority. I know it doesn't make much sense yet but the Wyatt's could twist their belief system to easily mean they wanna take the authority down and everuthing the WWe universe currently stands for. Wyatt vs Orton at SS, them maybe Wyatt vs HHH at survivor series and wyatt vs Kane can be filler on raw. Another option to me is, in a miracle world, a returning jericho.
I agree, I feel like they are SO setting up Rusev to be fed to Cena. I hate the whole "If you're foreign you're bad and we need a great American hero" feud. It's going to suuuuck...

As for Bray, I don't know. I predicted that for a while he would step back and let Harper and Rowen do their thing in the tag division, I didn't predict he would straight up disappear though, he'h. I'm guessing for Bray, his next conquest will be... wait, is there any high profile faces at the moment doing anything? We have Bryan on ice and Shield imploding, I have no idea! There needs to be some serious face pushing or turning, WWE is sucking at pushing faces, there's a reason people cheer heels.
It's difficult to say as there's so many directions they could go. If Cena & Wyatt don't wind up in the WWE WHC MITB match, I think they'll have at least one more singles bout at the ppv before moving them on. Considering that Orton is in that match as well as Sheamus & Del Rio, I find it unlikely that John Cena won't be added to that match. If he is, then I expect Bray Wyatt to be added or vice versa. If so, then the outcome of the match could determine where they go from here.

IF Wyatt is added to the MITB match, he's the only one of the "fresh faces" at this point that I think MIGHT be ready to be champion. In the year he's been on the main roster, he's most definitely forged a definite character for himself and has put on some of the strongest, most consistent mic work in the company. However, I'm still not completely sure if he's really there yet. If he's in the match and wins, then I expect his feud with Cena to possibly go on a bit longer with Cena ultimately trying to "save" the WWE from Bray Wyatt's madness.

If Cena's added to the match and wins, it'll be business as usual. I still see his feud with Wyatt going on for at least another match, this time for the title, and Cena retains.

There's still a bit of a question mark no matter the outcome if WWE does indeed go ahead with an additional, and traditional, MITB ladder match in which the winner wins the briefcase that guarantees a future title shot. If that match takes place, the winner could very well cash in before the night is over and walk out as champion.

At some point, before the year is up, I expect Cena to feud with Rusev. Even though the Soviet Union has been gone for close to a quarter century, they're essentially using that remembered hostility as part of Rusev's character by going the route of painting him as a "hero to the Russian Federation." With all the drama that's been going on between The Crimea and Russia this year and Putin's old school Bolshevik style tactics, it looks like it's actually working. Rusev's been getting heat the past several weeks since they've managed to dust off the USA vs. Russia gimmick. Because of that, you just have to sense that John Cena will be against Rusev at some point. Cena's character is essentially Captain America and Superman combined, only he comes off as even more self-righteously patriotic. As a result, I can't not see Cena stepping up to "save" us, yet again, from the big, bad Russian invader, even though he's technically Bulgarian. However, no offense meant to anyone, but most Americans don't know the difference between the two anyhow.

As for Bray Wyatt, it's all up in the air. If he's added to one of the MITB matches, if they have two of them, and walks out as champ, then he'll have at least one more match with Cena. As to where he moves on from there, it's possible his feud with Daniel Bryan will start up again if Bryan's healthy and cleared to wrestle. I could see Wyatt & Bryan feuding off & on through much of the rest of the year before Bryan recaptures the title, maybe at HIAC or Survivor Series.
I really would like to see Cena work with BNB next. I'd like to see BNB in a legitimate feud with a big name star. Bray seems to be gold with whoever he feuds with, even against Cena I feel Bray is still the winner because he comes off as such a convincing star against the E's top star. RVD, Big Show, Sheamus or Dolph Ziggler as a potential next opponent?

As most of the guys have said, I think John Cena is heading into a showdown with Rusev eventually. However, I do think he could well be the safe choice to win the WWE WHC at MitB and probably have the Authority(mostly Stephanie) after him with Daniel Bryan out. I would love to see him feud with Brock Lesnar and lose, but that would be better suited for Royal Rumble where the title could be on the line, so that Brock could head into WM with the Titles for the next top babyface to topple.

As for Bray Wyatt, I would still love to see him manipulate Randy Orton and have Randy turn all vicious Viper again, rather than being the chickenshit heel he has been under the Authority.
That won't happen anytime soon, so, I'd put him with Sheamus to convert him and show him the light. Both have no programmes in any case and it would be interesting to see if the WWE finally allow Bray to actually make someone embrace his message...Sheamus would be perfect for that.

My Best Case Scenario for Bray Wyatt is one I wrote in another thread:

I feel that Bray Wyatt lost a great deal of momentum in the LMS match at Payback...him surprising everyone and winning the WWE WHC by turning off the lights at the last minute when someone like Cesaro/Orton/Cena are close to removing the belts would be pure gold. Have the lights turn back on with Bray sitting in his Rocking Chair with the Belts in his lap, doing his song with Harper and Rowan(who could be booked to win the Tag titles at MitB anyways) standing next to him to end the real celebration at winning the titles...just singing his song and laughing hysterically.
Would be a true Mark Out moment for me,personally.

I agree, I feel like they are SO setting up Rusev to be fed to Cena. I hate the whole "If you're foreign you're bad and we need a great American hero" feud. It's going to suuuuck...

As for Bray, I don't know. I predicted that for a while he would step back and let Harper and Rowen do their thing in the tag division, I didn't predict he would straight up disappear though, he'h. I'm guessing for Bray, his next conquest will be... wait, is there any high profile faces at the moment doing anything? We have Bryan on ice and Shield imploding, I have no idea! There needs to be some serious face pushing or turning, WWE is sucking at pushing faces, there's a reason people cheer heels.

Indeed, something I have pointed out in other threads.

That was clearly in evidence on last RAW when it was pretty clear that the Shield's 3rd guy would be John Cena because there are no other Top Faces besides the Shield 2 themselves and the injured DB and the departed CM Punk.

Hence, it is no surprise that fans support the engaging heel characters present.
If the shield continue the way they are I can see Reigns getting a belt very soon, whether or not hes ready is beside the point. If this happens I would like to see Bray and Ambrose in a feud Bray could get inside the unstable Ambrose's head quite...You've been abandoned by your brothers join us..we won't hold you back we will let you be the you that you are, the monster I know you can be. These two on the mic with Ambrose refusing to 'worship' Bray because he is still dillusional that the Sheild will reunite because he still believes or simply because his ego is too big to be tied dwon.

Cena has already said he would like to work with Big E so I can see Big E taking out Rusev with help from Cena then obviously the friendship falls apart as all do in WWE.
I liked the whole thing they have going. It was one of the couple of things that helped me get back into watching again...However..I just don't feel that into it anymore. Hopefully it turns into something better...
I think Bray Wyatt will have filler segments until Daniel Bryan comes back. He'll feud with him when Bryan returns. They could turn the Wyatts face against the Authority, but that would most likely be post-SummerSlam stuff.

As for Cena, I think he's going to feud with Rusev for SummerSlam. Until then, he'll just have generic segments with the rest of the Money in the Bank competitors.

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